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Away from Home: Protection of Health & Safety for Migrant Workers

Away from Home: Protection of Health & Safety for Migrant Workers

Studies reveal that more than 300 million people in the world are currently living outside their country of origin, and they form about 3.3% of the world’s population. They are the migrant workers who move to developed nations in search of work. They are crucial to the economy of their country of origin as they keep sending remittances home for their families.

We all know them, for they are around us, doing the jobs that we would never even think of doing in our worst nightmares. Going down the sewers of the city, unclogging drains, cleaning dishes at hotels and restaurants, cleaning dirty laundry, taking care of us at hospitals, cleaning glass panes at skyscrapers, and building bridges and dams – these are the jobs of the migrant workers of the world. The jobs they are involved in are called 3D jobs, for they involve ‘dangerous’, ‘demeaning’ and ‘dirty’ tasks.

They are subject to plenty of occupational hazards at the workplace, owing to their working conditions and wages. Hence, the need to look after the protection of basic health and safety is one of the key concerns at the UNO and WHO.

Health and safety risks in 3D jobs

Health and safety risks are a part of being involved in 3D jobs, and the migrant working population all around the world is facing the following hazards at the workplace every day.

⦁ Environmental risks and hazards at work

The inherent occupation setting of the jobs that migrant workers are involved in has some resultant environmental hazards, and they are as follow.

Exposure to chemicals – exposure to formaldehyde, dibutyl phthalate, toluene, and ammonia

Exposure to pesticides – pesticides causing respiratory illnesses, cancer, and dermatitis

Exposure to hostile temperatures – exposure to extreme heat or cold, often sub-zero temperatures, ice-cold water or high-heat environments

⦁ Health and safety risks due to working conditions

Most employment sectors for migrant workers are physically demanding. They require the workers to toil so that the job gets done. Cleaning sewers, clearing roadblock or rubble, constructing buildings, bridges or dams are all physically demanding jobs. To add to that, they have their fair share of workplace problems as well. Here are a few of the workplace risks that migrant workers face days in and days out.

Denial of basic workplace rights – lack of official contracts, no guarantees on timely paychecks, high-stress and fast-paced work environment, trauma disorders from repetitive motion and accidents, and lack of basic sanitation facilities

Physical danger – Potential muscle strains and tears, infections, musculoskeletal injuries, exposure to dangerous equipment, exposure to big cutting tools, open flames and fire hazards, and falls

Abuse at the workplace – outright physical harassment, emotional trauma, discrimination and slurs, shows of disrespect from reporting managers, unfair work assignments, sexual abuse and violence, verbal abuse, and withholding of food

⦁ Trafficking and coercion – forced labor, human trafficking (especially among women and children), and very low-paying jobs involving a huge amount of physical labor

Lack of safety gear – lack of safety contracts, limited personal protection equipment, additional charges levied on safety gear, no proper safety training, and low levels of compliance in using safety equipment

Major factors affecting health and safety of migrant workers

When compared to native workers, migrant workers are at a greater risk of having poor health and safety infrastructure. This is a worldwide phenomenon, and there are reasons aplenty why it continues to be one of the major concerns for migrant workers. Here are the prime factors influencing the healthcare and safety status of migrant workers on a global spectrum.

Lack of proper health care services or access to healthcare services designed especially for migrant workers is an essential factor that needs to be addressed at the earliest. Poverty, lack of proper documents, erratic employment status, and limited knowledge of healthcare privileges are some of the main obstacles that they must overcome for better health and safety protection.

Gender discrimination issues remain one of the major concerns for the migrant working population. Females are more likely to be subject to higher cancer rates, poor mental health and occupational injuries. Women workers are denied of their basic rights to reproductive and sexual healthcare, making migrant women mortality rates shoot through the roof.

Hindrances in language and culture are also huge determinants when it comes to the health and safety of migrant workers. Given that a large portion of the migrant workers does not speak the dominant language in the country of their employment, they are more prone to occupational hazards. They are most often assigned the more risky jobs for their lack of expertise in the language.

Political factors and state policies, of course, determine the entire framework of migrant employment in the country. This is where we need to look closely, for better policies and actionable implementation can help bring about a positive change for the migrant worker population all around the world.

Employment and immigration status plays a huge role in the shaping of the future of migrant workers who move to more developed countries in search of better livelihood prospects. Migrant workers without proper legal authorization are prone to more occupational risks than the documented ones. Since undocumented workers are far less likely to lodge official complaints against the employer in spite of workplace violations, they are put in more dangerous jobs. Neglecting the health and safety factors for undocumented workers is thus commonplace in most countries that employ migrant workers.

