All posts by pat brownlee


 For most of us, the first thing we think of is Mother’s Day. For me, the month of May reminds me to not forget several friends who have birthdays this month.  Every Mother’s Day, when I was young, we wore a red rose to church if our mother were living, and a white one if your mom was deceased.  That was a long time ago, and it seems that tradition is one that has fallen by the wayside.  I would love to see it renewed. 

Everyone of us has a different opinion of just what their mother means to them.  Mine was not a strong lady, as she had rheumatoid arthritis beginning at a young age.  My dad did almost everything for her that she was unable to do.  But for many years, she was a wonderful cook, and I still remember some special dishes that I regret not having the recipes for.  Today would be not only Mother’s Day for her, but her birthday, as well.

Also in May, we think about getting our flowers and vegetable gardens planted and hope it doesn’t storm.  Thunderstorms are also a “gift” from Mother Nature to us, that we must be prepared for.  Between our guest authors and us, we hope you have your care pack stocked with staples, water, flashlight, cell phone handy, and of, course, supplies for Fido and Felix the cat.

Toward the end of May is the end of school!  God bless all the Moms and Dads that will be keeping little ones entertained; there’s plenty to do.  Encourage them to play outside and get some sunshine and exercise in your yard or a safe place.  May also brings graduation, a happy time for parents.  You’ve watched your children grow up and become young adults.  Now is a new time for them: to step out into the real world, go to college, or find a job.  They want to try their wings, and let’s hope that they have the background and training to not try them too much!
Mayday is an emergency code word used internationally as a distress signal in voice procedure radio communications, derived from the French venez m’aider, (1927)g “come [to] help me.” It is used to signal a life-threatening emergency by many groups, such as police forces, pilots, the fire brigade, and transportation organizations. The call is always given three times in a row (“Mayday Mayday Mayday”) to prevent mistaking it for some similar-sounding phrase under noisy conditions, and to distinguish an actual mayday call from a message about a mayday call.

A Mayday situation is one in which a vessel, aircraft, vehicle, or person is in grave and imminent danger and requires immediate assistance. Examples of “grave and imminent danger” in which a mayday call would be appropriate include fire, explosion or sinking. Mayday calls can be made on any frequency, and when a mayday call is made no other radio traffic is permitted except to assist in the emergency. A mayday call may only be made when life or craft is in imminent danger of death or destruction.
‘Mayday’ calls are made by radio, such as a ship or aircraft’s VHF radio. Although a Mayday call will be understood regardless of the radio frequency on which it is broadcast, first-line response organisations, such as the coastguard and air traffic control, monitor designated channels: marine MF on 2182 kHz; marine VHF radio channel 16 (156.8 MHz); and airband frequencies of 121.5 MHz and 243.0 MHz. A Mayday call is roughly equivalent of a morse code SOS, or a telephone call to the emergency services.

Always remember why we observe  Memorial Day, (U.S.)  This is a national holiday, but the importance of this day is to honor those who have fought and died in past and existing wars.  Let us never forget those who gave their lives for their country.

 Thanks for letting me be a little melancholy today.  We hope this month will reap sunshine and roses for all of you. Stay safe.

Source: Yahoo answers


 A defibrillator is a life saving device that issues a electrical shock to the heart in some cases of cardiac arrest. This process is called defibrillation and can help save lives. Cardiac arrest happens when the heart stops pumping bloody around the body. At this time it is critical that defibrillation happens as soon as possible.

This electrical shock depolarizes a critical mass of the heart muscle, terminates the arrhythmia, and allows the natural rhythm  of the heart to be re-established by the body’s organic pacemaker, in the sinoatrial node of the heart.

According to the British heart foundation for every minute that a patient is not giving defibrillation their chances of survival decrease by 14 per cent. In fact research also show that’s providing a shock within five minutes of the patient collapsing provide the best chance of survival.

Defibrillators can come in many forms and sizes. These can be external, transvenous, or implanted. This will all depend on the device used. The most common devices are called automated external defibrillators (AEDs) and because they automate the defibrillation process, by automation of the treatable rhythms, meaning that bystanders or people with very little or no training at all can use them.

