Tag Archives: audiologist

U.K. Hearing Loss Statistics (Guest Post)

Our thanks again to Thomas Fairclough for sending this guest post  from Asons Solicitors. If you would like to learn more about industrial deafness,or the hearing loss claims process information is available at www.asons.co.uk


An alarming 1/6 of the UK population suffer from some form of hearing loss. Of those suffering from hearing loss around 6.4 million are over the age of 65+ and about 3.7 million are of working age. Surprising about 3.7 million people aged 16 – 65 have hearing loss, and around 135,000 of them are severely or profoundly deaf.



Of the 10 million who suffer from hearing loss, more than 800,000 people are severely or profoundly deaf.



About two million people in the UK need hearing aids, but only 1.4 million decide to use them regularly. Of those who suffer from hearing loss more than six million would benefit from the use of hearing aids.



About 10% of adults in the UK suffer from constant tinnitus. 1% of adults have tinnitus that affects their quality of life. Similar to hearing loss, the risk of developing tinnitus increases with age. Up to 30% of over 70s experience tinnitus, compared to 12% of people in their 60s and just 1% of people aged under 45.



Due to the increasing age of the UK population, there will be an estimated 14.0 million people with hearing loss by 2031. The World Health Organisation predicts that by 2031 adult onset hearing loss will b one of the top ten diseases in the UK, more common than diabetes and cataracts.

On average it takes people ten years to finally address their hearing loss. Even when they do decide to take action, 45% of people with hearing aids say that initially their GP failed to refer them directly to an audiologist when they first mentioned that they felt they were suffering from hearing loss.

Note: Hearing loss can be prevented if those exposed to loud environments will wear earplugs or earmuffs that are designed to protect their hearing.  Once the damage is done, it is permanent.  pb