All posts by pat brownlee


I don’t intend to hang a big, black cloud over the race that is scheduled to start in about one hour, the “Superbowl of Racing,” the Daytona 500.  Race fans look forward to another season of spectacular driving, and talented drivers.  Yesterday’s accident, during the NASCAR Nationwide, marred the victory for veteran driver Tony Stewart, as two cars collided, sending one of the car’s motor and some of its tires through a hole in the fence, caused by the impact, or over the fence, injuring approximately 28 persons.  Fourteen were taken to a nearby hospital and the other fourteen were treated at the track. 

Through the years, NASCAR’s focus has been on safety – not only of the drivers, but also that of the pit crews, tracks, and fans, and of course, safer cars.  Maintaining safety for the cars and drivers is a challenge for both NASCAR and the owners and designers, because cars are becoming faster and faster.  Yesterday’s freak accident may deter some fans from attending, but I am betting most of them will go back for today’s race. 

The accident involved twelve cars, but none of the drivers were injured.  Stewart, when interviewed, stated, “We’ve always known since racing started, this is a dangerous sport, but it’s hard.  We assume that risk, but it’s hard when fans get caught up in it….I could see it all in my mirror, and it didn’t look good from where I was at.” 

One neat thing for female fans, is that Danica Patrick won the pole position for today’s race.  It will be interesting to see where she finishes today.  She is a very tiny person, 5’2”, and around 100 pounds, but she has proven to be as tough as the guys.  Many of the drivers will attest to it.  Jeff Gordon and Carl Edwards both took their daughters to meet her last week, at the Stewart-Haas garage. 

If you plan to attend any NASCAR events, Texas America Safety Company has NASCAR hardhats, which might prove to make you a little safer, and also fun to wear at work.  For sure, you could also use some quality hearing protection earplugs.  It gets noisy out there. 

Let’s send our thoughts and prayers out to those fans who were injured yesterday, that fans, drivers, and crews have a very safe day today and throughout the racing season.


Many people look forward to the winter months for the excitement of playing in the snow. Other individuals, however, dread the colder months due to the more difficult commutes and freezing temperatures. Regardless of how a person feels about the winter, if they’re a business owner, they cannot simply ignore it. Winter months create the risks of numerous injuries, and if a business owner doesn’t take proper measures at his office to protect clients and even passersby, he could possibly be held liable for any injuries. This is why it’s so important for business owners to prepare their company for the winter months. Luckily, there are a few simple methods of doing this. 
Layer Salt on Walkways
One of the most important things a business owner can do is put salt on any walkway or sidewalk in front of their building. Unfortunately, a business owner can be held accountable for a slip and fall injury on a sidewalk that isn’t even their actual property. Luckily, applying salt is a simple process that will help prevent water and snow from becoming ice. 


Installing rails is another great way to prevent accidents that result in serious personal injury lawsuits that could ruin a company. Steps, and even some walkways benefit from the installation of a handrail. In fact, some building codes actually require handrails when there are a certain number of steps. Even if they aren’t required, however, installing them can help prevent someone from slipping on slick steps during the winter. These are especially important, as an Atlanta injury attorney might attest, in southern regions where snow and ice seldom form causing people to not be prepared when they actually do.   

Shoveling Snow

Shoveling show from any areas around a business is also vital during the winter months. Unfortunately, snow presents a constant hazard for people walking through it. A large enough snowfall can conceal dangers on sidewalks. This becomes a particular problem when snow plows push snow off of the streets and up onto sidewalks. A business owner or their employees should wear appropriate boots when doing this and also shovel snow as it accumulates rather than waiting for it to pile up. 

Fix any Issues Immediately

There are obviously going to be unforeseen circumstances that can cause an injury to employees or passersby. Many of these incidents don’t, in themselves, create negligence on the part of the business owner. If that business owner knew, or should’ve known, that a particular hazard existed, it’s very likely that they’ll be held liable if an injury occurs.

If someone walks into a business owner’s offices covered in snow, for instance, it’s likely that their office floor will become wet when this snow melts. It’s hard to say that a person who walks in five seconds after the initial individual and slips on this moisture was injured due to the owner’s negligence. If this wet floor is allowed to remain, however, and the business owner should’ve known about it, then it’s likely that he’ll be held accountable. Wet floor signs should definitely be used. 

