All posts by pat brownlee


When summer comes people start planning to camp outside with the entire family. Many parents are in dilemma thinking about the kids. Well, that is the problem with no problem actually. It is true that camping or travelling with the family is fun at any age but there should always be the first place for the children, and it has to be when they are little. Plus, such experiences are good ways to keep the family relieved from the daily routine and its stresses. So, there is nothing to worry about if the preparations are made wisely.

Planning and Playing It Out First

Planning out any trip, with or without the children, is certainly the first step to go through. If the trip includes camping, make sure to invest in camps that are just suitable for your family and its members, rather than listening to anyone else. If it is camping outside, children should be taught how to stay and sleep inside tents first. It can be turned into a play by putting up a tent in the backyard and letting the whole family stay there for nights to have fun with lessons. Teaching children how to keep their things organized in camps is also the necessary thing to be done.

Taking All the Safety Measures

Camping and outdoor trips may often include things that children do not usually come across in their day-to-day lives. For instance, the idea of how the fire is lit and what to do around it can be gotten during the trip. Still, kids should be taught to basic safety rules. Tips like keeping a bucket of water near the fire ring, as well as not going anywhere or eating anything unknown are to be imprinted in their minds.

Being Prepared for Any Accidents

Of course, parents will be cautious all the time to keep their children out of danger, but accidents are something that happens unexpectedly. So, besides not letting the children go out of sight, parents should ensure that all kids have their own flashlights and whistles. The code for help using whistles is three blows and it is universally accepted. Besides these precautions, there should always be a first-aid kit of the visiting family’s own to be used for injuries. Never take minor cuts and wounds lightly since out in the forest or in the mountains it can be even life threatening.

Making Sure They Learn From It

A trip is all about fun but it should provide children with some valuable lessons about life, nature, doing things by their own. Since it is an extra-ordinary situation, things learned from such trips exist forever. From keeping things tidy to collecting firewood, cooking and cleaning outside to keeping a journal to learning to cope with the nature – all these skills  are no way to be learned within any urban setting. So, parents can make trips both safe and interesting for the kids so that they will cherish memories about them forever.

Post by Linda Waters. Blogger, marketing executive at Writes on cutting-edge mobile apps, cell phone tracking software and their benefits for families and businesses.


When organizing any type of industry event, planning is always essential to success. Get the details right at the planning stage and the event will run smoothly. Safety should always be your number one priority no matter what type of event – here’s some essential tips to keep in mind to help get your plan on track and keep your event safe.

First things first, make sure you find the perfect venue. This doesn’t just mean a place that fits the style and theme of your event; most importantly it means a venue that will safely hold the capacity of people you expect to turn up.

Make sure that you not only have a venue big enough but that you have enough power back up to support the area and all of your needs. This is especially important if you are holding an outdoor event, make sure you arrange good quality generator power, and always enquire about getting standby generators onsite too.

Lighting is also extremely important; ensure you have sufficient lighting for all areas. Leaving corners dark can encourage crime, or leaving walkways and other thoroughfares not lit enough can cause serious accidents.

All industry events should be wheelchair friendly to accommodate any guest who may need to use one.  Not only will you need to think about an alternative to stairs if there are any but also ensure that all paths in and around your event can safely be used by people with wheelchairs. Ground coverings such as Portapath from Grassform are ideal to ensure that you protect the ground below whilst ensuring safe wheelchair friendly paths.

Some accidents simply cannot be prevented but many can so make sure you do everything to protect your guests from tripping or slipping over. Investing in ground protection will ensure that your guests can walk freely around the venue without having to worry about slipping over on muddy pathways.

As well as guests on foot or in wheelchairs you must make sure that the event is safe for any vehicles that arrive to drop off or pick up guests. Ground protection such as GrassCarpet, a heavy duty, plastic reinforcement mesh will ensure that all access requirements are met for vehicles crossing ground that could otherwise get muddy very quickly and cause real problems for vehicles.

