Be it the bathroom tiles, kitchen tiles or tiles on the workplace floor, a grout between any of them may appear pretty filthy and grimy. No one really enjoys cleaning a grout, especially when the grout contains numerous dirty stains that look impossible to clean. But without proper care and maintenance, tile grouts can become discolored and may even tarnish the surface of your tiles. There could be various factors contributing to grout formation such as mildew or moulds causing grout stains in the bathroom; moulds, food stains, household grimes in the kitchen and similar moulds and dirt on the floor leads forms the tile grout. To clean any grout here‘s a guide on what all you can do to keep your tiles looking new always.

Vinegar and Baking Soda

This is perhaps the most tried and tested method to clean away the tile grouts and is indeed the most effective cleaner. Simply dilute the vinegar with equal volume of water or make a paste of baking soda with small amount of water, to clean away that nasty grout. Spray the vinegar solution or dab the soda paste onto the grout. Take a small scrub brush and scrub away the grout in small circles. Do not move your brush in straight up-down motion as this might remove more debris than required from the grout. Rinse it well with water and pat it dry with paper towel.

Try Oxygenated Cleaners

You can even try the generic household cleaners or the oxygenated cleaners like Oxyclean, Lysol, Mr. Clean or even the powder based chemical cleaners to clean away the tile grout. Mix any of these cleaners as directed and scrub with small scrub brush and wash away with water.

Try Hydrogen Peroxide and Water

Make sure you use this method only on white grouts as it may lead to discoloration of colored grouts and always try this method on a small area first. Mix equal quantities if hydrogen peroxide and water in 1:1 ratio. Apply this paste to grout lines and leave it as such for 15 minutes and then rinse it off with water.

Apply Shaving Cream

This is indeed the easiest and least expensive method of cleaning the grout. Apply the shaving cream on to the grout and leave it for a few minutes. Scrub it with a brush and wash away with water.

General Tips for Cleaning the Grout Away

  • Cleaning the grout at first with water will help remove any loose surface
  • Avoid the use of metal bristles to clean the grout, use any other stiff brush
  • Make use of gloves and protective eye wear while making use of chemical cleaners
  • Always test all your grout cleaners on small areas at first
  • Never mix different cleansers together

Once your grout is clean, you can maintain its neat and fresh look by applying a few coats of grout sealer. There are various types of grout sealers available in the market for various purposes, such as for floor tiles, for bathroom tiles and for the kitchen backsplashes. Always check that you buy the correct grout sealer depending upon the grout you’ll be applying it on to. It is important that you apply the sealer at least once or twice every year.

In a large building, your maintence crew will appreciate these tips – especially the one about the shaving cream.

Author Bio  Myezy Handyman  is a reliable company which is offering you professional Home maintenance and repair services. We have skilled professionals who work with their skills as well as with experience.



Evidence Collection from Crime Scene with CDR Download System 

Crimes scene are sensitive. It is not only because of the offense that has taken place; it is due to the fact that crime scene gets compromised, data switches place and investigation goes astray, investigators treat crime scene with total care. 

The total purpose of the investigation is to find out what happened. How the accident or fire spread out is the main objective of investigation. Unless one can find out what had gone wrong, it is impossible to reach the conclusion and find the responsible person. 

Identifying the origin of a fire is done by using different methods. The most common method is to carefully inspecting the scene and documenting everything that comes to view. The investigators require the ability to recognize and collect evidence. It is important to keep in mind that evidence can be found from odd places. 

The success of an investigation depends on several factors. Primarily the ability of the investigator makes a great difference. Without the wisdom of the professional arson specialist, it is impossible to find out why the fire started and how it spread. Because, fire destroys almost everything, reconstructing the scene becomes even more important. It is essential to take a look at the scene when everything had been fine and then go back to the stage they have found the ruin. This helps determining the object or incident that had started the inferno. It could be a simple case of a carelessly tossed cigarette or it could be something more sinister like arson. Without a thorough investigation, it is impossible to determine. 