The simple fact of the matter is that business owners can be held responsible for people that are injured on their property; this is true even if the injured party isn’t a client. Sadly, these types of accidents have forced some business owners to close the doors at their company after facing severe civil damages. Fortunately, it only takes a bit of proactive thinking to reduce common risk.

Saam Banai is a freelance writer and editor and supporter of safe small business efforts. At Stokes & Kopitsky, you can find an Atlanta injury attorney in the event that you suffer from personal injury on the premise of a negligent business. Their experienced attorneys will provide immediate help to the victims of work and premise injuries, automobiles and bicycle accidents, and wrongful death.
When preparing your business for the safety of winter visitors and employees, be sure to see that your workers wear the appropriate cold weather personal protective equipment to stay as warm as possible. pb


Many camping grounds around Australia have excellent hiking trails near them, and for some holiday makers the idea of hiking the quiet open trail on their own is very appealing.  Trail hiking in solitude allows time for relaxation and self-examination.  You can move at your own pace and set yourself a physical and mental challenge while truly enjoying the bounties that nature has to offer. Whether you go hiking solo, or with a group, there are a number of potential situations you need to be ready for before you leave your camping ground or holiday accommodation. 

It will be your responsibility to ensure you do not get lost, remember to take a map, compass and GPS system, and if you do become lost in unfamiliar terrain or if the weather changes, remember to S T O P – Stop,  Think,  Observe, and Plan. 

Be aware of the danger of human attacks, and if you are a female and hiking on your own you can take pepper spray and if you meet other hikers let them think your hiking partner is close behind.  Animals can also attack if they feel threatened or are protecting their young.  If you see a snake, do not approach it, and if you are bitten use your first aid kit to treat the bite and get immediate medical attention.  Insects are more likely to bother you than any other animals, use insect repellent and avoid hiking during dusk and dawn. 

Changeable weather is another potential risk, make sure you carry the correct gear to protect you from adverse weather, and check the weather forecast before setting off from your camping ground.  Even the most well prepared hiker is at risk from injuries, so ensure your first aid kit is well stocked and that you know what to do if you are injured.  Set realistic goals in terms of how far and fast you can hike, and do not attempt a trail that is beyond your skill level.  You should always stay on the trail, not only does it protect the environment but if become sick or injured it will be easier to find you. 

Think through your hike before you go, propose a few “what if” situations, and make a detailed plan including having a trail map and compass, detailed weather forecast, and packing enough food, water and extreme weather gear, and of course your first aid kit.  Leave an itinerary with the group you are travelling with your camping ground manager, let them  know when to expect you back and what to do if you are past your check-in time.  Signalling or tracking devices are very useful and can give additional peace of mind. 

Solo hiking is a great way to enjoy the outdoors, by being prepared and knowing your limits you can stay safe and have fun as you explore Australia’s many hiking trails.

Even if you can’t hike in Australia, these tips are excellent suggestions for your excursions!

Adam Jay is an outdoor enthusiast who frequents countless camping grounds in Australia, he writes primarily on survival topics and camping tips.


Give Back To Your Community and Get In To College

College applications are known to be complicated. The colleges want to know everything about the potential student, including their willingness to contribute to society by volunteering. While most colleges do not have a specific number of volunteer hours set as a requirement, studies have found that people with 40 or more hours of volunteer time are more likely to be accepted into their college of choice.

Finding Somewhere To Volunteer

It has become common knowledge that volunteering and contributing to your community has a positive impact on everyone. Additionally, volunteer hours may be required to complete high school and will help you get into college. The question remains, however, where can you volunteer?

The good news is that there are countless opportunities to volunteer, allowing everyone with any ability the chance to contribute. Some of the places you may look into volunteering include:

Assisted Living Facilities

An assisted living facility is a place that helps people live their daily lives with dignity. The facility may help the elderly remain independent, or it may help troubled youths adjust to society, or many variations in between. For example, a Birmingham assisted living community has an independent living, assisted living, and memory care facilities all on one campus which allows for many opportunities. In most cases, these facilities need volunteers to help with simple things such as lawn cutting or planting flowers. Many look for volunteers to help with craft classes, music projects, or social events for the residents. Some facilities may be in need of help answering phones, mailing letters or other office work.