Because of the importance of the defibrillators and the low numbers available, it is vital that these devices are strategically placed within an area. These are often placed where an ambulance would find it difficult to get to –  i.e.,  placed with traffic congestion, poor infrastructure, or where large crowds gather.

Defibrillation was first successfully performed in 1899 by two physiologists in Switzerland. It was found that small electrical shocks could induce ventricular fibrillation in dogs. However, it wasn’t until 1933 that a serious alternative to injecting powerful drugs straight to the heart. Dr Albert Hyman came up with the invention of a hollow needle, an insulated wire to the heart to deliver the electrical shocks.

These days Defibrillators have come a long way from the Hyman days. In order to use the AED, the machine is turned on and then a voice prompt will instruct the rescuer on what to do. The voice prompts the rescuer to place the pads into position on the chest and these then detect if a shock is needed by reading activity in the heart.

Defibrillation should never be seen as an alternative to to CPR, which can help by time before defibrillation is needed. The British Heart Foundation state that if more GP surgeries were equipped with defibrillators that survival could be increased by up to 60 per cent if the patient is treated immediately after entering cardiac arrest.

AED’s are often placed in highly visible areas and it is not recommended that these should be placed in locked or code restricted cabinets as this makes them inaccessible in time of emergency where the time taken is of essence. AED’s are often brightly coloured, and are often encased in protective cases. When these protective cases are opened nearby staff are alerted by a buzzer. 

Neil Maycock is a writer for Martek Medical. Focusing on topics such as health and safety and first aid at work.

Thanks, Neil, for this information about defibrillators.  After having seen an AED demonstrated in a CPR class, the verbal coaching that it gives makes it easy for most persons to use.  As stated in your article, CPR should be the first attempt of life-saving.  Hopefully, AED’s are becoming more prominent at many venues, from sports, to school activities, to churches.  A heart attack can happen any time, any where. pb


“It is alarming that 13 people a day are dying from work related injuries. This is a serious problem that we find unacceptable,” ASSE President Richard A. Pollock, CSP, said.  The Laser Institute of America (LIA) will join with thousands of people and businesses worldwide, the American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE), the Canadian Society of Safety Engineering (CSSE), and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) Alliance Program participants, in raising awareness of the importance of being safe at work during the annual North American Occupational Safety and Health (NAOSH) Week  May 5-11, 2013, and Occupational Safety and Health Professional (OSHP) Day on May 8.

ASSE President Richard A. Pollock, CSP, says:  “These incidents can be prevented. ASSE looks forward to again working with OSHA, CSSE and the OSHA Alliance partners to increase awareness of this issue and providing information, best practices, resources, success stories and more during NAOSH Week to help prevent further workplace tragedies.

“In addition to the NAOSH Week activities, we urge all companies and organizations to take measures now to develop and implement management systems of control that include effective occupational safety and health programs aimed at preventing worker fatalities, injuries and illnesses,” Pollock said. The preliminary Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) report for 2011 showed 4,609 people died from on-the-job injuries.  “These are 4,609 people who left for work in the morning and never returned home to their families,” Pollock said.

ASSE, CSSE and the OSHA Alliance partners work throughout the year to prevent workplace fatalities, injuries and illnesses. To illustrate this, the NAOSH 2013 theme is ‘Safe Workplaces for All’. In addition to activities scheduled throughout North America, the May 5 and 6th NAOSH kick-off events in D.C. will be held at the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), the National Gallery of Art and the National Zoo. The events will feature presentations on industry workplace safety and health efforts as well as recognizing the winners of the 11th annual ASSE kids’ ‘Safety-on-the-Job’ international poster contest for children aged 5-14. In addition to the poster contest winners, attending the events will be ASSE members and their families, federal and state officials, and officials from ASSE, CSSE and OSHA’s Alliance Program participants.

“NAOSH week is another tool we use to educate employers and employees on the positive benefits of protecting people, property and the environment and sharing best practices among our members and their employees all in an effort to continue to enhance workplace safety worldwide,” Gus Anibarro said today. “We urge other businesses and organizations to do the same.”

