Good-Bye, 2012!

At the time of this writing, we Americans are all wondering if we are going over the cliff, or hanging on.  It’s sad for our country’s leaders to be so stubborn (on both sides) that they put the public in this type of position at the very last minute.  Businesses can’t set their budgets for the coming year, and many jobs are possibly lost if we do go over.

We (the public) will continue on, whatever happens.  This year has brought several tragedies, such as the Sandy Hook shootings that took 26 lives.  Every year, there are milestones that marr the memories for so many people.  We must hang on, and do whatever we can to see that our part of the world runs smoother.  If we have to get more involved, make phone calls or letters to politicians, we must get the their attention, as their decisions affect the rest of the country.

No year is ever going to bring us one hundred per cent happiness.  It is up to every individual to try to find the path to contentment for their own situation.  We know things are going to happen – either manmade or devastation caused by Mother Nature.  We must be prepared.

Whatever comes our way, let’s all pledge to keep our heads high and treat others with the kindness we want shown to us.

I’m off my soapbox now, but I do want to personally thank all the guest contributors that have been so anxious to share their articles with us this year.  This has enabled us to express different ideas and tips about safety – at home, work, or play, that we all are concerned with.  We have made new friends in Australia, Canada, and many in the United Kingdom, and it is interesting how our words may differ but it all comes back to the main point – safety.  We also receive excellent safety ideas from all over the United States, and thank you so much.

From our parent company, Texas America Safety Company,  and Blog4Safety, we want to say a Happy, Healthy New Year to all of you, and thanks for reading our blog.  We hope to serve you for years to come!  Pat Brownlee


New Year’s Eve is almost here, and with that brings the famed New Year’s resolutions.  Adults everywhere are reflecting on the past year and looking ahead to the next, finding places where they can improve their lives.  Parents often make big plans to change habits and behaviors with this fresh start, and these plans often include their children.  Here are a few New Year’s Resolutions you could work with your child to make.

Keep my belongings organized – The first thing that parents need to recognize about this resolution is that it very likely means something very different to your child.  Children typically have unique ways of keeping things organized.  This frequently stirs friction between child and parent because mom and dad might believe “organized” means that everything is folded, put away neatly and out of sight, while their child might consider things organized if he can find his underwear in the morning.  This is a great opportunity for parents to connect with their child.  Sitting down and discussing the differences between your view of organization and theirs can actually help a child if it is done though positive conversation.  Giving him freedom in this area can go a long way in helping him discover what his organization style is.  If there are rules in common areas, parents should be clear about those, but should also allow their child to control how he organizes his own space. This will help him learn to keep it all together.

Drink water with every meal. Most people do not drink enough water; this is true for adults and children.  Telling a child she cannot have soft drinks or juices anymore will cause aggravation in the child and will only work to make her sneak them elsewhere.  By setting the rule that everyone drinks water with each meal, this healthy liquid is introduced without the ban on other drinks altogether.

Practice the sport, art or activity of their choice for 30 min every day.  Everyone has hobbies or skills they want to improve.  Children often beg parents for lessons to learn to play piano or be in basketball, but after the first few weeks of lessons, the excitement fades when they learn they have to practice.  Parents can help their children set the goal to practice by finding their own new skill to work on. This way parents and children can work in unison to improve themselves in at least one way.

I will talk to one new person every week at school.  This is a great resolution for the child that has a hard time making friends and connections.  It can seem like a leap of faith for a timid child to make new friends, which is why it is so important to start with just one conversation.  Maybe only one in every five conversations end in some kind of friendship, but then in a little over a months’ time your child will have a new friend and be confident enough to make more.

I will try one new food a week.   Children tend to eat the same foods every week.  This is due in part to the fact that these foods are easy to make and because parents are tired of fighting with their children to eat new and more healthy foods.   This approach addresses the problem in steps.  It does not require the child eat entire meals that he hates, just one new food a week.  Make the new food three or four times during the week so that he gets a chance to try just one bite a few times.  Parents should try to make the experience fun and set a good example by eating the food alongside him.

I will help one person every day without being asked.  Generosity is a character trait most people believe is absent in children these days.  Parents can inspire the development of this habit by encouraging their children to find one person to help or to do one helpful activity each day without being asked to do it.  Keep a chart of these activities and praise the big-heartedness that it brings. Try to avoid “rewarding” these activities with material positions because part of generosity is not expecting anything in return.  Instead give rewards with kind words and gratitude.

