All posts by pat brownlee

WHY ERGONOMICS MATTERS: THE SCIENCE OF SAFETY IN THE OFFICE (GUEST POST) defines ergonomics as “the study of efficiency in working environments.” This one word encompasses just about everything about your workplace, including the size and brightness of your monitor, the space on your desk, and even how you hold your hands when typing an email. An improper ergonomic workspace can leave you feeling unnecessarily tired, grouchy, and sore. Over time, the wrong ergonomic setup can even cause debilitating and painful degenerative problems such as carpal tunnel syndrome. Here are five common physical problems improper ergonomics can cause, along with ways to combat them!

1)      Bad Posture

Sitting hunched over a keyboard or a steering wheel all day can lead to painful lower back problems such as bulging discs and strained muscles. The human body is designed to be in motion and can only sustain a single position for about twenty minutes without pain. In common seated-job scenarios, people tend to sit toward the front of their seats to focus more intently on the road or the computer. The best way to combat this is simple: sit back so the seat’s lumbar and neck supports can do their job. Place your feet flat on the floor. Finally, shift positions or stand up and move around as often as possible, but no less than five minutes per twenty minutes of sitting time.

2)      Carpal tunnel syndrome

Many professional writers and people who spend a lot of time typing are prone to this extremely painful degenerative disease. Carpal tunnel is so named because when the median nerve, which runs through the carpal tunnel into the palm, thumb, index, and middle fingers becomes inflamed, it can affect the range of motion and strength in the hand, as well as causing numbness, tingling, and pain. To combat this, you can use a special ergonomic brace for your keyboard or lower your desk so your wrists don’t raise upward while you’re typing.

3)      Eye Strain

Eye strain is one of the most common problems an ergonomically incorrect workspace can cause. If left uncorrected long enough, this can result in degenerative eye diseases such as astigmatism and nearsightedness. These can frequently result in the need for corrective lenses or eye surgery. Keeping your computer screen dimmed, especially when you are using it for long periods, and making sure your workspace is well lit can help prevent this problem. It’s also a good idea to take frequent breaks, especially when staring at a computer monitor or plan text for long periods. If possible, arrange your computer screen so it’s 18-24 inches from your face and you’re reading it from a downward angle.

4)      Repetitive Strain Injury

Anything you do repetitively day in and day out can cause RSI. This applies equally to typing and pushing wheelbarrows, as well as using a hammer, turning a wrench…just about anything your job requires on a regular basis can bring on RSI. Keeping a good posture and using appropriate safety equipment (see Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, above) can help reduce or eliminate RSI symptoms.

5)      Twisted Posture

This may seem to tie in with bad posture, and in some ways it does. However, in many offices, space is at a premium, forcing employees to sit in awkward positions. If possible, arrange your desk, monitor, and chair so everything sits in a straight line. Keep your desk phone and other things you use frequently close, so you can reach them without straining. If there’s not a way to reorganize your cubicle, ask your employer if it’s possible to move the wall back enough to give you a proper alignment to prevent posture and RSI problems.

Our thanks to Joe Shervall, of, UK office furniture specialists.

Please note: Texas America Safety Company has the perfect Ergonomics Poster for your office. 



This article, sent to us by Elisabeth Wright,

High-stress situations affect everyone differently, even causing some to exhibit behavior that’s notaltogether socially acceptable. Some people react to situations that make them anxious by going into high gear and taking care of business, others are incapable of maintaining a calm facade. While there are as many different inappropriate reactions to stress as there are sufferers from anxiety, these are 10 of the most mortifying.

