Raising teens presents some special challenges for parents.  You know that your child still needs your protection, but teenagers are growing more concerned with their independence and at times want to be on their own.  Furthermore, teens today are more increasingly involved with social media, which means they are susceptible to those who may have an identity other than what they claim from behind a computer screen.  Of course, there are ways you can keep your teen safe both at home and when he or she is online.  You need to make your teen aware of a few things so that he or she stays safe. 

1.         Some Information Should Not Be Posted on Facebook

You would be hard pressed to find a teen that is not connected to in some way.  Even though users must be at least 14 before creating an account, you will still find lots of teenagers using the social medium.  However, there are a few things you need to make sure you tell your teen not to post on the site.  These include:

  •            Birthday
  •            Explicit or Potentially Embarrassing Photos
  •            Extended or Short Vacation Plans
  •            Home Address
  •            Mother’s Maiden Name
  •           Phone Number
  •           Photos of the Home
  •           Place of Birth
  •           Searchable Public Profile

Information such as this can be used by identity thieves and burglars.  Furthermore, this type of information can leave your teen as a target by pedophiles and stalkers.  You can find more information about what not to share on these kinds of networks on sites such as 

2.         Know How to Use a Home Security System

You may invest in a wireless home security system such as those you find at to protect your family.  However, you need to consider that your teen can be home alone at certain times and may need to get in and out of the house securely when you are not there.  In this case, you need to trust your teen with any security codes needed for safe entry into the house.  You may also have to impose some ground rules such as limiting the amount of guests your teen can have over at one time while you are away and not allowing guests in certain areas of the home or property. 

3.         Be Careful About Using Apps

Since smartphones and mobile devices continue to grow in popularity, you will find that many teens are using them to document every aspect of their lives in cyberspace.  This can be especially dangerous when using geo-location apps and services or services such as Foursquare.  A friend can check in to your home and make it a public location with this kind of app.  While these may be fun for your teens to use and tell everyone where they are and who they are with, they can let cyber stalkers keep track of them and also inadvertently announce when they are and are not home.  You need to make your teen aware of how social media is connected to home security. 

Jennifer Kurtz is a stay-at-home mom who writes about Technology and Lifestyle on her blog.  She worked in marketing before her son was born, and keeps up with the tech field through her blog.  She lives in Los Angeles with her husband, her 2-year-old son, and a cat named Einstein.

Jennifer, this is excellent advice for the parents of teens.  Our world has become too dangerous to take chances, and parents should monitor what their teens are doing online, and other social medias, as much as possible.  Thanks again. pb




A Guide to Lab Labeling & Blood Borne Pathogens  By Jack Rubinger,, 503-469-3024,

Beware of blood borne pathogens. “Fortunately, all bloodborne pathogens including Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, HIV and other infectious agents transmitted as BBPs can be prevented by use of PPE, engineering controls, work practice controls and strict compliance with safety standards,” said Linda L. Williford, Ph.D. 

One of the most critical applications in laboratories is BBPs which should be identified and labeled. The OSHA BBP standard is a federal law which requires employers and employees to follow certain precautions which contribute to infection control practices. 

Also, OSHA requires labeling specimen containers used for storage, transport or shipping. Traditional paper biohazard labels typically cannot withstand temperature changes without damage. Using BS5609 certified (marine grade) vinyl labeling materials, which withstand temperature and moisture changes, is a better choice for this type of application. 

Steve Halvorson, Assistant Laboratory Director, department of Molecular Virology and Biology at Baylor College of Medicine in Texas, conducts research for clinical studies involving patients and basic science. He tells his story about creating a safety labeling “culture” at his lab. 

Steve trains laboratory staff to comply with the chemical labeling requirements for secondary containers containing common lab reagents. The graduate students in his department learn about the NFPA Diamond system and apply that knowledge in the laboratory setting.   Because he works with graduate students on the road from a Bachelor’s Degree to a PhD, as well as newly arriving faculty, the natural turnover is high and there’s a tremendous loss of institutional knowledge. This requires constant training in the requirements for NFPA labels on secondary containers because many times, clinicians and medical research staff sub-aliquot reagents from industrial bottles.  

“Label durability and clarity is important for laboratorians or researchers that move reagents through a variety of temperatures such as -80C to room temperature. The easier and more useful labeling becomes, the more likely it is to be implemented,” said Dr. Perry Scanlon, Program Director, Associate Professor, Medical Laboratory Science Program, Department of Allied Health Sciences, Austin Peay State University. 