Past NAOSH Week events have included fleet safety classes, ergonomic awareness events, a workplace-oriented one-day free preparedness Web Expo, a laser safety seminar, roadway work zone safety programs, corporate workplace safety and health days, teen worker safety programs, city and state work safety fairs, symposiums on a variety of topics, projects to assist charities, personal protective equipment (PPE) fashion shows, and much more. Lamar Advertising also donates several billboards around the U.S. during NAOSH Week featuring ‘Safety-on-the-Job’ contest posters.

Laser Institute of America (LIA) is the professional society for laser applications and safety serving the industrial, educational, medical, research and government communities throughout the world since 1968., 13501 Ingenuity Drive, Ste 128, Orlando, FL 32826, +1.407.380.1553.

Promoting safety is Blog4Safety’s priority.  Owned by Texas America Safety Company, who has been providing quality safety products  for over 25 years, personal protective equipment is the last line of defense for America, Canada, and Mexico’s workers.  Keep your workers safe and bring down those statistics!



Accidental falls top the list of fatalities in the construction industry. For this reason, it is important to make the right choice of safety harness. This will have to depend on factors like the kind of work, environment, and the level of risk involved, among others.  A safety harness can come with many different features; here are some things to consider when your ready to buy:

  •        Padding
  •        Webbing
  •        Buckles
  •        Weight
  •        Features
  •        Accessories 

What about the safety harness features?

If you are looking for a safety harness that can meet OSHA compliance standards you will find that a basic safety harness will be affordable with a simple design and have a universal size.  This type of harness will certainly work, but is not ideal for a professional who uses a safety harness daily.

Most construction safety harnesses feature a padded waist belt for use with tools as well as side hip D-rings.  These features are specific to the construction industry but not included in all safety harnesses. 

Questions to ask about safety construction harnesses

What type of work will I be doing?

If you are always working at height, you might consider integrated tool pouches as well as tool belt that conforms and fits to your toolset.  If your work requires positioning, then you will need side D-Rings, these can be custom fit your harness. OSHA requires them to be proof-tested to a minimum load of 3,600 lbs. without breaking, cracking or becoming deformed. 

How long or often will I be wearing my safety harness?

Arguably the most important feature on a safety harness, padding provides much-needed comfort and adds a layer of protection in the event of a fall.  If your job consists of long hours in a harness, a question you might ask is; could I wear this all day?  The comfort of your harness should be one of the deciding factors when choosing a construction safety harness. 

A general rule when buying safety harnesses is that more padding=more comfort, the same goes for work boots and helmets.  If you’re planning on spending long hours in your safety harness, you should consider more padding; you will feel the benefits daily.

What material is my safety harness made with?

Dyneema and Kevlar are considered the premium webbing materials used for safety harnesses.  Both materials are comparable to steel and commonly used in military body armor.

Will I be sharing this harness with my co-workers?

For a construction worker, the ability to quickly snap in and adjust the harness can be a real timesaver.  Safety harness buckles come in three basic types, quick-connect, pass-thru, and tongue.  If your job requires you to share your harness with other workers, you may want to consider a harness with tongue buckles.  These are easy to adjust on the fly but not as precise as the quick connect buckles.

What about the size and weight?

The size of your safety harness is determined by your height and weight, always consult a safety professional to help determine the appropriate size for your build.  Additionally you should check the MFG sizing charts, if your total weight is over 310lbs (including tools) you should opt for a specially rated harness for increased capacity.  

With the appropriate type of harness, which conforms to OSHA standards, accidental falls, work related injuries, and fatalities can be minimized and your day can be just bit more comfortable! 

Note: Blog4Safety’s parent company, Texas America Safety Company, also has a huge array of safety harnesses



The bathroom is a place where you get yourself ready to face the day. It is also a room in your house that can present safety hazards such as wet tile floors and slippery tubs and showers. Electrical outlets situated near faucets can also lead to safety issues.
Shower Grab Bar
All shower stalls should be equipped with a sturdy, steel grab bar mounted to the wall either horizontally or vertically. Whether you do the installation yourself or have it done by a reputable contractor, you need to be sure that the bar you choose complies with the guidelines of the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA). For example, the ADA guidelines related to the size and placement of the bar state that the bar should have a diameter of 1 1/4 to 1 1/2 inches and that there should be 1 1/2 inches of space between the wall and the bar. The bar should be able to support up to 250 pounds.

