Industrial Fabrication Quality and Safety Practices

Acute inhalation of carbon monoxide (CO) gas is considered to be one of the most frequent causes of occupational fatality in the United States, according to an article published by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), US National Library of Medicine (NLM). The fact that CO is a colorless and odorless gas makes it extremely hard to detect and therefore it is also dubbed as “the silent killer.”
According to the NCBI/NLM resource, fuel-powered forklifts are one of the common sources of CO poisoning. It is, therefore, extremely important for an employer to put in adequate safeguards around the use of forklifts, especially during the refueling process.
Even a small thing like using a high-quality safety valve can help prevent accidents during forklift refueling, which involves the use of dangerous gases. For instance, experts at Clark Cooper recommend a specific solenoid valve for hydrogen gas that can withstand its greater pressures, in comparison to other liquids or gases.
Did you know that workplace forklift training is governed by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), under the US Department of Labor? There is already a set of guidelines by OSHA that act as best practices that every industrial unit should follow. These include forklifts with:
ü Internal Combustion Engines
While forklifts with internal combustion engines are easier to refuel, a great amount of caution needs to be exercised while doing so to avoid spills and leaks. Here are some best practices to consider:
ü Liquid Petroleum Gas
ü Diesel and Gasoline
In addition, you must also be aware of the safety instructions as prescribed in the operator’s manual and comply with those guidelines as well. Remember, it is a federal offense for anyone below the age of 18 to operate an industrial forklift or for anyone above 18 years to operate it without proper training and certification.
Plumbing Safety Tips
While many people would think that they can just DIY and repair their plumbing systems, it is undeniable that sometimes, it can be dangerous too. This is why many experts advice home and business owners to just leave any renovation, remodeling, or repair to the pros. But, some will still risk it, especially if it’s a minor issue and the hassle of acquiring the services of contractors is not worth it.
In any given time and circumstances, standard safety precaution and measures should be diligently applied. To make sure you are fully safe, here are some basic safety rules and reminders which you should apply when dealing with home plumbing projects:
Turn off every electrical source.
One of the most immediate dangers of dealing with plumbing is the threat of being electrocuted. Remember, since most likely you will be working on wet areas, water is a conductor of electricity and electricity can travel through water. Being electrocuted imposes a great risk for your health and safety. If you are repairing a plumbing issue near an electrical source, it is important to remember to turn off the power near that source.
Wear protective gear.
Never think it is over the top to wear protective gear when working with your plumbing system. Wear goggles to protect your eye from any small debris. Safety goggles particularly will provide the adequate protection for your eyes for most jobs. Wear an ear-protecting gear when you’re working with loud tools. Remember that Protecting your ears is even more important when you are performing nosier jobs like hammering or heavy-duty pounding. Continuous loud noise can damage your ears more than you think. Wear gloves to protect your hands. The type of gloves that you may need depends on the type of job that you are doing:
You should also consider your working clothes. As much as possible, never work while on your home clothes or pajamas. Wear long pants and long sleeves for waste water protection containing chemicals and bacteria. You can also wear a respirator, or face masks to avoid inhaling chemical fumes. Keep in mind that accidents can happen all the time, and being prepared is better than being sorry in the end.
Use the right tools.
One of the most important factors of successfully doing any job is having and using the right tools specific for the need. If you are DIY-ing for the first time, you might want to invest in the right tools for each job. You cannot just improvise, or use a different tool specified for a sole purpose, it can only worsen the situation, or even lead to bigger, harder to solve problems. The repair can also take a much longer time to do if you use the wrong tools. You can even lose more money in the long run!
Although buying each tool may be hard on the budget, it is important to purchase high quality ones which can last the test of time and will not deteriorate over a couple of uses. Also, know which tools you will need prior to doing the renovation or repair. Keep in mind that these tools were designed to perform a specific task, made to fit in specific spaces and you should respect it and use them accordingly.
Study and Practice.
Studying what you need to do by the book can only do so much. Practice. Watch tutorials and know the proper usage of the tools. This can help you address the needed repairs properly.
Know the emergency numbers.