Research labs are dynamic environments with continually changing activities and requirements. At times proper labeling is delayed, forgotten, or takes a back seat to other requirements.  In addition, laboratory staff may not be aware of various labeling materials and their suitability for different environments. For example, containers will sweat when moved from a cold environment to an ambient temperature location. This can result in labels being damaged, the printing smearing, or the label falling off. It is important to use label materials that will withstand moisture and temperature changes. 

Clinical Lab Scientist Alicia D. Santos, M.S.M.T., handles the pre-analytic phase of specimen testing. Her lab labeling challenges are different from Halvorson’s and are important to note.   “We handle specimens with barcode labels drawn by phlebotomists and nurses on the floor. We often see improperly placed barcode labels. The specimen barcode labels are placed in reversed positions, placed too high or too low on the tubes, wrapped around the tube so you cannot see the integrity of the specimen inside, or applied sloppily. All these will cause a barcode not being read or scanned tests will not be run causing delays in testing and patient care,” she warned. 

“A culture of safety must be strongly promoted in all research and clinical laboratories. After all, it is the law. I believe that both basic science and clinical research laboratories should adhere, without exception, to OSHA regulations concerning hazard labeling,” said Williford. 

Halvorson’s group produces many chemicals and reagents in the lab, but often times they may not be fully aware that the hazard characteristics of a substance may need to be communicated to first responders. For example, a 1X PBS (Phosphate Buffered Saline) solution in a laboratory is recognized by most researchers as a non-hazardous reagent used to gently buffer cells. It seems silly to a researcher to place an NFPA label on a bottle of 1X PBS when plain water can be more hazardous to some cells.  

Emergency responders may not know whether IX PBS is hazardous or benign. The NFPA label informs them that this is a substance they do not need to be concerned about. In the near future, the Globally Harmonized System of Chemical Classification (GHS) will use a common and consistent approach to labeling and classifying chemical hazards to ensure optimal environmental health and workplace safety across the world. 

So what’s the big takeaway?   There’s an ongoing need for education, training and review. Constant awareness about proper labeling assures safety within the laboratory environment.

Thanks very much, Jack, for bringing this important issue to our readers.  Any substance improperly marked in a lab could be a huge problem. pb


Have you ever had a conversation with a person who vehemently believes in Big Foot?  Just to let you know, I’m not a Big Foot believer.  In fact, when it comes to critters that can’t be found alive in a zoo or we can’t even find remains for, I’m no fun at all.  Anyhow…  Big Foot believers lean on evidence of the North-American man-ape’s supposed-real tracks and fur as well as grainy photos and blurry videos, most of which appear to be fabricated to me.  But believers swear by this evidence and also tout the testimony of other believers as more evidence!  Yet why haven’t we managed to capture one of these giant, up-right-ape-like creatures?  Believers will tell you that, “they’re shy and reclusive.”  Then why do they keep popping up in grainy photos around where people are?  It all doesn’t make sense and leaves me wondering.

I’m pretty sure I’m not the only Big Foot skeptic out there.  I just want to see real proof before I jump on the side of the believers.  I feel the same way about Big Foot that I do about management that say they are committed to safety but their actions reveal otherwise.  Where’s the real proof of the commitment from top leaders?  Is the safety commitment only captured verbally in meetings or on signs posted?  Before I become a believer, I want to see that commitment in action!

Early on in my safety career, I worked for a Plant Manager by the name of Walt that, in my opinion, was truly committed to safety and his example shaped my view of how top leaders should commit to safety.  In fact, I thought all Plant Managers took the lead in all safety meetings, constantly lecturing people to be safe and, in emergencies, grabbed megaphones and reminded people to do things the safe way.  Walt completed daily safety inspections, participated in incident investigations and verified people were safety trained.  I once saw Walt get teary-eyed reporting news about a fatality at a neighboring plant.  So, how did Walt’s plant perform safety wise?  I don’t remember any serious incidents at the plant while working for Walt.  I do, however, remember safety issues that Walt demanded everyone rally around to resolve.  Hazards were taken care of swiftly under Walt’s leadership.  Walt’s safety leadership did not amount to suspect footprints or blurry videos.  No way!  His commitment was visible, clear and obvious to all.  There was no question: Walt lived safety and expected everyone else to follow his example, and that was clearly captured by all!

