All posts by pat brownlee


The Clean Air Acts
In the 1950s and 1960s, extensive coal burning in both domestic properties and in industrial premises caused thick smogs that were blamed for heavy pollution, ill-health and even premature deaths. The effect was to limit the emissions of dark smoke, grit, dust and fumes to reduce the smog and create ‘smoke control areas’, where the emission of smoke from residential properties was completely banned.
These Acts were later consolidated into the Clean Air Act 1993, which now limits emissions of other pollutants, such as particles, sulphur dioxide, dioxins and furans, which may also be present in the smoke.
Smoke Control Areas
The Clean Air Act allows local authorities to declare certain areas to be smoke control areas, so if you plan on opening up your fireplace to burn fuel in an open grate, or you are considering having a wood burner installed – you must first contact your local authority to find out if you live in a controlled area.
Do I Live in a Smoke-Free Zone?
If you do live in a ‘smoke control area’ you will only be allowed to burn certain approved authorised fuels, unless you choose an appliance or fireplace that is exempt. This means that you will be unable to burn waste woods or timber from household projects, amongst a wide range of other fuels that emit dark smoke or pollutants, as they may have been treated with pesticides or metals.
Exempt Appliances
According to the Clean Air Act 1993 there are many appliances that fall into the exempt category. These appliances will allow you to burn unauthorised fuels only if they have been tested and confirmed capable of burning unauthorised or smoky fuels without emitting smoke or pollutants.
If you do live in a smoke free area, contact your local authority for advice about planning permissions, safety issues and exempt fuels before deciding on the type of fire or appliance you want. Or contact a respected supplier and installer, such as the team at EnviroFlame, who can guide you through all the available options for smoke free areas.
Author Bio
The team at Enviroflame Fireplaces have years of experience advising customers who live in smoke free zones and will be happy to conduct a free home visit to get a better idea of your property, chimney flue and requirements.


It’s springtime! Aside from being the time of blooms, it’s also the time when you suddenly realize your house needs a fresh coat of paint, or your lawn needs mowing, or your furniture needs a little bit more than just dusting.

If you’re planning to haul out the cleaning equipment and clean every nook and cranny of your home, take note that there are certain risks involved. Unless you want to end up injured and in the emergency room, like some 21 million people every year (source: Home Safety Council), here are a few DOs and DON’Ts for safer, happier, and productive spring cleaning.

Do use common sense in climbing and using ladders
When using the ladder to wash windows or reach something high, use extreme caution. Follow weight limits on ladders and if possible, wear non-skid shoes. Don’t lean too far to either side as well. To be sure, have someone at the base to hold the ladder steady.

Do wear a mask or safety gear
Wearing safety goggles to clean the house may feel weird, but it can do you good in so many ways. Aside from glasses, you can also wear appropriate gloves, hearing protections and other products to prevent injuries. If you are allergic to dust, by all means, wear a mask when dusting.

Do be careful when moving large pieces of furniture
Improper pushing and lifting can cause major injuries that can last for several weeks. To stay safe, use proper lifting technique: bend and lift from the legs rather than the back. Seek the help of a partner when moving heavy objects and furniture.

Do keep paths clear
As you move things around, the entire house may turn into an obstacle course. Make sure to leave clear paths for you unless you want to end up slipping or stepping on something that may hurt your foot. One tip is to put them into boxes or bags away from steps and stairs.

Don’t rush because you’re tired
Most people want to get things done at the shortest time possible. However, this mostly leads to breaking things or accidents. If you’re exhausted, stop and take a break. Drink a glass of water and rest instead of being unsafe. Work can resume when you’re re-energized.

Don’t carry too much stuff at once
…especially on stairs. If you are taking things from your bedroom to the living room, make sure you have a free hand to hold onto the railing of the stairs. Also, even without having to go up and down the stairs, you should make sure the load you are carrying is enough so that you won’t trip.

Don’t mix and match cleaning products
When mixed with others, some chemicals can be toxic and flammable. Even virtually mild chemicals have a way of reacting. Since low cost health insurance is difficult to come by nowadays, better read labels and follow instructions properly if you want to stay safe. To be sure, use eco-friendly cleaning solutions instead!