Bathtub Handle
If you have a bathtub instead of a shower stall, you should have a handle securely mounted to the side of your tub. You hold onto this handle as you enter and exit the tub so that you reduce the probability of slipping and falling. One type of handle is semicircular and attaches to the side of the tub with vice-like jaws. The handle extends to 14 inches above the point at which it is mounted.

Shower Stall Mat
If your shower stall does not have a non-slip surface, you are at risk for injury that can result from an accidental fall. A square-shaped, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) shower mat is inexpensive and provides you with sure footing as you stand in the shower. This type of mat is equipped with many suction cups that grip the shower floor securely, and the square shape adapts easily to a variety of shower stalls. The mats come in different colors, and they are very durable and easy to keep clean.

GFCI Electrical Outlet
Any electrical outlet that is within five feet of a source of water should have Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) protection. This means that an electrical outlet mounted on a wall adjacent to a bathroom sink should be a GFCI outlet. This type of outlet is designed to protect you from getting an electrical shock because it has a sensor that can detect a difference between the amount of electrical current flowing into and out of any appliance that is plugged into the outlet. Whenever the current flow in does not equal the current flow out, the GFCI outlet will immediately shut down the circuit. For example, if you are holding a defective electric shaver with wet hands, there is a possibility that electric current could flow to you. If this happens, the GFCI outlet will sense that the current flow out of the shaver is not balanced with the flow into it. The power will instantly be cut.

According to the National Safety Council, hundreds of people are injured each year because they slip and fall in the bathroom. In any home, the bathroom presents safety challenges that can be overcome with a little thought and planning. Bathroom safety products currently on the market are relatively inexpensive and can help prevent you from slipping and falling as you go about your daily bathroom routine. 

Author Pam Johnson is a hospitality professional who maintains a lot of bathrooms, and always has to make sure that those bathrooms are safe for her guests. Her job can be found on the list of Top 10 Highest Paying Careers in Hospitality.



Whether you work on site or in an office there are various precautions you must take to ensure your safety whilst at work. We’ve covered the ‘Who, What, Why, Where and When’ of the risky business to keep you safe and sound at work.


Who needs to carry out a risk assessment? And who should it cover?  Ultimately you are responsible for the risk assessment if you own or manage a business. You can delegate the task; however you must ensure whoever you delegate to is competent and understands the process.

The risk assessment should cover all staff that you employ to prevent them coming to any harm. You must pay special attention to staff with disabilities, lack of experience, expectant mothers and poor literacy skills.


What do you need to include in your risk assessment?

Your risk assessment should take in to consideration the industry you are in, your employees and the activities that are carried out. The industry you work in will affect your risk assessment hugely; you need to check what legal requirements are needed for your risk assessment to meet with standards. Any activities that staff carry out that pose a risk must be recorded, their risk assessed and any precautions put in place to ensure the risk factor remains low.


Why do you need a risk assessment?

First and foremost you need a risk assessment to keep you and your staff safe. The risk assessment takes note of any factors that could harm a member of staff and records how these risks can be avoided or the risk lowered. Secondly, you need a risk assessment by law, if you don’t have a risk assessment in place and a member of staff is injured you can be prosecuted.


Where should my risk assessment cover?

If you work in an office, you risk assessment must cover in and around the vicinity. If you or your staff work ‘off location’, your risk assessment must take in to account the alternative place of work, this means if you are working in a different location daily your risk assessment must reflect this.


When should you carry out your risk assessment?

You should carry out your risk assessment whenever there is threat of risk or injury. If you’re working in the same location/office you may only need to carry out one risk assessment and review it at select periods to ensure it is up to date. If you are working in alternate locations you will need to carry out a risk assessment for each place of work. 

Author Bio: Leah Jarratt is a regular guest writer for Ainscough Vanguard, specialising in industrial machine movals.

p.s.  Following the risk assessment, management should determine what type of industrial safety equipment meets the requirement for protection for the particular risks of the job. pb


A big home remodeling project might include the addition of new power outlets and a new circuit breaker. Installing a circuit breaker is a delicate job, so before you try to do it yourself, confirm that your home insurance policy doesn’t restrict you from undertaking this type of electrical work.