Getting man power security for any type of industry event is also extremely important, ensuring that trespassers are kept out. Security personnel can also be used to enforce crowd control and keep all of your event attendees safe and secure, making sure they have a good time. Two-way radios are an excellent coordination and safety tool for such a thing.

Being able to provide adequate first aid is a necessity at any event, whether it is based indoors or outdoors. Make sure you have enough qualified first aiders to cope with the volume of people you expect and the types of injuries and accidents that can occur.

Fires are thankfully a rarity, but they can occur so organisers should consider the risk from fire at all outdoor events and carry out a fire risk assessment. Ensure that the premises, including outside areas, tents, temporary structures and all means of access to, and exits from the premises, are safe, clearly marked and that there is a safe assembly point located nearby.

Lastly ensure that everyone who will be working at your event is briefed fully on any safety concerns and contingency plans. Ensuring your staff know all fire escape routes, are either first aid trained or know clearly where the first aiders and firstaid supplies are, is essential to making sure your guests are helped quickly and safely should an accident or emergency occur.

Follow these planning tips to make sure your event runs smoothly and safely and is memorable for all your guests, for all the right reasons.

Simon Hayes writes for, who offer a wide range of ground protection and ground reinforcement products and solutions for events, festivals, concerts and sports grounds.


Cycling is a relatively popular way for people to travel, with statistics showing it is actually safer than driving for males aged 17 to 20, with common risky behaviour such as wearing dark clothes and failing to ride with lights only resulting in a small minority of cycling accidents.

Furthermore, in road vehicle accidents involving cyclists, police statistics analysed by the Transport Research Laboratory point towards cyclists and other road users being equally responsible for these collisions, although these figures are slightly skewed as child cyclists were responsible for the accident in over three-quarters of cases.

But when cyclists are involved in accidents, the results can be devastating. Motorists who have motor vehicle accidents are protected by their vehicles, which have been specially designed to withstand impacts at high speed. On the other hand, cyclists are not even legally obliged to wear helmets, and head injury compensation claims are common in road accidents involving bikes.

Cycling has become an increasingly common way for people to travel in the UK, and statistics relating to the safety of cyclists and the numbers of motor vehicle accidents they are involved in are a mixed bunch.

From 2010 to 2011, the amount of traffic cyclists were responsible for increased by 2.2%, while the number of deaths of cyclists on the road dropped by 4%, from 111 to 107 – a fall of questionable statistical significance. However the number of cyclists who were seriously injured in motor vehicle accidents rose by 16% to hit 3,085 over this timeframe.

On a mile-for-mile comparison, cyclists have the second-highest rate of deaths and serious injuries among all road user groups, with motorcyclists taking the top spot. Overall, in 2011, accidents involving other road users such as cars were responsible for 92% of all deaths and serious injuries t o cyclists. Despite these dangers, expensive transport costs, environmental concerns, improved infrastructure, campaigns to encourage exercise and cycling becoming more socially acceptable are seeing more and more people take to the roads on bikes.

How can we prevent cyclists from being involved in motor vehicle accidents?

The government is constantly bringing forwards initiatives to improve the safety of cyclists and to make the UK’s road network more bike-friendly. A recent government scheme will see dangerous junctions and roads being improved in order to enhance the safety of cyclists. This initiative will sees £20 million of government money and £20 million of local authority match-funding being spent on developments that are seen as likely to positively impact the safety of cyclists and prevent them being involved in motor vehicle accidents.

A total of 78 projects will take place with this investment, with developments including road layouts being simplified, road space being reallocated, the creation of bridge links and other bypasses, changes to the layout of junctions and initiatives that should lower drivers’ speeds. All these projects have been scheduled to be completed by April 2014.

This project forms part of the coalition’s £107 million investment in cycling infrastructure, with a further £600 million invested in the Local Sustainable Transport Fund. The government is keen to promote cycling – Norman Baker, Transport Minister, pointed out not only is the activity healthy, it also reduces congestion on the roads. 

The THINK! Let’s look out for each other’ project has seen drivers and cyclists receive advice and information that should encourage them to look out for each other. Drivers are asked to ensure they check for cyclists when turning and that they should use their indicators so cyclists can understand their intentions.