Don’t leave water buckets unattended
Mopping the floor or washing the windows usually require a bucket of water. If you need to take a quick break, make sure to empty the bucket or put it in an inaccessible area, at the very least. Spilled water can increase the risk of slips and falls, as well as drowning for the little ones.

Have a happy and safe spring cleaning everyone!

About the author: Based in California, Melissa Page is a professional writer with over 4 years of professional writing experience. Despite being a safety-conscious health buff, she still believes in the importance of health insurance. She also loves travelling and bowling.


It’s a scenario guaranteed to ruin your day. You’re driving down the highway, and all of a sudden your car stops working properly. Maybe you’ve got a blow-out, maybe it’s a broken belt, or maybe you have no idea what the problem is. Whatever the situation, when your car breaks down, you have to do some quick thinking to keep yourself safe.  However you intend to get help, there is a smart way to stay off the road and make sure nothing worse happens to you while you wait for a tow truck to arrive.  AAA estimates that over 1 million people are stranded on the highway during the summer months, with the number increasing to nearly 5 million in the winter.  Chances are, you will experience a breakdown at some point during the life of your car, so it pays to know the right steps to take.

Move Your Car off the Road

It’s very rare for your car to simply die in an instant. Most of the time you’ll be able to maneuver it to the side of the highway. If you’re traveling on surface streets and your engine shuts off at a stoplight, most of the time you can get a little more juice out of the  battery if you keep trying to restart it. As soon as you know there’s a problem, you should turn on your hazard lights, especially if you can’t move the car right away. Don’t get out of the vehicle in the middle of traffic. Remember that pedestrian fatalities make up nearly 15 percent of car crash deaths in the United States, many from situations where they tried to navigate busy streets and highways.

Be Wary of Strangers

After you’ve called for help, using OnStar or AAA or some other method, it’s a safe idea to keep your hazard lights on and even open the hood so that other drivers will know you’re having car trouble. But be careful with those who stop to help, especially if you’re traveling alone.  It’s always a good idea to stay in the car with the doors locked and simply tell them that help is on the way. For your safety, you should never leave your car, unless you know exactly where you are and how to reach a public place in a short amount of time.   Criminals can often target the drivers of broken-down vehicles, so it’s important you keep a cell phone on you at all times, and if it’s late at night, don’t hesitate to call the police. A patrol officer can find you and wait with you until the tow truck comes.

Don’t Try and Repair the Car

You might be familiar with car engines, but the chances are slim that you’ll be able to repair the problem without any tools or parts. And if you’re not sure what’s going on, there’s a chance you could damage the engine or make the situation worse. If your tire blows and you know how to put the spare on, be very careful. The tire could be on the side of the road that’s nearer to traffic, which makes trying to change it with cars speeding by at upwards of 70 miles per hour very dangerous. If you’ve never changed a tire before, you shouldn’t attempt it. It might seem possible to save time and hassle by doing things yourself instead of calling for roadside assistance, but actually the opposite is true.

Know Your Location

Many people break down on the highway during a road trip or can’t pinpoint their exact location for whatever reason. That’s why it’s important to always keep in mind what highway you’re on and which exits you have passed, and any signs that tell you which exits are coming up or how far you might be from the next town. If you have OnStar, they will be able to pinpoint your location, but many people don’t have access to that technology. So when you call for help, you have to be prepared to identify landmarks and estimate how long it has been since you left the house or got on the freeway. If you’re near a mile marker or a phone box, it can be easier for authorities to locate you in an emergency.

Experiencing a break down can be really scary, especially if you’ve never been through one before. The best way to handle any emergency is to be prepared before it happens, and if you have a realistic plan for what to do if you’re stranded on the highway, it’s a lot less likely that your safety will be in jeopardy. Stay calm and use common sense, and you can help protect yourself on the road and off of it.

Amy Thomson blogs for  Monkey Car Insurance.  Check out  her other articles at Twitter @VroomVroomAmy .


