Tag Archives: all prices


Probably folks will ask, “Why shop for Christmas gifts at a safety store?”  You would be very surprised at the variety of things you can find at Texas America Safety Company.  T.A.S.C.O. has been selling quality safety products for more than 20 years. Being the parent company of Blog4Safety, both our goals have been to provide our customers and readers with safety gear and safety tips; we serve people from over the world who purchase personal protective equipment from T.A.S.C.O., as well as those who contribute to our safety blog.   

Many of you will be looking for gifts for co-workers, and this is the perfect place if you work in an industry that requires the use of personal protective equipment.  Check out http://www.tasco-safety.comfor the 70+ section of their website that lists gift ideas from $2.50 to over $50.00.  It’s divided into price segments, and there’s something there for workers, as well as hunters, bikers, and walkers.  

Deer hunters can always use fall protection when climbing up and down into their deer stand.  They also need to wear hi-visibility clothing, like a bright orange vest.  Shooters could also make use of our electronic earmuffs.  Bicyclists and those who enjoy walking or running also should wear a hi-visibility vest and other gear.  If I were walking outdoors in almost dark conditions, I would love to have the LED lights that attach to a ball cap.  You could see and be seen with those! 

The Mechanix Original touch gloves are a great addition to our inventory.  Anyone who uses their cell phone, laptop, or tablet outdoors can use these gloves to send messages without removing their gloves. 

For the working gals, there are pink earmuffs at a very reasonable price, as well as Mechanix Original pink gloves, and pink hardhats.  

Check out all these suggestions on our website, and see if you don’t agree that these types of items might be something your friends or family could use all year.  Remember to mention the 5%I read it on the blogdiscount.  Merry Christmas, Season’s Greetings, Happy Holidays, and all good wishes to you and yours.   

Have a safe shopping season and safe travels.  We look forward to serving you in 2014! Pat