Tag Archives: bending


About 80% of  U.S. adults will experience lower back injuries or back pain over their lifetimes.  These injuries can be caused by improper lifting techniques and overuse.  If you use proper lifting techniques, and stretch and strengthen your back muscles, the risk of back injury can possibly  be averted.  When we have back pain, it is hard to think about your work or anything else.   There are many occupations, such as nursing, factory and construction work, or standing all day in a store or bank, that puts significant demands on your back.  I used to sit at a desk 8 hours a day, which can cause or worsen back pain.  My posture didn’t help; I am sure I slumped at my desk, rather than sitting up straight.  If you understand what causes your back pain and what you can do to prevent it, you should feel much better.

Here are some examples of the pressure put on our backs (literally):

Posture: Slouching exaggerates your back’s natural curves, which leads to muscle fatigue and injury.

Stress: Pressure at work and/or home can increase your stress level and lead to muscle tension and tightness, which adds to back pain.

Repetition: Repeating certain movements can lead to muscle fatigue or injury, particularly if you’re stretching to the limit of your range of motion or using awkward body positioning.

Force: Exerting too much force on your back – such as lifting or moving heavy objects – can cause injury.  If possible, find a “work buddy.”  It is less costly on the company to have two people lifting objects safely than paying for one person’s back injury.  You may be “macho” when you are young and strong, but you will learn with age, that some of that lifting you did while you were stronger, comes back to haunt you later.

Safe lifting poster

If you work in manufacturing or another industry where your day will be comprised of lifting or handling heavy objects, be sure to stretch before beginning your day.  Make this type of exercise a regular part of your work routine.  Taking a few minutes to do a few stretching or strengthening exercises can make all the difference in the rest of your day.  Improper lifting of heavy objects causes many back injuries.  It is best to use techniques that can support your back and prevent injury.  The diagonal lift gives you a wide base of support, with more stability, energy and power.  Bend your knees and squat down; keep your back arched and head up while lifting.  This allows more power to come from the larger muscles of the legs, keeping the weight off your back.  Keep the objects close to your body.  Bad habits such as jerking, rushing, twisting or bending while lifting can cause serious injury.

Slips, trips, and falls are hazards that we all face, even at home, if we aren’t careful to keep clutter out of our paths.  Wear the correct type of shoes to fit your job.  If you are on your feet all day, you need good support, with non-slip soles if possible.  Even women who thought they had to wear high heels in the office all day seem to be changing to lower, more comfortable shoes.  Do pay attention to your posture.  Just by changing positions often, and taking time to walk around and stretch, can make you feel better and help your back.

After reviewing scientific studies on the value of back support belts in preventing lower back injury, OSHA came to the conclusion that they had no conclusion.  Therefore, they have not made wearing back belts mandatory.  The use of back support belts and braces is optional, and many companies choose to supply them to their employees.  If it is a matter of personal preference, and if it makes you feel more secure, try it.  It certainly won’t hurt anything.  Studies show that newer back supports are working.  Employees have fewer back injuries and problems.  These products also help employees retain proper posture and movement, two habits that have been shown to reduce back strain on the job.

Always listen to your body; it is usually a good warning system telling you to slow down.  Take the time to examine your work environment and find ways to help you avoid risks that could be harmful.  Talk to your supervisor if you feel the load is too much; there may be other options that will help not only you but your co-workers.


Aren’t we all guilty of overdoing it, the first time we try a new job, sport, or game?  My granddaughter introduced me to the Wii a couple of years ago, and tennis was her choice of sport.  I was thrashing and slashing all over the room, when I noticed she was simply flicking her wrist and beating the socks off me!  We all want to try “extra hard” when learning a new sport or physical type of job.  That’s when the muscles show us that we aren’t in as good shape as we thought! 

This is the second week of National Safety Week, when the National Safety Council asks us to emphasize the importance of preventing overexertion.  According to Injury Facts, 2011 Edition, overexertion is the third leading cause of unintentional injury treated in emergency departments in the United States.  Approximately 3.3 million emergency department visits occur yearly because of injury from overexertion.  Usually it is associated with lifting, pushing, lowering, pulling, or carrying.  

We overexert ourselves in many ways, either at our jobs or physical training.   Close observation helps eliminate the possibility of serious effects of overstressing the muscles.  The load should be reduced and recovery pursued.  Symptoms of overtraining (and overexertion) may be:

  • Disturbances in movement;
  • Disturbances in rhythm and flow;
  • Lack of concentration;
  • Soreness in muscles, joints. 
  • Fatigue.

Here are some suggestions to prevent overexertion:

  • Stretch or warm up before lifting objects or strenuous activity;
  • Lift with legs bent and hold object close to body.
  • Avoid bending, reaching and twisting when lifting. 
  • Approach an object straight on;
  • Ask a friend for help when lifting.
  • Pace yourself when pursuing any activity.
  • Take breaks.
  • Stop if you can’t handle the load. 

Overexertion can lead to cardiac arrest when working or doing outdoor work during hot, humid days, or shoveling snow in the winter.  If our bodies are unaccustomed to these duties, we must gradually get in physical shape before taking them on.  When tendons, ligaments, and muscles work harder than they are meant to, sprains, strains, or other damage happens.  Usually the back is the most common area of injury.  Age has a lot to do with our strength, as well.  One should never try to lift an item that is too heavy, as he/she  may be able to do it now, but could have complications from it later on. 

Wellness centers have personnel who can help you get into shape and feel better, ready to tackle the world!  Workplace wellness programs offer incentives to employees by helping them with ergonomics, fitness, and nutrition.  Companies that offer these types of benefits may find less missed work time by their employees. 

To not be counted among the statistics of emergency room visits due to overexertion, “take it easy!”  Pace yourself, whether at work or play.