First Aid Sanitation Tips

First Aid Sanitation Tips
When you think of first aid you often think of small wounds, often ignoring the minor scrapes and cuts from smaller problems, those that don’t seem to have any lasting consequences in the long run. Regardless of that however, you would do well to have them cleaned and patched just in case. The following tips will give you an idea how to care for these minor wounds, not covering animal bites, burns and cuts that are too deep or severe. These will still require you to have proper medical help as you go:

• Cleaning wounds
This first step consists of disinfection and it happens to be a very crucial step in the process of tending wounds. You will need to focus on removing the dirt and debris that may have entered the wound, lodged within so you can cut the growth of bacteria on the exposed tissue. You can use a normal saline solution, which consists of a 0.9% water and salt solution to clean the wound safely. As a worst case scenario, you can also use clean tap water to clean the wound as well, cleaning the skin around the wound with care using unscented, mild soap. Antiseptics may not always work great with all such wounds, as they may slow down wound healing, depending on the situation. They may also cause pain during the cleanup process as well.
• Treatment phase
In many cases you would do well to apply antibiotics to the wound after you clean it before covering it. There are numerous products sold as ointments or creams that work their magic for this type of situation, preventing bacterial growth that may still be around the wound. These products will also prevent the dressing from adhering to the wound and forming painful dry crusts on top of it. They will also create an environment good for healing the wound itself. Quite a few of the products in question also have a anesthetic as part of the formula to relieve pain as well, which is a welcome addition for most patients.

• Protection phase
One of the best ways to ensure you have proper wound healing is to use a dressing to cover it completely until it is healed. This will not only help with the healing process, but it will easily protect the wound from contamination, which is essentially one of the greatest dangers it will face. There are plenty of dressings on the market, up to the point where you can enjoy ones with aesthetically pleasing prints on them. Easy to use, able to survive immersion in water without removal and available in so many varieties, dressings can come in any form or shape. Gauze, film, bandages, dressings, gauze and more will help protecting the wound. You would do well to remember that the bandages have to be changed on a regular basis if you want to have results in the long run. Never forget that or you may have complications with the wound you simply don’t need.

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