Drivers should also ensure they give cyclists plenty of space when overtaking and ought to hold back if there is not sufficient space on the road for them to safely overtake.

On the other hand, cyclists should stay clear of the curb and should try to avoid riding in areas where they might not be seen, such as along the inside of Lorries and buses. They should also adhere to the rules in the Highway Code, observing traffic lights, road markings and road signs.

The THINK! Campaign also calls for cyclists to wear fitted helmets. This will help to minimise their likelihood of having to claim brain injury compensation following a collision with a vehicle, as it will protect their head in the event of a fall or motor vehicle accident.

Considering safety and cycling defensively is always better than contacting solicitors in Blackburn to claim head injury compensation. Cyclists can be seriously injured or killed in motor vehicle accidents and should always be proactive and cautious when they take to the road. 

Author Bio

Mr. H. N. Smith loves travelling on his Suzuki motorcycle, but he is always acutely aware of the risks he faces while on the roads. As a result, he spends a lot of time blogging about motor vehicle accidents and motorcycle accident claims. He also likes listening to heavy metal and looking cool in black leathers.

If I may add to this article, wearing hi-visibility vests over the jacket will help drivers see cyclists, therefore, offering more protection. pb


Home Security is one of the issues that is most of the time taken for granted. It really is important to invest in this safety precaution as one can never give a value to one’s safety. One cannot put a price on the safety of one’s home and its inhabitants. In this scenario, prevention is really key. Home owners think that a lock and a double lock are safe enough. Some put a chain to lock their doors. Some people have already put in motion detectors that shine a very bright light when some motion sets it off. Some have gone to the extremes of installing CCTV cameras.  While all these are quite adequate there is a spiked rise in crime and neighborhoods are no longer the safe secure havens they were a few years ago. There is now a need for more concrete and updated gadgets designed as home alarm systems. In this article, we will talk about the latest gadgets that will help secure your home.

1.       LED TV Lights.

Some people would keep their lights on and make everyone assume that people were in when in fact nobody is at home. This is the same concept behind the LED TV lights. These lights are projected against the wall in varying shades and depths making it appear as if the TV was on and that someone was watching. This can be kept on at night. Any possible burglar will be spooked and will not try to enter the home. 

2.       Biometric fingerprint locks.

This is something right out of the movies. No longer is security a matter of codes and passwords, it is now automated by biometrics. Any burglar will think twice of trying to break into a house that has biometric finger locks. It is really too hard to overcome. This lock works just like the lock with a code. If there is a possible burglar, with the wrong set of fingerprints, the authorities are alerted and sent to one’s house. And even if one tries this with copying the owner’s fingerprints, will anyone go through such a hassle just to do some petty thieving? 

3.       Twittering laser tripwire with webcam capture.

Let’s say you’ve installed the LED TV Lights and the Biometric fingerprint locks. Let’s say that a burglar was ingenious enough to overcome these. One more fail safe precaution would be to install a Twittering laser tripwire. This too is something right out of the movies yet, it is an effective means of capturing someone who has stolen from your home. A tripwire activates the webcam which takes the photo of someone who is stealing from your home. The picture taken will be uploaded onto Twitter.   With electronics and Social Media, the world can know who this burglar is. This will help in identifying the burglar and ultimately catching him. This is also ideal for those who have help around the house and have items missing here and there. No longer should this shameful act be kept in private. Announce it to the world and let this serve as an example to others.

 Home security is a very serious matter. It should be really researched and thought about. Every precaution must be taken to ensure that the home and all its inhabitants are safe and that it stays that way. One must really look at the design of one’s home and build on what they have to add to one’s security. There are many more gadgets out there, but with these 3 latest home security gadgets, all the bases are covered.

Author Bio:

Lara Chamley is head of security at one of Melbourne’s luxury apartment villages. She conducts a yearly talk on home security and has recently started a business training women self-defense.