Children’s Reading Programs

One of the biggest causes of school failure is the inability to read. It has been proven in countless studies that children who can master reading at an early age are more likely to complete school and go on to college. One of the largest ways to help improve reading skills is to have stories read to them. Hearing words is as important in developing reading skills as seeing them. You can contribute to literacy by finding time to read to small children.

Library Volunteer

The library is one of the greatest assets in any community. Not only do they supply access to books, they also provide several communities enhancement programs. The library provides free Internet access, computer training classes and even youth programs that encourage literacy and personal growth. The library is always desperate for volunteers to assist in these programs.

Homeless Shelters

In light of the recent economic trends, many homeless shelters and food distribution areas are overwhelmed with people in need. Volunteering time at one of these places will increase the amount of people that are served and help a part of society that is in most desperate need. You may be able to contribute anything from serving food to sorting out clothes to distribute to the needy.

Park System

The park system at every level is always in need of volunteers. National, state and local parks are always on the verge of closing due to budget restrictions. However, these places are necessary for our communities. You may be able to contribute as a park guide, a guest host, or even in litter control.

Many hospitals have “candy striper” programs that are supervised under the hospital auxiliary volunteer program of the facility.  This is an excellent way for those who feel they may want to enter the field of healthcare to find out first-hand what it’s all about.

While volunteering will help you get into college, it is also a very necessary part of being a member of a community. Anything you can do to make your community a better place for yourself and others is worth your spare time.

Kelly Dennie is a mother of budding college students seeking volunteer opportunities. Trinity Lifestyles Management, LLC, a Birmingham assisted living facility, combines the luxury and freedom of residents having their own apartment with the safety and accessibility of personal assistance of a trained staff. This staff is always accessible to assist residents with dressing, bathing, meals, and overseeing medications.

Thirty Blogs Parents of Teens Learning to Drive Must Read (Guest Post)

Sent to us by Barbara Williams of  We can never find too many tips on applications that help our teens realize how important the task of safe driving .  These blogs should offer insight into that responsibility.

It can be a scary time for parents when their teenagers are finally old enough to drive.  While you are in the car with her you may feel like you have some sense of control because you’re there to help her make good decisions.  However, when she takes off for her first solo drive, you probably will feel a bit anxious.  The more you can teach your teen before her first drive by herself, the better off she will be.  Here are 30 blog entries that can help the parents of teen drivers.

Cell Phones and Driving

It’s not unusual these days to find that your teen is tied to her cell phone morning, noon and night.  Because of this, it’s important that your teen knows that distracted driving is not only dangerous, but is also a leading cause of teenage accidents.  Implementing a rule regarding your teen’s cell phone use while driving is important, and could save her life.  These five blog posts will explain further.

Texting and Driving

Texting while driving is a dangerous concern for your teen, perhaps even more so than talking on the phone while driving, because you need to type on your phone. Many teenage deaths have occurred because of sending or reading a text from a friend or family member. It’s not just teens who are at risk, though; laws are being put into place to stop texting while driving for everyone.  These five blog articles will explain the reasoning behind the changes.

Proposed Law Changes

Here are five blog posts sharing some of the proposed law changes as they relate to teenage drivers.  Many have heard about cell use and texting being banned, but others are related to how many passengers you can have in the car.  Read these posts and educate yourself and your teen driver.

Driving Safely

Obviously, parents want their children to drive safely on the road, but how do you teach them everything that they need to know?  There are drivers’ education classes that you can send your child to and you can drive with your kids, but is that enough? Some people don’t think so.  Here are five blog articles that will show some other ways to teach teens to drive safely.

Winter Driving

Winter driving can be treacherous and deadly for an experienced driver, let alone a less experienced teenager.  Make sure that you practice driving with your teenager in all weather conditions.  Letting your teen know how the car could react during certain weather conditions is an important part of teaching your teen to drive.  These five blog posts will give you tips on how to teach your teen to drive safely during the winter.

Parents’ Role

At the end of the day it is up to the parents to make sure their teen is ready to get behind the wheel.  As a parent, do you know everything you need to know in order to make your teen into the best driver that he can be?  Here are five blog posts explaining what the role of the parent is in teaching teens to drive.  Maybe you will know them all, but you may also pick up a tip or two.


