What better day to remind you that February is American Heart Month than on Valentine’s Day?  We made the announcement of this annual health observation at the first of the month.  However, it is such an important subject that we want you to be aware of the problems that come with heart disease. 

First, you must know the warning signs of a heart attack:

  • Chest discomfort.  It can feel like uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, fullness or pain in the center of the chest that last more than a few minutes.
  • Shortness of breath with or without chest discomfort.
  • Discomfort in other areas of the upper body.  This can include pain or discomfort in one or both arms, the back, neck, jaw or stomach.

Other signs may include breaking out in a cold sweat, lightheadedness, or nausea.  Women may experience other common symptoms, particularly shortness of breath, nausea /vomitting, and back or jaw pain.

Heart attacks strike someone every 34 seconds.  When the blood flow bringing oxygen to the heart muscle is severely reduced or cut off completely, a heart attack occurs. Please don’t ignore the warning signs.  Every second counts.  Call 9-1-1 or get to the emergency room; however, if you call for an ambulance, medical attendants can begin life-saving treatment, and the hospital will be expecting you, so you will get treatment faster than if you are driven by someone else. 

Please take care of your heart, and the ones you love, too.  Remind them to exercise, eat healthy, get the right amount of rest, and less stress in their lives.  We only have one heart, so let’s take care of it. 

From all of us at Blog4Safety, and Texas America Safety Company, have a great and healthy Valentine’s Day!

Source: Ft. Worth Star Telegram



Sent to us by Paul Taylor of

Preparing your child to act calmly under unthinkable circumstances is a scary and disheartening responsibility, but it is an essential one. Ensuring that your little ones are equipped to properly handle an emergency situation at a young age gives them the ability to reach out for assistance when they need it most, even when you’re not available to point them in the right direction. Teaching small children how to reach emergency services is less of a practical challenge and more of an emotional one, though there are some ways to simplify the process even further to make sure that they gain this much-needed skill.

Work on Critical Information

Emergency dispatchers can trace a call to determine a child’s location if they’re too shaken up to provide their address or aren’t quite sure what it is. Knowing their full names, your name, their address and telephone number makes the dispatcher’s job much easier. If your household is among the increasing number of American families that don’t maintain landline telephones, you’ll also want to make sure that your child knows how to turn on a cell phone and that he’s confident entering the three digits before connecting.

Talk About What 911 is For

Explaining to your child what 911 services are for helps him understand that dialing the number will summon help from police, firefighters and paramedics if he’s in trouble. Talking about what sorts of situations would warrant a call to 911 and how the emergency responders can help him when there’s an emergency lets him know that there is help just around the corner if he needs it, and that all he has to do is dial three numbers to get help if there’s no conscious or capable adult in the house.

Talk About Emergency Workers

Kids need to know who to expect when they call 911 and that it’s okay for them to come into the house if an adult is incapacitated and can’t let them in. This is especially important if you’re also working on the concept of “stranger danger.” When your child is in the process of learning that some strangers can be dangerous and he shouldn’t talk to them, the idea of a large group of strangers coming into your home can be terrifying. This conversation is also a good excuse to discuss the role that emergency workers play in society, and what each uniform or title means.

Discuss Accidental Dials

While it is possible for kids to accidentally dial 911 on a landline phone, it’s more likely to happen when they’re playing with a cell phone that has an emergency dial feature. Kids who understand how important it is to only call 911 during an emergency may panic and hang up, which forces the dispatcher to call back or send help to ensure that there is no emergency in your area. Make sure that your little one knows that he should stay on the line and explain to the person who answers that he made a mistake and that there is no emergency.

What is an Emergency?

In a small child’s mind, the concept of “emergency” can be rather vague. Little ones need to understand the difference between a real emergency and merely an unpleasant situation to avoid tying up the time and efforts of a dispatcher who may be delaying an actual emergency to handle the call. Kids should be taught that a lost dog, missing toy or sibling altercation are not emergencies. Working on understanding what types of situations warrant attention from emergency service responders and which ones need to be handled by an adult at home can help to prevent unnecessary calls that waste resources because children are confused about the role of 911 in their lives.

Some Jokes Aren’t Funny

For the most part, prank calls have gone the way of the dinosaur with the advent of private-call blocking and caller ID. To ensure that your child never decides to explore the concept of a prank call by dialing emergency services, you should make sure that he understands the danger of taking time and energy away from dispatchers who could be missing an important, legitimate call. Letting your little one know that dialing 911 as a practical joke is never funny and will have severe consequences is an effective way of discouraging the idea before the idea manifests itself and he is tempted to try it out.