Was I in for a surprise after I was transferred to a new facility with a new plant manager! I’ll call my new boss Chester.   I was over Safety and Security at this plant.  Chester told me that his plant was 100% committed to safety.  “Naturally,” I thought thinking back to Walt.  To my dismay, I never did see Chester in any safety meetings or conducting safety inspections like Walt did.  Chester often asked me about safety-related issues but was never present for machine start-up-safety-walk-throughs or participated in incident investigations.  This plant had a lot of safety incidences, and I remember directing and reviewing endless investigations and reporting back to Chester what went wrong.  He listened closely and showed concern but not much else.  I know Chester occasionally walked the floor, but I only heard vague reports he engaged employees in safety discussions.  Bottom line:  Chester’s outward safety behaviors were quite reclusive and evidence of his safety commitment was a bit grainy at best.  Chester was a safety leadership Big Foot.

Don’t get me wrong about Chester!  He, indeed, was a very impressive leader, and I learned a ton working for him.  He just wasn’t focused on safety as much as other things like inventory, quality and profitability:  all good things to focus on but, in today’s brutally competitive, high stakes manufacturing game where tiny mistakes lead to grave consequences, safety must be the focus for leaders at the top.  Factories that struggle with safety often also deal with debilitating employee relations issues, cost control challenges with rising workers compensation premiums and crippling down time due to unforeseen, damaging events.  Not to mention bad PR (think of the BP oil-leak catastrophe in the Gulf)…  Plant managers and other top leaders that make safety leadership action part of their daily activities tend to grab control of employee relations, cost and unplanned events at the same time they control safety.  This type of safety leadership action you can tag, track and place in a zoo for all to admire!

Admittedly, I would love to see Big Foot and know he/she/it is real.  I might never go camping again but the knowledge that a creature like that is alive in the woods would be totally awesome!  Similarly, I would love to see all these highly intelligent, super capable leaders grab control of safety through action and leadership and know that one that ascends to that level means that without question, there will be an action-oriented safety commitment.  It really can’t be said too often or emphasized enough just how important outward expressions of management commitment to safety are to the success of organizations.  So, for all you leaders out there, don’t be an elusive safety Big Foot!  Let your actions reveal your commitment to safety and your leadership set the safety tone for all that work for you.  You can do it and once you establish control, we can begin to tackle the mystery of the Loch Ness Monster or what I like to call the ever-mysterious, employee-involvement-in-safety creature.

Till next time – live safety!

MAU Workforce Solutions’  Safety Manager – Rob Loose, has written a variety of safety related articles for our organization.Safety Professional with Manufacturing, HR and Health Care management experience, Rob has worked for MAU Workforce Solutions since 2006 supporting both HR and operations functions.  Currently he serves as MAU’s Corporate Safety & Risk Manager.  A 1998 graduate of Brigham Young University in Provo, UT, Rob now calls North Augusta, SC home where he lives with his wife and  two kids.   Rob is a member of the Augusta, GA chapter of ASSE.

We thank you for sending this very entertaining yet informative article encouraging us to know what to expect of our safety leaders and their sincere dedication to keeping their workers safe.  Thanks again! pb


First, this note:  All Americans know that today, Monday,  is Memorial Day; a day of solemn remembrance to honor those who have served our country and died in the line of duty.  We wish for their families to be aware of the respect that their loved ones deserve, now and forever.  Flags are flying all over towns and cities as reminders of the flag they so loved.  May we never forget them, or fail to support our troops who are serving in this country and foreign lands.  May someday we all see our world become more peaceful.

This week, May 27-June 2, is national Hurricane Preparedness Week. To help prepare residents of hurricane-prone areas, NOAA is unveiling a new set of video and audio public service announcements featuring NOAA hurricane experts and the FEMA administrator that are available in both English and Spanish. These are available at

NOAA’s seasonal hurricane outlook does not predict where and when any of these storms may hit. Landfall is dictated by weather patterns in place at the time the storm approaches. For each storm, NOAA’s National Hurricane Center forecasts how these weather patterns affect the storm track, intensity and landfall potential. 