Protection of health and safety factors for migrant workers

It is 2018, but rampant discrimination all over the world continues to separate the migrant workforce from the native ones. However, the following methods can work towards eliminating the thin line of discrimination and bring about better health and safety measures for migrant workers the world over.

⦁ Formulation of policies by focusing on health and safety issues for migrant workers

The need to formulate policies that are significant in the struggles of migrant workers is real. The Sustainable Development Goals, for example, can be a good place to start, keeping in mind the problems that migrant workers face all around the world. The health factors should be included in the policies, and must focus on the issues from a global perspective.

⦁ Organizing widespread awareness campaigns and interventions regarding policies

Formulating policies alone won’t cut it, since the word needs to reach the workers themselves. The public health approach can provide an equitable solution regarding this matter. Interventions and awareness campaigns that deal with disease prevention training and improved healthcare facilities are thus the need of the day. Migrant worker populations will benefit from these campaigns, with improved knowledge on health and safety issues at work.

⦁ Fortifying health monitoring and health information systems

Using health monitoring systems for keeping a track of the health hazards and conditions for migrant workforces is imperative so that better healthcare facilities and resources can be provided. Once a proper health monitoring system is established globally, member nations can conduct and share research and insights regarding the condition of health and safety matters for migrant workers.

⦁ Betterment of safety training for migrant workers

Providing information and adequate training for migrant workers so that they can be more careful in their workplaces is also an essential part of promoting their health and safety factors. They should be made aware of the occupational hazards and the ways that they can prevent accidents at work during the training. The purpose and use of protective or safety gear and work equipment must form a vital section of the training program.

⦁ Organizing awareness campaigns for the well-being of women and children

Women and children are among the ones who are mostly at the receiving end of problems arising due to poor health and safety conditions for migrant workers globally. Essential health care services and sexual and reproductive healthcare packages should be put on priority lists of provisions for migrant workers. Maternal, neonatal and postnatal healthcare provisions and sanctions for women migrant workers should also be making it to the list of must-haves.

⦁ Combating xenophobia and improving communication

Migration and displacement act in strange ways to instill baseless fears, apprehensions and prejudices in the minds of the workers and recruiters alike. Since most migrant workers enlist themselves as semi-skilled or unskilled labor, it is obvious that such prejudices arise from the lack of proper educational resources. However, organizing awareness campaigns to counter xenophobia and other prejudices is a huge step towards improving the mental health of migrant workers.

⦁ Pairing up with inter-country and inter-agency collaborators

The United Nations and WHO are two of the most important organizations that need to be kept in the loop of migrant workers’ health and safety policies and their implementation. At the governance level, state heads and cabinet members must come together to establish programs and policies that uphold the rights of migrant workers in their respective countries. Ringing in better coordination and developmental health sectors, the government and global organizations must work in parity with the global working conditions for migrant workers.

⦁ Promoting gender equality and empowerment programs

Most migrant workers hail from developing countries, and have their own perceptions of gender roles. However, the need to emancipate them from the shackles of age-old patriarchal mindset is the only way to educate them towards self-awareness. Hosting gender equality and awareness campaigns designed for both men and women is thus one of the most effective ways to educate and enlighten them about revamped gender roles in a developed country.

⦁ Reinforcing fairness in recruitment processes and policies

Fairness in recruitment processes and policies can also bring about a whole world of change when it comes to ensuring safety and proper healthcare for migrant workers. Many migrant workers fall prey to fraudulent practices and sham agencies that exploit them economically and sexually with false promises of high-paying jobs. Migrant workers often put themselves in debts to secure a job in a developed country through fake recruitment agencies. Ensuring a fair recruitment process can thus bring about a positive change in health and safety measures for migrant workers all around the world.

Parting words

Migrant workers are part of a global community, recruited in jobs that are considered too dirty, demeaning or dangerous. Hence, they deserve every bit of respect and basic healthcare and safety measures, just like any other citizen. Protection of their healthcare and safety rights is thus a global responsibility. Fair and just policies and their implementation at all levels can make sure that migrant workers have a better work environment and access to health care services, regardless of what their immigration status is.

If these workers can put their lives and health at risk to ensure that we have clean sewers, better roads and warm food at our tables, shouldn’t we all be doing our bit to ensure that they gain access to basic health and safety rights? It is time to ponder over health and safety issues of millions of migrant workers worldwide, and adopt ways that we can help them attain basic human rights.

