- A statement determined that demonstrating your commitment to having a safe and healthy working environment
- A list of who is responsible for what
- Information regarding how your main health and safety issues will be managed.
What is the document for?
In most of the organization health and safety documents serve as information documents, an instruction documents for health and safety concern and a form.
Also some of the organization utilized both informative and instructive documents in their health and safety documents. These documents explain certain events, condition or incident and what to do in these situations. Like health and safety policy include:
Health and safety hazards and risks while using certain equipment and performing the dangerous activity and also explain what to do to control particular risk and hazard in your workplace.
Who will read the document?
The health and safety document of your workplace will be written for your employees so the reader of your document is your employee. Also, remember while designing the health and safety document at your workplace, not all employee read the document effectively. So make sure all employees must understand the document and those who unable to read the document used some other approach to deliver health and safety message to such employee. like in the health and social care centre health and safety document not only produce but also visual health and safety tips are hanging and place at different positions in this place service users, their families and staff all are the readers of health and safety message and precautions. So the reader for your health and safety document is different according to the company to company. Also while creating the health and safety document must consider your employee’s needs and abilities.
Where can you get information to put into your documents?
In order to create the effective health and safety document for your workplace, there are different places from where you can collect information and issues so that you can design your document according to the issue they are facing.
Like you can:
- Take help and read from the past and existing health and safety document
- discuss with your employees and encourage to give advice
- Observe your workplace operations what is happening right and where there is any lacking.
- Held meeting with health and safety professionals like occupational health and safety professional and representatives and discuss with them what lacking they are seen among employee while implementing and adopting health and safety policies.
- Talk to other professionals who are working similar workplace like yours.
- Read health and safety guideline and best practices related to industry-specific
Things that you need to remember: