I think everyone is amazed by the way this year, 2010, has flown by!  The holiday travel season will begin with Thanksgiving Eve, on November 24th.  Travel time from Thanksgiving Eve through New Year’s Eve is very busy and carries the warnings from State Patrols throughout the nation to drive with care, buckle up, and don’t text and drive or drink and drive, as this is a very deadly time of the year for traffic accidents.

We want to thank each one of you who take the time to read our Blog4Safety.com.  It is our hope that you have found some of our helpful ideas useful in keeping you and yours a little safer.  We try to touch on a variety of topics by focusing on work, home, play, and driving safety, as well as keeping our children safe.  Hundreds of people are already buying or thinking about buying Christmas gifts, to avoid the rush.  When you make purchases for children, be sure that you pick toys that are safe.  We will have plenty of time later to talk about Christmas, so let’s just talk about this week’s holiday. 

Too many times, it seems that Thanksgiving gets overlooked, when the real commercial success in the U.S. jumps from Halloween to Christmas.  But this particular day is a time to stop and be thankful for the things we share – for freedom to worship as we choose, for the gathering of families to enjoy each other’s presence, and the “presents” are just being together.  It is also a time to pause and be thankful for the memories of parents, grandparents, and other family members who made our holidays so special.  We are also grateful for friends, who are  another of life’s gifts that grow more valuable as the years go by.

Many of you have sent in very nice comments, which we really appreciate.  We were asked to write an article on head protection for an international safety magazine, Health & Safety International,  this year, which was truly an honor.  A few safety websites have exchanged ideas with us, and it’s been fun to compare notes and safety suggestions from different points of view. 

By the way, if you are one of those super shoppers that just can’t resist the bargains on “Black Friday,” be careful!  People will be rushing to get those good deals, so don’t get in their way!  A spokesperson for the National Retail Federation reports that although it is the busiest shopping day of the season, it usually is not the highest in sales.  The past couple of years, the Saturday before Christmas topped Black Friday purchases.  Many persons enjoy getting out and seeing what’s out there in the way of good prices.  If you are a brave soul, and that is your cup of tea, go for it!  (I think I will play it safe and stay home and shop online “Cyber Monday!”)    Whatever you choose to do, stay safe!

Once again, we wish you and yours a very Happy Thanksgiving Day!  Stay with us for more safety tips from Blog4Safety!