When you’re teaching a toddler how to actively dial the numbers that will connect him with emergency services, it’s wise to remove the battery from a cell phone or unplug the line from a landline phone altogether to prevent accidental dials. Remember also that working on mastery of his address and when to call 911 is an ongoing process, not the result of a single conversation.


Could City Car Sharing Schemes Reduce Accidents On Our Roads?

As gas prices and traffic density continue to rise, some individuals are turning to ride sharing programs to get around. Conventional mass transit systems such as buses are slow, offer poor accommodations, and often do not arrive at the rider’s ultimate destination. Taxicabs are expensive if taken both ways on a daily basis. Ride sharing programs split the difference; for a nominal fee, an individual rides to a specific destination with another group of individuals. For the users, it saves money and improves safety over taking public transportation or driving alone. For society, it may help reduce the incidence of traffic collisions.

Fewer Vehicle Miles = Fewer Accidents

As any auto accident attorney Atlanta or New York based will tell you, there are a wide variety of risk factors that affect the probability that one will be involved in a motor vehicle collision. Regardless of one’s age or driving habits, the probability of a collision increases with the number of miles travelled on public roads. With fewer vehicles on the roads, fewer collisions are likely to occur.

This does not mean that fewer individuals will be injured, but only that fewer accidents will occur. Furthermore, emergency resources will be required at a reduced number of collisions and that traffic congestion resulting from collisions will decrease, which will result in an overall net benefit.

Modern Vehicles Can Lead to Fewer Injuries

Ride sharing programs do not remove motorists from the roadways; they simply place them into other vehicles. As a result, an accident that is likely to cause an injury can affect several people at once. On the face of it, an accident with several people in a vehicle may not result in lesser injuries than several independent vehicle accidents with injuries.

However, ride sharing programs tend to involve late-model vans, minivans, and sports-utility vehicles with modern safety features. If motorists traditionally drive smaller or outdated vehicles with minimal safety features, motorists may be safer in a ride-sharing program than in their own vehicles.

Reduced Congestion May Mean Fewer Accidents

The effect of traffic congestion on accident rates has been studied extensively. Some studies indicate that traffic accidents are at their lowest points during periods of moderate congestion. For example, a 1999 study by the AAA Foundation concluded that most traffic accidents increase per vehicle mile at low points of congestion, decrease with moderate congestion, and increase once again with high levels of congestion. Vehicle deaths tend to decrease with higher congestion levels continuously due to the reduction in speed.

Not all studies have similar findings, however; a 2009 study from the Transport Studies Group at Loughborough University in the United Kingdom studied traffic patterns on the M25 motorway and detected no causative effect of traffic congestion on the incidence of vehicle collisions.

Ride sharing programs consolidate several potential motorists in a single vehicle, taking several cars off the road with each vehicle operated. In significant numbers, this can reduce traffic congestion. While the available evidence is mixed, a reduction in traffic congestion from severe to moderate levels may lead to a reduced incidence of motor vehicle collisions. 

Ride sharing programs offer a variety of benefits to the consumer. If city dwellers find that a vehicle is more trouble than it is worth, they need not resort to public transportation or expensive taxis. Modern ride sharing programs offer safe and affordable transportation for those who wish to save money. If such programs continue to increase in popularity in major metropolitan areas, residents may also see a reduction in serious traffic accidents. 

Georgina Clatworthy is a former legal blog editor and now writes consumer orientated articles on various aspects of the U.S legal system. Stokes and Kopitsky, P.A. is an auto accident attorney Atlanta based law firm helping victims of accidents claim damages for their injuries.  As experienced accident lawyers they will help you recover a fair settlement for your injuries whilst ensuring your rights remain fully protected.


Sent by Jason of riskatmedia 

Every week at least one construction worker will die as a result of work-related injuries.  Most of these fatalities involve skilled construction and building workers. Falling from a height is the greatest single cause of fatal injury, followed by being struck by a moving or falling object, contact with electricity, being trapped by something collapsing or overturning and being struck by a moving vehicle. In addition to this, over 3500 construction workers suffer major work-related injuries every year.

There are many dangers involved in working on any construction site.  These hazards are real and often potentially life threatening, but we face them every day and sometimes forget how real and close they may be to all of us. This blog will cover most of the topics required for a Construction Site Induction.