Change is best done with someone else.  If parents want to encourage their child to make these transformations, the best way to do so is to make the changes along with their child.  Find one or two small changes that you and your child can work together to make, then connect and talk about the successes and the challenges of altering this habit every week.  If you do, then by this time next year both you and your child will be healthier, happier and more connected to each other.


Okay, how many of us are thinking about our resolutions for 2013?  As soon as we fill up on Christmas Eve and Christmas meals, all the goodies before and after, we will  sincerely be ready to change our lifestyles.  But how long will it be before your “New Year’s Bubble” deflates?  Seriously, studies show that 52% of participants in a resolution study who were confident in the success of reaching their goals, only 12% actually achieved them.  Men were 22% more successful when they engaged in setting their goals where small measures are used: for example, losing one pound per week, than “lose weight”.  Women had 10% more success when they publicly expressed their goals and had support from their friends. 

Here are some popular goals; see if any one or more are yours: 

  •       Work/Drive More Safely
  •        Don’t Text and Drive!  
  •        Lose Weight – One Pound Per Week
  •        Make a Difference
  •        Be More Aware of Things Going on in our Government
  •        Save Money
  •        Pay Off Debts
  •        Eat Right
  •        Exercise
  •        Give Blood
  •        Give More
  •        Drink Less Alcohol
  •        Quit Smoking
  •        Reduce Stress
  •        Take A Trip
  •        Be More Green
  •        Get A Better Education
  •        Spiritual Improvement
  •        Be A Good Friend
  •        Appreciate Family More
  •        Be A Better Listener
  •        Volunteer
  •        Treat Everyone the Way you want to be Treated
  •        Be A Better Me! 

You might want to print this list off and check off or add things that you hope to improve on.  Keep it in a place where you see it every day.  Better yet, if you really want to improve this New Year, tell a friend who will help you reach your goals.  Sharing your promises with someone else can give you that support you need to really make it happen.  Going public, (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, etc.) shows your friends that you seriously mean to make these changes in your life – even just one or two; something that makes you willing to ask your friends to celebrate for you when you reach your goal. 

Please make this resolution for 2013:  Live every day with safety in mind; your life and the lives of others depend on it! 

HAPPY NEW YEAR from Texas America Safety Company and!


By George Musson

No matter what environment you work in, from a construction site to an office, every first aid kit will be different. Every workplace will have a different amount of people to provide first aid provisions for and will have different risks to assess.

The HSE (Health and Safety Executive) has published guidance on what might be useful or necessary, but actually it’s completely up to the responsible people in each workplace to decide based on the individual circumstances. They do offer advice on what should definitely not be in your kit though, and this includes drugs and medicines such as aspirin or paracetamol.

An office is generally a low risk place, so usually only requires a basic first aid kit. For example, a basic kit for around 10 people, in a low risk environment could include:

  • A first aid advice leaflet
  • 20 assorted sterile plasters (should be individually wrapped)
  • 2 sterile eye pads
  • 4 triangular bandages (should be individually wrapped)
  • 6 safety pins
  • 2 large sterile wound dressings
  • 6 medium sterile wound dressings
  • 4 small sterile wound dressings
  • A box of disposable gloves
  • 1 roll of micropore medical tape
  • Antiseptic wipes 

Please bear in that this is only a suggestion and that there are plenty of other items that might be appropriate in your workplace and that the more people you have, the more first aid kits you will need.  For instance, if you have a kettle or oven, some minor burns treatments might be useful, or you might be decide to include cold compression packs in case you bump your head or sprain your ankle.

 One of the most important things about a first aid kit is that you keep it in an easily accessible place that everyone knows about and in a clearly marked container. Even if you’re first aid risk assessment doesn’t say you need a first aider, you should still have an appointed person who will take charge of the first aid kit and who can respond accordingly in an emergency. It will be the responsibility of this person to keep your first aid kit properly stocked, filled, clean and up to date. 

It’s always advisable to have at least one person on your staff that can provide emergency first aid, regardless of what your risk assessment says as you never know when you, or someone you work with, could fall ill or have an accident, even in a seemingly low risk environment. 

This post was written on behalf of Health and Safety Training Ltd who are one of the leading UK experts in emergency first aid courses and first aid for the workplace. 


