All posts by Doug
Exercises You Can Do From Home (Guest Post)
In our hectic lifestyle, we generally don’t get enough time to do exercises at the regular interval. So for this reason, sometimes we face difficulty in keeping our body and mind fresh and active. But if we think deeply, then we can still manage our time to do exercises during our stay at our home as well. For this matter, you will need a little bit of imagination. Rather if you do your exercises along with your daily home chores, then you can keep yourself fit and active despite your fast lifestyle.
It is one of the best free hand exercises for you at your home. The reason is that you have to walk around for your daily household jobs from one corner of your house to the other corner of the your home. It is a kind of physical exercise without any fitness equipment. Moreover, through walking, your whole body will get active and fresh, so you will feel healthy and comfortable.
Actually jogging means walking at a slower pace or leisurely way. So you can do it when you are hearing the music or you are viewing the the blockbuster movies at your home. It is a very good exercise for you at home. If you are fighting with obesity, then jogging will help you much in this matter. It will also help you to control the cardiovascular problem in your body. Moreover, jogging will increase your lifespan and control your aging problem.
It is a unique solution for free hand exercise. Moreover, your body will synchronize with your dancing rhythm. Dancing will help you to shed a lot of calories from your body and it will also keep you fit as well. Even, if you are a music lover, then you can learn the dancing style by playing the dancing video clips or from any dance master as well.
You can do jumping practices at your home. Particularly, you can do it from any suitable height in your home compound. Rather, you can try it at your backward area where you will get a lot of opportunities for it. Jumping is very much good for cardiovascular problem. But you have to do it after with the consultation of a doctor. The reason is that if you are an older person, then you should do it carefully abiding all health rules.
Weight lifting
It is a good exercise at your home. Actually, you can do it within your house parameter without ignoring its norms. You sometimes can carry a bucket of water from one room to the other room in your home. If you do it at the regular interval, then your body will be fit and comfortable.
So, you can do exercises from your home without any fitness equipment but you should do it with your imagination. Because, you can do exercise more various types than the aforementioned ways in your home if you need more. One interesting point to observe that you will not require spending any money for keeping your body fit and healthy.
What Makes Flame Resistant Clothing Flame Resistant? (Guest Post)
Another great article sent to us by Maree Kyle.
For anyone who works closely with high temperatures and/or open flames, flame-resistant materials are an essential accessory. While these materials aren’t fireproof, they can offer just enough resistance to help you escape danger before a crisis breaks out. Flame-resistant materials can also slow the progress of an expanding fire, creating a larger window to combat the flames and subdue the fire before it gets out of hand. Not all flame-resistant materials are created equal. Understand what options are available to you and how they might affect what you are hoping to achieve by wearing protective clothing. Here’s a quick guide to how flame-resistant products are made and what you need to consider before investing in these materials.
Understanding the definition of flame-resistant
If you throw a flame-resistant shirt into a fire, it will burn. That’s because the materials aren’t immune to combustion; they’ve just been created to withstand heat for a period of time. If kept in contact with the heat source, though, they eventually will ignite. Even though flame-resistant gear, including shoe covers, coveralls and face shields, doesn’t provide an invincible barrier for its wearer, the protection is crucial in a number of industries, including welding and electrical work. Forgoing its use is both unwise and against safety regulations set forth by an employee’s company.
The materials used
Some types of fabric are naturally more resistant to combustion than others. Wool, for example, takes longer to ignite than many other fabrics. Generally speaking, synthetic materials take longer to burn than other natural fabrics. In the case of wool, tighter and heavier wool knits will be more fire resistant than loose, lightweight wool. No matter what type of material used, flame resistance can be enhanced by applying a chemical treatment that adds a layer of coating to the fabric fibers. In fact, most good flame-resistant products feature this chemical coating.
Maintaining materials to preserve their efficacy
One key to preserving the flame-resistance of protective clothing is washing the products according to the manufacturer’s guidelines. Certain soaps, fabric softeners and other cleaning methods can remove the chemical coating on the materials or otherwise reduce the flame resistance of the product. In some cases, cleaning products could leave a residue that serves as a fuel for combustion when exposed to a heat source. Find out the manufacturer’s recommendations for cleaning and follow those guidelines exactly to avoid ruining the fabric.
Regardless of how you plan to use flame-resistant materials, make sure you’re very careful in your handling of them to prolong their lifespan. If you’re counting on these materials to protect you in the event of an emergency, don’t take any chances. Observe safety precautions posted around your workplace, be very diligent in your care of the garments and their accessories and always be sure to invest in high-quality materials.