Author bio:
Gracie Anderson, a public policy expert based in Brisbane, and a ghost writer by choice at My Assignment Help. She likes to share her wisdom and expertise on administrative policymaking and governance with students struggling with their academics.

Five Steps to a Safe and Healthy Workplace

Five Steps to a Safe and Healthy Workplace

Every business owner, no matter how small or big his business is, needs to prioritize and seriously take care of the workplace’s health and safety. This is actually the first aspect you should take care of before you start the business, so you’ll be sure that nobody will ever be endangered while they’re at work.
Therefore, in today’s post, we’re presenting you 5 steps which will guide you towards a safe work environment and a healthy atmosphere that anyone can work in.
Design the Workplace Safely
It all starts with the way you choose to design the workplace. If your priority is to promote a safe and healthy atmosphere in the workplace (as it should be), then you know what to focus on while you design it.
Here are some questions you can ask yourself in order to create a functional, safe, and healthy design:
  • What are the best triggers for motivation, productivity, focus, and efficiency you can implement in the workplace design?
  • What is the healthiest atmosphere to work in for your employees’ minds and bodies?
  • What equipment, machines, substances, and materials will be needed and what measures should be taken for using everything safely?
Provide the Right Gear
To promote a safe and healthy atmosphere in the workplace, you need to think in terms of quality and not quantity. It is extremely important to provide the right gear even if is for the office or for the work side.
As Mark Devens, the HR manager at, advises, “You’d better not look at the price and prepare a flexible budget. Otherwise, the cheaper products will be extremely tempting. You see, the cheaper the gear is the lesser it will last, and the more pollutant and dangerous it will become over the years.”
Make sure you do good research on the company you’ll be using before buying your equipment and materials, just to make sure your employees won’t get cancer after using Monsanto’s cleaning products. As well, buy only the gear that is truly necessary and fits your purposes best.
Provide All the Necessary Training
Even if the employees are qualified to work with the machines and equipment used in the workplace, you need to provide training for all the employees, especially if some of the gear may cause some severe injuries.
As you’re the employer and the one responsible for all the aspects of your workplace, you must do everything that stands in your power to prevent any possible unfortunate incident. Therefore, you must provide:
  • Right training
  • Written instructions
  • Safe work procedures
  • First aid kit
  • Open discussions about risk prevention.
  • Encourage the employees to speak up if they feel unsafe.
Regularly Inspect and Renew the Gear
In order to prevent any possible hazard in your workplace, you must make sure that everything is working perfectly. So, you must plan a regular inspection to check if every gear is working on safe terms.
As well, renew the damaged gear as soon as possible. Of course, the safest would be to renew the gear before it gets broken and has the chance to represent a danger for your employees and even for you.
Investigate Incidents and Keep Records
No matter of the incident’s gravity, you should always conduct an investigation. This is crucial because you must acknowledge the real cause and course of events and figure out what measures you must take to ensure it won’t happen again.
Moreover, you should keep records of any incident, any first aid treatment, any incident investigation, any inspection, and any provided training. This will help you identify a solution to prevent any unfortunate event from now on.
Everyone should feel safe and healthy while they’re in the workplace. This is the only way you can keep your employees productive and focused on work and growth. Not to mention that if you fail to take care of such important aspects like safety and health, you’ll have to deal with a lot of unfortunate events that will cost you money and your reputation.
Take our tips and tricks into consideration and do what’s right for your business. One mistake could cost you everything, so better not risk it!
About the writer:

Mary Whitman is a blogger and freelancer from Adelaide, South Australia. In her spare time, she enjoys talking about Sustainable Development and Art. Find Mary on Twitter.

Tips For Writing Good Health and Safety Documents For Your Workplace

Tips For Writing Good Health and Safety Documents For Your Workplace

Writing health and safety documents is a job that requires a lot of knowledge and devotion. It’s necessary that every company should have these documents.

The dictionary and governments define these as a plan of action, a method of action that guides and influences future decisions on health and safety.

If you are not sure how to write these documents, here are some tips  that will improve your writing for health and safety documents.

  1. Make it simple

Simplicity is the key for clarity. Using long sentences packed with jargon that most employees will not understand will only lead to confusion. This is why you should strive to make your documents as simple as possible. This is not to say that you should not follow the guidelines given by the authorities but it means that you should make the text as simple as possible within the given boundaries.