Site Access

Access onto site should always be controlled for safety and security reasons.  This may be by means of a signing in and out procedure, or by means of controlled entry technology.  It is important that you use controlled entry procedures every time you enter or exit the site, this will allow management/security to determine exactly who is on site should an emergency situation arise. 

Personal Protective Equipment – PPE

Personal protective equipment, or PPE, is an important means of reducing the hazards associated with work on a construction site.  The minimum PPE that should be worn on site is a hard hat, appropriate gloves, safety footwear and a high visibility vest or jacket.  This PPE should be worn on site at all times and may be supplemented by additional PPE, such as eye protection, ear defenders, dust masks and a safety harness, as stipulated in your risk assessment and method statement or permit to work.  All items of PPE need to provide a good fit and be in good working condition, so it is important to check your PPE before you use it.  PPE should be stored in a secure, clean and dry environment and any contaminated PPE should be removed carefully, cleaned or disposed of in a safe manner.” 

Alcohol, Drugs and Medical Conditions

It is extremely important that you never come to work in possession of, or impaired by alcohol or drugs. These substances expose everyone on site to risks that are unnecessary and easily avoided. If you have a medical condition, have an active implantable medical device fitted or use prescribed or other medicines, you should report this to your manager/supervisor so that the details can be recorded for use in the event of an emergency.  Any information that you provide should be treated in the strictest confidence. 

Traffic Management and Pedestrian Walkways

Construction sites are busy and noisy environments with mobile plant and vehicles often in close proximity to pedestrians.  For these reasons, designated pedestrian walkways and Egress Routes should been marked out on the site. Stick to these walkways whilst on site and don’t be tempted to take short cuts that might expose you to unnecessary risk.  If you drive on to site, make sure that you stick to the speed limit, that you only park in designated parking bays and that you keep footpaths, access routes and pedestrian walkways clear.  A copy of the most up to date traffic management plan may be displayed on site notice boards, along with other important safety information. 

Welfare Facilities

Welfare facilities should be available on site and may include toilets, a restroom, a washroom and drying room and may include a canteen.  Use these facilities responsibly by helping to keep them clean and tidy and recycling your waste as appropriate. 


Vermin are encouraged by the presence of food on site, so it is very important that you only eat in designated areas, that you dispose of food waste appropriately and that you do not take any food on to site.  Vermin, such as rats, can spread diseases, including the serious and possibly fatal disease Leptospirosis. 

Smoking, Music and Mobile Phones

Smoking and music are generally not permitted on construction sites, except in areas designated by site management.  Mobile phones should only be used in lower risk areas, such as offices and welfare facilities, where you are safe and unlikely to affect other workers or operations.  Mobile plant operators and drivers of site vehicles must never use a mobile phone whilst operating or driving. 

Hazardous Substances and Materials

During your work you may use or come into contact with substances such as adhesives, paints or dust, which may harm you or the environment.  If you use these hazardous substances you are required to understand the precautions that must be observed and the PPE that must be used, when transferring, mixing or using these substances.  You are also required to understand the relevant storage, disposal and emergency arrangements.  Information on the substance as well as an assessment of the hazards associated with its use should also be made available.

Any spills of fuels, oils or potentially hazardous substances, should be immediately contained using the appropriate spill kit and then reported to the supervisor or manager so the spill can be safely cleaned up. 

Shots relevant to environmental management

To help reduce the effect of operations on the environment:

  • Reuse and recycle as many materials as possible
  • Compress waste and use waste segregation facilities where possible
  • Dispose of waste responsibly and in accordance with legislation
  • Damp down to minimise dust
  • Turn off any plant or equipment not in use
  • Ensure plant and equipment are well maintained
  • Only use task lighting where necessary
  • Turn off any taps and hoses when not in use and report any leaks 
  • Never pump or pour anything down the drains and only wash down plant and equipment such as cement mixers in the areas provided
  • Where there are trees that need to be protected, please remain within designated work areas and avoid damaging tree routes
  • Do not disturb nesting birds, newts, badgers, bats or invasive weeds
  • Be aware of any habitats or historical remains on site. 

Emergency Fire Procedures

Specific emergency procedures should be followed in the event of a fire.  If a fire occurs, an alarm will sound.  If you hear a fire alarm, stop what you are doing.  Isolate any plant or equipment that you have been using and make your work area safe.  Take the nearest escape route and follow a safe route to the nearest assembly point.  Remain at your assembly point until you are given the all clear to return to work.  Take the time to familiarise yourself with the specific emergency procedures that apply to the site, as well as the location of the assembly points. 