With all the recent events surrounding schools in the news, many parents are considering pulling their children out of the public school systems and homeschooling them. While homeschooling may or may not be an option for every parent, how does one send their child to school every day and ensure their safety? Schools take every precaution to ensure the children who attend have a safe and great environment so they can learn. However; even the best establishments have flaws and there is always that chance that something detrimental can happen. Here are some tips to keep children safe when they are away at school. 

1. Educate 

There is no sure method to keep a child 100 percent safe at school, but there are some things that parents can do to help a child know what to do. For instance, teach the children about talking to stranger danger and what to do while waiting for the bus or walking home from school. A child usually knows if a person is usually in their school and if anything looks or feel suspicious, they should report it to their teachers immediately. Also, give the child a list of emergency numbers, like mom and dad’s cellular phones and grandma’s home numbers so that they may get a hold of their family should there be an issue. Most schools have payphone system or a child can call from the office if necessary to get reach a parent or guardian. 

2. Give Kids a Cellular Phone

There are some parents who are adamantly against children having a cellular phone, but many parents are so thankful that their children have had them during recent events. While kids are generally irresponsible by nature, these phones may be the only connection between the parents and child should the school be on lock-down or there be an issue. School lines can become jammed with concerned parents calling, but knowing that a parent can call a cell phone can put the mind at ease. The phones can also be used to call the police for a teacher or can be used to call an ambulance. Each school has their own policy regarding cell phones and their usage in the schools, but most will at least allow them in the lockers. 

3. Be In Contact With the School

When it comes to bullying and things of this nature, make sure to make a presence at the school. By talking with the principal and the teachers, they will know that the parent is heavily involved in their child’s life. If there is an incident that involves bullying, make sure to get to the bottom of it right away. Involve school staff and make sure that the child feels like the situation is being handled. If the situation is not rectified and bullying continues, parents have rights to protect their children at all costs. 

While the schools have certainly been in the news a great deal the past few years, they are still one of the safest places for children to be. There are some incidents that happen just because not every child is raised the same and also mental illness can play a great factor in this. Still with all the bad news, there are many good things that happen in the schools; it is all about preparing the children for the future.

About The Author:

This post is contributed by Christine Maddox. Currently she is pursuing her Master’s degree from University of Texas as well as blogging for She loves to write anything related to parenting, kids, nanny care etc. She can be reached via email at: christine.4nannies @


 So you’ve managed to juggle a rewarding career while raising a healthy, happy family, and now it’s time to plan for the next exciting, new steps in your own life. The old saying remains true today, when you’ve got your health you’ve got just about everything, but are you really doing all you can to protect your health or are you waiting until something goes wrong to worry?

If you’re turning 65 soon or are looking after a loved one who already has, then I have some great news for you. There are a few simple, worry-saving precautions that can be taken to assure that if you get sick or hurt, your medical bills and needs will be taken care of. The following list of tips was designed for those who are on the fence when it comes to Medicare supplemental insurance and will help guide them in the right direction when it comes to picking the best Medicare supplemental plan to fit their needs. Waiting to apply for a Medicare supplement plan when something happens and or you need medical treatment; unfortunately, you’ve waited too long.

The following tips have been designed to help you safeguard your health and take control of any Medicare supplemental insurance decisions quickly and correctly so you can keep on enjoying life without worrying about how to pay for future medical procedures.

1. What is Medicare Supplement Anyway & Why Do I Need It? Upon turning 65 years old, most individuals become eligible for Medicare. Some individuals are eligible for Medicare before turning 65 due to a disability. Medicare will only cover a certain amount, however, leaving gaps where the individual has to pay the balance. In most cases this balance can be quite a bit, thus the necessity for a Medicare supplement plan. Medicare supplement plans—also called Medigap plans—will fill in the cracks of coverage that are left with just plain Medicare like deductibles and co-insurance not covered by Medicare.  

2. What Makes Me Medicare-Eligible? Generally, you are eligible for Medicare if you (or your spouse) worked for at least 40 quarters, are 65-years old or older, and are a citizen or permanent resident of the United States. If you are not 65 yet, you may still qualify for Medicare coverage due to a disability or are suffering from a disease like end-stage renal disease (ESRD).