  1. State the responsibilities

One of the things that each health and safety document should have is the part which clearly states who is responsible for what part. The names should be updated when necessary and there should be no confusion as to who employees should contact if they are ever in need or health and safety authority within the company.

  1. Describe everyone’s duties

This step is related to the previous one and it means that you should clearly state what the duties of each authority related to health and safety are. “The description should be simple and possibly in the form of a list so that it’s easier for both the one who holds the responsibility and employees to read and understand. Also, state what are the duties of each one of your employees”, – explains Jody Nelson, a Recruiting Manager at Academized and Revieweal.

  1. State your goals

Every document should be written with certain goals and in this case, you need to show your employees which goals you plan to achieve. Let them know how things will change and how they will change This will make them more motivated to respect and act on rules and regulations stated in the document.

  1. Pay attention to the accuracy of your documents

One of the most important things about your health and safety documents that is often neglected is, of course, it’s accuracy. Most people forget to proofread and edit and this can lead to many issues. If an employee reads a misspelled word and thinks it means something different entirely, they will likely do something that harms your health and safety policy. It can also make you seem unprofessional and uneducated. People are less likely to follow your guidelines if they are packed with mistakes. This is an easy fix, luckily, and you can do it by using some of these tools.

Writing Populist and Via Writing are online writing guides that can provide you with tips on how to write properly and for maximum clarity of your work.

Boom Essays is an online editing tool that can remove all of the redundancies and unimportant things in your documents. Learn more about it from Boomessays review.

Academ Advisor is a plagiarism tool that you should utilize since everything you write needs to be original and unique to your company and your regulations.

Essay Roo and Thesis help are online formatting tools that can help you turn your text into something readable.

My Writing Way is a guide for proofreading and editing that can point you towards some of the most common mistakes and their fixes.

Elite Assignment Help and Ukwritings are online copywriting services that can help you write your health and safety documents.

  1. State how health and safety regulations will be implemented

There should be a section where you’ll explain what you will do to make sure that these regulations are implemented. Write about some of the things you’ll do, investments that will be necessary, educational seminars within the company that you’ll organize etc.

  1. Format for clarity

Most documents are not organized in a way to be easy to read. However, this document is important for your entire organisation and it should be formatted in a way that is easy to read.

Most employees will be overwhelmed by a wall of text and they can rarely focus on the most important things when it seems so confusing. This is why you should use headings, subheadings, bold text, bullet points and lists to make it easier for them to read and understand. Use short paragraphs and simple sentences wherever possible. This is also good for later finding a specific part of the document that you need – you would be able to easily find it through subheading instead of going through the entire thing.


Writing important documents like health and safety documents is not an easy job and much relies on your ability to make the content of it clear and readable. This means that all of your employees need to be able to understand it clearly and understand who is responsible for what. Follow these tips and the guidelines that were given to you by the authorities for optimal results.

Freddie Tubbs is an Employee engagement manager at Big Assignments. He regularly takes part if workplace organization conferences and contributes posts to Ox Essays and Australian Reviewer blogs.

Hot Weather Safety Tips for Aerial Lift Workers

Hot Weather Safety Tips for Aerial Lift Workers


With the warmer weather of spring and summer quickly approaching, it’s time to start thinking about working outdoors in the heat. Heat stress and heat stroke are some of the most common types of illness-related accidents for construction, forestry and utility workers during the summer. Like most workplace accidents, heat stroke and heat stress can be prevented with the proper training and equipment. Here are some tips to make working during the heat of summer, just a little cooler.

Modify Your Work Schedule

For supervisors, this may seem challenging, but on those extremely hot days, it’s safer for you and all of your workers, especially those spending time in aerial lifts, to consider a lighter work schedule. What does this mean?

  • Plan heavy work during the coolest part of the day.
  • Limit the time workers spend exposed to direct sunlight, especially utility workers that are maintaining lines from aerial lifts.
  • If possible, work at night when it’s cooler and when the exposure to the sun is limited.
  • For forestry workers, do tree trimming work in the morning, to protect both you and the trees you’re working on from the heat.

Take Frequent Breaks

This is really important for protecting workers from heat illness. During the heat of summer, make sure that employees are taking plenty of time to rest and find shade or a place to cool down. For aerial lift workers who don’t have access to shade, it’s important that you frequently come down from your lift and take shelter under a canopy or in the air conditioned cab of your vehicle. Keeping your body cool and near a normal temperature is the first step to avoiding heat illness.