Flammable Materials

To help prevent fires, flammable and combustible material should always be stored safely.  Gas bottles should be stored in secure, vented cages or stores with appropriate warning notices.  When working with gas, always ensure that you do so with adequate ventilation well away from any naked flames. 

Accident Procedures

Construction site rules and procedures are designed to minimise the risks to the safety of everyone who works on site.  But accidents may still happen.   In the event of an accident, first aid facilities should be available on site.  The names of all trained first aiders may be displayed on the site information board.  If you are involved in an accident or a near miss, no matter how minor, please report it to the site management so that they can ensure you get the correct medical treatment and take steps to prevent the incident from recurring.  If you witness a serious accident, get help and send someone for the site manager.  Try not to move the injured person, but do make sure that they are safe. 

Slips, Trips and Falls

Good workmanship and good housekeeping are practices that can help to prevent accidents and fires.  Remember to route power and lighting cables so that they do not pose a potential trip hazard.  Tools, materials and equipment should only be stored where indicated and should be stacked safely.  All access routes and walkways should be kept clear of obstructions, especially those that are used by members of the public including children.  Tidy and clean your work space throughout the day and never leave tools, equipment or materials where they could create a trip hazard. 

Electrical Safety

All items of electrical plant used on site should carry a valid testing certificate or label to ensure Electrical Safety.  If an item of plant does not carry a valid electrical testing label, is damaged or has a missing guard, then please, do not use it.  If you use battery powered tools ensure that batteries are charged in a safe area and do not obstruct welfare facilities or create trip hazards. 

Tower and Mobile Cranes

Tower and mobile cranes may be in use on site, so it is important that you do not enter unloading areas unless you are authorised to do so.  You should also be aware of the fact that plant including cranes, telehandlers and powered access equipment should only be operated by individuals who are suitably trained and authorised to do so.  If you are trained and authorised to operate plant, make sure that you carry out daily pre-use safety checks, that all safety devices and locking pins are in place, that the flashing beacon and any warning devices are working and that all-round visibility aids are in place and effective.  Seek the assistance of a banks-man where visibility is limited and never leave the keys in an unattended machine. 

Work Equipment

Whatever work activity you are carrying out on site you will be using work equipment. Only use the correct tools for the job and only use tools and other work equipment which you have been trained to use. 

Risk Assessment, Method Statement, and Permit to Work

Before you undertake any job, make sure that your supervisor has briefed you, that you have a complete and valid risk assessment and that you are able to and do work according to your method statement.  Be aware that new risk assessments and method statements may be required where jobs have changed or where new hazards have been introduced.  In addition, certain work on site may require a permit or permission to work. These are issued after you have submitted a risk assessment and method statement for a particular job.  If you are unsure whether a particular job requires a permit, ask your supervisor or manager. 

Working at Height

You may remember that falls from height represent the single largest cause of death in the construction industry so Safe Working at Height is essential. It is therefore extremely important that you follow safe working practices when work at height cannot be avoided.  Always use an appropriate working platform or work equipment whenever there is a potential to fall, which includes loading and unloading of vehicles.    Always check your work platform before use, and be especially vigilant in windy, wet or icy weather.  Remember, the use of a harness requires extra competence and is a last resort.  If you operate powered access equipment you must have the appropriate training, certification and authorisation for that particular type of equipment.  You should also carry out and record a daily pre-use inspection.  Ensure that the access equipment is only used on stable ground, that it is not used in high winds, and never use it to lift or transport loads. In a boom type mobile elevated work platform you must wear a full body restraint harness secured to an anchor point by a suitable length, work restraint lanyard. Remember to park the mobile access equipment safely and to remove the key when the machine is not in use.  The use of ladders and stepladders is discouraged and may be permitted only where the task is simple, of short duration, and no safer alternative is possible.  Scaffolding, access ladders and mobile towers may only be erected, dismantled or modified by trained and competent persons.  Remember to lock the wheels and fit the guard rails and to check that the scaff tag is in date and valid. Close all loading bay gates after use and never load materials onto guard rails. 

Excavations and Quick Hitches

Safe working practices are essential when excavating.  Check and mark the location of services, protect services with barriers or road plates, dig trial holes to confirm location and depth and avoid the use of mechanical equipment, picks and forks around pipes and cables.  Don’t enter an excavation unless you have to.  If you do enter an excavation, make sure that the sides are battered, stepped or supported, use a ladder to gain access and put barriers around the edges if there is a potential to fall.

Buckets can become detached from excavators during operations if the appropriate locking pin or device is not properly fitted.  The excavator operator must ensure that the locking pin or device is correctly engaged and secure before commencing operations. 