3. How Do I Sign Up for Medicare? Signing up for Medicare is easier than you think. If you are enrolled in Social Security you will automatically be enrolled in Medicare and should get your card in the mail about three months before turning 65.

4. Where Can I Find Resources to Help Choose the Best Medicare Supplement Plan? There are a variety of government as well as private resources, the main one being The pros and cons of checking out is that there is so much information on the site that the answer to your specific question is probably buried under tons of other information and could take forever to find. An easier method may be one of the local or national groups like the Senior Advisors Group where Medicare insurance specialists are standing by to assist you with specific questions regarding anything having to do with Medicare enrollment, choosing the best Medicare supplement plan, Medicare Advantage, and Medicare Part D (prescription) plans.

5. What the Heck is Medicare Advantage and Why Am I Getting So Much Literature About It? Medicare Advantage plans are another choice that exist other than the traditional Medicare supplemental plan. Because insurance companies receive significant reimbursements when they enroll you in their Medicare Advantage plans, they will often overwhelm new 65-year olds with tons of information. Don’t be fooled! There are many more choices other than Medicare Advantage, including Medicare supplement plans and Medicare Part D—Medicare’s prescription drug plan. The important thing is you take time and choose the right plan to fit your specific needs.

6. What Are the Differences Between Medicare Advantage and Medicare Supplement Plans? There are many differences between these two choices, but the most important thing you need to remember when choosing the best Medicare supplement plan is that you cannot have both. Another main difference is that Medicare Advantage is typically a HMO or PPO while a Medicare supplemental plan is not. Another difference to consider when choosing a supplement plan is that while a Medicare supplement plan will cost a little more, it will give you more freedom and few (if any) co-pays. Medicare Advantage, however, may have restrictions on what doctors you can see and your co-pay will almost always be higher.

So now that you know the basics of Medicare and Medicare supplemental plans go ahead and make a phone call or two to a Medicare insurance specialist in your area and give yourself the gift of peace-of-mind. It really is one of the easiest ways to protect yourself and protect your family.

Author Bio: Simone is a writer, researcher, and Philadelphia native whose focus is on health, Medicare, and travel. Her opinions and writings can be found on various industry blogs and forums.


All across the country, people are operating industrial facilities, and they want to make sure that these entities are as safe as humanly possible. When it comes to safety, it is hard to put a price on it. Of course, human life is worth more much than the money you spend! Furthermore, if someone is injured or the equipment is damaged, you are just going to need to pay to replace it.
New Electrical Wiring
Fires are a huge threat for industrial facilities. Not only can faulty electrical wires cause fires within the facility, but they might actually make an explosion occur. Therefore, it would be smart for you to set an appointment with a professional electrician. This individual can assess what you need to do to ensure that you have the best possible system.
Smoke Detectors/Carbon Monoxide Detectors
You also need to have this type of system in place at your industrial facility. With all of the chemicals, gases and other products going through the air, you really never know what could happen. Therefore, you should look into getting a brand new system installed in the facility. It’s smart to get one that is connected to the local fire department and other emergency authorities. Therefore, if a situation was to occur, they would be notified.
Alarm Systems
On top of smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors, you should also have a regular burglar alarm. During the day, a grand-scale robbery is probably not going to occur if lots of people are around and you have your usual security measures in play. However, when everyone goes home for the night, you need to make sure that the industry is protected. Even if someone does break in, the police will be immediately called. Therefore, the robbers should not be able to get away with too much.
Exploring The Elements
While this is much more of a service than a product, it is something that you absolutely need to do for safety purposes. Of course, if you have been working in the same place for quite some time, you have probably already hired someone to conduct a check on both lead paint and asbestos. These elements can cause serious problems for your health, and you might even develop cancer as a result of them. You need to hire someone to check if you have not, and if you are moving into a new establishment, this step is an absolute must.
Stronger Ladders
Have your employees being using the same old ladders since the dawning of the business? If they constantly need to reach to great heights to grab supplies and such, then you really need to consider their safety and get some new ladders for your facility. These should be very strong and sturdy and able to accommodate the weight of all people who are going to be using them.