To collect evidence different technologies are used. CDR download system is used to reconstruct the scene with graphics. The crime shows and movies have made the procedure a glamorous affair. However, in the reality, the procedure is lengthy and time taking. Each item takes time to develop. In this process there is no short cut. Nothing can be done in a hurry. Thoughtful and cautious steps are required if one wants to succeed in evidence collection. 

The investigators do not have the luxury to jump to a conclusion. They are trained to look at everything with cautious. They document the details only when satisfied. It is due to this, the responsibility of the responding officer is immense. The officer needs to document everything from the contact details of the caller to the address of the affected place. 

Some common objects get collected always. Bloodstain is one of the items that everyone looks for. However, when fire destroys everything, if becomes impossible to find even the bloodstain. 

Preserving evidence is another matter of difficult task. For this photographers are used. They take pictures of the scene to preserve everything. When the crime occurs outdoor, preserving the scene becomes even more important. The crime department officers even use sketches to document the scenes. With time the investigators use modern equipment. They video tape everything to watch later. 

Fire investigation one of the most complicated procedure. For this special force is frequently hired. Arson specialists are trained to collect evidence from the scene and come to a conclusion about what happened. 

Summary – Evidence collection from crime scene is a complicated matter. Special investigators are hired to do this frequently.  Special personal protective equipment is also needed, such as gloves.

Author Bio – George Steven is a freelance writer and his area of interests and expertise lies in forensic science and accident or crime scene investigation related matters. George has his own blogs and websites where he discusses about various aspects of the CRD download.  





It seems as though Halloween isn’t just for kids anymore.  Adults enjoy Halloween parties and if their companies allow, going dressed to work as their favorite spook or celebrity.

We have covered safety tips for Halloween for children, but this year we decided to dedicate this article of safety tips for those “young at heart” parents and adults who look forward to October 31st as much as the youngsters! 

If you are permitted or encouraged to dress for Halloween at work, choose appropriate costumes. You can visit consignment shops that feature clothes from each decade, in case you want to be John Travolta or Marilyn Monroe, or even one of the Beatles.  Some outfits you can make yourself, without spending a ton of money for a “once-a-year” outfit.  Plan ahead for the type of costume that allows you to work freely, without getting anything tangled in equipment, or covering your face while you work.  Don’t drive to work wearing a mask!  You might not look too good as some monster being loaded into an ambulance, in case of an accident.  Horseplay is never allowed at work, so even on Halloween, pranks should not be attempted.  Someone could wind up hurt, and then it wouldn’t be funny for anyone.  

My friends at Texas America Safety Company could find just about anything to wear for Halloween right there at the warehouse, including hard hats, vests, hi-visibility clothing, or even crime scene tape to decorate for their party.  If you do dress for work, be sure your shoes are comfortable, not part of the outfit, if you must stand a long time while working.  Carry the other shoes for later on. 

Pumpkins are at the center of decorations for Halloween; however, pumpkin carving can be an accident waiting to happen!  Each year, thousands of people end up getting emergency treatment for injuries from carving a pumpkin   Grown-ups can find many ways of hurting themselves without even trying!  Be sure you are in a brightly lit room while carving.  Don’t drink and carve, for Pete’s sake.  There’s plenty of time for that later if you go to a party.  (But still, don’t drink and drive).  Use a stencil to draw the design you want for your pumpkin, and use a serrated blade that won’t stick in the skin of the pumpkin, and remember to cut with a sawing motion.  Hopefully, you will be able to keep all your fingers! 

Just as we advise our older kids, once the evening begins, you should always be aware of your surroundings.  Always be alert of who is around you.  Stay out of neighborhoods you don’t feel comfortable in.  If you see a car that you feel is following you, take a photo of its license plate number with your cell phone and stay in a well-populated area.  This is a safety rule we all should follow every day. 

While you are decorating your home before Halloween, remember candle safety.  Battery-powered lights can be just as effective flickering as real candles in pumpkins.  Never leave a pumpkin with a candle near any flammable materials or unattended. 

Be sure your children have a safe Halloween, and you older ghouls and goblins, have fun, too.  Remember, though, safety first!


Construction and mining jobs are among the most dangerous occupations worldwide. Each year thousands of injuries and accidents relating to machine and equipment operation are reported, making the fatality rate for this industry higher than the national average across all industries. According to the United States Bureau of Labour Statistics though, this situation is slowly improving. 