  1. Laughing at a Funeral – Perhaps the most horrifying thing you can do at a funeral is laugh, but it does happen. With the tension of the situation, some people just crack under the pressure. It’s not uncommon for some mourners to find themselves battling back a case of the giggles, despite their grief.
  2. Laughing When a Person Gets Hurt – While there’s certainly a market for entertainment based solely around the idea of finding humor in another’s misfortune, laughing at someone who’s just sustained a serious injury can often be the result of the high-pressure situation and nervous fear.
  3. Getting the Hiccups when Going on an Interview – The hiccups are irritating under normal circumstances, but they can also be triggered by stress in some people. When you’re on a job interview, especially during such tough economic times, it’s downright horrifying. The stress of trying to suppress hiccups can draw the sufferer’s focus away from the interview itself, creating a vicious cycle in which their embarrassment over the hiccups causes even more stress and further exacerbates the situation.
  4. Throwing Up the Morning of Your Wedding – Sometimes a sour stomach on your wedding day can be attributed to the celebrations of the night before, but that’s not always the case. It’s not uncommon for people in stressful situations to find themselves struggling with nausea, especially on one of the biggest days of your life.
  5. Tripping Up the Stairs – Becoming self-conscious during important moments can lead to an inability to use your regular motor functions. At a graduation or an award ceremony, it’s easy to lose your footing and trip up those stairs. The worst part is the burning in your face when you realize hundreds of people just witnessed your embarrassment. Just stand up, shake it off and keep on going. Try not to dwell on it for too long because that may cause it to happen again.
  6. Turning Bright Red When Thinking Impure Thoughts – Blushing at a risqué joke is one thing, but knowing that you’re turning a telltale shade of red when something sparks an impure thought or two is another. On a first date, the nerves in conjunction with your attraction to another person can cause your face to flush, effectively giving you away.
  7. Not Being Able to Talk to the Opposite Sex Like in the TV show “Big Bang Theory,” one character’s inability to speak around women is a nervous reaction that happens in real life. Selective mutism can affect anyone and is more likely to happen when you’re around someone you’re attracted to. You get nervous thinking that this other person will judge you if you say something “stupid,” so you are struck silent.
  8. Talking Too Much – While some people find themselves struggling to speak when they’re nervous, others have trouble stemming the tide of words falling from their mouths. One of the most common nervous reactions is becoming more talkative than usual, even when you’re actively trying to stay quiet.
  9. Wetting Yourself – Being so nervous that you’re battling a full-on anxiety attack or something close to it can bring on a case of the weak bladder, which is a common reaction to intense fear or stress. The fact that it’s somewhat common doesn’t make it any less mortifying, though.
  10. Giggling Around Your Crush – Nervous laughter doesn’t only happen at funerals. It can also happen when you’re approached by someone you’ve taken a fancy to. Giggling when a pretty girl asks you for the time might not be the smoothest one in the book, but it is one of the most natural.

Nervous reactions are difficult to overcome because they often happen through no control of your own. Without knowing why they happen, it’s hard to accept them and get past them. Just try not to chide yourself for reacting inappropriately in the face of stress, because you’ll only add to your anxiety and possibly bring on more embarrassing reactions.