It’s a bad idea to make this particular task your first foray into the world of electricity. Especially when you’re working inside a breaker box, mistakes can be dangerous or deadly, so if you have no experience at all with electrical work, hire a pro or do some smaller electrical projects first to build up your knowledge and confidence.

A lot of power runs through a home’s electrical distribution system, so safety should be top of mind before you even think about touching anything in an electrical panel. The most important thing to remember is to shut off the power to whatever you’re working on, and that includes the circuit box. There are also many other steps you can take to protect yourself from electric shock.

General directions for installing a circuit breaker are noted below, but the circuit breaker you buy will have additional instructions. Make sure you read them (two or three times) and internalize the steps you’ll be taking for this project.

1. Turn off the main circuit breaker.

You should find the main circuit breaker — also possibly labeled as “Service Disconnect” or “Main” — at the very top or bottom of the electrical panel. If you don’t see a main circuit breaker, it may be located in a second electrical panel somewhere else in your home. You also might find the switch outside at the electrical meter the utility company uses to figure out how much electricity you’re using.

2. Remove the panel cover.

You’re removing the entire front of the electrical box, not just the door. An extra set of hands can be helpful at this step to support the cover as you remove its fasteners.

3. Figure out where you have available space for a new breaker.

You may have seen “blank” punch-outs on the panel cover over unused slots. However, they aren’t always accurate. After you remove the panel cover, you can see exactly where you have room to expand.

4. Use an electrical meter set for continued power to make sure there’s no juice flowing through the panel.

The terminals connected to the main outside power line will still be live (so be careful), but every other circuit breaker and the bus bar (what the circuit breakers attach to) should not indicate any power if the main switch is off. Do not continue on your own if your tester shows that any of the ancillary circuits are receiving power or if you have any questions about the power status.

5. Select the proper circuit breaker according to the panel’s list of acceptable models.

Most panel manufacturers require that their own circuit breakers be installed. In addition to listing what kinds of circuit breakers you can use, the panel will provide you with the allowable amp size for installation.

6. Locate the circuit breaker’s two mounting points.

Both the electrical and the non-electrical mounting points are at or near the bottom of the breaker. The non-electrical contact point is always the first to be connected. Connection directions can vary between brands, so read the instructions that came with the circuit breaker. The second electrical mounting point is the last to be installed and requires only downward pressure to engage the connection mechanism with the bus bar.

7. Make sure the new circuit breaker is in the Off position.

8. Slide the new circuit breaker at an angle into its new home.

The non-electrical contact point should engage with the support structure to hold it in place.

9. Push the inside edge of the breaker down until it snaps into place.

It should align with the circuit breakers around it.

10. Connect the circuit breaker wires to the breaker terminal screws.

Refer to the specific instructions provided with the circuit breaker you’re installing.

11. Remove the necessary punch-out on the cover to accommodate the new breaker and then reinstall the cover.

12. Test the installation.

Stand to the side of the circuit breaker. Turn the main circuit breaker on and then flip the switch for the newly installed breaker. If the installation is successful, label the circuit on the list on the inside of the panel door for future reference. It’s also a good idea to have an inspector double-check your work. It will cost a little money, but not as much as hiring an electrician to do the entire installation, and definitely not as much as rebuilding a house after a preventable electrical fire!

If something went wrong and you can’t figure out what, put down your tools and call a certified electrician to finish the job.

Sent to us by Maire Hunter. 

P.S. Be sure you have your gloves, safety glasses, and other protective gear when tackling this project.


Sponsored by the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration, May is designated as National Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month.  Their main goal is to get drivers to understand that  motorcyclists have the same rights and privileges as any other vehicle on the road, and we all must “share the road.”  We should pay attention every time we approach a motorcycle and extend courtesy to them as they travel.  They don’t have all the protection that we in cars or trucks have; their gear is their main line of defense.  Please  pay attention to these ten things that all car and truck drivers should know about motorcycles and motorcyclists (from the Motorcycle Safety Foundation):