Stay Hydrated

Drinking water and keeping the internal temperature of your body regulated is very important to working safely during the summer. If your aerial lift basket has space, bring your water with you. Otherwise, come down from your lift frequently for water breaks. Don’t guzzle your water, take small drinks frequently, or about 1 cup of water every 20 minutes. You may want to supplement your water with diluted energy drinks like PowerAde or Gatorade to replenish electrolytes. Whatever you do, definitely avoid alcohol, soda and caffeinated beverages, since these can dehydrate you very quickly.

Wear the Right PPE

Construction and utility workers need to have the correct clothing and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for summer work. This includes:

  • Long-sleeve shirts
  • Long pants
  • Brimmed hats
  • Sunglasses
  • Light-colored clothing
  • Sunscreen

Work in Teams

It’s very important that when you’re outdoors working in the summer that you don’t work alone. For aerial lift workers, this is a great way to limit the time exposed to heat. You and your partner can take turns working in the lift and cooling down. It can also be difficult to tell on your own if you are suffering from heat illness, and it’s often easier for a coworker to tell if you are starting to be impacted by the heat.

Get Trained

Construction, forestry and utility workers, especially those that spend time in aerial lifts should be well trained in how to work safely in the summer. This training should include the tips provided here, as well as training in recognizing the signs of heat illness (dizziness, nausea, accelerated heartbeat, confusion) and basic first aid for treating heat illness.

For those working in industries mentioned above, working outside in the summer is a necessary part of the job. However, with the right training, work schedule and plenty of smarts, working outside can be cool and comfortable for everyone.

About the Author is the number one online resource for OSHA-compliant training for employees that operate aerial lifts and scissor lifts. The safety and equipment experts behind know how important good, OSHA-compliant training is for business owners, and how challenging it is to schedule onsite training. is the easy way to certify and train all of your employees without any downtime.


Rising Temperatures Bring Increased Risk to Lone Workers

Rising Temperatures Bring Increased Risk to Lone Workers

With temperatures on the rise, the risks of heat-stress related illness are going to increase in the workplace.  This is very concerning and extremely dangerous for workers that are unaware of the symptoms and conditions that can apply when working in a high-risk environment. In this article, we will look at what heat stress is, what the symptoms are, and how to properly monitor and treat potential illness and injuries.

WHAT IS HEAT STRESS? Heat stress is a serious condition that occurs when the body temperature heats up faster than it can cool itself down. Naturally, the body sweats to cool itself, however this isn’t always enough.

The Canadian Center for Occupational Health and Safety states that
“Most people feel comfortable when the air temperature is between 20°C and 27°C and when the relative humidity ranges from 35 to 60%. When air temperature or humidity is higher, people feel uncomfortable. Such situations do not cause harm as long as the body can adjust and cope with the additional heat. Very hot environments can overwhelm the body’s coping mechanisms leading to a variety of serious and possibly fatal conditions.”

When exposed to extreme heat, people become at risk for either heat exhaustion, heat rashes, or heat stroke. The effects of heat stress can vary from mild to life-threatening, which is why noticing symptoms and treating them early can be crucial to saving a life.


Some major causes of heat stress include

• Air temperature


• Dehydration

• Poor health

• Physical exertion


The signs and symptoms of heat stress can vary depending on the severity of the condition.

Here is a list of the different types of heat stress and their symptoms (Arranged by progression of severity)

• Heat Cramps

o Muscle cramps & spasms

• Heat Exhaustion

o Headache

o Fatigue

o Nausea

o Dizziness

o Fainting

o Increased heart rate

• Heat Stroke

o Nausea & vomiting

o No longer sweating

o Confusion

o Irregular pulse

o Cardiac arrest

• Drink water every 15-20 minutes

• Take frequent breaks in shade/air conditioned room

• Acclimatize to the environment

• Exposure limits

• Establish safety check-in procedure

According to Berg Insight; International Data Corporation, there are 53 million lone workers in North America and Europe alone – which is approx. 15% of the overall workforce! International Data Corp. also predicts that by 2020, 72% of the workforce will be mobile.

Many of those mobile users will be lone workers that will be working alone continuously, or at sporadic times throughout their workday in the heat nonetheless.
Consider getting a complete safety network on all your devices by investing in lone worker software. Workers check-in using their regular devices, and if they need help, monitors will be alerted. Many lone worker software’s have features that will provide peace of mind to lone workers and help mitigate the risks of heat stress.