Preventing Winter Head Injuries (Guest Post)
By Sheldon Warden
Winter brings with it a magical feeling for most people. The season is full of holidays that bring family and friends closer together. Unfortunately, this season also brings with it an increased chance of sustaining detrimental head injuries. Most people would obviously realize that icy roads can increase the likelihood of a vehicular accident which could cause a brain injury, but there are many other ways that a person can sustain a brain injury that don’t sound nearly as treacherous as frozen over streets.
Why Winter increases the Risk of Brain Injuries
Just like icy streets, frozen over sidewalks present a danger for those walking across them. Slip and fall accidents are common throughout the year, but once ice has settled on the ground, the occurrence of this type of accident can go through the roof. It’s important to remember, however, that the following activities also greatly increase the risk of a person sustaining a traumatic brain injury during the winter.
- Ice Skating
- Sledding
- Skiing
- Snowboarding
The aforementioned activities combine slick surfaces with high speeds, and while all of these things are enjoyable, this combination proves disastrous for numerous people every winter.
Preventing Serious Brain Injuries
There’s probably not a person in the world who knew that they were going to sustain a brain injury before taking part in the activity that caused it. Unfortunately, the winter months make this occurrence a constant possibility. Luckily, there are ways that a person can lessen the likelihood that they or someone they love will sustain massive head trauma.
Wear a Helmet when Appropriate
The most obvious safety step for people participating in sledding, snowboarding, hockey and other high risk winter activities is to wear a helmet. Helmets save innumerable lives every year, and it’s simply reckless to not wear one when engaged in an event where accidents are liable to occur.
Always Buckle Up
Another safety step that should be incredibly obvious is to always wear a seatbelt. This should be common sense year-round, but during the winter months, accidents can easily happen even if a person is driving superbly. Our Reading personal injury lawyer in Pennsylvania has handled many winter crash cases and warns that it only takes a fraction of a second to lose control of a vehicle on ice, and failing to be secured properly in your vehicle can easily lead to a serious head injury.
Take Precautions to avoid Slips
Slip and fall accidents account for many serious brain injuries. During the winter, it is important for those in extremely cold areas to apply salt to their driveways, walkways or sidewalks if they have frozen over. Doing this on the sidewalk in front of a person’s house will decrease the chance that they or their neighbors will slip and fall. It also isn’t a bad idea to wear slip resistant shoes or snow boots during this time of the year.
Signs of a Serious Brain Injury
Many people believe that if they have a head injury, they will notice obvious overbearing symptoms that lead them to seek treatment. This, however, is not always the case. There are a few common symptoms of brain injuries that many people may not even consider serious.
- Unconsciousness, even if for only a few seconds.
- Seizures.
- Repeat vomiting.
- Prolonged confused states.
- Blurred vision.
- Headache.
- Sudden change in sleep patterns.
These symptoms are all hallmarks of serious brain injuries. While it is true that these warning signs can occur due to other reasons, their appearance after a head injury, regardless of how seemingly minor, are a likely telltale sign of a traumatic brain injury.
No one should live on edge during the winter months. It’s obvious that the likelihood of a serious brain injury will go up during this time of the year, but there are ways to avoid these tragedies. Furthermore, a person who recognizes symptoms of a brain injury should seek medical attention immediately. Winter can be a treacherous time, but with the right proactive measures, individuals will likely enjoy this magical time with no brain injury at all.
Shelby Warden is a legal researcher that pays special attention to safety laws that were created to prevent injuries and protect the public. The Law Firm of McMahon, McMahon & Lentz and their Reading personal injury lawyer team in Pennsylvania have helped many people who were injured due to the negligence of another get the compensation they deserve so they could get their lives back on track. Their firm does not receive any fees or expenses until you have received the compensation for your losses.
Cold Weather Disaster Prep (Guest Post)
Ideas to keep you and your family safe this year
By Patricia Shuler
Major storms come every year, and particularly during this season, severe storms cause all kinds of havoc. Keeping your family safe is your number one priority, so it’s important to be informed not only on what severe weather is common to your area and where you might be traveling, but what you can do about it as well. Take a couple of minutes and read this list to ensure you’re ready for whatever might happen this winter season.
1. Know Terminology
You also need to be aware of what specific weather warnings are likely to occur in your area. For example, make sure you know the difference between a Winter Storm Watch and a Winter Storm Warning, and how to prepare appropriately for Wind Chill versus Freezing Rain or Sleet. Once you know what each means, make a plan for each contingency, and be sure your family knows what to do in each case.