Earlier this week, The Weather Channel updated its forecast for the 2012 Atlantic hurricane season.  The Weather Channel outlook calls for 11 named storms, including six hurricanes and two major hurricanes. Pay attention to your NOAA radio or television Weather Channel for the most current updates, so you can ” batten down the hatches! ”

NOAA’s outlook predicts a less active season compared to recent years,” said NOAA Administrator Jane Lubchenco, Ph.D. “But regardless of the outlook, it’s vital for anyone living or vacationing in hurricane-prone locations to be prepared. We have a stark reminder this year with the 20th anniversary of Hurricane Andrew.” Andrew, the Category 5 hurricane that devastated South Florida on August 24, 1992, was the first storm in a late-starting season that produced only six named storms. 

Hurricane impacts are not limited to the coastline; strong winds and flooding rainfall often pose a threat across inland areas along with the risk for tornadoes.  The National Weather Service is the primary source of weather data, forecasts and warnings for the United States and its territories. It operates the most advanced weather and flood warning and forecast system in the world, helping to protect lives and property and enhance the national economy. Visit them online at and on Facebook

NOAA’s mission is to understand and predict changes in the Earth’s environment, from the depths of the ocean to the surface of the sun, and to conserve and manage our coastal and marine resources. Visit them on Facebook.  Listed below are suggestions to help you be prepared: 

  •        Secure your home;
  •        Have a plan that includes your family, elderly, and pets;
  •        Be sure your insurance papers are in order;
  •        You need to have a 3-day supply of non-perishable food and water for each individual;
  •        Have a emergency first aid kit and flashlight;
  •        Be sure you have all medicines;
  •        Notify next of kin or friends that you may be needing to stay with them until the all-clear; 

In the event of a hurricane hitting your town, do not go back until the authorities give permission.  Many times, downed power lines or other hazards cause injuries.  Let’s hope that this will be a mild season for those who live on coastlines, or inward communities that can be affected by this type of devastation.