Written in part by Zachary O’Dell at SafetyLine Lone Worker


Here Is What It Takes for You to Become A Demolition Expert

Here Is What It Takes for You to Become A Demolition Expert

 Did you ever wonder what does a demolition expert do?

Are you interested in pursuing this career, but have no idea what are the formalities involved with this job?

Firstly, you need to know who a demolition expert is, and only then can you know what they do.

Demolition experts or explosive workers are managers of any construction work and are experts in every sort of demolition work.

Now, what do they specialize in?                                            

They just don’t break things, if that is what you are thinking, a lot is involved here. Some of the important activities, an explosive worker undertakes are:

  • Decision Making and Problem Solving

They analyze and assess a problem and evaluates the results, based on which the most suitable solution is chosen to solve the problem.

  • Acquiring Information

They are required to make observations about their project and organize information based on that.

  • Documentation of Information

They are responsible for storing and recording the acquired information in the magnetic or electronic form.

  • Handling and Transporting Objects

A demolition expert is required to physically install, reposition, and move objects and also manipulate them.

  • Operation of Vehicles and Equipment

They are required to drive and navigate vehicles or mechanized automobiles like forklifts, aircraft, and cranes.

These are just to name a few. Seems like a lot of responsibilities, doesn’t it?

Now the next question is what the educational qualifications you would require for this job?

A traditional college degree is not necessary to become a demolition expert. You can, of course, have additional merit if you graduate with a bachelor’s degree in engineering or construction.

This might not seem much, but a person requires a lot of skills to become a demolition expert. Do you think you have what it takes?

Find it out yourself!


The necessary skills required to pursue this career are as follows:

  • Keen Observation and Monitoring Skills

You need to monitor and assess your performance and other performances, in order to make necessary improvements or corrections.

  • Ability to Critical Think and Analyze

You need to have sharp thinking skills and make use of your logic to analyze the weaknesses and strengths of various solutions, inferences and approaches to any problem in order to choose the best possible option for them.

  • Good Judgment and Decision-Making Skills

You need to be able to analyze the relative costs and benefits of any project and choose the most suitable one.

  • Complex Problem-Solving Skills

You should be able to identify complex problems and verify any related information in order to evaluate options and implement them.

  • Good Knowledge in Mathematics

You should have keen know-how regarding arithmetic, geometry, calculus and statistics and their applications.

  • Good Mechanical Knowledge

You should know how to operate machines and equipment and also must have knowledge about their designs and the ways to repair them.

You have seen what skills are required to work as a demolition expert, but do you think this job is suitable for you?

Take A Look at The Pros and Cons of Working In This Field:


  • It is suitable for those who like practical hands-on work.
  • It is suitable for those who like to work outdoors.
  • It requires a person to work in teams and hence is suitable for those who like to work in supportive groups.


It is not suitable for those who are not willing to work for long hours as this job takes up to 40 hours per week.

Hopefully, this guide can help you as it almost covers everything that you need to know about pursuing a career as a demolition expert.


Workplace Safety New Year Resolutions to Stick to in 2018

Workplace Safety New Year Resolutions to Stick to in 2018

With a new year comes new hopes. Are you looking to change your ways in 2018 when it comes to workplace safety? Well there are numerous steps you can take. It is always an admirable approach to make your business and workplace safer as a resolution. There are many steps you can take to achieve such a goal. Prioritizing safety principles, fostering teamwork, and implementing modernized strategies toward material handling are just a few of several ways any organization can promote continuous improvement in their daily operations. For those that know where to begin, here is a comprehensive guide on how you can meet and exceed those new year resolutions in 2018:

  1. Enhance Safety – Driving safety is virtually synonymous with continuous improvement, which is the simple act of recognizing and introducing better and safer ways to do the same job. We are vehement in this principle because quite frankly it works. These improvements bolster employee morale and reduce levels of incident. These are two positive results of reinforcing, prioritizing, and enhancing safety practices. In many cases, the changes most enterprises seek simply begin with this. Managers and administrators should take the appropriate measures to encourage employees to innovate new and safer ways to handle all the challenges and rigors that accompany performance of their daily functions. This should also be taken into consideration when quality managers are authoring a set of standardized-operating procedures


  1.       Cultivate A Transformative Work Culture – Promoting synergy in the work environment is another easy way to boost safety. Taking such an approach wields a wide range of benefits. Safety is found in teamwork as cohesion is essential for all team-oriented tasks to begin with. There are many ways to cultivate a positive and transformative work environment. In the realm of safety awareness, incentive-based reward programs have been known to be impactful. This is because these programs are often associated with communication enhancement which is essential in hazard identification and conveyance of possible perils. Exciting staff and personnel to do so only makes the workplace that much safer and progressive.