Many industrial manufacturers did not understand for many years that there are more dangers in the work place than mere physical problems. Obvious safety hazards were eventually addressed as occupational safety agencies were established in each state, but the emphasis on airborne safety hazards were the last to receive proper attention. Much of this attention began in the court system when workers who were breathing toxic chemicals began to file suit. Rules have been established since that time to help workers working in hazardous chemical breathing spaces, but the contamination possibilities still exist in specific workplaces and still calamities occur.

1. Occupational Breathing Hazards

Companies that have potentially toxic breathing spaces now routinely require breathing protection for workers in the affected area. Full breathing masks are required in some industries like asbestos abatement. Asbestos is the classic hazardous material that was outlawed during the 1970s when its toxic properties became apparent. The form of cancer produced by asbestos often takes 20 years to manifest. This discovery also revealed the fact that many other chemicals can produce lung injuries. Protective work wear is now regularly ordered by the state OSHA agencies and all companies know when they need some form of breathing protection. 

2. Occupational Skin Hazards

Occupational skin disorders or injuries account for approximately half of all workplace injuries. Diagnoses of these injuries are normally done through medical testing, but workers in similar areas of employment can often recognize the damage visually. This is particularly true of the food industry, as this is by far the most common industry resulting in various skin injuries. The food industry includes a wide range of manufacturing processes, often beginning with animal slaughtering and including contact with pesticides by production workers. Construction workers are also subject to skin cancer over the life of their career, which can be a problematic legal situation when filing a claim. An injury that appears as a rash can often be much more serious, and may be the result of negligence on the part of an employer. So if you were to find yourself caught in a predicament, you will need to take decisive action to ensure your claim is not looked over by your employer.

Proving Long Term Negligence

Many skin or breathing disorders sustained in employment occur over long periods of time. Even when employers have followed occupational safety standard rules, including measurement logs, negligence can still be validated in court by an experienced and effective bad faith personal injury lawyer. Some injuries are obvious and the body reacts quickly. These are relatively easier cases to prove, but are usually isolated incidents. Cases that involve multiple incidents of breathing or skin disorders give the personal injury professional more evidence to present in court, including the possibility of a class action legal motion. Personal injuries that are the result of negligence are determined under the preponderance standard and are effectively a 51-49 measurement of evidence. 

Researcher Nickey Williams contributes this article for work safety awareness. The lawyers of Doyle Raizner LLP go the distance to help those with employment injuries wade through the claims process with their insurance carriers, such as workers compensation Liberty Mutual. Having legal representation during these stressful situations can help you keep your focus and make sure nothing that works in your favor is omitted.   

Note: Employers should take all safety precautions for their workers who are exposed to breathing hazards, and other risky work.  Texas America Safety has a vast array of quality breathing, skin, and glove protection.




Happy April 1st!  Before we get one day older, you might take heart to these great ideas sent to us by 

  • puzzleAs you age your brain begins to shrink naturally.  However, if you eat right and stay active you can actually reverse the shrinkage.  Another way to keep your brain sharp is by using your brain to do puzzles that will challenge you.  You can also take a class.  When you are learning something new, you are using a different part of your brain, and in essence you are exercising your mind.  One of the easiest ways to keep your brain sharp is to stay socially active, whether it’s in person or online.  These 24 blog entries will give you some more ideas of things you can do to keep your brain in tip top shape.
  • Puzzles

Some people enjoy doing crosswords and other puzzles and complete them regularly.  If that’s you, it’s important that you change things up and try something new.  If you can create new pathways in your brain, you will be the better for it.  Try Sudoku or a word find.  Maybe you could take up playing chess.  The logic required to strategize in chess will really stretch your brain muscle.  If you don’t do puzzles now, you might take up the hobby.  Take a look at these six blog posts for more ideas on games that will keep you sharp.