Industrial facilities certainly make a lot of products and goods for consumers, but the owners need to keep the employees and space safe as well.

Author Jason Harter is a contractor who is always sure to keep himself and his workers as safe as possible. His job can be found on the list of Top 10 Highest Paying Careers in Building and Construction.
Note: Providing employees with the best PPE equipment is the best way to ensure their safety, whatever hazards pertain to their job.  pb


There can be no doubt that the United States is facing a health care epidemic. All across the nation, there are millions of people fighting addiction and the negative consequences it brings into their lives. These men and women are up against the toughest enemy anyone could ever face: their own mind. The neurochemistry of the brain releases pleasure hormones every time an illegal substance is consumed. It’s why people start using in the first place. It’s why, unfortunately, they get hooked. There are literally an infinite number of different addictions occurring simultaneously here in America. However, there are those addictions that are much more common than others. Here is a brief look at America’s epidemic: our most prevalent addictions and what we’re doing to stop them. 


For anyone over the tender age of 12, Marijuana has become the vice of choice. It is, statistically, the most consumed illicit drug in this nation. The pot industry (both regulated and deregulated) is worth billions alone. 
There is academic debate as of whether or not Marijuana is intrinsically addictive or harmful. Even if it doesn’t have a chemical component making it addicting all, there are a number of people who become addicted due to the pleasant high. A number of people simply outgrow their usage. Some states are fighting addiction by minimizing the illegality of the substance. Rehab services deal with thousands of cases a year in which people become lethargic after extended marijuana usage. So much so that they’re either living in squalor or are entirely dependent on another person.

Prescription Drugs

Prescription drug addiction is the fastest growing addiction in the nation. Every year, thousands of people become addicted to potent medications that should only be distributed by qualified medical professionals. However, that’s often the problem. People receive medication for pain and they become hooked. They seek out the continuance of pleasure and only find the negativity of their addiction.
Children are becoming frequent users of their parent’s medications. Pill parties are reported to be common affairs. The process to becoming detoxified from these drugs can be long and arduous.


Tobacco is the most addictive legally available item on the market. Although usage has gone down over the years thanks to the government’s efforts to prevent nicotine addiction, there are still millions of people who can’t quit smoking. The grip of nicotine is such that most people who try quitting will fail repeatedly– even with medical intervention. It’s a destructive process that can only be stopped through sheer will power and a lot of determination.
Author Bio: Annette Hazard is a freelance blogger that is currently promoting rehab with She usually writes about health issues.


Byline: Alejandra Parada 

You don’t want to wait until last minute to protect your loved ones from a hurricane that can be dangerous and possibly deadly. Listening to hurricane warning messages–usually 36 hours before a storm hits–and figuring out a basic hurricane protection plan can save you a lot of time, money and worry. 

Below are five tips to keep your family, friends, pets, and belongings protected: 

Have an Evacuation Plan

First, contact the National Disaster offices for the closest shelter in your city. Make sure your pets are allowed into the emergency shelter of your choice, if not contact your local Humane Society for information on animal shelters. If the hurricane is heavier than expected, make sure to have an evacuation plan, meaning contact an out-of-state friend or family member that your family can call if separated. 

Gather Important Documentations

Have the following items at hand:

  • 1.  Driver’s license or personal ID
  • 2.  Passport
  • 3.  Social Security card
  • 4.  Proof of residence (deed, lease or utility bills)
  • 5.  Insurance policies, including home, auto, flood, and wind
  • 6.  Birth and marriage certificates
  • 7.  Stocks, bond and other business certificates
  • 8.  Personal checkbook, credit cards, overall anything important in your wallet
  • 9.  Wills, deed, and copies of recent tax returns 

Don’t make the mistake of running back in a damaged house to search for these materials. Remember personal belongings are irreplaceable, but people are not. 

