Tag Archives: flood


The Mississippi River has crested at 48′ at this time, and the main part of the city is safe, thanks to levees and walls that are holding firm.  Many residents in outlying areas, however, have been evacuated from their homes, which are now underwater.

If you have ever seen the remnants of buildings that have been flooded, you know that it is a huge mess!  Some that I have seen looked the same as if they had been ravaged by a tornado.  There are so very many dangers lurking for those rescue, recovery and volunteer personnel that we cannot emphasize enough the importance of precautions that should be taken to stay safe. 

After flooding, the strength of the waters may have moved and/or buried hazardous waste and chemical containers far from their normal storage places.  This is a risk for anyone who comes into contact with them, and should be handled only by the police or fire department.  Flooded areas may also contain electrical or fire hazards connected with downed power lines.  Extreme caution should be exercised with these particular hazards, which hold the potential for fires and explosions. 

Floods can cause sickness in those workers who come in contact with contaminated floodwater.  This can be caused by the disruption of water purification and sewage systems, overflowing of toxic waste sites, and dislodgement of chemicals previously stored above ground.  This being said, workers should be aware that floodwater can contain infectious organisms, which include intestinal bacteria such as Salmonella, Shigella, E.coli, Heptitis A virus, and agents of typhoid, paratyphoid, and tetanus.  It is important that workers’ tetanus shots are current.  Tetanus can be acquired from contaminated soil or water entering broken areas of the skin.  This is an infectious disease that affects the nervous system and causes severe muscle spasms, known as lockjaw. 

Pools of standing or stagnant water also become breeding grounds for mosquitoes, which can cause West Nile virus or other mosquito-borne diseases.  By wearing long-sleeve shirts, long pants, and using insect repellants, the threat of mosquito and other insect bites can be decreased.  Workers should also be alert for animals that have been displaced by the flood –  frightened, and prone to biting someone.  Seek immediate medical care for all animal bites.  (And be sure to watch for cottonmouth snakes, they have been seen often in the flooding Mississippi.)

Cleanup workers may need to wear special chemical resistant clothing and protective goggles.  They should also have on plastic or rubber gloves, boots, and other protective clothing needed to avoid contact with floodwater.  In addition to toxic and chemical wastes, agricultural wastes may be in floodwater.  Children should never be allowed to play in floodwater.  All toys recovered must be disinfected. 

All water should be considered unsafe until local authorities announce that the public water supply is not dangerous.  Keep an adequate supply of safe water available for washing and potable water for drinking.  Do not use contaminated water to wash and prepare food, brush your teeth, wash dishes, or make ice.  If you are unsure about the safety of a food or beverage, throw it out.  

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers provides emergency personnel to assist with restoring power and other tasks in disaster areas.  Their engineering expertise is used for inspecting and assessing damage and clean up in disaster areas.  They recommend that workers wear appropriate life-saving equipment, such as vests, when working around deep water or where the currents are swift.  

This is a very unpleasant job for all persons concerned, especially those who citizens who have watched their homes and property disappear right before their eyes.  We hope that those who have been warned to leave will do so, and seek shelter until it is safe to return, and know that help is on its way.


With the recent floods and tornadoes in the midwest, and hurricanes looming in the south, it’s wise to remember that storm and flood cleanup activities can be hazardous. Workers and volunteers involved with flood cleanup should be aware of the potential dangers involved, and take proper safety precautions. Work-related hazards that could be encountered include: electrical hazards,carbon monoxide, musculoskeletal hazards, heat stress, motor vehicles, hazardous materials, fire, confined spaces and falls. This information is to help employers and workers prepare in advance for anticipated response activities, and to prevent work-related injuries and illnesses in the field once rescue, recovery, and clean-up begin. 

Disaster response teams are equipped with certified equipment that meets the needs to protect them from biological hazards, hazardous materials, waterborne and bloodborne pathogens.  Volunteers may not have previous experience in using personal protective equipment; therefore, they should be trained properly in how to don this equipment, wear it,  maintain it and know when and how to replace it. 