2. Winterize Your Home
This is a step that should have been completed during the middle and latter end of the fall months, but it’s not too late to start now. Winterizing allows you to keep your home heated more effectively during severe weather, particularly if there is a power loss and you can only keep the heat you’ve got. Also make sure you’ve insulated your pipes should the weather drop well below freezing, and that you’ve also done a good job at insulating your walls, basement, and attic. You should have your HVAC system inspected by a professional annually, to ensure it’s working at its most efficient, and so to prevent failures that can be expensive and inconvenient at best, and dangerous at worst.
3. Power Outages
Power outages are some of the most common effects of weather disasters around the country, so make sure you’re ready. Keep flashlights and spare batteries where you can find them in the dark. Also, keep a stash of candles, matches, lamps, etc. somewhere easily accessible. The power might be out for days, so invest in portable power solutions to keep phones and other necessary electronics charged.
You might not think of your laptop or smartphone as a survival tool, but they can be invaluable sources of information when the power goes out. Older computers will not run for long, and can actually be damaged by the low output of hand-crank generators; but high-quality ultrabooks or tablet can charge on 20 watts or less, meaning you use less fuel (or elbow grease).
4. Emergency Kits
This is really one of the easiest things you can get ready in case of a weather emergency. FEMA has put together a great list on what to put into your kits. This should include enough water for every member of your family for at least 3 days, blankets, a firstaid kit, canned food and can opener, and other tools. You should also include medicines your family might need, particularly prescriptions you might not be able to fill if a disaster occurs. Most of these things you already have or have access to, so start compiling your emergency kit immediately.
5. Travel Safely
This is the time of year when people are on the road the most, traveling to see family and friends for the holidays, and it comes during the most hazardous weather season. Make sure before you leave you have a good plan in case of severe weather or accidents. If it looks like the weather will be adverse, you really should just not travel. If the weather forecast is good, you should still prepare in case of an emergency. Keep a car emergency kit with you at all times. This includes water and blankets, but also tools, maps, jumper cables and road flares for road-specific hazards. If you’re planning on counting on your GPS, don’t, as bad weather often causes signal loss, so make sure you have appropriate maps for where you’ll be traveling. Get a car charger for your phone as well so you’ll have the ability to keep it charged should you become stranded for an extended period of time.
Patricia Shuler is a staff writer from Oakland, California. She’s an admitted tech-junkie who’s quick to share her honest opinion on all things consumer electronic—including up-to-date news, user reviews, and “no holds barred” opinions on a variety of social media, tech, computer, and mobile accessories topics.
Five Ways Technology is Messing Up Our Sleep (Guest Post)
Sent to us by Hannah Howard –
We all know that getting a good night’s sleep is important, but just how important is it? Well, according to Dr. David F. Dinges of the Division of Sleep and Chronobiology and Department of Psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, the first signs of lack of sleep are irritability and moodiness. If the person continues to not get enough rest, they will eventually start to experience apathy, slowed speech and flattened emotional responses, impaired memory, and an inability to be novel or to multitask. If you still do not take notice and get some shut eye, then what comes next can be physically disastrous. As you near the point of falling asleep on your feet, you will experience micro-sleeps of approximately 5 to 10 seconds. Those seconds mean that you can nod off while driving or doing other dangerous activities and drastically increase the risk of getting into an accident and harming yourself or another person.
At this point, you might be wondering what the correlation is between a lack of sleep and technology. Did you know that staring at a brightly lit screen or performing vigorous mental or physical activities an hour before trying to sleep can make it harder to fall asleep, stay asleep, or enter REM sleep, which is the kind of deep sleep that your body needs? Also, your body needs uninterrupted sleep to be fully rested and refreshed. Recently, a poll taken by the National Sleep Foundation found the following uses of technology that can impact sleep:
1. Television
Watching television an hour or less before bedtime means that not only are you staring at a brightly lit screen, but chances are you are watching something that gets your adrenaline pumping, making it harder to fall asleep and stay asleep. Here are the people guilty of this:
- 67% of Baby Boomers (age 46-64)
- 63% of Generation X (age 30-45)
- 49% of Generation Y (age 19-29)
- 50% Generation Z (age 13-18)
2. Computer
Playing games, reading emails, and even doing work on your laptop, desktop, or iPad is a recipe for sleeplessness. If you have to read on your electronic device then try turning the screen down as low as possible to reduce backlight exposure. Darkness signals to your brain that it is time to wind down.