Despite the improving record however, both construction and mining sites are still accident prone environments where lives are constantly at risk. In the US, nearly 6.5 million people work across different construction sites every day so keeping workers and pedestrians safe are the number one priority. Adequate illumination and the use of proper lighting equipment on the site plays an important role in reducing the hazards associated with the line of work. 

While companies are taking steps to improve work safety for their employees, they are also taking bigger steps to reduce the environmental footprint. We look at how mobile lighting influences a safer jobsite and its ‘green’ impression.   

Lighting Amount

A key factor to consider for construction and mining jobsites is the amount of light that is required by the state standards and Occupational Health and Safety guidelines. The American National Standards Institute has specific requirements about what is considered “safe lighting” for worksites that needs to be abided by. Most light tower manufacturers can also help with this information, but the requirements need to be determined before you know which tower can get the job done right. 

Lighting Position

Sufficient lighting though isn’t enough to fulfill a safe jobsite, it’s just as important to position and adjust the light towers correctly. There are a number of ways to make lights less invasive and companies can manufacture towers with a softer glare, but ensuring they aren’t ‘blinding’ workers or creating a glare hazard for nearby motorists is essential.

Visor shields can normally be offered by manufacturers to provide protection while still giving adequate brightness, or some tower models can allow for the lights to be aimed directly down. When positioning lighting towers, it’s vital the light isn’t shined into a person’s eyes and becomes a safety issue – these applications to prevent the light from blinding those on or near the jobsite is critical.  Certain types of safety glasses can adjust automatically to protect from glare as needed.

Environmental Safety

Nearly as much of a concern as the safety of workers, the environmental welfare is becoming an increasingly widespread decision. For lighting towers on larger or especially remote and hard to access jobsites, it’s beneficial for them to have a greater fuel capacity to help prevent spills. This will also reduce the amount of times the lighting tower will need to be serviced, allowing significant cost savings and eco-friendliness. 

LED Lighting Towers – A Healthier Approach

This ‘green’ epidemic has led an increasing number of construction and mining companies to make the switch to LED lighting towers. LED lighting towers offer benefits for worksite safety, cost savings and environmental concerns.

As fuel capacity is major consideration, replacing a standard lighting tower with an LED one can save your company tons of litres of fuel and money.  Typically they cost more to purchase but are more power efficient with a longer life expectancy, ultimately saving you more. 

As opposed to Metal Halide lights which can take up to five– ten minutes to start and restrike, LEDs are instant and provide a better colour rendition making them extremely useful when dealing with electric wiring.

When it comes to the safety of workers, passer-by’s, and the environmental compliance innovations are always being driven to continuously meet the requirements with confidence.  Safety features are standard, but going the extra measure to incorporate environmental friendly lighting will ensure a safer jobsite all around. 

Author Bio

This article is written by Jayde Ferguson who writes for  AllightSykes, one of the world’s largest suppliers of lighting towers; designed, engineered and built in Australia to meed the world’s toughest standards.  



It may not seem like the most cheerful of subjects, but a website is available that highlights just how dangerous roads can be.

Not just in America, not just in Europe and not just in Africa; roads are deadly places wherever you are in the world. This research, courtesy of The Pulitzer Centre, looks at the problem in brilliant detail – allowing you to see just how many people meet their match on the roads in a single year.

Gruesome yes, but fascinating reading none the less; as not only are you presented with an interactive map that allows you to scroll over the various nations, but also a multitude of facts and figures about the road traffic accidents that occur in that particular nation.

As well as being given a statistical breakdown of the different types of fatal accident that occurred in that country in the past 12 months, you are also presented with a final percentage of the death toll. Reasons for the fatalities are also given – such as failing to wear a seatbelt, helmet and even alcohol intake and high speed.

One thing that is startlingly obvious when looking at the figures is that the former Soviet states have certainly paid the price for higher vehicle ownership and a greater number of drivers over the past decade. The death toll on Russian roads, for example, is still about five times higher than what is seen in most European Union countries and about double the number for the United States.