In line with preparation, have the emergency contact numbers at hand. List down the contact for the fire department, hospital and ambulance numbers, police hotlines, and specific utility numbers as well. Have them ready or displayed in a common area on your house.
Calm down
If anything bad happens, remember to calm down. Sometimes, panicking can do no good and only worsen the situation. Know the first aid and the right thing to do when accidents happen. Remember, keeping calm will help you make the best decision and act quickly and wisely.
Safety should always be your top priority regardless of the situation. Hazards can be prevented by knowing what to do, using the right tools, practicing, being prepared, and most importantly, staying calm. In spite of being willing to repair things, you should note that your health and your life should be your priority.
Following the correct guidelines when performing any plumbing ask is essential to ensuring complete safety for yourself and whomever you are doing the work for. Knowing about your responsibilities as a employee and also if you are an employer, knowing what you have to do is critical to be sure you are abiding by the law with all the work you, and your company does.
the provision and maintenance of plant and systems of work that are safe and without risk to health (this includes the supply of all necessary personal protective equipment)
safety in the use, handling, storage and transport of articles and substances
the provision of information, instruction, training and supervision as necessary to ensure the health and safety at work of employees
the provision of access to and exit from the workplace that is safe and without risk
the provision of adequate facilities and arrangements for welfare at work.
provide a health and safety policy statement
undertake regular risk assessments
take reasonable care at work of your own health and safety and that of others who may be affected by what you do or do not do
do not intentionally or recklessly interfere with or misuse anything provided for your health and safety
co-operate with your employer on health and safety matters. Assist your employer in meeting their statutory obligations
bring to your employer’s attention any situation you think presents a serious and imminent danger
bring to your employer’s attention any weakness you might spot in their health and safety arrangements.
As a plumber it is necessary you understand what types of actions are to be taken by you or your employee in order to keep the workplace or worksite safe at all times, there are statutory regulations in place in order to keep safety to a maximum and to make sure you do not have any law suits coming your
Some of the actions taken to keep safety to a high are risk assessments, method statements and permit to work statements. The permit to work statement is a list of checks which you would carry out before taking on any dangerous plumbing jobs
like going up high to fix a broken pipe.
on site it is important to lay down a list of requirements for safety. If you are on a plumbing job which may take you a few days, it is essential to make sure your plumbers read these before working on the site. Some regulations to take into consideration can be found below.
generally ensuring a safe place of work
precautions against falls from height or into excavations
protection against falling objects
protection against structural collapse (while work is taking place), i.e. the building falling down! safeguards when working in excavations
prevention of drowning (falling into water)
provision of safe traffic routes (on sites)
prevention and control of emergencies (site emergency evacuation procedures, etc.)
provision of welfare facilities – WCs, washing facilities, canteens/rest areas, shower facilities (if required)
provision of site-wide issues – clean and tidy sites, adequate lighting, constant and fresh air supply, etc.
training, inspection and reports – proper training of staff, use of properly trained staff to do the work, proper supervision of staff and monitoring the work carried out by staff to ensure it is carried out in a safe manner.
To ensure you always stay safe when working, it is best to follow these simple, yet somewhat obvious instructions.
Do not walk under a ladder that has somebody working up it
Wear the correct safety equipment (ie boots, hard hats etc.)
Always make sure to not work with plumbing issues near electric whilst power is on, turn all power off to prevent anything tragic happening
Make sure you have received full training on the job you are about to undergo
Do not work if tired as many times we have seen work going wrong due to sleep deprivation
Follow the correct health and safety guidelines (mentioned above)
Be sure to use the correct tools for the job to ensure you complete it safely
Author Bio
This article was written by Dan Mawson who is the owner and founder of Multicore emergency plumber wigan.
He is an avid blogger, plumber, electrician and web developer hoping to share his knowledge through the web.
Safety Tips when Installing an EPDM Flat Roof
EPDM roofs are more popular than ever due to the relatively easy application process. Whilst it’s great to see so many people buying the materials for themselves and following instruction manuals or video tutorials online, it’s also important to remember some key health and safety tips. As with all building jobs, there are many safety precautions to take in order to stay safe when installing an EPDM flat roof. Here are Waterproof System’s top 5 safety tips to follow.