The world can be a dangerous place, there’s no doubt about it. Some things, however, aren’t quite as dangerous as you may believe. Despite the hype of sensationalist media outlets, these 20 activities are, from a statistical standpoint, not nearly as treacherous as many believe them to be.
  1. Taking the Elevator – Fear of enclosed spaces and a fundamental distrust of the mechanisms causes many people to forgo the elevator in favor of climbing the stairs, but the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and the Consumer Product Safety Commission estimate that only 27 deaths occur each year in elevators. The majority of those deaths happen to the mechanics working on elevators. Meanwhile, an estimated 1,600 people will die each year as a result of falling down stairs.
  2. Swimming in the Ocean – The Jaws franchise certainly instilled a fear of shark attacks in beach bums around the world, but the chances of being a victim of a shark attack is far lower than you may realize. The Ichthyology Department at the Florida Museum of Natural History places estimated annual death toll by shark at one each year. To put that into perspective, cows kill an average of 22 people per year.
  3. Scuba Diving – Just as casual beach time isn’t likely to end in a shark attack, heading into deeper waters on a scuba diving outing is a bit safer than you may have been told. Fatality estimates hover around five per 100,000 divers, a third of which can be attributed to cardiac events while underwater.
  4. Riding a Motorcycle – In 2001, only 74,000 of the 4.9 million motorcycles, or 1.5% of registered bikes in the United States, were involved in an accident. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration statistics show that 5% of the passenger cars on the road were involved in accidents that year, showing that the odds of being involved in a motorcycle accident are significantly lower than a car crash.
  5. Rollercoasters – Amusement park giants Six Flags commissioned a study regarding the safety of rollercoasters, concluding that visitors to their part have a one in 1.5 billion chance of being fatally injured on a rollercoaster. The study also found that injury rates for golf, folding lawn chairs and kids’ wagons were higher than those of amusement park rides.
  6. Flu Shots – Despite the objections of those who prefer a more natural approach, the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention insists that flu shots are safe for most people. From 1990 to 1999, the CDC estimates that 36,000 people died from flu-related complications, while the current mortality rate for flu vaccines is 0.2 per 100,000 people.
  7. Rock Climbing – The Southeastern Climbing Coalition that approached officials at Signal Mountain in Chattanooga, Tennessee regarding a reversal of a rock climbing ban in the area cited that climbing injuries are so rare that the activity is actually, from a statistical standpoint, less dangerous than hiking.
  8. Hiking – Despite what reality television and some news reports would have you believe, your chances of being mauled by a mountain lion or bear or bitten by a snake while hiking are quite low, according to figures quoted by
  9. Whitewater Sports – Hurtling down the rapids in a canoe or kayak certainly induces an adrenaline rush and seems like an extremely high-risk activity. In fact, the American Whitewater Association’s safety figures show that a fatality rate of 2.9 per 100,000 participants is actually lower than the 15.2 fatality rate of driving a passenger vehicle.
  10. Skiing – High-profile skiing accidents can make the sport seem very dangerous, but the National Ski Area Association figures regarding the fatality rate actually quote a .78 per 1 million skier/snowboarder visits.
  11. Skateboarding – Hurtling through half-pipes looks dangerous, which is why so many people feel that skateboarding is a high-risk activity. The United States Consumer Product Safety Commission has actually determined that the number of skateboarding injuries hovers around 8.9 per 1,000 participants. Basketball, a sport largely regarded as a safe sport, carries a 21.2 ER-treated injury per 1,000 players’ rate. Statistically, skateboarding is far safer than a game of basketball.
  12. Owning a Pit Bull – Few dog breeds are treated with as much fear and regarded with as much contempt as the American Pit Bull. Dramatic spikes in fighting activity and irresponsible breeding for aggression has contributed to the image of viciousness, but you’re statistically more likely to drown in a five-gallon water bucket, die as a result of a falling coconut or drown in your bathtub than be killed by a Pit Bull, according to
  13. Skydiving – The United States Parachuting Association’s fatality rate figures show that approximately one in 100,000 jumps results in an accident. According to their research, a person would have to skydive 17 times in one year to bring their statistical risk of dying as a result of their hobby to the same level as their risk of dying in a car accident.
  14. Traveling in Mexico – Border wars, drug cartels and infamous drinking water are all things that come to mind when most Americans consider a visit to Mexico. While the FBI estimates that 15,241 people were murdered in the United States in 2009, only 111 of the estimated 8 million visitors who happen to be American citizens were killed in Mexico that year.
  15. Taking Birth Control Pills – Risk of blood clots, stroke and other health complications as a result of using hormonal birth control are well-publicized, the National Research Center for Women and Families asserts that oral contraceptive use is actually safer than pregnancy and childbirth for most women.
  16. Going on a Cruise – With the tragedy of the Costa Concordia event and the scandal regarding the Carnival Triumph, taking a cruise may not seem like such a relaxing vacation after all. According to ABC News 20/20′s cruise report, however, taking a cruise is eight times safer than crossing the street in New York City.
  17. Giving Birth at Home – A large 2011 study out of the United Kingdom published by the National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit showed that home births and midwife-attended births seemed to be as safe or safer for both mother and child than obstetrician-attended births.
  18. Shopping Online – According to the Better Business Bureau, online shopping can be just as safe as buying from brick-and-mortar stores or mail-order retailers, despite alarming reports about identity theft.
  19. Anesthesia – There’s something scary about going under the knife, especially when you know you’re going to be anesthetized. places the risk of dying as a result of general anesthesia alone at .01% to .0016%, though.
  20. Not Owning a Gun – The Second Amendment protects an American’s right to bear arms, but it doesn’t guarantee his safety. In fact, the Journal of the American Medical Association has concluded that, “based on the evidence currently available, it appears that gun ownership is associated with a net increase in the risk of death for a typical individual.

