This weekend I received the following comment from a very special mother, with regard to an article, “Drive Safely Work Week.” Please pay close attention to this message about a subject that we are all familiar with, but don’t heed the warnings. Hopefully, this will wake us all up:
We lost our son March 15, 2009 because he was texting while driving. He had everything going for him, he was just 23, a United States Marine and father and he let something as silly as texting take his life. I have made it a point in my life to speak and teach any and everyone I can on these dangers so maybe just one family will not have to go thru the pain and suffering we go thru everyday. Please look at your last text and tell me, is it really worth dying over or possibly killing someone else?? Thank you,
In the article, I was trying to convey that a phone conversation is not worth risking anyone’s life over. I hope my message gets through to all drivers that we must pay attention to our driving, and turn those phones off. If we must use a cell phone, we need to pull over- to protect ourselves and others on the roads. I asked for permission to share her message with all of you, and this was her response:
“PLEASE share, my husband and myself have made it our mission now to get our sons story out there and pray that it saves just one life. I am not sure I mentioned but we have done a PSA/Documentary for AT&T and also for a company named Motion Masters a learning video that is for schools and businesses. Your life is changed forever and there is not a waking second that you do not think of your child, a parent is not supposed to bury their child… Keep the articles going.. God Bless..
This mother and father are doing all they can to teach us that we must continue to get out the message: don’t text while driving! Hopefully, families will realize how important it is to teach their young drivers that this is one of the most common causes of accidents. It has been proven that texting and driving is as dangerous as drinking and driving. It’s time for it to stop! It can be as simple as turning off the phone. If everyone would comply, we’d see fewer accidents.
If you wish to comment, please send your wishes to me, and I will be happy to convey them to this special family, who is trying to save others. We are grateful to them for sharing their message.