This may act as a stark warning to the likes of China, who have seen sales of motor vehicles rocket in recent years.  The site also highlights that it’s not just drivers of vehicles who suffer in road accidents; pedestrians make up a large amount of the total in most counties.

In New York City for example, pedestrians account for 12 percent of all traffic fatalities in the U.S. Not a shocking amount considering the density of the population – but still a huge number. This is despite attempts by several mayors to reduce the risk of accidents by outlawing activities such as “jay walking” for example.

For all the bad news there are some pieces of good news regarding road deaths that certainly make for happier reading.

Take Sweden. The Scandinavian country had only 266 road fatalities in 2010, a rate of 3 deaths per 100,000 citizens, and the lowest among industrialized nations. Though an explanation is not given, this impressive figure can only be put down to greater road safety awareness among drivers and pedestrians.

And what about the one-time bad boys when it came to motoring offences, Australia? They have cleaned up their act too. With some of the most reckless drivers in the world and highest death rates going some 50 years ago; strict enforcement of safe driving laws has resulted in an 80 percent decline in road fatalities since.

For a little lighter relief and general road traffic trivia there are some more educational facts on display other than just what country has the most road deaths and which nations have improved.

Like who knew that in Nigeria, the Federal Road Safety Commission only recently made it compulsory for new drivers to take driving lessons and pass a test before obtaining a licence; in the past you could simply buy a licence?

Read this site at your own risk, but don’t let it put you off; driving is undoubtedly safer now than it ever was.

If nothing else, this research shows the contrast in attitudes towards motoring and road safety across the globe and how those attitudes can be changed with greater awareness and education.

Take a look for yourself at www.roadskillmap.com.

Written by journalist and blogger Matthew Crist in association with TSR Injury Law, the Minnesota auto accident attorney. For more information on TSR Injury Law please visit our website at www.tsrinjurylaw.com.


Written by Matthew Crist in association with Canter, Levin and Berg. Solicitors with decades of experience when it comes to car accident claims.

It may not be a shock to some, but people aged between 20 and 24 are more likely to be injured on the road than any other group according to a recent report into road accidents.  The revelation comes after a national travel survey of 17,000 people published by the Department for Transport (DfT)As many as 6.7% of 20 to 24-year-olds said they had been injured in a road accident in the period 2010 to 2012 compared with the all-adult (16 and over) average of 3.8%.  That’s almost twice the national average.

The news doesn’t get much better for drivers aged between 25 and 29 of whom 5.8% suffered a road accident injury in 2010-12.  Yet again, the more vulnerable of road users face a greater likelihood of being killed or injured on the roads.

Motorcycle users, per mile ridden, are roughly 35 times more likely to be killed in road traffic accidents than car occupants, while pedestrians and pedal cyclists are roughly 11 times more likely to be killed.

Perhaps the biggest surprise to come out of the survey is how few people over 60 were involved in a road traffic accident over the same period. Just 1.8% of those aged 60 and over had been injured in a road accident in the three-year period.

There is little doubt that these figures have been pushed up by the number of young drivers who are involved in road traffic accidents each year, a number that shows little sign of falling.  Although many people claim they have been hurt on our roads, not all of the injuries and most were relatively minor.

Of the slight injuries, whiplash accounted for 57% over the 2010-12 period, followed by minor bruising or cuts.  Fractures and broken bones were the main serious injuries, followed by severe shock.  Of those who responded to the survey 77% who reported injuries sought some form of medical attention, with 38% having treatment at accident and emergency departments – showing the incredible strain that accidents on the road place on the UK’s health system.

Once again it’s rural roads that see more injuries. Despite carrying only around 40% of traffic, quieter country roads saw almost 60% of all of the road accidents reported in this period.  Surprisingly, only 5% of deaths and injuries occur on motorways, despite these roads carrying 20% of traffic.