Our thanks to Kenny Myers ( ) for giving us something to stop and think about!  (I still don’t think I will be doing any rock climbing or skateboarding, but I guess age has something to with that!)  In case you need any protective gear, Texas America Safety has just about everything, so check us out!


Close protection courses are available for the protection of the client, to protect as required by the client and for the protection of the security employee themselves. Knowledge and understanding is essential for safety. 

If you are in the security business or your job involves keeping people or things secure; you will be aware of the benefits of professional training. You may require training for yourself or your employees may need to have certain levels of training for the business. Having the right training can ensure that employees are safe and have the knowledge and understanding they need in any eventuality that comes their way.

You will find a lot of companies that offer training and education that those in the security industry will need. Finding the best provider is extremely important to ensure that you get the best training and find the most suited to your company. Business owners will be aware of the training they require for their employees. There are many cheap training courses available now as close protection courses become more widely available and in demand by many companies.

Close protection courses provide adequate knowledge so the person training can ensure a safe environment for the company or client. They also educate on carrying out risk assessments ensuring they can be done quickly and safely. It’s not always the first thing considered, but these courses are becoming more of a necessity today. Businesses require this kind of training and the options are there. Businesses need to ensure that, where protection is required; it is done properly. If the person responsible is given the best training available it will increase their knowledge helping them do the job to the best of their ability.

The close protection courses available allow individuals to familiarise potential hostile environments. This is important as they may come across a hostile situation in their career and with the right training can deal with it to the best of their ability. Finding the right provider is important to ensure you receive the best quality training at the right price. As we are talking about safety; finding the right provider is essential. You want to find a company that will offer the training at an affordable price, but also offers good quality training. Taking the time to research online and check out what’s available can save you money and ensure you get the best using the internet to research the competition.

The right training from close protection courses enables the security employee to be more aware of what is going on and how to deal with the situation they are faced with. The training can be challenging, but they are designed to ensure the safety of individuals and give them the ability to deal with the situation in the best possible way. Whatever the job role the individual is employed to do, close protection training ensures they can carry it out using their knowledge and understanding and to ensure they carry out the job properly. The training enables the employee to deal with situations they are faced with.

They enable the person to analyse the situation so they can take the required actions quickly and deal with the situation effectively. The training enables the security employee to be more aware of what it going on and how to communicate and deal with a situation. Finding the right provider is important, especially when it comes to safety. Research online can be all it takes to find the provider who can offer affordability and quality training. You cannot compromise when it comes to security as safety is very important. 

Author Bio

Rachel is a freelance writer based in Cheshire. Rachel has researched close protection courses with the help of a specialist provider online. In her spare time; Rachel enjoys spending time with her niece and classic computer games.



There has been a lot of product related deaths in the US. In 2008, there are 25 reported toy-related deaths in children below 15 years of age while there were 17 reported deaths in 2010 in the US alone (Source: There are other categories of consumer safety related issues, such as asbestos poisoning, mercury poisoning, carbon monoxide poisoning, amusement rides related injuries and deaths, as well as electrocution and fires started by different products. The key to avoiding these kinds of incidents is to become a smart consumer.