By George Stephen
Organizations where large numbers of workers work on a regular basis should maintain fire safety measures. There are certain safety measures that are being declared by the government. Maintaining these measures is not only essential to avoid facing legal penalties but also to provide safety to the workers working out there. Being an owner of a company if you are seriously thinking about this factor, it is high time that you get in touch with a fire safety consultant.
Why should you appoint a fire safety consultant? 
Fire safety consultants are those organizations that provide safety measures to their client. They have special equipments as well as trained employees. These employees know about the methods which can help to bring the critical situation like a fire accident under control. Moreover, they make it a moment to provide fast services as much as possible whenever they receive emergency calls from their client.
If you are an owner of a company and is worried about the security service of your workers, consult with a reputed fire safety expert for help. The experts will train your workers in taking immediate safety measures if fire broke out due to some reason. Hence, taking these measures can actually save you from a huge loss.
Thus, hiring such fire safety experts will actually help you to earn the reputation of being sensible and responsible towards your employees.

How will you get in touch with such consultants? 
In order to get in touch with the reputed fire safety consultant, you need to do the search work. How you are going to do so?
  • Locate the fire safety consultant situated within your locality. Hiring nearby safety consultants will be an added advantage. This is because it will be easier for you get the services in a much faster way.
  • Check the type of services that the consultant will provide you. This is because, some of the consultant provides special privileges to their clients. For instance, the consultant may provide special training sessions to their employees.
  • These consultants do maintain special services to protect the evidences related to the fire accident. Check these special services and the technologies that the consultant uses to protect the accident related evidences.
  • Service charge does matter when you are planning to hire such consultant. Otherwise, you might make extra expenses. 
Considering these factors will be enough to provide sufficient security services to your company. Otherwise, your company will be exposed to higher risk of fire accident.

Author Bio:

George Steven is associated with forensic science and investigaion, and writes online blogs and articles regarding his research techniques. In this article he discusses about the role of fire safety expert in order to secure the lives of the workers in an workplace. To know more follow his online write ups.

What Makes Flame Resistant Clothing Flame Resistant? (Guest Post)

Another great article sent to us by Maree Kyle.

For anyone who works closely with high temperatures and/or open flames, flame-resistant materials are an essential accessory. While these materials aren’t fireproof, they can offer just enough resistance to help you escape danger before a crisis breaks out. Flame-resistant materials can also slow the progress of an expanding fire, creating a larger window to combat the flames and subdue the fire before it gets out of hand. Not all flame-resistant materials are created equal. Understand what options are available to you and how they might affect what you are hoping to achieve by wearing protective clothing. Here’s a quick guide to how flame-resistant products are made and what you need to consider before investing in these materials.

Understanding the definition of flame-resistant

If you throw a flame-resistant shirt into a fire, it will burn. That’s because the materials aren’t immune to combustion; they’ve just been created to withstand heat for a period of time. If kept in contact with the heat source, though, they eventually will ignite. Even though flame-resistant gear, including shoe covers, coveralls and face shields, doesn’t provide an invincible barrier for its wearer, the protection is crucial in a number of industries, including welding and electrical work. Forgoing its use is both unwise and against safety regulations set forth by an employee’s company.

The materials used

Some types of fabric are naturally more resistant to combustion than others. Wool, for example, takes longer to ignite than many other fabrics. Generally speaking, synthetic materials take longer to burn than other natural fabrics. In the case of wool, tighter and heavier wool knits will be more fire resistant than loose, lightweight wool. No matter what type of material used, flame resistance can be enhanced by applying a chemical treatment that adds a layer of coating to the fabric fibers. In fact, most good flame-resistant products feature this chemical coating.

Maintaining materials to preserve their efficacy

One key to preserving the flame-resistance of protective clothing is washing the products according to the manufacturer’s guidelines. Certain soaps, fabric softeners and other cleaning methods can remove the chemical coating on the materials or otherwise reduce the flame resistance of the product. In some cases, cleaning products could leave a residue that serves as a fuel for combustion when exposed to a heat source. Find out the manufacturer’s recommendations for cleaning and follow those guidelines exactly to avoid ruining the fabric.

Regardless of how you plan to use flame-resistant materials, make sure you’re very careful in your handling of them to prolong their lifespan. If you’re counting on these materials to protect you in the event of an emergency, don’t take any chances. Observe safety precautions posted around your workplace, be very diligent in your care of the garments and their accessories and always be sure to invest in high-quality materials.