Our thanks to Matthew Crist for this informative article.  I am curious to know if the U.S. statistics would match up close to these figures.  (Tomorrow’s post will give you some information on world-wide statistics).  One suggestion to pedestrians and cyclists would be to wear high-visiblity vests or gear in order to be seen by drivers. pb



Home must be the safest place for all especially for kids. If there are young kids in the family then the importance of precautionary measures increased.   Children from 6 months to 7 years should be treated equally in terms of safety. They love to explore everything around and in this search often they meet accidents and injuries. Here are some of the top safety tips to make your home safe for young kids:

1.   Don’t leave them near Water

Kids love to play with water but it would be the most dangerous thing is to leave them alone with. Playing with water is always fun for kids no matter what their age is. For toddlers and small kids you must be more careful for possible water hazards. You have to be careful not only forpools but water buckets, tubs, paddling pools.  Toilets  and sinks are a great source of danger and kids should not be left unattended around them. Drowning takes only few seconds and prevention is always better than cure or even grief. Don’t make your children afraid of water but warn them of the possible dangers.

2.   Don’t Put Chemicals or Medications in their Range

Keep any item with chemicals out of the reach of young children. This includes toiletries, detergents and other household products. Even the cosmetics, deodorants, perfumes, shampoos and face wash can be harmful for them if swallowed. It’s suggested to install cabinet guards for all cleaning items and higher cupboards for cosmetics. This is also suggested for medications to keep them lock. Many sugar coated tablets and capsules look like sweets and kids like to reach and eat them. Do not let them be easily accessible for children.

3.   Protect them from Electrical Appliances and Wiring

Electrical appliances should be kept on higher, locked or safe places to keep them away from kids. The natural curiosity of kids compels them to check every item within their reach. Electrical shocks can cause serious injuries even death. Use electrical safety devices for sure in your home. Cover all the sockets with plastic covers. Do not keep water near electrical appliances. Keep the wiring system safe and do not leave any damaged cords or electrical equipment in house.

4.   Watch for the Small Items including Toy Parts

Limit the possibilities of choking which is one of the greater causes of injury to children. Use extra cautions while buying toys for them. Don’t buy those with many small parts. There is no particular rule to suggest which thing should be considered to keep away from kids. Any small item can be dangerous for them either to put in mouth or even in nostrils including coins, nuts, buttons, pins, jelly beans, crystal balls, popcorns, latex balloons, hard candies, grapes etc. Don’t leave toddlers with any small item around.

5.   Secure Windows, Doors & Stairways

It’s important to protect your kids from accidental falls. Kids falling from windows or stairways are the most common home accidents. Prevent the sudden fall by keeping windows and doors locked when there are young kids in home. Don’t leave any higher object chair, table, sofa, bench etc. near a window.  Pay close attention to toddlers learning to use stairs.

6.   Keep Tools Away

Scissors, knives, hammers, screwdrivers, pliers etc. should not be in kids’ range. Kids love to copy the elders and they certainly try to use the tools and apparatus if you forget to keep them safe and away.

We thank Mark Stewart for sending this article.  Most of the time, we focus on work-related safety; however, the safety of our children should be first and foremost. pb


Although we at Texas America Safety Company and Blog4Safety focus on work-related safety most of the time, we feel it is our responsibility to warn y0u when health issues come up.  As most of you know, flu season is just around the corner, and for workers, it is a devestating issue when it spreads among workers.  Here are some facts from the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention):

Influenza (Flu) Facts

  • Influenza (the flu) can be a serious disease that can lead to hospitalization and sometimes even death. Anyone can get sick from the flu.
  • People with flu can spread it to others. Influenza viruses are spread mainly by droplets made when people with flu cough, sneeze or talk. These droplets can land in the mouths or noses of people who are up to about 6 feet away or possibly be inhaled into the lungs. Less often, a person might get flu by touching a surface or object that has flu virus on it and then touching their own mouth or nose.
  • Some people, such as older adults, pregnant women, and very young children as well as people with certain long-term medical conditions are at high risk of serious complications from the flu. These medical conditions include chronic lung diseases, such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), diabetes, heart disease, neurologic conditions and pregnancy.
  • Since health care workers may care for or live with people at high risk for influenza-related complications, it is especially important for them to get vaccinated annually.
  • Most healthy adults may be able to infect others beginning 1 day before symptoms develop and up to 5 to 7 days after becoming sick. Children may pass the virus for longer. Symptoms start 1 to 4 days after the virus enters the body. That means that you may be able to pass on the flu to someone else before you know you are sick, as well as while you are sick. Some persons can be infected with the flu virus but have no symptoms. During this time, those persons may still spread the virus to others.
  • Annual vaccination is important because influenza is unpredictable, flu viruses are constantly changing and immunity from vaccination declines over time.
  • CDC recommends an annual flu vaccine as the first and best way to protect against influenza. This recommendation is the same even during years when the vaccine composition (the viruses the vaccine protects against) remains unchanged from the previous season.