Check for Product Safety Recalls

So you are buying a second-hand car at a very low price. You are enticed to but this model since it has been barely used and yet you’re getting it at almost a quarter of its original price. But before you buy a specific product, you should always do some research. The product that you will be buying at a very low price might have been recalled by its manufacturer. You should always be wary of a product that is sold at a very low price, since you might be getting more trouble than it is worth.

Research Before You Buy

In this day and age, everything can be found on the Internet. Before you buy a product, do some research about it. Look for similar brands, check market prices and look for some product reviews. This way, you can save yourself from repairs and also avoid accidents. Is this brand better than this brand?  This brand is cheaper, but is it better?  Have there been any recalls or safety issues with this brand?  Does this brand use mercury or asbestos?  These are just some of the questions that you should be able to answer before finally purchasing a specific product.

Check the Store For Authenticity 

This wouldn’t be a problem if you bought your refrigerator from a shopping mall. You’ll just have to go back to the shop if there is any problem with your product. But what if you bought something online, and with your credit card?  Before purchasing a big item from an online store, you should always check the store for authenticity. There is a register of online stores available in most cities, or if not, you can surely find a review about that store somewhere. If you don’t want to be unsure, just make an extra effort to go down to the local shopping mall to buy some furniture or appliances.

Avoid Providing More than Necessary Information

Sure, the store needs your credit card number and your signature. In most cases, the store would verify your identity with your bank, and the bank would ask some questions, but that’s it. If you think that the store clerk, or the “bank personnel” on the other end of the line seems a bit too inquisitive, avoid answering their questions.

Make Sure to Ask for a Receipt

After making a purchase, always ask for a receipt. Make sure that the information on the receipt can be read easily, and that the name of the store is visible. You would need the receipt in claiming your warranty or if you need to return your product. In case that the store refuses to provide you with any service, you can also use the receipt to file a complaint against the store.

These are just some reminders to help you be a smart consumer. Always check before you purchase to avoid injuries and deaths.

Marissa Olson is a writer and an educator. She writes for a law firm in Southern California that specializes in personal injury and wrongful death cases.


Selecting toys for your baby or toddler can be a difficult task. It is common to select a toy on impulse because it looks cute or seems to be age appropriate. However, when you are selecting toys for children this small, there are several things that you should take into consideration to protect your child, ensure their fun, and save you money.

1. Small Parts. As you already know, babies and toddlers have the tendency to stick everything in their mouth. It does not matter what the object is, or how dirty it is, or even if you tell them no, they still stick it in their mouths. Toys with small parts, such as button eyes on stuffed animals, can be very dangerous. If they stick it in their mouths and it comes off the product, there is a risk of choking. Additionally, small parts also fit into nostrils, ears, and have the tendency to be jammed into other household items.

2. Quality of Manufacture. While going to the dollar store can be a big adventure for a small child, it is also filled with dangerous toys. Many of these imported toys are poorly constructed and break easy; leaving sharp edges or small parts that can present a problem. These toys also have a tendency to contain harmful chemicals. Some overseas manufacturers do not adhere to the same health and safety regulations that manufacturers in the U.S. are held to, and these toys may have paint that contain lead or are made from plastic with high levels of PCB’s. Purchasing toys from trusted brands such as products by Babyeinstein, will give you the piece of mind that baby’s toys are manufactured to the highest standards.

3. Age Appropriate. Even though you may think your child is mature for their age or advanced in their development, it is always wise to stick with age appropriate toys. No matter how smart we think our children are, they are still small and inexperienced. Safety guidelines help dictate what is age appropriate based on the ability of a child to get hurt from using the toy, not based on their advancements. Try to always purchase within their age limits to keep your child safe.

4. Entertainment Value. Look for toys that will actually keep your child amused. It does not necessarily have to be a large or complicated item; it can be something as simple as a ball that they can roll across the floor. It is easy to get consumed with toys that are educational, but many children will have the ability to learn from any toy if they are interested enough to play with it. Look for something that you can do together or possibly something that involves your other children. Toys can also be a way to bond and bring everyone in the family closer.