- 61% of people use a computer an hour before bed at least a few nights a week
- 47% of Generation Y and 55% of Generation Z use the computer every night
3. Video Games
Playing a video game is a great way to have fun, but not such a great way to get a good night’s sleep. Who plays games just before bed? You might be surprised:
- 12% of Baby Boomers
- 15% of Generation X
- 36% of Generation Y
4. Cell Phone
We all love to text our friends and family good night, but doing so right before bed time means more time spent staring at a tiny, glowing screen. Who is guilty of this sleep faux pas?
- Only 5% of Baby Boomers
- 15% of Generation X
- 42% of Generation Y
- 56% of Generation Z
5. Waked Up
Like I said before, getting a full night’s rest without interruption is the key to waking up rested and refreshed. However, many of us are waked up several times a week by phone calls, texts, email, or notifications. I think it is time to put the phone on silent for these groups:
- 20% of Generation Y and 18% of Generation Z are waked at least a few nights a week
These statistics shed new light on our sleeping and technology habits. What bad habits are you guilty of that mess with your sleep? Are you getting the recommended 8 hours of sleep every night, uninterrupted? What can you change to help your body get the sleep it needs?
Thank you, Hannah, for pointing out many of the ways that we could simplify our lives and get our needed rest by following your advice. Pat
Is Your Business Security System as Strong as it Should Be? (GUEST POST)
There have been many technological advances in business security that can help keep your business safe, but many business owners don’t know how to go about finding the right system for them. The amount of components and learning to operate them can feel overwhelming, but it is important for owners and managers to know that they’ve covered all their bases when it comes to security and theft prevention. Is your security system as modern and as complete as you need it to be? The protection one security system should provide includes door and window contacts, a keypad, a glass beak detector, and possibly video surveillance components. It all depends on the size of your premises and how serious you are about keeping it secure.
1. Do You Have a Duress Code?
The basic keypad will include a four-digit code to disarm the system, but you should also have a duress code – a separate four-digit code that alerts the police or dispatchers that you are being forced to disarm the system against your will. Usually the duress code will be one number higher than your normal disarm code so that it’s easy to remember.
2. Do You Have Cellular Backup?
With the increasing number of people eliminating land line phones, security systems have been implementing connections to the cellular network. This is also good to have if the land lines to your business are cut – your system can still alert authorities through cellular backup. It seems like an obvious step, but it’s important to check that your system covers it.
3. Is Your Video Surveillance Up to Date?
Video surveillance has entered the digital age, and you want to make sure that yours is recording in case you need to provide the authorities with footage. You might also want to invest in a combination of hidden and visible cameras, depending on your need to monitor certain areas. Dome and mounted cameras might also work for entrances and parking areas.
4. Are All Your Sensors in Place?
A good plan for security is to have every door and window covered with a contact sensor, to detect if they are opened. You need a glass break sensor, a motion sensor, and also sensors that detect heat and smoke in event of a fire. You may want to add a flood sensor or a temperature gauge – environmental issues can be just as detrimental to your business as theft and other crime.
5. Is Your Monitoring Station Easily Accessible?
A good security system company will have an easily accessible station for emergencies, open 24 hours. Not only should they have cellular and land line options as well, some security systems have a two-way intercom system that eliminates the need for any phone calls.
6. Have You Considered GPS?
If your business involves expensive equipment or company vehicles, you can keep them secure with GPS tracking devices. This can not only help you recover what was stolen, it can help lead authorities to the criminals they’re looking for.
7. Do You have Sirens?
Many business owners might prefer a silent system, but sometimes lights and sirens can serve one simple and basic purpose – they scare an intruder off of your property. It might surprise you how effective some good old-fashioned noise can be when it comes to good alarms.
A strong security system will allow you freedom of customization, so you can choose the features that are right for your type of building and business. It’s smart to do a risk assessment before you decide on a security system so you know which kinds of theft you might be most vulnerable to. Typically, your security system should have an easily-operated control panel and security at all entrances. It should be up to you who you want to be allowed to enter your building and when, and what kind of credentials employees should carry. It can all seem overwhelming, but protecting your business is nothing to be taken lightly – there are a number of crimes and other emergencies that can end up costing you big if you’re not willing to take the time and effort to invest in a system strong enough to guard you.
Amy Nielson is an avid blogger who writes often for tech sites. You can follow her on Twitter @NielsonAmy.
Protect Your Home From Burglary (Guest Post)
Courtesy of:
Our Thanks to Jessica Vartabedian for sending this infographic to enable us all to protect our homes in better ways. Pat