Manual Handling

Workers in the construction industry suffer considerably higher rates of manual handling related injuries than workers in any other industry.  Help to protect yourself from injury by following good principles of manual handling.  If you must lift a load, assess whether you can lift it alone or whether you need someone to help you.  Remember to consider the environment in which you are working.  Always adopt the correct lifting technique. 

Your Health

Your health is as important as your safety.  Vibration white finger and dermatitis are too often suffered by construction workers.  Protect against these painful conditions by reducing your daily exposure to vibration, wearing the correct PPE and using barrier creams to protect yourself from contact with potential skin irritants such as cement.  Remember to apply sun cream if you are going to be working in direct sunlight. Wear an appropriate dust mask and use vacuums rather than sweeping to clear dust.  Check your tetanus vaccinations are up to date. Never touch discarded needles or syringes.  Stop work and clear any area if you discover a substance you think might be asbestos.  If you discover asbestos or discarded needles, please report this to site management. 

Riskatmedia – Safety Videos


While some types of construction taper off during the winter, other projects continue onward, despite cold weather and your wishes that you could just stay inside. Keeping warm on the job isn’t just about being comfortable, but also about staying safe. You probably know extreme cold can lead to frostbite, but even being slightly cold for extended periods of time can make you more susceptible to coming down with the flu. Even if you get to ride around in an excavator with a radio playing 80s dance floor jams, you should still take special care to keep all that burning passion close to your body and not steaming out into the environment. This winter, use five simple methods to keep yourself warm on the job at the construction site.

1. Dress in layers, which helps trap warm air so you retain more heat. You can remove just one thin layer if you’re starting to feel warm, rather than having an all-or-nothing dilemma if you’re not wearing enough clothing. Keep your clothing dry by wearing a bottom layer that wicks moisture away from your skin and a waterproof top layer. Give priority to materials like wool and synthetic fabrics instead of cotton, which can feel very cold if it’s wet.

2. Choose clothing that allows you to maintain the full range of motion needed for your job. You want your sleeves to still cover your wrists, even when you’re extending your arms to reach something. You may need a slightly longer coat, as well, to ensure there isn’t a gap between your coat and your pants when you’re reaching above yourself. When in doubt, keep some hand warmers on deck.

3. Wear a hat or liner under your hard hat. If you can, choose one that covers the back of your neck as well as going over your head. Yes, this means you may need a slightly larger hard hat during the winter, but the change will be well worth it. Even though losing a great percentage of your body heat through your head is a myth, a layer of insulation will make a huge difference.

4. Get a good pair of felt-lined leather work boots. Because leather is breathable, sweat from your feet will evaporate instead of keeping your socks wet and making your feet feel cold. When you choose socks, stick to wool and similar materials and make sure they won’t make your work boots too tight. If your boots are too snug, socks won’t insulate as well because they will be compressed, your circulation may be impaired and you won’t be able to move your toes around to keep them warm.

5. Bring a thermos of hot water (consider flavoring it with honey and/or lemon), tea or coffee to drink when you’re on breaks during the day. Being able to take a few sips of something warm can help you feel warm from the inside out. Be careful when drinking diuretics like tea and coffee; drink water so you stay hydrated.

You may have to make a fairly significant investment in your winter wardrobe, especially if this is your first winter working in construction. Keep in mind that your investment will pay off through better health during the winter. This means fewer doctor’s bills and more income because you’re able to actually work all winter.

Cassandra Lynne is an admin for Good Morning Bloggers. Good Morning Bloggers is a free service that connects blog owners with writers and vice versa. Besides from blogging, Cassandra is a travel enthusiast, art fanatic and animal adorer. Follow her on Twitter @goodmorningblog.




 Sent by Dan Oztunc 

As recent extreme weather events have once again demonstrated, water, our most treasured resource, can also be a source of wide spread and costly damage to society. This is not just applicable to structural deterioration and loss of infrastructure induced by flooding, but more commonly with technological issues where even the smallest amount of water leaking into an electric circuit can result in a complete shutdown of the system. With such extensive use of electronics in business, communications and heavy industries, the risk of economic loss by water leaks is higher than ever. 

Fortunately, it is possible for businesses to protect themselves against such difficulties by installing water leak detection systems and alarms, whereby specialist water detecting equipment is fitted in susceptible zones and connected to audible or visual alerts to incite an immediate response. Where necessary, the leak detector can be remotely connected to a water valve shut off system whereby the water supply is cut off on instant discovery of a leak with no need for human intervention. 

