When Crying Doesn’t Help

Dry-eye syndrome is a very bothersome issue that affects many people.  Dryness usually happens on its’ own, and is a chronic annoyance.  The eye’s tear film is composed of three layers: (1)mucus on the surface of the eye, (2) a watery layer, and (3) an oily top layer that holds the moisture in place.

Each of these liquids comes from a different gland in or near your eyelids, and if any gland slows down production, the results are very unpleasant.  Ironically, even crying won’t help much when the surface of your eye becomes dry and rough due to an inadequate supply of lubricating tears to wash away debris.

Investigate your environment/lifestyle for factors that may be causing this problem:

  • Dry air.  Air purifiers cut down on dust and debris, and a humidifier will help.
  • Lack of sleep.  Your eyes’ cells repair themselves during an eight-hour sleep period.
  • Fans and vents blowing in your face. Breezes feel good, but dry out your eyes.
  • Secondhand smoke.  Very irritating to eyes.
  • Dehydration. Six (8) ounce glasses of water help keep your eyes hydrated.
  • Computer/tv screen. You blink less often when staring at a computer screen or television screen.  Blinking spreads tears.
  • Contact lenses.  They absorb moisture, and inhibit the flow of cleansing tears.
  • Going hatless when outside.  A brimmed hat will minimize the sun’s ability to evaporate your tears.

There are many over-the-counter eye drops and gels that alleviate the irritation of dry-eyes. The first step in controlling the problem is to identify the cause of it.  We hope some of the things listed above may possibly help bring about a solution.  Wraparound sunglasses are a very valuable tool that protects your eyes from wind, dust, and glare.  By taking steps to keep your eyes comfortable, you will be protecting your eyesight for years to come.