Review Your Insurance Policies

Check if your home and auto insurances are up to date, in case any damages were to happen, confirm the following details: 

  •                Are you covered for additional living expenses?
  •                Do you have flood coverage?
  •                Do you have enough coverage for your valuables? 
  •                Do you have comprehensive car coverage? 

Consider Installing A Backup Generator  

When a hurricane is headed your way, electricity can be lost due to heavy winds, downed power lines and excessive rain. Your family doesn’t need to spend hundreds of dollars on disaster supplies if you invest in a standby generator. You’ll be able to keep your refrigerator on, eliminating the need to eat canned foods or dry fruits and vegetables. You’ll have the whole house working like normal, including being able to charge your cell phone, laptops, and any technological device. Also, you can feel safe knowing your alarm system is still working. Even though portable generators are cheaper, sometimes gas stations don’t have enough power to get gas out of the ground to run it during a hurricane. Standby generators, which are installed into your home permanently, don’t require gasoline.  

Stock Up On Essential Disaster Supplies

Have an emergency supply kit and stock your pantry up with at least a month worth of non-perishable items, such as:

  •               Safety kit
  •               Ropes, tarps, plastic bags as tools for repair
  •               Necessary medicine, including medicine and contacts    
  •               Personal hygiene items like toilet paper, tooth brush and tooth paste
  •               Fill up all cars, trucks, motorcycles, and any driving vehicles with enough gas just in case you are asked to evacuate. 

For more information on hurricane safety, please visit


There isn’t a day that goes by where someone is hurt trying to move from one house to another. A lot of times, this is caused by haste and not taking the time in order to prevent injury. For what ever reason you need to move, you should always take the time to analyze how items need to be packed and whether or not they are too heavy to lift by yourself. There are many methods to practicing safety when you are loading up the truck.

1. Dolly – No, it’s not your 6-year-old’s companion. Using a dolly to move heavy objects can save a great deal of strain on yourself. It is also faster than trying to pack the item in and out of the house as it is on wheels. Using leverage to hoist and move an object, you can reduce your misery by utilizing one of these devices for nearly everything. The dolly isn’t merely for heavy appliances. You can stack a few boxes and make a single trip to the truck as opposed to walking back and forth.

2. Double-up – There is no shame in asking someone to help you carry a box to the truck. If a box is too heavy, it makes sense to ask for help. This can save undue stress on your back while protecting the items inside from accidental breakage. Instead of working against gravity by yourself, a more stable situation can be created by doubling-up on a heavy box or item. You have no one to prove yourself to and could look like a fool if you wind up getting hurt.

3. Less Packing – In order to reduce the weight of a single box, don’t pack it so full. Some of us may be accustomed to packing as much as possible in a space in order to not be wasteful. However, the more items in the box means the heavier it’s going to be. If you don’t have smaller boxes in order to adjust for the volume of packing, then realize that you don’t need to fill the larger one full if you are unable to lift the package.

4. Braces – Moving your home can be quite the grueling workout. Braces of all kinds can help keep your body from suffering during the process. As we get older, our bodies are wearing down and are unable to function as they once did. This is nothing to be ashamed of since it’s a fact of life. If you don’t have the benefit of having teenage children, wearing a brace on your knees, back, or elbows can help prevent a great deal of pain later on. After all, you don’t want to spend the first week in your new home in agony while popping painkillers.

5. Earlier Packing – If you have intentions of moving within the immediate future, start packing as soon as possible. Spending time packing your home can be more efficient than rushing it at the last second. When we are rushed to accomplish a task, there is a greater chance of having an accident. Take time to pack your belongings and ensure the safety of yourself and your valuables.

It doesn’t take much time or effort to realize that you may need help moving your stuff around. Set aside the macho behavior and ask someone for help. You don’t need to be Hercules and toss your stuff in the truck. Wouldn’t you rather use the energy to unpack your new home as opposed to laying on the floor popping ibuprofen? 

This is a guest post by Liz Nelson from She is a freelance writer and blogger from Houston. Questions and comments can be sent to: liznelson17 @