One can never be completely prepared for what Mother Nature may do. This past Thursday, the people of Iceland felt her power when a volcano erupted under Eyjafjallajokull glacier.  Citizens of Iceland are dealing with rising floodwaters, as well as smoke and ash.  Approximately one-third of the glacial ice has melted and has caused a nearby river to flood.  Around 850 persons in the area have been evacuated and several acres of land are completely covered by ash.
The result of this eruption has caused the largest global disruption of airline traffic since 9-11.  Air travel on six continents has been affected to some degree.  A scientist in Iceland has said that it is possible that ash will continue to be distributed in the air for weeks.  Air travel is dangerous under these conditions, as ash and smoke cause a lack of visibility, in addition to the threat of microscopic debris getting sucked into the engines, causing them to shut down.
Airports are full of stranded passengers due to cancellations of flights.  Delivery of materials, business meetings and persons planning vacations may all experience delays.
This brings to mind a very important word: preparation.  One never knows when a natural event will happen, possibly taking away the things we take for granted.  Hurricanes, tornadoes, fires, and other disasters can happen.  It’s a good idea for everyone to be ready for such an event by having extra supplies on hand.  Fresh water, canned foods, (food and water for three days), can opener, flashlight, candles, blankets, pet food, cell phone, first aid kit, and NOAA weather radio, are items that should be kept together in a safe place in case of an emergency.  Folks in Iceland will probably need respirators, because of the condition of the air they will breathe for sometime.
Our world has already had several earthquakes this year – it is hard to predict or imagine where the next natural disaster may happen.  Be ready to protect yourself and your family as well as possible, and also watch out for your fellow man, as well.
One can never be completely prepared for what Mother Nature may do. This past Thursday, the people of Iceland felt her power when a volcano erupted under Eyjafjallajokull glacier.  Citizens of Iceland are dealing with rising floodwaters, as well as smoke and ash.  Approximately one-third of the glacial ice has melted and has caused a nearby river to flood.  Around 850 persons in the area have been evacuated and several acres of land are completely covered by ash.
The result of this eruption has caused the largest global disruption of airline traffic since 9-11.  Air travel on six continents has been affected to some degree.  A scientist in Iceland has said that it is possible that ash will continue to be distributed in the air for weeks.  Air travel is dangerous under these conditions, as ash and smoke cause a lack of visibility, in addition to the threat of microscopic debris getting sucked into the engines, causing them to shut down.
Airports are full of stranded passengers due to cancellations of flights.  Delivery of materials, business meetings and persons planning vacations may all experience delays.
This brings to mind a very important word: preparation.  One never knows when a natural event will happen, possibly taking away the things we take for granted.  Hurricanes, tornadoes, fires, and other disasters can happen.  It’s a good idea for everyone to be ready for such an event by having extra supplies on hand.  Fresh water, canned foods, (food and water for three days), can opener, flashlight, candles, blankets, pet food, cell phone, first aid kit, and NOAA weather radio, are items that should be kept together in a safe place in case of an emergency.  Folks in Iceland will probably need respirators, because of the condition of the air they will breathe for sometime.
Our world has already had several earthquakes this year – it is hard to predict or imagine where the next natural disaster may happen.  Be ready to protect yourself and your family as well as possible, and also watch out for your fellow man, as well.