Keep Learning

It’s important that you never stop learning.  When your mind is idle you may start to lose the ability to remember and retrieve information.  You are never too old to learn a new language or to take a class.  Think about things you’ve always wanted to learn and find a class where you can learn it.  Even reading a book about something new will help to keep your mind sharp.  Check out the following six blogs for more ideas on how you can continue to learn.

Stay Active

Exercise produces a chemical in your body that helps keep your brain young according to Dr. Edgerly from Columbia University.  He and his team have performed many studies regarding exercise and the effects of aging on the brain.  When you are sedentary you are not getting as much oxygen to your brain, which is needed to keep you alert and sharp.  By looking at these six blogs, you may find just the information that you need to encourage you to get up and move.

Be Social

It may sound funny that one way to keep your brain sharp is to go socialize with your friends, but it’s true.  Having a lively conversation with a friend or even the guy at the hardware store is one way to stimulate your brain.  If you are unable to get around, you might try signing up for Facebook online.  By posting once a day and reading other people’s posts you are being social and staying connected.  These six blog articles will give you some other ideas on how to be social.

Note: We appreciate these great ideas that apply to everyone, regardless of age.  When one reaches the point that they have more free time, it is wise to not lose time being with friends. Set a certain day, once a month, or as often as possible to take a little day trip together, or get out and join a golf group.  A new activity for me is learning to play bridge with my friends.  There are all types of fun things to do, so don’t stay on the couch and eat bon-bons every day!  Enjoy life, it’s too short, and getting shorter every day! pb


This winter has been an unusual one, and that is an understatement!  According to ABC News, “It’s been more than seven weeks since Punxsutawney Phil failed to see his shadow, (haphazardly) signaling an early spring. Last Friday, an Ohio prosecutor jokingly indicted the famous weather-rodent on one count of fraud, claiming he “did purposely, and with prior calculation and design, cause the people to believe that spring would come early.” The prosecutor said he would seek the death penalty for the groundhog.

None of us want to see poor Phil face the death penalty, but across the U.S., folks are very unhappy with his prediction.  Those in the Northeast are still under snow – there have been many highway accidents because of inclement weather, and frankly, enough is enough!

Just today, my husband said the weather prediction for N. Central Texas is a high of 80 degrees on Monday, followed by a high of 48 degrees on Tuesday.  Mother Nature has been blessing us with a few cold days, (some extremely cold), then warmer weather, then overnight a drop of 30 degrees.  This is mild, compared to what many others across the U.S. face on a day-to-day basis.

Hopefully, April will glide into our lives with those April Showers that so many areas desperately need.  Let’s anxiously await the wildflowers that decorate the roadsides, and feel that release of tension that Spring brings.  (Should have been here March 20th!)  Another unwanted gift arrives in the spring, and that is allergies!  Stock up on the medications that work for you, and be prepared.  Also watch for the bees, mosquitoes, and other critters that sometimes bring so much misery, we will be ready to face fall again before you know it.  Are we ever sastisfied with the weather?

On another subject, in previous years, our Blog4Safety has mentioned Safety Observances for the month of March.  This year, we received so many wonderful guest contributions that our schedule has been full.  We thank all the authors that have sent in wonderful safety tips, and hope they will keep them coming!

March is National Nutrition Month, Workplace Eye Wellness Month, Save Your Vision Month, National Patient Safety Awareness Week, and National Poison Prevention Week – topics we have touched on from time to time.  Every one of these is important to all of us – each month of the year!  When we are at work and experience hazardous conditions that endanger our vision, our employers should see to it that proper eyewear is furnished, according to the particular risk, along with any other protection you may need in performing your tasks.

Happy Easter!  Let’s look forward to baseball, spring activities, and everything that takes place during a safe month of April.


Appropriate Parking Space

Every year near to one million cars get stolen and most of them never get recovered.  A car is a significant investment and you should be really vigilant about the safety measures to prevent the car-theft.

Whenever you have to park a car, bear some tips in mind. Park your car in a well lit area of the parking lot. In this case the chance of getting car stolen is lesser as one can see the thieves clearly. Also avoid parking the auto near the exits of parking lot as it’s easier for the car lifters to get away right after breaking into the car. It’s advisable to park your auto in the area monitored by either security guards or surveillance cameras. Some people go for parking lots that are not monitored as they don’t have to pay parking fee. Still, that small saving can jeopardize your car safety.

