5 Smart Tips for Employees to Stay Safe in the Workplace

Tips for staying smart and safe in the workplace

According to a report by OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration), in the year 2014, more than 4,000 U.S. workers were killed while on the job. Now, this is not a stat to be taken reluctantly. Death in the workplace is perhaps the most unfortunate and alarming thing to happen.

From construction workers to desk job employees, none of them is safe in their individual workplace if the right kind of precautionary measures and safety tips are not taken into consideration. Not only occupational hazard can take place due to safety issues, but employees can be exposed to other risks for not being smart enough to know their rights and provisions at the workplace.

Thus, in order to fight off the evil and become a smart and safe employee in the workplace, here are a few of the most effective suggestions that can help you stay safe, smart and secured in the office.

  • Get accustomed to the emergency plans and modules of your workplace

This is perhaps the first and foremost point of concern an employee should consider taking note of. Every workplace has an emergency plan and provision for its employees. For example, you are caught amidst a fire at your workplace and you do not have a fair idea regarding the emergency exits, then that might prove to be a traumatic situation for you.

So, the idea is to inquire and figure out all emergency exits in your office beforehand, so that in times of trouble and mishaps, you don’t panic or get injured while trying to escape the situation in the wrong way.

Takeaway: Try not to miss out on attending the fire drills in your workplace. You get to learn a lot of safety measures to be taken in times of emergencies.

  • Get some rest for your eyes – take short breaks in between

If you have a desk job, try not to develop eyestrains by staring at the computer constantly. It goes without mentioning that it’s your job and you cannot afford to take the task lightly.

Have you ever thought if an overly stressed schedule takes a toll on your health? You might end up developing eyestrains, allergic reactions, eye infection and the likes. How would you manage to come to work for the rest of the week?

Thus, it is always a smarter choice to take short breaks in between, keep your eyes off the computer, and get some refreshments for yourself and then sit back to work with a fresh mind.

Takeaway: According to NIOSH (National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health), computer users should have an eye test before they start working on the device. You should also maintain a routine check-up schedule once a year thereafter.

  • Stay well informed of the area where first aid kits are kept

This is yet another crucial suggestion to be kept in mind, as far as being safe in the workplace is concerned. It goes without mentioning that physical hazards, health issues, chronic injuries and the likes can occur at any time. Now, being a responsible and smart employee, it is your utmost concern to stay alert and aware of the area where first aid box and other safety kits are usually kept. According to a study, around 1.3 million workers suffered from health issues related to their job in 2016/2017.

Now that it is pretty visible and evident that the count of workplace illness has reached an alarming stage, keeping track of your health and being accustomed with the first aid kits at your workplace is perhaps one initiative that could help you to save yourself and others from the wrath of a sudden heart attack, chronic injuries, breathing problems, allergic reactions and the likes. Until the time a physician attends the victim, effective and timely first aid supplies could keep the situation under control.

Takeaway: Make sure your office first aid kit contains cold packs, calamine lotion, alcohol wipes, paracetamol tablets, hand sanitizer, allergy medicine, gauze rolls, saline wound wash and pain relievers.

  • Be smart enough to discard the habit of multitasking

Posted in workplacepsychology.net, a Harvard Business Review has suggested that multitasking results in a 40% drop in productivity, a 10% drop in IQ and also increases stress at the end of the day.
Employees, who have developed stress, become less productive in the workplace. Often, he/she suffers from a poor IQ, because of which carrying out all responsibilities and taking care of daily job targets might turn out to be an intricate affair for them.

Instead of making situations complicated by attempting and failing to do multiple tasks, all at once, it would probably be a smarter and much safer choice for an employee to finish one work at a time.

Takeaway: Take a close look at your job sheet, figure out one task which is of utmost importance and needs to be delivered at the earliest. Complete that particular assignment at first; take a deep breath and move on to the next one with a fresh mind.

  • Check and confirm if the chairs and standing desks in your workplace are in good condition

According to a report, CDC (Center for Disease Control) has cited “falling” as the biggest and probably the most common cause of injuries to occur in a workplace. It could occur due to slippery, wet floors, sitting in an unstable chair, using chairs instead of ladders and the likes.

Thus, the idea is to check and confirm if your office chairs and standing desks are stable and in good condition. If you find anything wrong, consider escalating the issue to the Facilities department at the earliest and rope in a set of sturdy furniture which can ensure a safer work environment.

Takeaway: Check the springs, examine the legs of the chairs and see if the furniture offers sufficient lumbar support, along with the availability of synchro-tilt mechanisms.

It is a known fact that we tend to spend most of the productive hours of the day in the office or amidst office chores. This, as a result, certainly calls for a better safety measure, hazard identification and risk management strategies for a smarter and secured work culture.

Author Bio – Alice is a risk management expert associated with a private agency in Australia. Apart from that, Alice is an online assignment help provider, working on behalf of the firm MyAssignmenthelp.com. Alice is also a passionate pianist.