Flu Vaccine Facts

  • The seasonal flu vaccine protects against the influenza viruses that research indicates will be most common during the upcoming season. Traditional flu vaccines (called trivalent vaccines) are made to protect against three flu viruses; an influenza A (H1N1) virus, an influenza A (H3N2) virus, and an influenza B virus. In addition, this season, there are flu vaccines made to protect against four flu viruses (called “quadrivalent” vaccines). These vaccines protect against the same viruses as the trivalent vaccine as well as an additional B virus.
  • Flu vaccines CANNOT cause the flu. Flu vaccines that are administered with a needle are currently made in two ways: the vaccine is made either with a) flu vaccine viruses that have been ‘inactivated’ and are therefore not infectious, or b) with no flu viruses at all (which is the case for recombinant influenza vaccine). The nasal spray flu vaccine does contain live viruses. However, the viruses are attenuated (weakened), and therefore cannot cause flu illness. The weakened viruses are cold-adapted, which means they are designed to only cause infection at the cooler temperatures found within the nose. The viruses cannot infect the lungs or other areas where warmer temperatures exist.
  • Flu vaccines are safe. Serious problems from the flu vaccine are very rare. The most common side effect that a person is likely to experience is either soreness where the injection was given, or runny nose in the case of nasal spray. These side effects are generally mild and usually go away after a day or two. Visit Influenza Vaccine Safety for more information.

Cover your mouth with tissue if possible when sneezing or coughing.  The most important advice is to sneeze into your elbow if you must sneeze, and don’t have a tissue.  If you work in healthcare, wear a face mask and gloves when around patients with the flu or other contagious illness.  Keep hand sanitizer handy to kill germs when you aren’t near a lavatory.  It’s hard to know if you are coming down with the flu, as sometimes you feel well before you are aware that you may be contagious.  The main thing for those who work, is to please stay home when you are ill.

Most everyone is going to come in contact with germs either through shared office equipment, telephones, elevators, traveling by bus, plane, or cab.  Our children and teachers also are exposed through school germs.

We hope this year will be a “light” season for the flu!  Getting vaccinated will help.

Source: CDC



Safety wear is used to protect you in work environments but to the majority, it becomes part of the uniform and we forget its benefits. This article is going to give you a run down of what you need and when you might need it.

Labouring jobs and outdoor jobs are perhaps the most obvious occupations in which workwear is required. When you are working in a building environment for example, there is a risk with carrying heavy goods in case you dropped  something on your toe. When your work outdoors, perhaps doing road works, there is a risk in foggy or dark conditions with your lack of visibility. Hazards exist everywhere you look but jobs, like the ones described, carry a higher risk. This is why you need safety wear. Safety wear decreases the chance of accidents and injuries.

But what is needed and why?

First of all let’s start with what is available.

  • Socks with extra cushioning so you can feel comfortable while wearing safety boots.
  • Safety boots – most contain steel toe caps to protect your toes and you should look for ones with anti-slip surfaces to ensure you remain steady on your feet.
  • Work trousers – containing durable material, knee pads and lots of pockets.
  • Safety gloves – to protect your hands.
  • Safety goggles – your eyes are the most precious part of your body and although goggles might look unattractive, it is worth it to save your vision.
  • High Visibility clothing. Vests and jackets help you stay noticed in unclear conditions.
  • Knee pads – knees are weak parts of the body and the extra padding can be crucial if your spending a lot of time knelt down on the floor during your job. It is all about making you comfortable.
  • Hard hats with cushioning to protect your head and brain are very important.