Never Leave the Docs in Car

Remember that if your car is stolen with the car documents you have given pure gold to the thief. Never leave the important papers in the glove box of the car, take them with you. The absence of docs in the auto will turn off some thieves and make the recovery of the stolen car easier.

Install a Reliable Car Security System

There are many innovative car security alarms available in the market. Cars come with a security system by manufacturers but usually it’s not that effective. Stealers have very thought-out and foolproof approaches to auto-theft. Make sure you install a security alarm which goes off whenever someone tries to break into the car. One thing is really vital in this regard: ensure that thieves know about the security system installed in your car. So, they don’t even attempt to steal it. For this there are small lights of blue or red color that are placed on dashboard and are visible from outside the car. Some cars have very effective GPS tracking systems that are able to locate a stolen car.

Avoid Uninhabited Area

If you have a high profile car you should avoid abandoned and deserted areas. These areas are usually unmonitored and there are no security guards and cameras for surveillance. Cars in such areas are vulnerable to theft. People sometimes leave their car doors unlocked with the keys in the ignition. Car stealers always prefer an unlocked car in the unmonitored area; it makes getaway easier and can’t be tracked later.

Put VIN on the Various Parts of Your Car

Most of the car stealers cannot resell a car if the Vehicle Identification Number is visible on it. Make sure that you put your VIN on almost every part of the car like engine, doors, fenders, underside of bonnet etc. In this way car stealers won’t be able resell the car and can be detected.

It’s really important to take precautionary measures to prevent the auto theft as small negligence can take away your investment of thousands of dollars in a split second. Usually the recovery of a lost car is very difficult but if your car was stolen with your cell phone that has mSpy app installed, it gets really easy to track its location via GPS.

Post by Linda Waters. Marketing executive at mSpy, blogger who loves writing about cell phone software and mobile technologies which help people.


When push comes to shove as they say, there’s no getting away from the fact that business and building owners are charged with the responsibility of maintaining the health and safety of their workers/occupants. Needless to say, this isn’t exactly the smallest of burdens to say the least and one that’s always likely to get on top of some – especially those in the business for the first time.

However, according to the professional portable appliance testers of the UK there are dozens of ways and means by which business owners can share the responsibility among any number of employees and thus ease the weight otherwise placed exclusively on their own shoulders. And while all the measures in the world can’t take away from the fact that they are ultimately responsible for what occurs and where, they at least stand to make their lives easier when it comes to addressing electrical safety.

Consider the following tips from the UK’s Portable Appliance Tester community serving the business world:


The foremost consideration of importance is that of education – as in helping workers better understand what PAT Testers are and what they do. Chances are that most will have seen plenty of those little PAT stickers gracing tested appliances across the business, but do they really know why they’re there or what they mean?

Unless you yourself have taken the time to educate them, chances are the answer is a no.

By first giving workers an idea of what PAT Testing actually is, you stand a much better chance of driving home its importance. And what’s more, as soon as any given employee realises what a PAT sticker means and why it is of value, there’s a pretty good chance their future observations will be more astute and help pinpoint where they may be missing or no longer valid.

It’s not a case of teaching the whole workforce how to use a Seaward Primetest 100, but rather just conveying the basics of why PAT Testing is of such mandatory importance.


Next up, the brains behind the UK’s health and safety services cannot strongly enough convey the importance of getting as many workers as possible personally involved in electrical safety initiatives at work. Again, it isn’t a case of teaching everyone up to degree standard, but rather building safe and workable habits for the long term.

Annual or one-off training sessions are as dull as dishwater and never fail to depress. As such, it is a much better idea to champion day-by-day initiatives of a more gradual and on-going nature than blast workers with all the facts and figures all at once. Part of the important PAT process is a simple thorough visual inspection of all electronic appliances before and ideally after use – try to work this into a daily checklist of duties for everyone. In addition, provide the necessary materials or points of contact for even the slightest concerns to be voiced and thus help bring problems to light when and they may occur.