Areas of risk include, but are not limited to, water pipes, air conditioning units and drip trays, office tea rooms, wet rooms, under floor water services and water tanks which could overflow. The types of detector equipment available will vary according to the area being monitored and can be mains or battery powered. For example, a spot probe will optically detect changes in water levels in drip trays or detect changes in sound or vibrations from the appearance of unexpected moisture. Alternatively, detection cable can be laid out to cover larger areas and detects leaks in any direction as soon as water comes into contact with it. Advantageously, the wire can be easily wiped off to swiftly reset the detector. 

The alerting systems can range from a simple buzzer and lamp to discreet wall mounted alarms with bright LED outputs which allow for distant visibility and in recent years an SMS alerting service transmits the alarm directly to the individual. So now, by applying a simple preventative measure, there is no reason to allow finances to flow away into unnecessary repair costs.

This article was written by Emily Banham on behalf of CMR Electrical, design and manufacturers of water leak detection equipment and much more. More information can be found on the following link –


If your annual nanny (any job) review is approaching and discussion regarding a salary increase is on the table, or if you’re simply considering the wisdom of approaching your employer to request negotiations for a raise, it can be quite a nerve-wracking situation. Before you attend that evaluation meeting or approach your employers with a request for a salary increase, it’s wise to prepare yourself for the possibility that you may be turned down. The following tips can help you to handle your disappointment, so that you’re prepared in advance.  (I felt that this article applies to every employee, and their desire to achieve their annual raise, if that is still a possibility, so please know that these tips will help us all. Pat)

Understand That There’s a Possibility You Will Be Turned Down

Before you enter an evaluation, salary review meeting or discussion about a possible raise with your employer, you should keep in mind that there is a chance, however slim, that you won’t get what you’re looking for. The most crushing disappointment is the kind that comes unexpectedly, so remember that there are a variety of factors that could determine whether or not you’ll get a raise, many of which are out of your hands altogether. For some nanny employers, affording a nanny’s salary, employment taxes and any insurance can be enough to stretch their budget to the breaking point. Even if you’re the best and most qualified nanny in the area, your employers cannot give you a raise if it isn’t within their budget. Understanding that you could be facing the chance of a declined salary increase proposal won’t take all of the sting out of your disappointment, but it can make it a bit more manageable.

Stay Calm and Behave in a Professional Manner

If you’re absolutely certain that you’re going to get the raise you’re looking for, hearing that you’re not eligible for an increase for one reason or another can be shocking. It’s very important, however, that you maintain your professional demeanor and stay calm, at least until you’re alone. Your employers don’t need to see your reaction to know that you’ll be disappointed, but experiencing a petulant attitude or anger may only make them feel justified in their decision not to increase your salary, and more likely to make that same decision the next time the subject comes up . 

Ask What You Could Do Differently to Earn the Increase Next Time

While it won’t soothe all of your disappointment, learning how to better manage your work performance and what your employers are looking for before they’ll sign off on a salary increase next time will give you a concrete goal to work toward and a basic idea of how to get there. Don’t be afraid to ask your employers what you can do differently so that you’re a more valuable employee to them, just be sure that you do so calmly and respectfully, without a hint of anger or unprofessionalism.

Don’t Take it Personally

A great childcare provider who has established a strong rapport with both her charges and her employers shouldn’t take it personally when they’re turned down for a raise. In most cases, if you’re performing above and beyond expectations, enjoy a good relationship with your employers and are well-qualified for the position, your employers will do everything within their power to make sure that your compensation increases accordingly. Failure to secure a raise in such situations is almost certainly reflective of a reduced family budget, rather than a poor work performance or a reluctance to pay you what your time is worth.

Take Some Time to Privately Mourn

Part of dealing with any negative emotion, disappointment included, is to allow yourself to fully feel it in order to move on. While it’s not wise to feel your disappointment and express that emotion in the midst of your meeting, it is okay to show your disappointment when you have a bit of privacy. 

Consider Your Options

When a salary request is made because you’re facing serious job creep or are weathering an increase in hours, being turned down for that raise can make the post seem like it’s altogether not worth the time. If you’re feeling unappreciated and that your employers refuse to compensate you fairly for the extra duties you manage for them, it may be best to consider what options you have at your disposal. It’s likely that your morale will suffer noticeably if you’re already overworked and turned down for a pay increase, which will only leave employers feeling justified in their decision not to raise your salary.