Who needs what though?

Well,  if you are in a labouring environment, it depends. 
Builders will more than likely require steel toe work boots in case any materials are dropped while doing the job. They also require hard hats and gloves are a must have, particularly if working outdoors in blustering conditions.
Mechanics need work trousers and knee pads. When they are knelt on the ground and under vehicles, comfort is essential and these must-haves are necessary to protect your knees.
Welders require safety goggles. This is a dangerous job and your eyes are the most sensitive part of your body. They are critical safety products.

If you are outdoors, maybe working on the roads as a traffic officer or as an highway operative, you need to ensure you stand out and people can see you. This is not always easy when the weather conditions are poor or even when it is dark; this is why your role requires high visibility clothing. Hi-vis jackets and vests come in fluorescent designs and contain extra reflective strips to ensure you are noticeable and in turn accidents are avoided. Jackets come in a variety of styles so if you are working in the cold, you can opt for a fleece lined parka that will keep you warm but also safe and secure.
Emergency services also wear hi-vis clothing to ensure they are apparent and people recognise them easily; this is particularly important for crucial situations.

Most workers require some sort of safety uniform but for occupations outdoors or in labouring environments, a specialised range of safety wear has been deigned to decrease any unexpected risks. It is very important and statistics suggest you need these items. Take a look at our range of workwear here http://www.sportsdirect.com/pages/workwear and stay safe!





Parenting in the digital world is not an easy task. A recent survey in UK, shows that among 7-16 years old, seventy-five per cent of them use the internet. Children are giving more and more importance to this new media for multiple purposes such as for information, entertainment, relieving tension, communication (chat, email, instant messages) and most preferably for downloading contents. For many families, internet is a fragile medium, confusing and easier to gets wrong then right.

No doubt, Internet is a source of learning but it is also a place where cyber-stalkers are lurking for the target person. Parents give mobile phones to their children to remain in contact with them when they go outside either for their school or for some other activities.  Internet is full with lots of software, games, music videos and adult content that encourage children for downloading. As children are not good in downloading and using the internet, they may  become an easy target of cyber attackers.

That’s not only one problem that parents have to face regarding their children safety, sometimes games and video downloading shake your budget estimate with huge bills. These expensive apps have more attraction and adventure for kids. Pornographic videos are such a content that disturbs children behavior and attitude towards real world in a very bad way. It not only disturbs their health but also affects their norms and values.

If you have views that all Smartphone apps are wrong then you are thinking in the wrong direction. Many Smartphone apps are useful for kids and they make things easier for them. Many apps purely based on enjoyment and those apps create a real fun in people’s life. As it is already mentioned that not all apps are suitable for children so parents have to understand this concept for their children safety and security. 

One thing about internet which makes parents more suspicious about their children is the open availability of pornographic videos. As parents do not remain close to their children all the time in a day,  it’s very difficult for concerned parents to prevent their kids from undesirable  material.

Games always attract children due to their adventurous characteristics. Children love to play games as they give them new ideas and imagination. Many children instantly download a game when their latest version release onto their mobile phone. Although many games can be downloaded free of cost from Smartphone apps, it doesn’t happen all the time. There are some games for which you have to pay a handsome amount before downloading.

As technology advances the mobile industry, similar  technology makes advancement in games and now games are becoming more adventurous and realistic. There are also some games which contain violence, bad language and sexual content. Malware and viruses are another danger because these malwares can damage your child’s phone permanently.

Another danger in downloading different mobile apps is malware and viruses. The problem is that these apps are advertised free of cost and if you download them, these apps damage your mobile phone with malware.

You can easily prevent your child from having access to such sites with the help of the mobile tracking app like this available here http://www.mspy.fr/. Once you install cell phone spy, it will give you access to all data relating to your child’s cell phone usage and remains unnoticed by your child. In addition to this, you can block sites and downloading via this app.

Sent to us by Jessi Singh

Thanks, Jessi, for this information on keeping our children safe while using their computers, tablets, etc.  Another thing to mention is cyberbullying, which causes some young people to be driven to suicide.  This is an all-too common occurance, and parents must step in and be in control. pb