Submitted by Jeralyn Nelson of

The last thing any homeowner would want is for someone to get hurt coming up to or into their home.  Not only is there a chance that someone might sue you, but no one wants a friend to get hurt coming for a visit.  There are lots of things you can do that will keep your stairway safe.  Many are routine maintenance types of things, some are weather related and others have more to do with construction.  To learn more about how to keep your outside stairway safe for visitors you can check out these 25 blog entries.

Preventative Stuff

Make sure that you take a look at your front entryway and try to see it as a visitor would.  Can you easily get to the door or are there pots and decorations everywhere?  Check to make sure the light outside isn’t burnt out and other routine things.  These five blog posts will get into preventative things you can do to keep your front stairway safe.

During the Winter

Outdoor stairs can get slippery in the winter with all of the ice and snow that pile up there.  Slippery stairs are a danger for anyone trying to enter your home.  To avoid falls you need to take care of your outside steps.  These five blog articles will give you some tips to accomplish that task.

When Considering Construction

Are you tired of that old stoop and considering having a new set of stairs installed?  There are many things to consider when you are making such an improvement on your home.  You will need to make sure that the stairs are safe once they are built. Here are five blog entries that will help you make some decisions that will keep your family safe.

All About Railings

One of the most important safety features on any type of stair is the handrail.  There are many attractive options in railings on the market.  These five blog entries will show you what types of railing are available.

Hedges and Bushes

Have you ever walked up to someone’s door and had trouble finding the doorbell because there were plants and bushes hanging all over it?  Planting a bush on either side of your door is a common landscape choice, but if you don’t keep the bushes trimmed they may encroach on the walkway up to the door.  For these tips and more check out these next five blog entries.

Thanks, Jeralyn, for sharing these important tips. We all need to ensure that our steps are safe for our families as well as visitors. pb


Last summer, a window air conditioning unit in a New York apartment fell 20 stories onto a playground at a nursery school. No children were injured, but the incident garnered public attention to A/C safety concerns.

According to the maintenance staff at the complex, it was the tenants’ responsibility to buy the window unit and install it themselves. Many tenants never knew how to properly install or maintain their air conditioners. They received no assistance from maintenance workers.

It is important to understand the safety precautions for installing and maintaining your air conditioner. While it protects us from heat-related illness and death, it can also be hazardous and, in some cases, fatal. Listed below are some helpful tips on how to properly purchase, install, and maintain your air conditioner.


When looking for an air conditioner, check for the UL Mark. Underwriters Laboratories (UL) is responsible for analyzing the safety of wire and cable, as well as electrical and electronic products in North America.

Decide whether your home requires a window unit or central air conditioner. Window units work best for small spaces. If you only occupy one room at night, you only have to use one unit. Central air works better for larger homes and costs more to install. The type of cooling system depends on your behavior and what works best for you.


When installing a window unit, mount it far away from any heat sources. Avoid damp locations and areas where furniture or curtains could restrict air flow. Also, don’t install a window unit on top of a surface that is unable to support the weight of it.

You should have a professional install your central air conditioner. While you can begin the installation process yourself, there are laws regarding refrigerant handling, so have a contractor finish the job. Be sure that the contractor is licensed and get estimates from a few companies. Check the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation before contacting anyone.

You can try to camouflage the outside unit, but keep all plants and shrubs at least two feet away from it.


Have your air conditioner inspected and cleaned before every summer. If you don’t know how to properly clean it, call an expert. If cleaning the units yourself, be absolutely sure that the power is turned off and refer to your owner’s manual.

Change out filters on a monthly basis during the months of heavy-use (April through August).

Don’t allow your space to become hot and then set the A/C on maximum power; instead, run the unit early in the day and allow it to gradually cool your space.

Other Tips

Use your exhaust fans in the kitchen to avoid adding unnecessary moisture and heat. Your air conditioner doesn’t just cool your space, it also dehumidifies.

Keep your attic well-ventilated. During the summer, temperatures can reach up to 140 degrees in the attic.

If using a window unit, don’t connect it to an extension cord. The power strip cannot handle the heavy flow of electricity.