Also, whilst it might be tempting to throw on some old loose clothes, this is actually incredibly dangerous. Baggy clothing can get caught on various surfaces whilst you are climbing to the roof, or can cause you to trip and fall. Try to strike a good balance between something that allows adequate movement but without impeding your safety.
It is important to monitor the weather while you are working as rain, wind, and snow make roof installation even more dangerous – the surfaces of the roof and ladder might become slippery and strong wind might cause a fall. Take note of weather forecasts and be prepared to leave your project if it is too dangerous to continue. Some EPDM flat roofing materials are also ineffective in wet conditions. For example, adhesives can be affected by condensation in wet conditions.
One of our key pieces of advice – which is applicable across all building jobs – is to work alongside another person. Even if they are not helping with the DIY work, they can support you if you encounter any trouble and this can make the difference if it comes to an accident or injury.
So there are our top tips for those considering DIY EPDM roof installation or repairs. Even if you’ve carried out roofing work before, it’s crucial to remind yourself of the risks involved in such work and how you can keep yourself safe from accidents. Even experts can make mistakes. Above all, if you do not feel able to install your EPDM roof safely, we advise that you seek professional help from a trusted roof contractor.
How to safely handle chemicals?
Keeping your workers safe inside your facility should always be your number one priority, especially when it comes to dealing with chemical products. We all know that these products have to be handled and stored cautiously. Therefore, if you want your employees to work in good and safe conditions, here are a few tips that may be of some use to you:
First of all it is important that all your personnel wear the proper PPE (Personal Protective Equipment); glasses, gloves, protective helmets, masks, and so on. Some chemicals can be toxic or corrosive, it is thus compulsory for your workers to be protected from the potential dangers related to their handling, not only from a safety point of view but also from a legislative point of view.
Never skip on the training. You have to teach your employees how to react in case of emergency, what kind of action should be taken in case of spill, or if a product or a part of the facility catches fire. Indeed, chemical incidents can happen very fast and it is necessary to be able to react quickly in order to prevent the situation from getting worse. This article (http://www.itv.com/news/anglia/2017-03-18/leisure-centre-staff-created-gas-cloud-as-they-tried-to-mix-chlorine/) tells us how a gas cloud was created after two chemicals were mixed together in a swimming pool. Thankfully the employees were able to take the right decision, and immediately evacuated and closed the leisure center. This goes to show us how important it is for the personnel to be aware of the measures that have to be taken in case of emergency.
Also, make sure that all your chemical products are properly labelled so that your employees get all the information needed when they are handling them. A label usually specifies the name of the product, the risks and the safety measures linked to its use, as well as the name and contact details of the manufacturer. This information will allow your workers to quickly understand what type of product they are dealing with, which will help them handle them the proper way.
We could not end this post without talking about the fact that all chemicals cannot and should not be stored together. They all have their special features; this is why an explosive product should never be kept in the same place as a flammable product. There is no need to be a scientist to know what kind of reaction would occur if these two products were to come into contact. Moreover, some chemicals have to be kept in specific conditions; in a cold or in a well-ventilated place, and so on… Make sure you are abreast with such requirements so that the security in your workplace is optimal. Also, if you know your facility does not own the infrastructure necessary to the storage of chemicals, you can hire the services of specialized companies such as Barnastock (http://www.barnastock.com/en) which warehouses were designed in order to safely store all types of chemical products.
5+ safety tips for construction workers!
The construction job is one of the greatest and, at the same time, one of the riskiest jobs in the world. When you are constructing buildings, you are probably helping thousands of dreams to realize or you are just becoming the reason for providing someone’s haven. This is the part construction become a humane job, a great one. But at the same time, you are probably risking your life every moment you are on the job. Accidents, injuries and stress – you will frequently come across these words if you are in the construction job. And if you are unlucky enough, death is another word that you probably had to hear. It is needless to say that you must take all and every step that ensures your safety – EVRERYDAY!
Your safety precaution should encompass everything that you need to protect your body from – from the tools you work with, the scaffolding, the chemicals, and the piles of construction garbage to your habit of drinking! Here are a few tips that you might start with –
Tip 1: Learn!