By Carrie Van Brunt-Wiley

Each season brings its own unique safety concerns for families. In the spring, allergies are rampant and unexpected rain showers can often make driving a challenge. In the fall, we worry about flu season and slipping on leaves in walkways and sidewalks. During the summer, there are heat waves and perilous slip ‘n slide injuries. The winter season often brings the widest variety of safety concerns, from cold weather and slippery road conditions to hazardous holiday decorations. Here are a few tips to help you keep your family safe this winter:

Cover up

If you work outside, like to play in the snow or otherwise spend a lot of time outside in the cold, cover up. Your extremities are the first to lose circulation in cold weather, so be sure to wear gloves and warm socks. Prevent the majority of your body heat from leaving your through the top of your head with a winter hat, and be sure to wear proper footwear. If you’re working in heavy snow, boots or other shoes with good traction are highly recommended to help prevent falls.

Remove ice and snow from walkways and stairs

Slippery surfaces are one of the leading causes of winter-related injuries. If your driveway, walkways and other surfaces you regularly use are buried under snow and ice, don’t try to walk on them until they’re cleared. Children and older guests are especially vulnerable to falls on slippery surfaces, so it’s extremely important to do some preventive maintenance and shovel your snow before any injuries are likely to occur. Keep in mind that many cities that suffer extreme weather require that you keep your sidewalk and driveway clear.

Injuries can also occur during the process of shoveling snow. It’s always a good idea to warm up before you start in order to avoid overexertion. Stretch your arms, back, legs and shoulders. Don’t be afraid to stop to rest for a couple of minutes if you start to feel tired or sore. Finally, take your time. Use a light-weight shovel and push small amounts to the side instead of trying to throw large amounts out of the way.

Use caution when decorating or undecorating

While holiday decorations help add some cheer to the winter season, they also come with their own set of dangerous hazards. Make sure your Christmas lights are plugged into safe sockets that won’t overload your electrical system. Never leave them plugged in while you’re away for an extended period of time, especially if you’ve got loose pets roaming around the home. If you’ve set up a real Christmas tree, make sure you water it often. A dry tree and hot lights are the perfect combination for a not-so-festive holiday fire.

Supervise children outside

When the first snowfall of the season occurs, everyone wants to run outside to build snowmen and snow angels and pelt each other with snowballs. It’s so exciting that it’s easy for a child to forget to put on a jacket, not to mention a cumbersome hat and gloves. As a parent, it’s your job to make sure your children are properly wrapped up for the winter weather. It’s also a good idea to coax them inside every hour or so with some hot chocolate or warm cookies to prevent them from losing too much body heat. It’s also easy to slip and fall on ice when you’re dodging speeding snowballs, and a snowball to the face has the power to knock the wind out of any poor victim. Keep an eye on your kids any time they’re outside in the snow to make sure they’re playing safely.

Following these tips will help you stay safe around the house. It also will help keep others safe when they visit or walk past your home. Then all you’ll have to worry about is the coming of the next allergy season.

This article was contributed by Carrie Van Brunt-Wiley, Editor of the blog. Carrie has been writing insurance news and consumer information for since 2008. She graduated from the University of North Carolina in Wilmington in 2005 with a B.A. in Professional Writing and Journalism.

Another winter tip that you may not know: children need eye protection from bright snow in the winter as well as sun and water in the summer.  Their eyes can be damaged just as easily as an adults’.  Sunglasses provide UV protection all year.  Pat




Between highway accidents and bad weather, this Christmas holiday season resulted in many bad reports; final statistics on highway accidents are not available yet, and there’s  New Year’s Eve to deal with.  That is why we want to remind you once again:

NHTSA released 2011 state-by-state drunk driving statistics showing that in 2011, 9,878 people were killed in drunk driving crashes, including 395 during the second half of December alone.  “The holiday season can be an especially dangerous time on our nation’s roadways due to drunk drivers – that’s why law enforcement officers will be out in full force,” said Secretary LaHood. “Our message is simple: drive sober or get pulled over.”

NHTSA’s new 2011 state-by-state drunk driving statistics show declines in 27 states, with four states leading the nation in declines in alcohol impaired driving fatalities. Texas had the greatest reduction with 57 fewer fatalities. New York, South Carolina and Tennessee followed, all with more than 30 fewer fatalities. Conversely, the three states with increases of 30 or more were Colorado, Florida and New Jersey. All 50 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico have outlawed driving with a blood alcohol content (BAC) of .08 or higher.