 Marie Ortiz
Staff Writer


By Maire Hunter

Every day, the modern office buzzes with thousands of volts of electricity from the computers, lights, fax machines and host of other electrical equipment we use to accomplish the work required. It’s a marvel how quickly we’ve equipped the workplace with technology. But we’ve also created the potential for electrical disaster if not prevented. Working at an office might feel safer than working with heavy equipment like bulldozers, boats or forklifts, but with the amount of electricity moving inches into our walls, it’s important to recognize, prepare for and prevent electrical hazards.

Here are a few crucial reminders when creating an electrically safe office environment.

Don’t Piggyback Power Points

Especially when working at an office where several desks and computers are collected in a single room, it’s tempting to overload power points by using double adaptors. This is extremely dangerous. Doing this, you run the risk of electrical surges that can lead to electrocution or fire. Instead, make common use of power strips, which are safer and prevent power surges.

A Tidy Office Is a Safe Office

Here’s a good rule of thumb: wires should touch walls. When using extension cords or power cords, make sure you run the wire along walls, on the floor. This averts people from tripping over wires that are exposed. And this also reduces the amount of wear the wires are exposed to, like walkways and opening doors, which will prevent any direct exposure to electricity.

Keep Electrical Equipment Updated And Evaluated

Immediately dispose and replace any wires that show signs of wear. You should also frequently check circuit breakers, as this is your primary defense against dangerous power surges. Ballasts limit the amount of electricity lights are exposed to, which is helpful for using power efficiently. But these should be checked and replaced often to ensure that worn ballasts don’t go out when you need lights the most.  

Always Turn Off the Power

When working to fix a computer or when replacing a light bulb, it’s important to turn off the power beforehand. A good habit to form is turning off the power whenever you aren’t using a device. That way you reduce the danger of ever forgetting an appliance is live.

Water and Power—Not Even Once
Many accidents involving water and electricity occur in unsuspecting ways. An employee has wet hands while working with an electrical tool, or an electrical device gets plugged in and forgotten when near a faucet or drink. Keep an eye out for any potential exposure. Employees can work together to make sure there’s never a slip-up and that water is always kept far away from any electrical power source. Furthermore, remember that you should never use water to extinguish electrical fires, and should have fire extinguishers on hand for such an event.

By keeping a vigilant eye for potential electrical hazards, you are keeping your co-workers and yourself safe. By reviewing these steps and others with your co-workers, you greatly reduce an accident from ever occurring. Stay safe. Stay aware.


By Rebecca Jones

Traveling is a phenomenon which can act as a great stress buster and provide an enjoyable experience to nurture for life. While traveling is a great experience in itself, senior citizens and older people must make sure that they are covering all aspects of travel and safety before embarking on any tour. Here are the top seven tips that can bring an added sense of security in the traveling plans of senior citizens that can help enjoy their trip without any mental worries in case of any emergencies.  