Avoid In-Flight Flu and Other
Airline Health Hazards
Since Memorial Day weekend is a big time for air travel, I want to take the opportunity to discuss some little-known risks.
Heather RobsonHeather Robson has worked as a journalist and researcher in the alternative health industry for seven years. She’s worked closely with a number of doctors, helping them to develop informative newsletters that keep their readers abreast of the wide array of choices available when it comes to their health. Heather avoids embracing a single ideology when it comes to health care. Instead, she analyzes the research and facts with as little bias as possible, so that you can get the best information available!
Today, just stepping inside an airplane puts your health at greater risk than ever before. I’m not talking about airline accidents, and I don’t even mean the potential health dangers (or privacy invasions) associated with backscatter x-ray devices.
I’m referring to the incredibly high risk of getting sick from spending time inside a high-tech, aerodynamic germ trap. When you travel by plane, you are instantly 100 times more likely to catch a cold or come down with the flu than if you’d stayed grounded. Yes, 100 times!
Serious Medical Issues Stem from Air Travel
With more international flights and dangerous diseases like measles bouncing from country to country via plane, you have to worry about more serious illnesses, too – not that the flu can’t be deadly serious.
Air travel also puts you at higher risk of a life-threatening pulmonary embolism – even if you’ve never been diagnosed with heart disease or circulation problems.
Frequent flying can damage your hearing… and even jet lag is tied to some nasty, long-term health risks.
Even with all the dangers, I certainly don’t recommend that you forego flying. If you need to get somewhere far away, there’s just not a more convenient way to go. So, instead of cancelling your travel plans, let’s take a look at what you can do to protect yourself when you fly…
The Most Common Flight Risk
More than anything else, when you fly you risk being laid up with a cold or the flu. Even though these illnesses are typically minor, they’re no fun and best avoided if possible.
When you fly, make sure you drink lots of water. The low humidity in the cabin dries out your nasal passages, which makes it easier for viruses to gain a foothold in your body and make you sick. You can combat this effect by staying hydrated.
You don’t have to guzzle gallons of water, but sip on water often – before and during your flight.
You can also help to prevent colds by using a nasal mist, by keeping your hands clean (I’m not a major advocate of hand sanitizers, but I make an exception when flying), and by taking extra vitamin C, zinc, and vitamin A leading up to a trip.
Protect Yourself from Dangerous Blood Clots
Protect against Blood Clots
When you fly, the changes in pressure, the prolonged inactivity, and even the extra-dry air may cause what is known as deep vein thrombosis, or DVT. Many doctors believe that air flight causes changes in your circulation that trigger small blood clots to form in your legs, particularly on long flights where you may be inactive for hours.
Sometimes one of these clots is big enough to block the flow of blood to the rest of your leg. When that happens, your leg begins to ache and may swell. The real danger is if one of these clots breaks free and lodges in the artery that leads to your lungs. That’s a pulmonary embolism, and it can be deadly.
People at the highest risk of DVT are those who have cancer or heart disease, who are overweight, who have been sick, or who have had a recent surgery. Taking hormone-altering drugs can also increase your risk. You can reduce your risk by making it a point to move around during your flight.
Here a few health tips to consider before your next flight:
  • Wear loose-fitting clothes.
  • Go for a stroll– stand up and walk around the cabin at least once every hour.
  • Stretch in your seat. Twist and look over one shoulder and hold the stretch. Then twist the other way. Circle your ankles to stretch your calves. Pull one knee toward your chest and hold it for a moment. Then do the other. Stretch often during the flight. If you use the restroom, take an extra minute to do some bigger stretches while you’re up.
  • Try to select a seat with extra leg room or opportunities to get up. An aisle seat, an exit row seat, or a business-class or first-class seat can all give you extra space and mobility. Seat upgrades can cost you extra, but they may be worthwhile in terms of comfort and health.
  • Drink lots of water.
  • Take a brisk walkthrough the airport during your layovers.
  • Wear support socksdesigned to help circulation.
  • Consider wearing a filter mask, especially on international flights, or when travelling through airports with large numbers of international passengers (Miami, Los Angeles, New York, and Washington Dulles come to mind).
If you do have any signs or symptoms of DVT in the days following air travel, see a doctor right away.
Prevent Hearing Damage
The constant roar of a jet’s engines can eventually take a toll on your hearing, especially if you’re a frequent flyer. In this case, protection is simple. Just invest in a pair of noise reduction headphones and wear them for the better part of the flight.
Don’t Let Jet Lag Wear You Down
Jet Lag
A long-term health risk associated with flying is jet lag. When you travel across time zones, you can mix up your internal clock and your sleep patterns. The short-term risks of jet lag include headaches, nausea, and insomnia. Long-term risks of frequent jet lag include cognitive decline and mood disorders. It can also contribute to heart disease and certain cancers.
You can minimize the impact of jet lag on your body by gradually adjusting your sleep schedule during the week before a trip. Make sure you get a full night’s sleep before you depart. Once you board the plane, set your watch to your new time zone. Once you arrive at your destination, get outside and walk around. Don’t go to bed until a normal time for the time zone you’re in. And, one more time… stay hydrated. It will help you adjust more quickly.
Being able to fly from one destination to the next is a major convenience and not one that I’m willing to give up. By following the tips here, you can make sure that you stay healthy before, during, and after your trip.
Happy Memorial Day,
Heather Robson
Heather Robson, HealthEdge
P.S. – Growing levels of international travelers into America (including illegal aliens streaming across our southern border) have triggered a health crisis involving dozens of truly nasty diseases that had long since been eradicated in the U.S. This should end.

 Thanks to my friends who sent me this article to share with you.  He is a retired commercial airline pilot, and she has done her share of flying.  We know it is easy to pick up “bugs” when we travel, but Heather has pointed out ways to avoid it, and how to return home as healthy as when you left.  pb

 Lee Bellinger’s HealthEdge, a free supplemental email newsletter to Independent Living


  • If you asked for those in a room to raise their hand if they are guilty of not always fastening their seat belts, I would have to comply!  Just because of living in a small town, it is certainly not an excuse for failing to wear my seat belt.  So help me, I promise I will click it every time I get behind the wheel, from now on!  Our three grandchildren were so well trained that they wouldn’t allow anyone to start the motor until they were safely fastened in their seats.  Two of them are driving now, and the other is five.  It has been such a great experience to see that it became a habit of safe riding naturally, and we thank their parents for teaching them.

Click It or Ticket Campaign began Monday, May 21st, and will continue through June 3rd, coinciding with the Memorial Day holiday.  If you plan to travel this week-end, it is a good idea to fasten those seat belts, and observe speed limits if you want to get home without a high-dollar souvenir from your friendly Department of Public Safety troopers.






