It is very important to clean the roof of a house from time to time to improve its durability. And if you haven’t cleaned your rooftop in a long time, maybe it’s time to pressure wash it for a thorough and effective cleanup. You can always power wash your tiled roof, but it can be risky for a roof having shingles, asphalt shingles in particular.

Pressure-washing may rupture the protective grit that the shingles are coated with, affecting their durability to a great extent. However, if unwanted stuff such as algae, moss or mold on your rooftop is fully grown up, roof cleaning  won’t be effective without a pressure wash. So, when you pressure-wash your shingled roof, make sure you apply minimal pressure and don’t damage it. Here’s how:

Use the Right Wand and Cleaning Solution

Connect a spraying wand to the hose of your pressure washer and fill it with a fine cleaning solution depending upon what (mold, algae or moss) you want to remove from the rooftop. For example if it is algae you are trying to remove, you’ll have to use a cleaning solution specially compounded to clean algae.

Here are some other tips:

  • Be sure the ladder you are using is safe and sturdy.
  • Do not place the weight of the ladder against the metal strip of the roof.
  • Position yourself near the metal strip on the top most of the line, so that you don’t damage shingles much.
  • Consider using some sort of fall protection; a fall from the roof can be very dangerous.

Keep the Pressure Minimum

When you’ve positioned yourself well on the roof, turn the pressure-washer on. Set it on the lowest point and hold the wand upright, allowing too much of pressure in the beginning to scatter. Point the washer toward the shingles in such a way that the water falls on them only and doesn’t disturb the seal.

It is important to be highly careful here because water flowing towards the shingle edges will exert pressure and untie them. Also, doing so will prepare a wet and moist environment for algae to grow quickly.

Clean the Roof in Segments

Don’t try to spread the flow of water on the entire roof at once. Instead, clean the roof in segments. You can begin to wash the roof towards the bottom from the top first and then side to side. Divide the roof into segments in such a way that you need not to change your position too frequently and the pressure of water can easily reach all of them. Leave the portion of the roof where you’ve positioned the ladder for the last.

Following these steps sounds much simpler, but when you actually implement them they’re hard to pull through. In an event when you feel that things are going out of hands, it’s best advised to call upon an expert roof cleaner who will fix things for you.

Author Bio :- Myezy Handyman   is a reliable company which is offering you professional home maintenance and repair services. We have skilled professionals who work with their abilities as well as with experience.  Sent to us by Brett Myors.