Yes – that’s the first and most important things you can do to ensure your safety. And I am not just talking about what safety steps you should take – I am also talking about the escape and exit routes at your workplace; the location of the fire extinguisher and how to use one; the use of first aid kit. Ask your employer to do training if s/he hasn’t yet done one. Ask them to point out places that pose the greatest risk for the workers.
Tip 2: Have a look around
That’s the first rule of safety. As you reach your workplace, just take five minutes and look for any possible sign of danger – check the scaffolding, make sure the ladders are strong enough, test the equipments you work with. If you find something wonky, just inform your employer. Keep your eyes open. You might save yourself and a lot of lives too. Look for any
Tip 3: Wear the right clothes
And the right gears too! The safety clothing and equipments you put on are known as Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in the construction business. The reflective vest, helmet and safety shoes save you from falling objects and sharp tools decreasing the risks of injury to the largest extent. Safety glasses and face masks protect you from hazardous and chemical substances.
Tip 4: Clean the garbage
As soon as you have finished the day’s work, do not make any delay to remove the refuse. Stack of construction garbage increases the risks of injury and if it contains any chemical or hazardous waste, it might set off big accidents.
Tip 5: Do have a lot of water and nutritious food too
That’s the basic rule to protect your health. This might sound like a lame tip. But trust me – if you start consuming more water, you will feel less tired than earlier as you finish your job for the day.
Tip 6: Talk to your workmates
Yes – talk to your workmates, make plans what you would do if someone faces an accident or injury and vice versa. Think of all the possible things you could do if someone gets into an accident – what your immediate action would be, who to inform, which immediate care you could provide. This would have two effects – the more you talk, the better prepared you would be and the less worried you would get if you face such situations. And second, you know you have a person you can lean on in your bad time!
Tip 7: Carry a First Aid Kit with you
You can provide emergency care service if you carry one. And who knows you might even save a life!
And last, but the best piece of advice – make a checklist of your personal safety rules. Follow it religiously. No one but you can care best for yourself and for your workmates too!
Construction Safety 101: Workwear, Safety Gear & Equipment
Keeping construction workers safe is a primary job among managers and foremen, with accomplishing the work to specifics and being on time being second. To support this main concern on construction sites, there are different pieces of safety vests and equipment that every worker should wear. These include items like safety vests, reflective T-shirts, and hard hats. Let’s walk through construction safety 101 while keeping your team sharp and safe on the construction site with these safety items.
Hard Hats
Protect the head in safety and style with an OSHA approved hard hat. Hard hats should provide not just maximum protection from falling debris, but they should also deliver comfort factor for its wearer. For instance, if you need a high-performing hard hat with a Super-bowl style design, 2017 Super Bowl hard hats are approved for constructions site. These NFL hard hats are designed with comfortable and adjustable 4-point One-Touch Suspension for maximum protection and comfort.
Back Support Gears
Back injuries are among the most pressing health problems in construction sites by far. Hence, workers should promote maximum construction safety 101 by using back support gears to stay sharp and safe on the site. The Allegro All Fit Back Support items are made in a universal size, so they fit most workers. Protect your back with these high-performance belts that deliver full back coverage, with neoprene pads for comfortable wear. For workers’ convenience, these back support gears come inside of a customized reusable zipper storage bag.
High Visibility Vests
Most construction workers require maximum flame resistance and maximum visibility at work. The Arc Flame Resistant Lime Class 2 Sleeveless Vest – Silver Stripe is preferred by many workers due to its wide range of applications. These High-Visibility vests come with silver stripes for excellent visibility as well as flame resistance. There are available in different sizes, so every worker will surely find the perfect size for him to work smartly and safely at the construction site. They are also soft and flexible for maximum convenience.
Fall Protection
One of the most serious concerns among construction workers is falling. It is every employer’s responsibility to protect their employees from falls. The Elk River Freedom Series Aerial Lift Kit is an OSHA-approved item that contains several fall protection products. If you work with platform lifts, buck trucks or scissor lifts, this item is a great product for you. They come with a unique D-ring harness for comfort and security while working high above the ground.