And another great tip is to think about periodically sending workers from different areas of the business to carry out their own inspections of areas they don’t primarily work in – chances are they will be much pickier and thus highlight problems others may have missed. It’s all a case of structuring and delegating a few simple day-to-day checks that become second nature in no time at all.


What never fails to fail is the kind of system whereby a boss or building owner talks the hind legs off everyone about how great it’s going to be, only for that to be the last mention of visible effort pertaining to it. By contrast, what never fails to work is genuine and thoughtful interaction whereby one-on-one contact is made with workers and building occupants on a regular basis to demonstrate that the subject really is of importance to everyone.

What’s more, next time the inspectors make a visit armed to the teeth with their Seaward Primetest 50 arsenals, give those already involved in the various safety initiatives plenty of time to see the process in action and ask questions. Some would argue this is time better spent elsewhere, others would say it’s a small price to pay for electrical health and safety awareness at work.


Last but not least, perhaps the most important thing of all to remember is the way in which the channel of communication needs to be two-way and encouraged. You can lecture a staff-force until blue in the face about the value of electrical safety and the merits of the Primetest 100, but everyone knows that lectures of such a kind tend to go in one ear and out the other unless the content is put into practice.

So, open new channels of communication by installing suggestion boxes, offering incentives for any positive ideas implemented and consider appointing at least one individual per department to monitor electrical safety, perhaps on a rotating basis.

Build the channels of communication strong enough and to a large extent you might just find that much of the responsibility is taken entirely out of your hands.

 By Francesca Holmes

Francesca Holmes is a private electrical engineering tutor from Weymouth who specialises in competence with the Seaward Primetest 50 and its various component devices. When not campaigning for a safer UK workplace, she is a keen sailor and doting mother of f

Thanks, Francesca, for this information about the importance of employees understanding the hazards associated with electrical testing.  When dielectric personal protective equipment is needed, please refer to Texas America Safety Company, for quality products.


Sent by Maire Hunter.

Safety inspections can be intimidating for factories and other industrial work settings. A safety inspector wields a lot of power in these situations. If a business runs afoul of established safety regulations, it can be hit with fines or even shut-down altogether.

Management is responsible for ensuring the workplace meets safety standards at all times. It’s just good business – and attention to safety keeps employees out of harm’s way and assures your business will pass an inspection with no problems.

Practice sanitary and safety compliance at all times

While most inspections are arranged in advance, if you haven’t been following safety guidelines, you’ll have a hard time pulling it together quickly enough to pass an inspection. Plus, you run the more serious risk of accidents occurring as a result of poor safety practices.

While an ideal industrial business is already meeting all safety regulations, it’s hard to accomplish that at all times, in practice. Little things might escape your attention – like a machine operator who routinely removes his safety glasses, or a burned-out light that may reduce visibility in a hazardous area. Get in the habit of looking for and replacing any facility safety equipment that is in disrepair.

Go through a factory safety checklist

Safety inspectors will be working off of a checklist when assessing your factory’s regulatory compliance. They usually make that checklist available to your business ahead of time, so review it and make sure you’re able to pass all of the requirements.

Even before you’re preparing for an inspection, perform a self-inspection, so you don’t miss any important details.

Enlist the help of employees to meet regulatory standards

Your employees are a valuable resource that can help enact change in a short time frame. If you identify any problems that need to be addressed, assign employees to handle specific tasks and review their work when they’re finished. When you assign an important task like this to employees, it demonstrates that you trust them.

Brief employees on conduct involving the inspector

Employees need to understand that, while talking to the inspector is not prohibited, they need to be careful about the information they discuss. Being cordial and conversational is always a good idea, but if an inspector questions employees, they should always defer to management.

Accompany the inspector throughout the visit

The appointed manager should remain with the inspector at all times, in order to answer any questions as they arise. And when management is present for the inspection, he or she can see first-hand any problems the inspector identifies and discuss how to remedy them.