When you are out shopping for toys, give yourself a little extra time to examine the product and make a choice that is most beneficial to your child and yourself. Children need to play, it helps them to develop and grow. Parents need to make sure that when they do play, they will remain safe, which is easy to accomplish when you review a product before you buy.

As a mom of 3, author Georgina Clatworthy knows the importance of choosing toys from reputable manufacturers such as products by Babyeinstein. Kids II is global leader when it comes to trusted brands for baby toys and products. For 40 years they have been inventing innovative, award winning toys under its flagship brands.


This message is short but sweet, but we at Blog4Safety and Texas America Safety Company wish  a safe and Happy St. Patrick’s Day to everyone!  I also hope you are wearing green today, not taking any chances on getting pinched!  Also, there will be many parades and celebrations celebrating our Irish friends; in case you are one of them, please don’t over-do it with alcohol, but call a cab or let a friend drive you home. 

May the “Luck of the Irish” be with all our friends and readers the rest of this year!





Piper Alpha Anniversary – Memorial Campaign

 The 6th of July 2013 marks 25 years since 167 colleagues lost their lives in the oil industry’s largest ever disaster. Oil and Gas People got behind a campaign that hopes to restore the Piper Alpha memorial gardens in Aberdeen back to gold status in time for the 25th Anniversary.

Thousands of  lives were affected by the Piper Alpha tragedy in the North Sea and the Piper Alpha dens not only serve as a tribute to the men lost but also act as a constant reminder of the dangers associated with working offshore.   The 6th of July 2013 marks 25 years since 167 colleagues lost their lives in the oil industry’s largest ever disaster. Oil and Gas People got behind a campaign that hopes to restore the Piper Alpha memorial gardens in Aberdeen back to gold status in time for the 25th Anniversary.

In many ways the 25th anniversary is also a celebration. Every single person working in the oil and gas industry today is safer as a result of the Cullen enquiry which followed the disaster and made sweeping safety changes, changes that we have no doubt have saved countless lives since. We have included all our site members in this campaign as the Piper Alpha findings didn’t only make the industry safer in the UK but did so globally.  The lessons learned from the disaster should never be forgotten and nor should the men who lost their lives and the family’s still effected to this day.

Piper Alpha disaster memorial gardens £1m campaign launched

The 1988 North Sea oil platform tragedy saw 167 men die, the world’s worst such incident.  A statue and the memorial gardens are a major feature at Aberdeen’s Hazlehead Park. 

 The Piper Alpha Memorial honours the 167 victims of the disaster.  A campaign to raise £1m to help maintain the Piper Alpha disaster memorial gardens in Aberdeen has been launched.

Piper Memorial Trust

The Plan: Pound for Piper is working with Oil and Gas UK and the local council to set up a Trust Fund to ensure the gardens are not just restored but are also maintained for generations to come. Oil and Gas People is calling on the industry to unite and get behind this important campaign. You can make a donation via our Just Giving Page or if you wish to be more involved you can help further by organising collections in your workplace or holding your own sponsored event. We really hope all our site members can pull together on this one and dig deep. 

Safety legacy left by Piper Alpha 

The lessons of the Piper Alpha disaster should mean future generations of offshore workers are safer, industry experts have said.  Industry safety experts and workers new to life offshore say they believe practices are now better. They believe better platform design, new work systems and greater workforce involvement have improved safety. An inquiry led by Lord Cullen opened in Aberdeen in January 1989, ended in February 1990, and published its 500-page report nine months later. This led to North Sea safety being shifted from the Department of Energy to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). Among changes was automatic shut-down valves being made mandatory on rigs, to starve a fire of fuel. Offshore fatalities and serious injuries are down, and minor injuries are substantially down.