  1.      Integrate Best Business Practices – There are several philosophies and ideologies that comprise what is regarded as “best business practices”.  This is none other than Kaizen, LEAN, Six Sigma, and Agile Methodologies. Whichever school of thought you subscribe to, all champion safety optimization amongst matrix-driven increases toward efficiency and productivity. According the AFSI, many of these programs call for the integration of supply chain management technologies that isolate and eliminate deficiencies in several material handling operations.  In addition to diminishing liabilities and identifying exposures, these devices also improve inventory accuracy and reduce costs. Moreover, these applications work hand-in-hand with automation which allows you to invest your human capital in safer landmark tests. Introducing and implementing a set of these best business practices is a great long-term goal that goes well beyond the new year. These philosophies can revitalize, revamp, and catalyze any business to new heights.


Bio: Tom Reddon is a forklift specialist and blog manager for the National Forklift Exchange. He also sits on the Material Handling Equipment Distributors Association (MHEDA) Executive Dialogue team. Follow him on Twitter at @TomReddon.


4 Most Important Tips for Fire Safety

4 Most Important Tips for Fire Safety

Whenever a fire breaks out at home, it is best to leave the place as early as possible. However, there are some things to remember and more importantly to follow, while escaping the catastrophe. This post will explain, step-by-step, what to do in case of fire.

What should you do When Fire Breaks Out at Your Workplace/Home?

There are several things that can lead to a house fire. However, what matters the most is that how you can save yourself when you are stuck in such situation. How? Let’s have a look.

  1. Keep Your Cool

The most common, or we may say the natural reaction of anyone, who is stuck in a fire is getting panic. This is exactly what you have to avoid. DO NOT PANIC! This is because, when you go into the panic state, your brain stops working, and you don’t know how to get out of the situation. So, the very first thing that you should do is KEEP YOUR COOL! This will allow you to think of ways of saving yourself. Some of these ways are:

  • Call 911 for help, and tell them your location.
  • Don’t have access to the phone? Not a problem, you can yell for help.
  • Keep the smoke out by plugging clothes, or blankets to any vents or cracks.

Once you have a clear and calm head, you can think of the second point below.

  1. Plan Your Escape Route

Now, you need to identify all the exits of your home, so that you can plan your escape route. See? This is why you need to keep your head cool to remember all the possible escape routes, such as a back door, front door, or emergency exit. Once you are ready with all the possible routes, decide which route you are going to follow. However, always have a backup route, so that if the decided route is blocked by fire, you can immediately jump to plan B (second route), without wasting much time.

Is there a specific technique to follow, while actually escaping the catastrophe? Yes, there is. This brings us to our next important point.

  1. Get Down, and Crawl

When a fire breaks out, the smoke rises up to the ceiling. Thus, there is some breathable air near the floor surface. Besides this, the temperature goes on increasing towards the ceiling. This means that the temperature of the floor is lower than that towards the ceiling. So, it is strongly recommended that you get down on your knees, and crawl your way to escape. Another thing you need to remember while crawling is that keep your nose covered with a piece of towel or cloth. This will stop the smoke from entering your body, which can make you dizzy and pass out.

Are you stuck in an apartment, several floors up, and want to go down? In such cases, always remember the following point.

  1. Strictly, No Elevator Please!

This is the most important point to remember. An elevator is not the option for coming down in case of fire. DON’T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT. It is an electrical device, which can fail during a fire, or worse can itself catch fire. So, there are two things that can happen, when you choose the elevator – either you’ll get trapped, or if the elevator gives out, you’ll enjoy your fall several floors down, along with it. Thus, it is strongly recommended to use the emergency staircases instead.

You need to bear all these points in your mind, which will help you save yourself as well as other, during a fire. In addition to the above-mentioned steps, there are various fire protection products that you can easily depend on. These include gloves, fire extinguishers, etc. It is important that you source these products from a reliable supplier like GND Consulting and Supply.

5 Must-Follow Safety Tips While Doing Electrical Work

5 Must-Follow Safety Tips While Doing Electrical Work

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Did you know that about 97% of all electricians have been either shocked or injured while working? Shocking, isn’t it (no pun intended)! There is always some risk when you are working around electrical products, which is why you must maintain safety and work with extreme caution.