  1. There are many more cars and trucks than motorcycles on the road and some drivers don’t “recognize” motorcyclists. They ignore them, usually unintentionally. Look for motorcycles, especially when checking traffic at an intersection.
  2. A motorcyclist may look farther away than he or she actually is. It may also be difficult to judge a motorcycle’s speed. When checking traffic to turn at an intersection or into (or out of) a driveway, estimate that a motorcycle is closer than it looks.
  3. A motorcycle can be easily hidden in a car’s blind spots or masked by objects or backgrounds outside the car. Thoroughly check traffic, whether you’re changing lanes or turning at intersections.
  4. A motorcycle may seem to be moving faster than it really is. Again, don’t immediately rely on your perceptions.
  5. Turn signals on a motorcycle are not often automatically self-canceling. Some riders, (especially beginners) sometimes forget to turn them off. Try to determine whether a motorcycle’s turn signal is for real. And if you’re driving a car, remember to use your turn signals too. They’re a great communication tool for riders and drivers when used properly.
  6. Motorcyclists often adjust position within a lane to be seen more easily, to avoid road debris, and deal with passing vehicles and wind. Understand that motorcyclists often adjust lane position for a purpose, and it’s not an invitation for a car to share the lane with them.
  7. Motorcyclists sometimes slow down by downshifting or rolling off the throttle, thus not activating the brake light.
  8.  Don’t tailgate motorcyclists. At intersections, anticipate that motorcyclists may slow down without any visual warning. Maneuverability can be one advantage for a motorcycle, but don’t expect that motorcyclist can always steer or swerve out of harm’s way. Please leave motorcyclists room on the road, wherever they are around you.   
  9. Stopping distance for motorcycles can be nearly the same or better than that of cars. But wet or slippery pavement can put motorcyclists at a disadvantage. Don’t violate a motorcyclist’s right of way, especially in bad conditions.  
  10. Don’t think of it as a motorcycle, a machine: Think of the rider; the person on board is someone’s son, daughter, spouse or parent.       Unlike other motorists, protected by doors, roofs and airbags, motorcyclists have only their safety gear and are at greater risk from distracted drivers. 

Wait! Not to overlook our friends who prefer riding bicycles, May is also National Bike Month! Sponsored by the League, National Bike Month is an opportunity to celebrate the unique power of the bicycle and the many reasons we ride. Whether you bike to work or school; to save money or time; to preserve your health or the environment; to explore your community or get to your destination, get involved in Bike Month in your city or state — and help get more people in your community out riding too!

Remember: Number 10 above is good advice to motorists: think of the rider of the bike being someone’s son, daughter, spouse, parent, or even grandparent!  These riders do not have the protection afforded by a car: they have their helmet and safety gear and are at greater risk from distracted drivers.  Drive and ride friendly!  Don’t forget to wear all your safety products, and add a hi-visibility vest over your jacket to help other drivers see you more easily. There are also some neat stick-on applications that you can add to your helmet!


Navigating the complex and sometimes tense relationship between yourself and your nanny can be one of the most difficult aspects of opting for private in-home care. The conflicting emotions and “Mommy Guilt” that often accompanies returning to work after the birth of a child in conjunction with the nagging fear that your baby may grow to love the nanny more than he loves you can create a sense of competition or even jealousy. At the same time, your nanny struggles to establish boundaries, maintain a relationship with your child, and modify her methods in order to suit your chosen parenting style. This confluence of factors can often complicate even the most practical matters, such as whether or not your nanny should accompany you to appointments with your pediatrician; though you may feel the urge to keep every aspect of your baby’s medical care solely under your purview, there are several reasons why it’s wise to bring your nanny along.
  • Routine Visits – When checkups and routine visits to the pediatrician roll around, she will invariably ask you about the behavior of your child, inquire about milestones, and discuss other important but non-urgent aspects of his health. Because your nanny spends the bulk of her day giving your child her undivided attention, she’s a wealth of information on these very topics. Though it may tug at your heartstrings a bit to know that Junior rolled over for the first time while you were at work, your pediatrician simply needs to know if he’s reaching those milestones. Additionally, any information or advice that your doctor passes on regarding dietary concerns for older babies, potential allergies, or developing chronic conditions and other pertinent information will be learned firsthand, rather than relayed back to her. Should it become necessary for any changes or adjustments to be made, she’ll be abreast of those developments.
  • Emergency Visits – There are a few reasons why your nanny should accompany you to emergency appointments or visits to the pediatrician in reference to an illness, not least of which is her ability to properly describe any symptoms and changes in your child’s appetite, mood, or sleeping habits. Depending on the illness and the individual traits of your child, symptoms may be more severe during the day than they are at night, or vice versa. Because your nanny is typically with your child all day, while you’re with him all night, together you’ll be able to present a clear picture to his pediatrician. As the old adage goes, two heads are better than one!
  • For Instructions Regarding Properly Administered Medications – Safe Kids Worldwide estimates that roughly 165 children per day are seen in emergency rooms around the United States as a result of overdose or poisoning from prescription medication. While 95% of those children ingest prescription medication themselves while unsupervised, the remaining 5% are inadvertently poisoned by caregivers due to dosing errors. When your nanny is included at the pediatrician’s office during dosage and care instructions, she’s able to ask any questions she may have regarding the medicine and it’s safe, proper use.
  • Meeting Your Pediatrician and Becoming Acquainted – During the course of your nanny’s employment within your household, situations requiring that she take your child for a doctor’s appointment are very likely to arise. Scheduling conflicts with your job, last-minute meetings, and the occasional business trip can all interfere with your ability to make a scheduled appointment; rather than being forced to wait as a result of rescheduling and cancellations, you may find it more prudent for your nanny to simply accompany your child to the appointment. In order for this arrangement to be comfortable for everyone involved and as effective as possible, your nanny and pediatrician should have a prior relationship, even if it’s only one or two meetings. By bringing your nanny along for your baby’s appointments, you’re helping her to familiarize herself with the building, staff, and your pediatrician well enough to confidently approach any emergency situations. 

