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Every industry has specific work safety requirements. Similarly, installing a geothermal heating or air-conditioning system in your home is not something you can do-it-yourself. You need professional help to install a geothermal heating or air-conditioning system.  (A geothermal system draws heat or coolness from the ground or body of water.)

A geothermal system provides great many benefits to homeowners. It ensures to provide adequate heating during cold weather and the cooling system keep the house pleasant and cool during summers. Here are the necessary work safety measures required when installing a geothermal heating or cooling system: 

1.  Inform the Residents of the Locality  

Geothermal contractors are required to inform the landowner, the residents of the locality and the officials that belong to different ministries that protect the environment. These contractors need permission in order to ensure they will use safe working methods and in case of a hazard, the concerned local authorities can help prevent it.

2. Make a Work Plan in Advance

The installers of geothermal units must provide the local government with the work plan, to ensure the system installed through horizontal boring will not create hazards for society. Once the plan is approved, the installation can take place. The plan should be developed with the help of a licensed engineer who knows the nitty-gritty of engineering and geothermal installation. 

3. Equipment and Safety Gear  

Last, but not the least, it is of chief importance for the geothermal unit installers to use appropriate safety gear that includes but is not limited to safety gloves, goggles, helmet, clothes. This is to keep any sort of hazard away that may be caused in case of contact with heating pumps, etc.  Moreover, the equipment used to install a geothermal unit should be of good quality and licensed. 

Having a geothermal heating system installed in your home can make the winter season enjoyable. Hire a professional who can install a geothermal heating system to ensure that the unit is installed in compliance with the necessary safety measures. Many contractors offer installation services for geothermal heating and cooling systems. These professionals can install the unit correctly in appropriate time.

Author Bio: Stephen Roshy is a professional writer and he writes quality and informative content on Ground Source Contractors. You can find him on Facebook , Twitter and Google+.


The use of contractors is inevitable in most workplaces. The type of work being carried out at such times can be potentially dangerous for both contractors and employees working at the site. In the UK at least, health and safety law puts legal responsibility on both parties (the contractors and the clients) for the safety of each other.

Here are just 5 ways to ensure the safety of all involved. 

Carry out a health and safety check prior to work beginning 

Prior to carrying out work, make sure a full health and safety check has been made which both parties are satisfied with. Contractors need to be sure they won’t be at risk from aspects of the site – e.g. lead, asbestos, structural damage, whilst clients need to be happy that their employees won’t be put at risk by the contractors’ activities. 

Take care in selecting contractors 

The best way to be sure of your employees’ safety when hiring contractors is to be thorough in selecting contractors to carry out the work. Ask them for references, particularly for similar jobs. Ask how experienced they are at this particular type of work. Ask what their health and safety procedures are and what training their employees receive. Ask how they undertake risk assessments (and if you can view this before work proceeds). 

Pay attention to sub-contracting 

Just as important is to be sure that if your contractors do sub-contract, that you’re happy with their methods for doing so. It’s up to them how they select sub-contractors, but you are perfectly entitled to be made aware of their selection procedures to make sure you’re satisfied with them, and to ensure any sub-contractors will be subject to the same health and safety regulations and procedures the contractors are. 

Inform everyone who may be affected 

It is absolutely essential that all employees know there is work being carried out, where it is, and what they need to do to take account for it e.g. wear a ANSI hard hat if you must go through this area.  Also ensure there is a clear procedure for reporting potential safety risks and that all employees are made aware of it. 

Regularly monitor work 

Aside from relying on employees to report potential safety risks, appoint a specific health and safety monitor to regularly check up on the contractors to make sure all work is in compliance with regulations and pre-agreed processes.  Ideally this person should be a trained health and safety officer who knows what to look out for.

 Nick Lewis is writing for Universal Platforms, cherry pickers hire and training in London. Find out more at www.universalplatforms.co.uk