Safety Respirators
Protect your workers from gases, vapors and particles with high-performing reusable respirators. They
Provide protection against particles, gases and vapors with the 3M full line of reusable respirators. The 3M 5000 Half Face Respirator Kits are made to fit bigger head sizes. These safety respirators are very easy to set up and they can be used for wide range of applications.
Aside from these safety items, construction workers are also required to wear sturdy work shoes, long work pants, safety glasses, chemical splash goggles, face shields, hearing protection and protective gloves. At all times, practice construction safety 101 to keep your team safe and sharp at work.
Author Bio (Northbay)
Northbay is known for its high quality HVAC products and services that every client can depend on. They are proud to sell and install the finest air conditioning and heating products and carry out quality services for repair and maintenance. They can help you with all your HVAC needs, regardless of your system’s makes and models. They pride themselves for their unmatched customer service. http://www.northbayheatingandair.com/
6 Must-Have HVAC Health & Safety Products
HVAC Health & Safety Products are optimally matched so you can benefit not only from efficient installation and reduce operational costs, but also form an additional layer of security against system failure. Today let’s walk through a rundown of top HVAC products that are perfect for your air heating and cooling needs.
Protect yourself by picking HVAC safety glasses that comply with the latest industry standard. For instance, Jackson Nemesis CAMO Safety Glasses w/ Amber Lens is a useful HVAC safety product for a vast range of applications. They come with a unique camouflage design and several types of lens tints to make HVAC works easier and safer.
Eliminate the fatigue and the risks of hand injury while working on HVAC systems. Invest in a high quality safety glove that that provides high levelsb of illumination for any task. You’d surely love the efficiency of MCR RED Multi Task Light Gloves made with sophisticated finger construction that delivers high-intensity LED lights. They are designed from synthetic leather and can be utilized for different kinds of tasks.
All HVAC workers should use a high-visibility safety vest. When looking for a safety vest, you should always look into the background colors of your working area, so you won’t blend into it. For example, if you’re working on a blacktop with white safety cones, you might want to choose a high-visibility safety vest like Orange Surveyors Vests with THINK SAFETY Imprint on Back.
One of the most important HVAC Health & Safety Products is hard hats. They protect the head from potential injuries due to falling objects, electric shock or impact with debris. Experts recommend HVAC safety hard hats that are designed from a protective polyethylene shell such as MSA V-Gard Cap Style Hard Hats with One Touch Suspensions. They are designed for superior impact and puncture resistance.
Safety coveralls for HVAC works should be comfortable, functional and provide the necessary safety level of contractors. It’s a smart ideal to invest in high quality HVAC clothing such as Indura Flame Resistant Coverall. It weighs only 9 ounces and is designed with a unique Khaki color style. Theses safety clothings provide optimum flame resistance. Thanks to its flame-retardant polymer.
HVAC Health & Safety Products for hearing protection including earplugs are designed for workers who work in noisy settings. These safety products are important not only to protect your hearing from loud noise but also for your safety. Purchase a high-performing hearing protection product like Howard Leight USA Earplugs Uncorded. These earplugs have patriotic colors that also help increase visibility. They easily adapt to your ear canal’s shape and they are very comfortable to wear.
In a working environment where health and safety are very crucial, it is important to choose the right tools and apparels. To those who work in the HVAC industry, the above-mentioned HVAC Health & Safety Products are all you need to keep HVAC jobs much easier, more convenient, and safer.
Author Bio (Withrow Mechanical Inc)
Withrow Mechanical Inc is a highly dependable HVAC company that specializes in residential and commercial heating and cooling solutions. The company aims to provide customers with top quality products and services that are unique to every situation. While doing this, they strive to keep all HVAC projects on time and within the budget of their customers. Committed to customers’ complete satisfaction, Withrow Mechanical Inc. stands behind all of their workmanship for the best HVAC solutions. http://withrowmechanical.com
When working with or testing any electronic equipment, it’s always important to be cautious. Whatever type of equipment you’re handling, whether simple or complex, it’s important to take the right safety precautions.