“Thanks to the hard work of safety advocates and law enforcement officers across the country we’re seeing declines in drunk driving deaths in many parts of the country – but there is still more work to do,” said NHTSA Administrator David Strickland. “Ultimately, personal responsibility is critical to improving roadway safety and we urge all motorists to be responsible this holiday season and never, ever drive drunk.”

This year’s winter holiday enforcement crackdown is being supported by more than $7 million in national TV and radio advertising featuring NHTSA’s “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” campaign. The ads, which first premiered last summer, feature “invisible” law enforcement officers observing alcohol-impaired individuals and then apprehending them when they attempt to drive their vehicles. The ads are designed to raise awareness and support law enforcement activities in every state in an effort to reduce drunk driving deaths.

“High visibility enforcement efforts, like the ‘Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over’ ad campaign, are a critical part of MADD’s Campaign to Eliminate Drunk Driving,” said MADD National President Jan Withers. “MADD is proud to join with NHTSA and law enforcement in urging everyone to make a sober designated driver a part of their plans this holiday season.”

NHTSA also offers the following safety advice:

  •          Plan ahead. If you will be drinking, do not drive. Designate a sober driver or arrange another safe way home.
  •          If you are impaired, find another way home. Use a taxi, call a sober friend or family member, use public transportation or contact your local sober ride program.
  •          Be responsible. If someone you know is drinking, do not let that person get behind the wheel. If you see an impaired driver on the road, contact law enforcement. Your actions may save someone’s life, and inaction could cost a life.

In addition, Mother Nature unleashed her fury a few days before Christmas, and brought 34 tornadoes,  formed out of severe thunderstorms, proving that tornado season can be “anytime.”  A man died south of Houston, when strong winds downed a tree branch onto him.  Crockett, Texas also experienced a tornado that destroyed and damaged several buildings.  Powerful thunderstorms and tornadoes have left southeastern Texas, and are marching on to eastern Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia and the Southeast coast as of yesterday, Wednesday, December 26.  These tornadoes injured at least 14 persons.

For those who still have to travel back home, or plan to travel over the New Year’s Holiday, please pay attention to weather forecasts, and have a travel safety kit and extra blankets in your vehicle, along with extra food.

Keep the cell phone charged, but don’t talk or text while driving; you  need all your concentration focused on the weather and/or other drivers.  If you plan to go to a New Year’s Eve Party, by all means, follow the above suggestions by NHTSA.

Drive Friendly – Sober – Safe!  We can’t control the weather, but we can control the condition we are in when we get behind the wheel.

Source: NHTSA, AccuWeather






 Written by Kaylee Wilson; Submitted by Joyce DelRosario

There are a lot of things that parents fear, and for a child to become an addict at a young age is one of a parent’s worst nightmares. There are some things that parents can do to help deter their children from this ill fate. These things include keeping children safe from friends who are addicted to prohibited drugs. 

Addiction is something that strikes even people who may seem to have their lives completely together, and friends of children can often be involved in activities that put others at risk. This is just one of millions of reasons to develop a healthy relationship with children that include communication and trust. Yes, it is very important for your child to trust you, as you want to be able to trust them. This can help in developing communication, and knowing when they, or one of their friends may possibly be in trouble. 

Knowing Your Child, and Knowing Their Friends; Recognizing a Problem

It is not always easy to see problems when they are hidden in plain sight. This is why it is important to have communication with children. It is also important to know the type of company that they keep, and the company that the company keeps. There are warning signs for problems, which if caught in time can help your child, and their friend. 

There are many signs of use of prohibited drug use, and noticing them may help you and your child, address the problems before they escalate out of control. It is important that you do not cut the ties of communication between you and your child. This can happen by directly prohibiting contact with their friends. 

There is another approach to severing the ties to illicit drugs. It may serve you better to attempt to help your child get help for their friend/s. You can try to get in touch with the other parents to be able to aid in the intervention of the child that is in trouble. 

Working with Your Child to Understand the Damage Done by Addictions

It cannot be said enough, how important it is to be able to communicate with children. This is even more so when it comes to explaining the danger of addiction in a way that children will listen. Sometimes, it pays to be able to communicate with your child. 

There are many instances, where children became involved with illicit drug activity due to misunderstanding, and not knowing the consequences. Having a way to communicate with your child, and developing trust on both sides of your relationship  may aid in educating your child on the dangers of illicit drugs. 

There are many resources that are available to help you break the barrier of communication with your child. 