With larger volumes of traffic anticipated on our roads and highways,  we want every motorist to know the importance of buckling up while driving or riding in a motor vehicle.  The theme for this year’s campaign is simple: “Always focus on your driving and be certain that everyone riding in the vehicle is buckled up every trip, every time.”  It only takes two seconds to buckle a seat belt and this injury-reducing and life-saving task should be an automatic practice for everyone riding inside a motor vehicle.  And, as always, please let one of your passengers take care of the cell phone – don’t let distracted driving cost your life or anyone else’s.  Don’t drink and drive or drive under the influence of drugs.  Let’s keep our highways safe.

Have a safe Memorial Day, and don’t forget to honor our fallen heroes of past and present wars.  It is the beginning of summer vacations that we all look forward to, however, we must always remember those who gave their lives for us.  One more thing to consider:  Thanksgiving is a day when we pause to give thanks for the things we have; Memorial Day is a day when we pause to give thanks to those who fought for what we have.

Have a safe and happy summer, and drive friendly!



The eye is by far the most essential organ of the body. Being one of the five sense organs, the eye performs the primary function of seeing. To any individual, vision is the essence of life. A wide range of problems and diseases can cause hindrances in clear visibility. Often, it is because of our own shortcomings that we develop various eye problems. Hence, special care should be taken by us in order to protect our eyesight. This article will now render a few useful information and steps that can be followed to have good and healthy eyesight.
1. Avoiding extensive use
Staying up entire night with no sleep at all causes immense pressure on the eyes. Just like the entire human body, the eye as well needs an amount of rest. With a continued pressure on the eyes, it comes vulnerable to any type of vision problems. It is essential to give a rest of at least six hours to our eyes.
2. Sensitive
The layers of skin on the eye are the thinnest. It is needless to say that they are sensitive. Hence special sort of care should be taken to make sure that no sort of physical damage is caused to the eye. In such a case, the covering skin is affected forever and with a less or no layer for protection, the eye faces a lot of problems during its course of action. Therefore, special care should be taken to make sure that no physical damage is caused to the eye.
3. Light resistance
Our eyes are quite sensitive to light with a high intensity. The vision is numbed for quite some time when the eye is exposed to a bright light for a prolonged period. The color distinction property of the eye also suffers on such exposures. Therefore, special eye protecting gear should be made use of in such cases. For example, the use of goggles during experiments in a lab helps in saving the eye from bright radiations.
4. While On The Go
While traveling it is advised not to read books. As during journeys, the body is constantly moving and the focus of the eye has to fix itself constantly. In such a condition if the reader has to put in concentration into the book that he is reading, the pressure on the eye is immense and often results in a headache. Thus special care should be taken during traveling.
5. Computer Usage
Computers are another hazardous source of eyesight degeneration. The bright screen of the computer results into an increased amount of pressure on the eyes of the person who has stick to the screen to operate the computer. It is advised to put vision protection glass coverings on the Monitor of the computer to reduce the pressure on the eyes.
6. Dust Particles
The dust on road is also another factor for which the eye is prone to problems. Dusts often have an undesired chemical effect on the eye fluids and the eye in turn and are harmful for it. It is hence said that wearing glasses or sunglasses while being out in a dry weather is always good for the eye.
7. Cleansing
Also the dirt accumulated in the eye needs to be cleaned. Besides the eye fluid, a certain eye drop is required to be treated into the eyes to clean them. A regular practice of taking such a medical protection is very beneficial for the eye and its protection.
8. Contact Lens
The contact lenses are made from very heat sensitive materials. Any influence of heat melts the lens. It is always risky to stay in a cooking area or any other warm area while with contact lenses on. Various cases of such accidents have proved that the contact lenses on melting can end up making a person lose his eyesight forever.
9. Nuclear Emission
Nuclear radiations are the most harmful elements for the eye. Special lead aprons and eye gear is to be used while performing nuclear reactions or doing any other nuclear elements related jobs.
Therefore, with all said and done it can pretty much be concluded that the eye is prone to various unnoticed and unidentified harmful factors daily. Every little thing that we do involves the eye and the various potent problems that it can face. Hence, extra care should be taken for these problems and it is to be made sure that the eye is kept safe at all costs. After all, a world which cannot be seen is a missing link in the gift of vision.

About the author: Kelly is a blogger by profession. She loves writing on technology and luxury. Besides this she is fond of blogging.
Thanks, Kelly,  for reminding us how precious our vision is, and ways to protect it!