Being careless around electrical equipment can cause serious injuries, some of which may even lead to death. You must maintain strict safety standards in the workplace so that no one is at risk. Here are 5 safety tips that you must follow if you work with electrical equipment.

  • Maintain Situational Awareness

You must be absolutely aware of your surroundings. Make a habit of locating overhead power lines and knowing where they are. You must keep a distance of 10 feet between the equipment and overhead lines when you move tall equipment near overhead power cables.

Don’t forget something basic like avoiding contact with live electrical wires or circuits. Keep a track of what’s live and what isn’t. It would be better to treat all electrical circuits as if they were live to be on the safe side. You must be aware of the condensation on a job site. Be aware of the rooms temperature as condensation occurs when the room gets cold. You must avoid using electrical equipment in these rooms whenever possible. If there’s no workaround, mount the equipment vertically.

Lastly, take note of all the safety signs on the job site and follow the instructions without fail.

  • Always Wear Appropriate Clothing

If you work around electricity, make sure you wear something that fits you well and isn’t too baggy or loose as ill-fitting clothes put you at a risk of getting entangled by moving parts of the machinery. Moreover, baggy pants may also put you at a risk of tripping over electrical cables, which is dangerous while working around electricity.

Apart from that, it is imperative that you wear clothes that are designed for electrical work such as non-conductive gloves, shoes with insulated soles, etc. Opt for 100% cotton or wool as they are less likely to catch fire and stay away from fabrics like polyester, nylon, etc.

  • Take Necessary Precautions when Digging

If you undertake digging, you must first report to the relevant authorities so that you can get the area surveyed and mark the utilities within or near the job site. Once you are on the site, you must maintain minimum 2 feet from the marks that identify the utility. If it is absolutely necessary to dig near the utility line marks, avoid using electrical devices and rather do it by hand.

  • Perform Equipment Service Regularly

You must perform regular maintenance on all the electrical equipment to make sure that everything is working properly. Identify if there is any breakdown or wear and tear on the equipment which can put you at risk and fix the issue through inspections and service. If your electrical product is old, get in touch with your nearest electric service provider to change it.

  • Avoid Touching Things You Aren’t Familiar With

If you are not familiar with any piece of equipment, do not touch it. Never handle electrical equipment with wet hands or feet or if condensation is formed on it. If you are working in a hot environment, your perspiration may also become a hazard near electricity.

If a co-worker comes in contact with a live conductor, disconnect the power source from the circuit breaker or use a non-conductive material to pull the plug. Do not grab the person getting electrocuted, the electrical conductor or the cord.

You must maintain workplace safety at all times when you use electrical products. Service the electrical wires and electrical conduit fittings regularly to be on the safe side.

Author Bio:

Jeson Pitt works with the marketing department of D&F Liquidators and regularly writes to share his knowledge while enlightening people about electrical products and solving their electrical dilemmas. He’s got the industry insights that you can count on along with years of experience in the field. Jeson lives in Hayward, CA and loves to explore different cuisines that the food trucks in the Bay area has to offer.

Top Health and Safety FAILS

Top Health and Safety FAILS

Author: Beth Meakin

So, it seems like some of us don’t take Health and Safety as seriously as others. There are some workers, whether they are in the construction industry or an office role, who completely ignore the rules and regulations put in place for their safety. According to the OSHA, around 4,850 people are killed on the job each year in the US, which works out more than 93 workers a week! A lot of these could have been avoided with appropriate health and safety training and compliance.


Ladders should be safe and the correct height for the task in hand. We recommended you also have another person hold the ladder steady – don’t improvise like these guys!

Confined Space

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Protective Wear

Protective wear or personal protective equipment (PPE) is crucial for anyone working in a hazardous environment. Using (highly flammable) paper as a mask, or an air-restricting plastic water bottle for head protection is definitely not recommended.


Flammable liquids and materials should be kept away from all sources of ignition. It’s common sense really, but these guys are clearly lacking in that area! What are they thinking?


Whether it’s computer leads in an office or wiring on a construction site, electrics are present in nearly every workplace. The risk of fatalities is significantly increased with the presence of electricity, so working safely should be a main priority. Water + electricity = disaster.

 Vehicle Safety

Unsafe loads on vehicles cause thousands of accidents and damage to goods every year, costing people and businesses millions. Secure all loads safely and appropriately within your vehicle, and if you ever think about carrying flammable liquid on the back on your scooter.