Health Checkup before Travel: Getting a proper health checkup is recommended for all travelers especially senior citizens to avoid any hassles while traveling. Before embarking on your journey, consult your physician for all wide-ranging medical investigations including any pre existing diseases or old age related potential diseases that may occur. Senior citizens are advised to check with their physicians about potential change of dietary habits while traveling depending on the area of travel as diet has a direct impact on health aspects of senior citizens. If you are traveling to a tropical country it is advises to avoid regular water and opt for bottled water to avoid any water borne diseases that can impact the stomach and hurt potential travel plans.  
Carry Adequate Medication: It is advised to carry adequate medication before embarking on any travel or tour. As a safety measure it is helpful to carry medication with a cushion of an extra week to ten days to avoid any shortages due to emergency situations or potential extension of the trip due to any reason. Also medications are pretty unique for each country and all medications may not be as freely available in foreign nations. Apart from carrying disease specific medicines, it is advised to carry general purpose medication that can be useful in case of an unwanted emergency. Taking hand sanitizer along can help when water for washing hands isn’t available.  Germs abound on planes, elevator buttons, etc. Senior citizens traveling to cold countries are also recommended to carry an extra protection of clothing to avoid any cold related diseases that affect the children and older people much more than young adults.  
Get Travel Insurance: Getting travel insurance is one of the most useful tips for all travelers’ especially senior citizens. Getting a travel insurance not only adds a comfort level mentally to the immediate family but also allows a peaceful journey knowing that the worst case scenarios are fully protected. While most people consider travel insurance as an unwanted expenses, it is a wonderful protective tool that must be incorporated in all travel plans to avoid any untoward incident while traveling be it while flying across various airlines or traveling locally in foreign countries. With many tourist specific places usually also have a high rate of crime, it is an essential tool for the older people to counter any bad situation.  
Carry Medical Prescription for Pre Existing Diseases: All senior citizens must carry their original medical prescriptions for any existing diseases to help them avail medical help in case of an emergency. If god forbid any health issues occur during travel, local doctors or local physicians can understand the case history and the pre existing diseases and the current medications being taken by the person to quickly diagnose any medical problems. Also medical prescriptions an make sure that one can procure medications from any chemist store across the world which cuts out the risk of running out of medications being carried in person.  
Update Information on Mobile Networks: Mobile phones are a marvelous helpful tool for tourists especially the senior citizens. A mobile phone can make sure that a senior is connected to his immediate family and loved ones at all times. It is recommended to check the availability of mobile networks in the area one is traveling to. Also while traveling to foreign countries, a tour guide must be involved which can have a local contact number for the family to contact to in case of an emergency of networks of the old age traveler not working in alien conditions or foreign countries. Updating as much information for mobile networks, availability of local mobile numbers or other contact numbers must be shared with the folks back home to avoid any communication gap in case of any untoward incident.  
Travel in a Group: Older people are advised to plan their travel in group which can have immense benefits. While at the one hand, traveling in a group of known people is much more enjoyable and fun, it also makes sure that there are people to take care of the individual in case of any medical or local emergency. Traveling in a group also allows for far better discount rates on various travel itineraries plus providing a comfortable cushion of having people with the same understanding around the seniors at all times.  
Avoid Hectic Itinerary: Prevention is better than cure it is said. The saying is much more apt for older travelers and senior citizens. Traveling can be a hectic experience both mentally and physically. While young adults may have no problems in planning a hectic travel plan, older people must make sure that they cater for adequate rest between travels especially after long flights to avoid any travel related tiredness that can be potentially fatal in some cases. Traveling a travel schedule must cater for rest days between travel even if that means adding a couple of more days in the overall itinerary. Also senior citizens must avoid hectic adventure activities while traveling so that they remain safe and secure at all times. 

About the author: Rebecca is a blogger by profession. She loves writing, reading and travelling. Besides this she is fond of luxury cars and wishes to own a Bugatti Veyron 16.4 one day.


Compliance training and safety should are the priority of a conscientious business owner. Without meeting safety standards, you should not be running a business, because you are risking the welfare of your employees and your company too. You can consult with a company like Safetrac about training your employees to acceptable standards, and exactly what you should be doing in your industry to make sure you are running a safe business. Complying with these standards will make your company a friendly and hospitable (and safe!) company to work for, and will also make you seem legitimate and ‘above board’ to all of your clients and the rest of your industry.

As a business owner or manager, you have to think of things like safety training and safety equipment as an investment rather than as an expense, because using it promotes the longevity and legitimacy of your business and also prevents expensive distractions from business such as legal action from employees. If your company happens to undergo a government audit, failure to have complied with safety standards leaves you vulnerable to serious legal consequences as well as expensive fines. By complying with standards and training all of your employees in industry standards you give them all the tools to be responsible for their own safety, which takes the pressure off management.  To ensure compliance with the standards applicable to their risk assessments, companies must furnish the correct OSHA safety supplies to protect their workers.  This is another area that they must be trained on the use of such equipment, how to take care of it, and know when to replace it.

So what can safety compliance strategies do for you? The benefits of maintaining a safe work environment are many, safety is about what managers and employers can do to protect their workers. Employers should send their workers home in the same condition they came in. No one can argue with the fact that workplace safety is important, yet it’s often overlooked sometimes unintentionally leaving workers exposed to risk. 

Ivy Delfin is a copywriter working with Safetrac who offer compliance training programs providing businesses with an opportunity to improve employee performance and business operations. When Ivy’s not writing content she enjoys cooking, swimming and walking her Great Dane.