During the winter months, taking care of your weight is a hassle. The cold makes it difficult to exercise and you need to have plenty of food to maintain the body heat. Coming off the winter season, you will have gained a few extra pounds that will be clinging to you. The best to get your weight on track is by improving your overall health. Follow the best tips for a perfect spring health kick and you will be able to cut down the excess flab.

1. Get Up and Start Moving

The lack of physical activity during winter has to be compensated for. Exercise is the foremost way to get a spring health kick. As the weather improves, exercising becomes easier. The lungs won’t hurt and you won’t face shortness of breath. You don’t have to sweat it out at the gym. You can complete a daily regimen with a 20 to 30 minute walk. If you have the time, take short power walks or runs several times a day. Exercise gets your blood up and running through the body. Improved blood flow takes care of a number of health problems as well as keeping your skin and hair healthy.

2. Stop Smoking and Drinking

Smoking is extremely harmful to your health. Since most of the winter months are spent indoors, smoking regularly will have caused major damage. Quitting cigarettes is the perfect way to get some fresh air into your tired respiratory system. Alcohol is fattening and can wreak havoc on your digestive system. When intoxicated, you are bound to overeat and the slow metabolism makes it nearly impossible for the food to digest properly.

3. Keep Healthy Food in the House

You decide to eat healthy for a change. When dinner time comes along, you find there isn’t much in the way of healthy food. This is a problem faced by many people. They don’t have healthy food in the house. You are not going to change your eating habits unless and until you have the options in front of you. It is time you filled your fridge up with fruits and vegetables instead of soft drinks and chocolates.

4. Sleep Well

People usually sleep longer when the weather is cold. Now that the season is changing, you have to adjust accordingly. Alter your routine to ensure that you get sufficient sleep. Proper sleep ensures that all your body’s systems are working fine. It is a precursor to an overall healthy lifestyle.

5. Have Breakfast

Last, but not the least, starting having breakfast daily. Go for a light and nutritious meal. Make sure you don’t leave your home on an empty stomach. When you don’t eat for an extended period of time, your body slows down the metabolism causing problems with digestion. Since you haven’t eaten for quite a few hours, you are bound to eat more than the usual meal to compensate for it.

These are the 5 top tips for a spring health kick.

Allan has been blogging about nutrition and healthy living for quite some time. He has published many articles on prominent health blogs. Allan’s favourite topics include health covers, diet and low impact exercises.  

Please follow these important tips for a healthy lifestyle  from our friends in Australia. pb


Sponsored by the National Safe Boating Council, Inc., May 20th through 26th is observed as National Safe Boating Week.  Probably, many of you who have gotten out those dusty boats and launched them already.  It’s time for some fun and sun on the water!  There’s nothing more fun than going fishing, skiing, or just a leisure ride in a boat, but please take boating safety seriously.  Be sure you have plenty of suncreen, a hat, and safety sunglasses that keep harmful UV rays from damaging your eyes!

The National Safe Boating Council, Inc. (NSBC) was organized in September of 1958.  The NSBC has a current membership of over 330 U.S. and Canadian organizations, all interested in boating safety and education.  This article includes a common-sense agreement regarding the responsibility that you owe yourself and your friends and family any time you operate a boat.  If you wish to sign this pledge, you can go to the National Safe Boating Council website.  If not, please take the pledge to heart, as accidents can happen, and many times it is because the persons in charge of the boat are not familiar with the proper handling of it.  

Search for information regarding boater education and what you need to know, as well as the five types of life jackets (PDF’s) – personal flotation devices, that are available.  There are many other resources that one should seek before taking off in that new boat.  Safety is the big thing when it comes to operating a boat.  Many lives are in the hands of the driver, the same as a vehicle on the road. 

Regardless of where you are boating – in fresh or salt water, on a river or a lake, the one common thread throughout this article is the importance of wearing a life jacket.  In about 80% of all fatal boating accidents, the cause of death is drowning.  In 90% of those drownings, the person wasn’t wearing a life jacket.  Each person on your boat should have a life jacket on; it won’t help if it’s under the seat when they fall in.  Life jackets are not as bulky as in the past; there are many styles that are comfortable and easy to put on.  It may be hot, but it sure beats the risk of drowning.  Life jackets are available for your dogs, too.  It isn’t easy to “dog paddle” to safety, so it’s much easier to rescue them if they have their life jacket on. 