Sent to us by Sarah Tucker.  Sarah is the regular contributor for


Where Are My Keys? 5 Non-Drug Therapies for Memory Care

So much of your daily life depends on your memory skills. Little things such as remembering where your car keys are or where your car is parked are typical functions that most people encounter every day. It’s amazing how much space the brain has for storing memory. However, as you age, your ability to remember things can begin to decline. The great news is that the brain is similar to a muscle and there are exercises you can do to prevent it from having memory gaps. The following are some helpful tips to exercise your brain:

1. Exercise

Physical activity keeps blood flowing to the brain and also produces chemicals that help to protect it. The health of your brain is extremely important for maintaining a good memory and exercise should be a part of your daily plan. Instead of staying indoors and watching TV, go for walk or jog. The outdoor scenery can energize your senses and boost your memory. Since music improves your memory also, put on a headset and play your favorite tunes while you work out. Research has even shown that people who are physically and mentally active have a lesser risk of developing dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. For those who have a mild case or are at risk for developing the disease, physical activity has been known to delay and even improve symptoms.

2. Socialize

Humans are social creatures that weren’t meant to be alone. Healthy relationships with family and friends can stimulate the brain, especially when laughter is involved. There are a number of ways to stay active and even meet new people by joining a club, volunteering and scheduling time with a favorite friend. Pets can also add value to your life and boost your brain’s ability to think.

3. Get Enough Sleep

The brain stores its long-term memories during the dreaming phase of your sleep and getting at least seven to eight hours of rest is important each night. Sleep also helps keep the memory keen and helps you function properly throughout the day. This is especially helpful for students and individuals that need to utilize their brain for studying and preparing for exams.

4. Eat a Healthy Diet

There are a number of healthy foods that can help enhance your memory. Omega-3 fatty acids, berries, whole grains, eggs, green leafy vegetables, brightly colored fruits and nuts can all speed up the brain to work faster and with efficiency. Eating the foods on a regular basis will also help prevent memory gaps.

5. Mentally Challenge Yourself

Finding mentally challenging tasks can keep your memory in top shape. Playing chess with a friend, putting together a puzzle, reading and cooking meals are important activities that can aid your brain function. For those in an assisted living center, you’ll find a number of activities available to help seniors stay sharp. You can even find continuing education classes for learning a new skill set or to just be computer savvy. If you are searching for a memory care program in an assisted living in Atlanta, then you may find these following non-drug treatments:

  • Reminiscence Therapy uses long-term memories to spawn interaction among the residents which acquaints them with one another and helps their caregivers to know and understand them better. This treatment validates who they are and their accomplishments.
  • Cognitive Stimulation Therapy uses games of association, memory, and concentration in a group setting. This treatment stirs the residents to communicate their memories in story form.
  • Five Sense Therapy explores the new research in physiology that suggests the mind is not in the brain but travels the entire body on convoys of hormones and enzymes, actively making sense of the complex wonder we index as touch, taste, smell, hearing, and vision.

Whether you’re a senior looking to lessen memory gaps, a student studying for a test or someone who just wants to stay mentally on the ball, there are a number of exercises you can do that will help to enhance and sharpen your brain power.

Kelly Dennie enjoys researching and seeking non-drug alternatives for diseases and overall health improvement. Dogwood Forest, an assisted living in Atlanta, has learned that through clinically proven non-drug treatments Alzheimer’s disease can be deferred by an average of six years. Their living environment is built around this medical science break through in the fight against dementia.


Most people take their garage door opener safety for granted but there are several things to take into consideration when owning a garage door opener.  Here are some helpful tips that should ensure your experience stays safe and secure for you and your loved ones:

 1)  Replace Old Springs – Your garage door’s springs are arguably the most important and can be the most dangerous part of your door.  Springs do wear out and when they break, an injury could be the result.  If you have an older garage door, have a professional inspect the springs and replace them if needed.

 2) Check Your Cables – Visually inspect the cables that attach the spring system to the bottom brackets on both sides of the door.  If these cables are frayed or worn, they are in danger of breaking, which can cause injury.  Due to the dangers associated with high spring tension, these cables should be replaced only by a trained technician. 

3) Squeaky Springs? – Springs can squeak and be noisy.  This is caused by normal wear and tear and does not necessarily indicate a problem.  Before calling a professional service technician, use a spray-on lubricant.  If the noise continues, call a professional garage door installer for service. 