When you have clear safety procedures and guidelines for employees to follow and provide quality protective gear and maintain equipment in the workplace, you’ll be more prepared for inspections. Emphasize to your employees the importance of safety regulations – for their own good, and for the benefit of the company.


Vacationing Fun On The Water in South Carolina: Keep It Safe

People all over America sometimes spend months at a time saving money just to afford a trip to the beach. For residents of South Carolina, however, this “saving” period often just involves filling up the gas tank and heading off. This is because, even in the most remote areas of the state, South Carolinians are usually no more than 100 miles away from the nearest waterway. The choice of places to go and activities to enjoy is nearly endless, but it’s also important for an individual or family to know how to stay safe while enjoying the waters of the Palmetto State.

Places to Go

There are an abundance of water sources that South Carolina residents can enjoy. To the east and easily accessible to those who live in the southern parts of the state is the great Atlantic Ocean. Charleston, Myrtle Beach and Hilton Head are all popular destinations, but these beaches aren’t the only ones that people can enjoy. Those in the Midlands can spend their time at Lake Murray or head south to Lake Marion or Lake Moultrie. 

Residents up north also have a few options. Depending on where an individual resides, they are likely to be close to either Strom Thurmond Lake, Fishing Creek Lake or Wateree Lake. Many people even have fun at the smaller Monticello Reservoir after a few activities at the Sumter National Forest. It may seem unfair for South Carolina to have so many options while other states have so few, but with the humid summers that the state faces, many would agree that these waterways are well-deserved.

What to Do

There’s no shortage of things to do in, on and even above the waters of South Carolina. Those who visit the ocean can partake in surfing, scuba diving, parasailing and kite boarding, just to name a few. Those who end up at the state’s lakes can also enjoy fun events like jet skiing, waterskiing and tubing. Many of these activities can likewise be enjoyed on the state’s rivers along with kayaking and white water rafting. In addition, all of these places are great spots for fishing and swimming. There’s literally a little something for everyone to do. 

Staying Safe

Having fun in and on the water is all well and good, but it’s important for a person to take a few safety precautions to ensure the safety of themselves and those around them. Unfortunately, even when proper precautions are taken, the negligence of others can cause injuries to even the safest of water-goers. This should remain an important consideration when enjoying oneself. 

  • Never consume alcohol while swimming, driving boats or in any water activities.
  • Keep an eye on children at all time. Young children aren’t strong swimmers and should always wear floatation devices.
  • Life vests should be worn by everyone on a boat, regardless of how well they swim.
  • Follow instructor directions when undertaking any special water sport (ie. parasailing, scuba diving).
  • Be aware of undertow which is a current under the surface of the ocean moving in the differing way to the surface current, usually away from the shore.
  • Never swim alone.

When another person causes an accident through negligence, it’s important for the victim to seek immediate medical attention and contact a personal injury attorney Charleston SC based or an advocate in any area of the state. This is less about a free payday and more about covering medical bills and losses. Accidents on the water can be detrimental; usually more detrimental than those on land. This can lead to serious injuries, property damage and even death. Without legal help, the victim of a waterway accident may suffer physically, emotionally and financially for the rest of their lives.

There is never a shortage of water activities to take up a person’s time while in South Carolina. From the South Carolina/Georgia border all the way to the Atlantic Ocean, residents and visitors have their pick of excitement. It’s important to remember, however, that safety should always come first. If an individual acts with safety in mind, they’ll reduce their chances of being in or causing an accident. A waterway accident may easily lead to personal injury claims and financial losses, so taking proper safety precautions will ensure that a person is on the right side of the aisle if ever involved in these situations.

As a safety advocate and avid beach goer, Kelly Dennie, freelance writes about many different topics. Howell and Christmas, LLC is a personal injury attorney Charleston SC based law firm that knows the state’s laws well and will fight for you to get comprehensive medical treatment, recompense, and other damages you are entitled to under the law. The representatives of the insurance company work for them and not you. Therefore, you should have a skilled attorney working for you that understands the legal issues and represents your best interest.