As children get older and more boisterous, an experienced nanny can also help to keep a healthy child occupied during a routine checkup, provide moral support during vaccinations, or mind other siblings while you accompany a sick child into the examination room. These visits can also be powerful bonding experiences for the two of you, helping to pave the way for a long and productive relationship as your children grow. To prevent confusion, it’s wise to include pediatrician and dentist appointments among your nanny’s expected duties when you work together to draft a nanny agreement.


Thanks, Sara Dawkins, for sending this informative article to us.  Sara is with


Not only is a cluttered office unsightly, it can also be unsafe. It’s easy to put off cleaning when you have other things to do, but cleaning up your office will actually help you be more productive. 

Sort It 

Start reducing clutter in your office by going though every paper on your desk. Immediately throw away anything you don’t need so that you won’t have to sort through it again. It may take a little time, but simply throwing out unnecessary papers will make your office safer and more organized. 

Create Zones 

Now that you know what you need in your office, you can sort it into zones. It’s best to clean everything off of the shelves and desk surface before placing like items together in work zones. Only keep necessary items on your desk surface so you have plenty of space to work. 

Label Your Shelves and Bins 

Putting labels on your shelves and bins will help you remember where things belong after you take them out. Create an inbox for incoming mail and new projects as well as an outbox for items that have been completed. You may also want to label drawers so that everyone who enters your office will easily be able to find extra pens, staples and other items. If you have too many office supplies or other items, you may want to look into Irvine self storage units to store your excess items until you need them. 

Clean Your Closet 

Closets can be great for storage, but they often end up being a catchall for extra coats, old paperwork and other items that don’t need to be in your office. If your business is seasonal and you have items you won’t need for more than a month, try renting a Lake Elsinore CA storage unit to store your items so they don’t clutter up your closet. 

Straighten Your Space Daily 

The best way to reduce clutter in your office is to straighten your desk and office area daily. Your office won’t become a cluttered mess if you take just 10 or 15 minutes at the end of each day to straighten it. 

Deep Clean Monthly 

Purging old files, cleaning your computer screen and dusting are tasks that don’t need to be done every day, but you should aim to get your office sparkling clean at least once per month. Starting with a clean space will motivate you to keep up on daily maintenance so you don’t ever have to deal with the mess you started out with again.

Sent to us by Angela Prickette.  Author Bio: Angela Prickette is a recent college graduate. She works for herself as a freelance writer and photographer. Her favorite activities include, skiing, rock climbing, and personal fitness.

Another tip is to keep all computer wiring tied up in a neat bundle behind your desk in order to save someone from tripping over it. Also, try posting some safety posters around the office,  as a reminder. pb