Working with electricity comes with huge risks that should never be taken lightly. If you’re a hobbyist who loves working with electronic components or an electronics professional at your workplace, safety should always come first.
To avoid personal injury, possible damage to equipment or danger of fire, all work on electronic equipment should be conducted following these safety procedures.
General Safety
Before working on any electronics, consider following these basic safety precautions to help reduce any hazards.
• Remove any electronic equipment you’re testing or working on from the power source.
• Never assume the power circuit is off. Test and test again with a voltmeter to confirm.
• Remove fuses and replace them only after the power to the circuit is disconnected.
• Don’t connect power to a circuit until you’re done working on it and rechecked the work.
• Always ensure that all electronics equipment is properly grounded
• If it’s damaged, replace it. For instance, replace cables instead of repairing with insulating tape.
• Always use the right electronics repair and maintenance tools.
• Always return covers after removing them to reduce the risk of electric shock.
• Make sure your circuit is not overloaded.
• Always have safety equipment like a fire extinguisher, a basic first aid kit and a mobile phone nearby.
Personal Safety
It’s important to ensure that you’re safe when working on electronic circuits. Here are some personal safety precautions to keep in mind:
• Always keep your work area dry.
• Always work in a well-ventilated area.
• Don’t wear flapping or loose clothing when working.
• Don’t work with metallic jewelry on your hands like watches, rings and bracelets.
• Don’t use bare hands to remove hot parts.
• Always wear non-conductive shoes.
• Always wear insulator gloves in your hands when carrying out repairs.
• When removing high-voltage charges on capacitors, always use a shorting stick.
• Don’t hold the test prods when measuring voltage over 300V.
• Always remove power to a circuit before connecting alligator clips.
• Always wear safety goggles.
• Be careful when handling large capacitors as they can still hold high voltage even after you’ve disconnected the circuit from power.
High Voltage Safety
One mistake that electronics experts make when doing repairs or maintenance work is assuming routine safety procedures after getting all too familiar with their work. It’s important to know that most electronic equipment use high-voltage that is dangerous and can be fatal. Always follow these safety precautions when working on or near high-voltage circuits.
• Don’t work on electronic equipment or make repairs with high voltage on.
• Don’t take chances doing what you’re not sure about.
• Consider using an isolation transformer when working on AC powered electronic circuits or equipment.
• Never tamper with interlocks.
• Don’t ground yourself: Make it a practice to use only one hand when connecting equipment to an electronic circuit.
Fire Safety Precautions
When working with electronic equipment, there is often a risk of fire caused by a short circuit or other reason. Follow these precautionary steps:
• Avoid anything that would cause a fire around your working area like paper, cloth or other combustible materials.
• Look out for damaged wire insulation, overheating of electronic equipment, damaged circuit boards and corrosive components like batteries.
• If there is a burning smell on your electronic equipment, disconnect the power source.
• If there is a fire, use a nonconducting dry powder or CO2 fire extinguisher.
• Always check your circuit to be sure that everything is okay after repairs or maintenance before connecting power.
Electric Shock
One of the major hazards when working with electronic equipment is electric shock. To avoid this, you should take a few safety precautions, including:
• Always read safety procedures that come with every electronic equipment you’re about to test or work on.
• Recheck all wires for bad connections
• Always make sure that all parts of electronic equipment are well-mounted to prevent accidents.
• Keep electronic equipment away from water and other liquids
• Always check for signs of wear, defects and fraying on electronic equipment cables, cords and connectors.
• Use special safety rubber gloves and shoes.
Testing Equipment
With the increasing use of electronics in homes and workplaces, safety is becoming more and more important to consumers and service experts. If you’re an electronics expert offering repair and maintenance services, it’s important to invest in the right new or used testing equipment for your work—that ensures that you’re able to carry out your job safely.
Author Bio:
Arnold Sharpe is a freelance writer and an electronics expert working with the leading electronic testing equipment store in Los Angeles, CA. He reviews the latest home and office electronic equipment in the market.
Image 1: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f8/Soldering_a_0805.jpg
Image 2: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/94/HighVoltagePowerSupply.jpg