4) Safety Cables – If your garage door has extension springs, you need a safety cable that runs through the spring and secures to the wall or ceiling at each end.  When your garage door is down, extension springs are under high tension.  If the spring breaks, it may cause injury.  A safety cable can keep that broken spring contained.  If you have extension springs but do not have a safety cable, call your local dealer for a safety inspection. 

5) Struggling Door – If your door does not go up and down smoothly, you may have an unsafe condition.  Even older door systems should operate smoothly.  If the awkward operation continues when the door is manually operated, you may have a spring system out of balance.  This can cause premature wear and tear on other important door components.  Spring systems are dangerous and should be repaired only by trained professionals. 

Be sure not to place your fingers between the door sections to pull down on the door.  If you manually open or close the door, use the handles or safe gripping points.  Your garage door is probably the largest moving part in your home and is typically used everyday.  Over time parts can wear out and break creating potential safety problems.  Monthly safety checks and necessary maintenance are recommended.  An annual visit from a trained door systems technician can keep your door operating safely and smoothly for a long time. 

Author Bio: I am Aaron Lerner and my team and I write about the Garage Door Industry! We help expose all the Garage Door Hardware companies to give you the TRUTH! We provide extremely relevant information about all Garage Door Openers, Remotes, Parts, and more through our blog. Our experience of 20 years in the garage doors industry makes us an authority to provide you FREE and IMPORTANT information. For more info click here.


How to Keep Safe While Walking Home at Night


If you’re forced to walk home at night, one of the best and most effective ways of ensuring that you reach your destination safely is to have a companion along for the journey. Assailants tend to strike single targets, rather than couples or small groups that can be more difficult for them to successfully subdue on their own. While men should certainly be cautious when they’re walking home at night, it’s especially important for women to understand the dangers of walking alone at night and to be aware of the best ways to reduce their chances of being the victim of violent crime.

Project Confidence

When you’re walking, make sure that you take a well-known and familiar route so you don’t look confused or lost, and that you project plenty of confidence along the way. Violent criminals target potential victims that appear vulnerable, and may choose not to engage with a woman who projects an air of strength and seems to know exactly where she’s going. If you’re so nervous about walking home that you don’t feel you’d be able to project that self-assurance, it may be smarter to opt for mass transit or even spring for a taxi, rather than anxiously making the trek back home.

Avoid Dark Areas

It may seem like a no-brainer, but you’d be surprised at how easily some people can be tempted into taking a shortcut through an alley or walking across a dark parking lot to shorten their journey back home. Whether you’re alone or in a group, it’s best to restrict your route to well-lit areas, always try to stay under streetlights and never duck into a shadowy area simply because it will shorten your walk. Attackers want as much seclusion as they can get to lower their chances of being spotted by passersby. If you’re hidden in the shadows with someone who has dangerous intentions, you may not be able to safely attract the attention of anyone passing by.

Wear Sensible Shoes

No matter how excited you are to wear your brand new heels, you should avoid them if you know you’ll be walking home after dark. If you’re insistent upon wearing fashionable but less-than-sensible footwear for an evening out on the town, be sure that you stash a pair of ballet flats into your bag to wear as you walk home. Should you need to outrun a potential attacker, you’ll have far better chances escaping if you’re not wearing precariously high heels that increase your risk of falling, twisting an ankle or just being slowed down dramatically by your lack of balance.

Be Aware of Your Surroundings

When you’re projecting confidence on your way down the street, don’t be so confident that you pop in a pair of earbuds and ignore everything around you. A long walk might be more enjoyable if you’re able to listen to your favorite songs, but it will also make you less likely to hear someone approaching and can distract you enough that you don’t notice a threatening figure until it’s too late. Don’t allow yourself to be distracted so that you’re never unpleasantly surprised.

Keep Your Cell Phone Charged

Talking on your cell phone as you make your way home may seem like an effective way to discourage an attacker, but it can actually distract you enough that you don’t notice their approach. Taking advantage of someone is easier when they’re distracted, so make sure that you have your phone charged and readily available, but don’t spend your walk home chattering away. You should make sure that it’s within a moment’s reach, however, so that you can quickly dial for help if you spot something suspicious.

Carry a Deterrent

Non-violent deterrents like pepper spray or mace can buy you enough time to successfully evade a would-be attacker and seek help, and as such are great tools to keep on hand if you frequently walk home alone. Be sure before purchasing a canister of mace or pepper spray, however, that it’s compliant with all state and local laws. The maximum concentration legally allowable can vary from one state or city to another, so you’ll need to double check before heading out of the house with a deterrent that it isn’t illegal in your area.

Sent to us by Patricia Salaway of