Check the weather conditions before you start your boating trip.  If the water becomes rough, get to the shore as soon as possible.  Be sure you have a fire extinguisher and a first aid kit on your boat.  Having a second person that knows the operation of your boat doubles your chances of staying safe, just in case.  A very important part of boating safety is common sense.  Operate at a safe speed, stay clear of large vessels, and be respectful of other boaters.  Staying safe in a boat (everyone) is accomplished when the alcohol is saved for later.  Chances of being involved in a boating accident are doubled when alcohol is involved.   

Beginning boaters and experts alike should be familiar with boating safety rules of operation.  State boater education requirements vary by state.  Be educated, aware and prepared for every circumstance that may arise.  The U.S. Coast Guard offers free Vessel Safety Checks.  They offer complimentary boat examinations to verify the condition of certain safety equipment that is required by State and Federal regulations.  They also offer virtual online safety checks as well.  Please make the decision to honor the rules of boating safety for yourself, family, and friends. 

Here is a sample of the NSBC pledge card: Get on Board for Boating Safety:

Pledge Card: Get on Board for Boating Safety

I,                                         pledge to boat safely each and every time I go out on the water, keeping myself, my family, my friends and fellow boaters from harm’s way.  I will always boat responsibly by (please check each box):
  Wearing my life jacket and ensuring that everyone on board wears their life jacket (when in a small boat, or operating in rough water or threatening weather conditions)
  Remaining sober and alert – remembering that the use of alcohol contributes to accidents on the water
  Staying in control of my craft and respecting the right of others enjoying the waterways
  Knowing and obeying navigation rules, operating at a safe speed and maintaining a proper lookout






If you wish to have your own copy of this pledge with your signature, print this form before submitting.



Sources: NSBC,



National EMS Week 2012 is May 20 – May 26, with Wednesday, May 23 – Emergency Medical Services for Children (EMSC) Day. This year’s theme is “EMS:  More Than A Job. A Calling,” and is sponsored by the American College of Emergency Physicians.

There are many great ideas and opportunities during National EMS Week, so start today to plan a great week to not only thank our EMTs & Medics but to promote safety to the community!   EMS Week was developed to bring together local communities and medical personnel in an effort to publicize safety and honor the dedication of those who provide the day-to-day lifesaving services of medicine’s “front line” and is strongly supported by American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) .  This is the week to educate the public.  The public should realize “who” EMS personnel are and what they, as citizens, can do to help support us. It is time for “us” (EMS field providers and organizations) to claim our week to make the public safer!

 “EMS Week is very important for us,” says Chris Stevens, PIO for Emergency Medical Services Authority’s (EMSA) Eastern Division in Tulsa, Okla. “It gives us an opportunity to bring what we do into the public’s eye. I’m always surprised by how many people think all we do is put people in the back of ambulances and drive fast to the hospital. We need to let them know paramedics and EMTs bring care and lifesaving service to patients as soon as we make contact with them.”

Emergency Medical Services, known more commonly as EMS, is a public safety service, as essential as police and fire services.  EMS is easily recognized when one sees emergency vehicles or helicopters responding to incidents in the community, but it is, in fact, much more. It is an intricate system of agencies and organizations; communications and transportation networks; trauma systems, as well as hospitals, trauma centers, and specialty care centers; rehabilitation facilities; and highly trained professionals—including volunteer and career pre-hospital personnel, physicians, nurses, therapists, administrators, government officials, and an informed public that knows what to do in a medical emergency. Each component in the EMS system has an essential job to perform as part of a coordinated system of care.

Responding to medical emergencies is the responsibility of local emergency medical services (EMS) systems. They represent a coordinated effort among many different organizations to deliver the best possible medical care to all patients.   Local communities use the EMS system model to design their own EMS system, using local resources to fill local needs. For instance, pre-hospital care, (one component of an EMS system), may be provided by a volunteer rescue squad, a hospital-based ambulance service, a fire department, a commercial ambulance service, or others.  We should appreciate all the Emergency Medical Technicians, Paramedics, and Emergency Physicians and Nurses for their dedication to saving lives.  Thanks to these skilled persons who are on call 24/7, ready to serve.


Sources: American College of Emergency Physicians; BruNotes, Davesems