Just How Prepared Are You?

With all the hurricanes and storms occurring, weather emergency plans are more important than ever.

Are you and your family prepared for weather emergencies, or other hazardous events?
Since we have no control over the weather, and can’t prevent disasters from happening, the best measure of protection we can have is preparedness.

We have a list of to-do tasks to help you get organized, just in case:

  1. Create a disaster supplies checklist:Storm Clouds
  • Food (non-perishable, for three days)___
  • Water (enough to last three days)___
  • Flashlights___
  • Basic Tools___
  • Personal Hygiene Supplies___
  • Battery-powered Radio___
  • Pet Needs___
  • Extra Clothes___

2.  Complete an emergency contact list for each member of the family.  List phone numbers,       out-of-town contacts, and important numbers.  Have each member keep this list in their wallet, purse or backpack.
3.   Keep photocopies of insurance and vital records in a safe place away from your home.  This would include copies of medications, insurance information, drivers license, ID’s, passports, bank and credit card information.

4.   Check radio and television for weather alerts.  Know the difference between Watch and Warning.  Watch means that dangerous weather is possible; Warning means that dangerous weather is about to happen.  Seek shelter.

Texas DSHS

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