Improving Workers’ Safety Using High Security Lock Systems

Employee safety from occupational hazards is one of the major responsibilities of employers. Owing to this, organizations and workplaces worldwide have been trying continuously to improve workplace safety by providing safer work environment.

However, just like protection of employees from office-related health hazards is vital, crime prevention and ensuring their physical safety against outside violence are also significant and this can only be achieved by incorporating advanced and high security lock systems.

Workplace’s Vulnerability

Just like our homes are susceptible to crimes, offices aren’t any exception and the only way to prevent any delinquency or incident is to enhance security by replacing inferior and conventional locks with contemporary and advanced locks.

The crimes that could take place at workplace include theft of employee’s personal possessions and confidential office documents, and harm to employees by a mob or stranger and that’s easier when workplaces have insufficient lock and security system.

The Robust Lock Systems

Increase in criminal activities has created the necessity of having high-quality lock systems in offices. The lock systems that ensure employees’ safety in the most convenient manner have become the need of the time. Following are some protective locks that can provide employees a safer environment at work:

Access Control Systems

Installing access control system/s help organizations achieve extended security because of the multitasking nature of this technology. It is actually a comprehensive security solution that protects against theft, and prevents disruption in operations. This system detects one’s illicit access to critical areas and official documents and thus allows the workplace to prevent the embezzlement of official assets. Also, there are less chances of any harms to the employees from outsiders.

Additionally, this system eliminates the need of keys and keeps one away from frustration of misplacing or losing them. Furthermore, it supports card/badge system which makes it easier for the company to identify if person using the card or trying to gain access is the same person to whom the card was issued. In short, it allows visual verification. Moreover, it also keeps track of daily activities and actions of employees and indicates if they try to access unauthorized areas.
The access control systems therefore enable card management, video surveillance and 24/7 monitoring.

Emergency Lockouts

They come handy if you are trying to prohibit the entry of unauthorized personnel or criminals into a building. Thus, if some violence is taking place outside office, the workplace operations and functions remain undisturbed. It also enables monitoring of the main entrance keeping track of the activities taking place around a workplace.


If you are not using access control system, you might be using locks that are operated using keys, but are you sure if access to the lock is in your hand only?

There might be some unauthorized persons who intend to gain access to some confidential information or try to harass employees. There is also a possibility that they may have alternate keys of the lock. In this case, rekeying allows the lock owner to change the lock or alter it so that only new keys work on it. This way, no one else other than lock owner can gain access to the lock.

As much as it is important to have security guards, it is essential to secure the office, its assets and the workforce against outdoor threats and risks. Chariness of employees is also crucial when it comes to workplace safety, but high security lock systems facilitate them to continue working in a safer and stress-free environment.

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Follow Stephen roshy to get all the information regarding Locksmith. He is well known for his creative and informative writing. You can find him on Facebook , Twitter and Google+.