Turning point

However, incidents such as gas escapes have risen. Oil and Gas UK is the body representing operators and contractors in the North Sea. Oil and Gas UK director of health and safety, Chris Allen, said: “Piper Alpha was a turning point for the UK oil and gas industry, leading to significant changes in the industry’s approach to safety management, regulation and training. “It’s important to remember that the hazards will always exist.”But given the changes the industry has made, the industry is in a different place, which means we can manage the risks much better. Today the offshore industry compares well with many other industries.”Oil and Gas UK is using the 25th anniversary of the disaster to reinforce the safety message offshore. It has produced a DVD that is being sent to all North Sea installations. Jake Molloy, of the OILC/RMT union, said despite safety improvements in the years since there can never be complacency.  He said: “The industry has learned lessons and we continue to learn lessons.”There is no doubt that significant improvements in safety have been made across the industry in the 25 years since Piper.

‘People key”

Mr Molloy explained: “The regulations that have been introduced coupled with the installation of improved hardware should prevent another disaster on the scale of Piper Alpha. I say ‘should’ because we can never say never.” Regulations must be adhered to and the hardware will only ever be as good as the people charged with looking after it. People are therefore key to ensuring safety standards are maintained and improved upon.”The HSE said some companies are better performers than others. Piper Alpha was the world’s worst offshore disaster, and those involved in the industry are determined to ensure that remains the case.Piper Alpha was the world’s worst offshore disaster, but there have been many more devestating oil platform and accidents through shipping that have caused much harm to people and the environment.

 It’s important to remember that the hazards will always exist. But the industry is in a different place.
Chris Allen
Oil and Gas UK
                   BBC online
As a resident of the West Texas oilfields for 34 years, where my husband and son worked, anyone who works in the oil and gas industry knows there must be respect for this type of dangerous work. As stated, one cannot become complacent.  There have been numerous blow-outs of wells on land, and those who have never worked in this type of environment should appreciate the hard work it takes to produce the energy we all enjoy.  In the past, there may have been a lack of training and education of safety on rigs.  Workers should be equipped with the correct Work safety supplies and know how to care for it and when to replace it. pb




Sent by Maire Hunter

Your office manager represents the face of your business. Customers and employees alike will see your manager when they walk in, and her behavior and demeanor can reinforce or change their impression of you. Accordingly, every office manager requires onboard training to get up to speed on procedure and company culture. Hiring a top candidate and providing thorough training may mean the difference between a manager who works with employees to exceed client needs and one who simply shows up to open the door and turn on the lights. Make sure to hit these basics when training your next hire.


While you may have stated ideal software qualifications in your job posting, there’s no guarantee your chosen candidate will have the exact skills you want. Offer training in every program your office manager will use daily, such as Outlook, Microsoft Publisher, Access or Salesforce.


As the face of your business, your office manager must have excellent oral and written communications skills. While you’ve hopefully used the interview and reference check to evaluate your new manager’s communications skills, you can offer additional training should you think it required. Communications training can include dealing with angry customers or employees, conflict resolution strategies, foreign language skills, research skills and grant writing. Of course, these skills may benefit the office as a whole so you may want to open up training opportunities to all employees.

Administrative Services

Chances are, you have a preferred way things are done at your workplace, and your new hire needs to know this as part of onboard training. How are rooms reserved for meetings? How are personal time off requests handled? Where does employee mail go, and who should sign for packages? Have an existing administrative employee train your new hire in workplace procedures or provide a comprehensive employee manual or intranet that explains these procedures. There will be a lot for a new office manager to take in, so it’s important that she have something to refer to if she forgets something.

Workplace Management

Every office manager must make sure the workplace has enough supplies, from letterhead and stationery to cleaning supplies like cleaning wipes and dish soap for the office kitchen. Have an existing administrative employee show your new hire where your keep vendor catalogs, account information, workplace supply inventory and other necessities. It can be easy to overlook these small things until you’re down to fifty pieces of letterhead and facing two weeks’ lead time until the next batch arrives.