Dealing with Friends Who Are Addicted to Illicit Drugs

It may not always be easy for a child to cut ties with friends, and it is for this reason that communication can play an important role. Friends that are addicted may bring your child into a world where they do not belong. It is important that you always know where your child is, and what they are doing. 

You may not be able to completely cut ties and associations, but you can make compromises, as can your child. You can make sure that if they have to be around the friend that is addicted, it is with supervision, and you know what your child is doing. Eventually, the friend will need help, which you can help your child reach out and try to help through places, such as, and get the friend the help that they may be looking for. 

About the Author:

Kaylee Wilson is a proud single mom and a professional writer. She currently contributes at The Family Compass brings together a vast collection of resources that will help families find their bearings.

Preventing Winter Head Injuries (Guest Post)

By Sheldon Warden

Winter brings with it a magical feeling for most people. The season is full of holidays that bring family and friends closer together. Unfortunately, this season also brings with it an increased chance of sustaining detrimental head injuries. Most people would obviously realize that icy roads can increase the likelihood of a vehicular accident which could cause a brain injury, but there are many other ways that a person can sustain a brain injury that don’t sound nearly as treacherous as frozen over streets.

Why Winter increases the Risk of Brain Injuries

Just like icy streets, frozen over sidewalks present a danger for those walking across them. Slip and fall accidents are common throughout the year, but once ice has settled on the ground, the occurrence of this type of accident can go through the roof. It’s important to remember, however, that the following activities also greatly increase the risk of a person sustaining a traumatic brain injury during the winter.

  • Ice Skating
  • Sledding
  • Skiing
  • Snowboarding

The aforementioned activities combine slick surfaces with high speeds, and while all of these things are enjoyable, this combination proves disastrous for numerous people every winter.

Preventing Serious Brain Injuries

There’s probably not a person in the world who knew that they were going to sustain a brain injury before taking part in the activity that caused it. Unfortunately, the winter months make this occurrence a constant possibility. Luckily, there are ways that a person can lessen the likelihood that they or someone they love will sustain massive head trauma.

Wear a Helmet when Appropriate

The most obvious safety step for people participating in sledding, snowboarding, hockey and other high risk winter activities is to wear a helmet. Helmets save innumerable lives every year, and it’s simply reckless to not wear one when engaged in an event where accidents are liable to occur.

Always Buckle Up

Another safety step that should be incredibly obvious is to always wear a seatbelt. This should be common sense year-round, but during the winter months, accidents can easily happen even if a person is driving superbly. Our Reading personal injury lawyer in Pennsylvania has handled many winter crash cases and warns that it only takes a fraction of a second to lose control of a vehicle on ice, and failing to be secured properly in your vehicle can easily lead to a serious head injury.

Take Precautions to avoid Slips

Slip and fall accidents account for many serious brain injuries. During the winter, it is important for those in extremely cold areas to apply salt to their driveways, walkways or sidewalks if they have frozen over. Doing this on the sidewalk in front of a person’s house will decrease the chance that they or their neighbors will slip and fall. It also isn’t a bad idea to wear slip resistant shoes or snow boots during this time of the year.

Signs of a Serious Brain Injury

Many people believe that if they have a head injury, they will notice obvious overbearing symptoms that lead them to seek treatment. This, however, is not always the case. There are a few common symptoms of brain injuries that many people may not even consider serious.

  • Unconsciousness, even if for only a few seconds.
  • Seizures.
  • Repeat vomiting.
  • Prolonged confused states.
  • Blurred vision.
  • Headache.
  • Sudden change in sleep patterns.

These symptoms are all hallmarks of serious brain injuries. While it is true that these warning signs can occur due to other reasons, their appearance after a head injury, regardless of how seemingly minor, are a likely telltale sign of a traumatic brain injury.

No one should live on edge during the winter months. It’s obvious that the likelihood of a serious brain injury will go up during this time of the year, but there are ways to avoid these tragedies. Furthermore, a person who recognizes symptoms of a brain injury should seek medical attention immediately. Winter can be a treacherous time, but with the right proactive measures, individuals will likely enjoy this magical time with no brain injury at all.

Shelby Warden is a legal researcher that pays special attention to safety laws that were created to prevent injuries and protect the public. The Law Firm of McMahon, McMahon & Lentz and their Reading personal injury lawyer team in Pennsylvania have helped many people who were injured due to the negligence of another get the compensation they deserve so they could get their lives back on track. Their firm does not receive any fees or expenses until you have received the compensation for your losses.