Safety Protocol

Your workplace should have emergency plans in place to accommodate power outages, fire drills and other hazards. Since your office manager may need to ensure that the building is safely evacuated and that phone trees are followed in the vent of weather-related emergencies, she will need to become familiar with all workplace safety protocol. This information also belongs in the manual or intranet, for the benefit of all employees.

The right office manager needs a blend of hard and soft skills to make the workplace run successfully day in and day out. The right training leverages these skills for success by providing everything needed for a smooth and successful transition. When the office manager is effective, it’s that much easier for other employees to perform at a higher level.

Thanks, Maire, for this detailed information involving the responsibilities of an office manager.  In the safety protocols section, it is important that the company has regularly scheduled safety meetings, and that all employees follow these rules.  Many accidents happen in an office, so strategically placed safety posters remind them to be safe at all times.  pb



Beware of Slip And Fall Accidents: Top Real Estate Liability Risk List

Anyone who goes into business for themselves must realize the liabilities that they could be facing. When it comes to real estate liability, it turns out that slips and falls are the number one liability risk that every business owner with a physical location faces. These types of accidents can lead to serious injuries, and if it’s decided that a business owner is responsible for the injury, they could face huge monetary damages. With slips and falls being the huge danger that they are, it’s important for every business owner to fully understand the risk they’re facing. 

Slip and Fall Liability

Not every slip and fall that occurs at a business is going to be seen as the company’s fault, but many of them will turn out that way. As any slip and fall attorney will tell you, the only way to ensure that business owners take this risk seriously is for them to fully understand the consequences of not doing so. 

1. Potential Costs

Many business owners don’t realize that one slip and fall injury can end up costing them tens of thousands of dollars. No two cases like this are the same, so the settlement can vary significantly. It’s just important to remember that such an accident can cause spinal injuries, broken bones and, in serious falls, traumatic brain damage. These types of injuries will obviously cause significant financial losses for a company. 

2. Adverse Publicity

Even if a company doesn’t face large civil penalties for a slip and fall accident, they’re likely to still lose money due to negative publicity. If the public finds out about such an accident, they may start to view the business as an unsafe place to frequent. In addition, simply fighting against a slip and fall lawsuit can make it appear as if the company is trying to avoid its financial duties, and whether this is true or not, it’s going to be a public relations nightmare. 

Minimizing the Chances of Slip and Fall Injuries

While slip and fall injuries are an ever existing risk when customers are at a business, these risks can be mitigated through proper planning. 

  • Walkways: Walkways should always be well lit and slightly pitched for drainage purposes to avoid accidents. These areas should also be smooth but definitely not slippery. If necessary, chemical treatments should be used to increase friction on the walkway. 
  • Staircases: Staircases are common areas where slip and fall accidents occur. It’s important that these stairs meet local building codes, so these requirements should be checked out even if a business owner has just moved into their new company address. These structures should also remain free of debris at all times. 
  • Floor Maintenance: Floors should always be cleaned to manufacturers’ specifications. Nonslip wax is sometimes essential, but it’s important to make sure that the flooring material is completely compatible with whatever wax is being used. In addition, it’s important to not use wax and floor cleaner combinations that were initially intended for walkways; this will cause residual buildup that can increase the likelihood of accidents.

It’s important for every individual to recognize the liability issues that they face as a business owner. Failure to proactively prevent and anticipate possible injuries that could be sustained on their property is a quick way for an individual to lose everything that they own. Luckily, simply knowing that slip and fall accidents are their main source of liability is enough to get a business owner moving in the right direction. Preventing this type of liability is necessary for anyone who hopes to keep a profitable business. 

As a former law blog editor, author Georgina Clatworthy has written extensively about personal injury and accident liabilities. Price Benowitz, LLP is a firm of personal injury lawyers ready to assist anyone who needs the help of an experienced slip and fall attorney. Partnering with a reputable attorney will maximize your chances of obtaining full compensation for injuries suffered as the result of a these types of accidents.