Personal protective equipment that is absolutely necessary in these types of clean-ups are:

  • Safety Glasses;
  • Respirators;
  • Water resistant clothing;
  • Boots;
  • Gloves (latex or nitrile), and if necessary, to be used under other gloves when removing rubble or debris;
  • Goggles;
  • Faceshields;
  • Boots. 

While making a rescue, responders should have gloves on to protect from  bloodborne infections such as HIV, Hepatitis B, or Hepatitis C.  In case of a sudden emergency, first responders are prepared with all the equipment they need and will train and help other responders and volunteers.  Another suggestion is to have hi-visibility hardhats, gloves, and/or vests, in order for workers to be seen when working around heavy equipment that may be operating  at the same time.  In case of flooding, storms, and hurricanes, it takes everyone working together to handle rescue and clean-up operations. 

We’ll be hoping for clear skies for the folks that have experienced this bad weather, and rain for the ones who need it – just not too much at one time!


Source: NIOSH


One can never be completely prepared for what Mother Nature may do. This past Thursday, the people of Iceland felt her power when a volcano erupted under Eyjafjallajokull glacier.  Citizens of Iceland are dealing with rising floodwaters, as well as smoke and ash.  Approximately one-third of the glacial ice has melted and has caused a nearby river to flood.  Around 850 persons in the area have been evacuated and several acres of land are completely covered by ash.
The result of this eruption has caused the largest global disruption of airline traffic since 9-11.  Air travel on six continents has been affected to some degree.  A scientist in Iceland has said that it is possible that ash will continue to be distributed in the air for weeks.  Air travel is dangerous under these conditions, as ash and smoke cause a lack of visibility, in addition to the threat of microscopic debris getting sucked into the engines, causing them to shut down.
Airports are full of stranded passengers due to cancellations of flights.  Delivery of materials, business meetings and persons planning vacations may all experience delays.
This brings to mind a very important word: preparation.  One never knows when a natural event will happen, possibly taking away the things we take for granted.  Hurricanes, tornadoes, fires, and other disasters can happen.  It’s a good idea for everyone to be ready for such an event by having extra supplies on hand.  Fresh water, canned foods, (food and water for three days), can opener, flashlight, candles, blankets, pet food, cell phone, first aid kit, and NOAA weather radio, are items that should be kept together in a safe place in case of an emergency.  Folks in Iceland will probably need respirators, because of the condition of the air they will breathe for sometime.
Our world has already had several earthquakes this year – it is hard to predict or imagine where the next natural disaster may happen.  Be ready to protect yourself and your family as well as possible, and also watch out for your fellow man, as well.
One can never be completely prepared for what Mother Nature may do. This past Thursday, the people of Iceland felt her power when a volcano erupted under Eyjafjallajokull glacier.  Citizens of Iceland are dealing with rising floodwaters, as well as smoke and ash.  Approximately one-third of the glacial ice has melted and has caused a nearby river to flood.  Around 850 persons in the area have been evacuated and several acres of land are completely covered by ash.
The result of this eruption has caused the largest global disruption of airline traffic since 9-11.  Air travel on six continents has been affected to some degree.  A scientist in Iceland has said that it is possible that ash will continue to be distributed in the air for weeks.  Air travel is dangerous under these conditions, as ash and smoke cause a lack of visibility, in addition to the threat of microscopic debris getting sucked into the engines, causing them to shut down.
Airports are full of stranded passengers due to cancellations of flights.  Delivery of materials, business meetings and persons planning vacations may all experience delays.
This brings to mind a very important word: preparation.  One never knows when a natural event will happen, possibly taking away the things we take for granted.  Hurricanes, tornadoes, fires, and other disasters can happen.  It’s a good idea for everyone to be ready for such an event by having extra supplies on hand.  Fresh water, canned foods, (food and water for three days), can opener, flashlight, candles, blankets, pet food, cell phone, first aid kit, and NOAA weather radio, are items that should be kept together in a safe place in case of an emergency.  Folks in Iceland will probably need respirators, because of the condition of the air they will breathe for sometime.
Our world has already had several earthquakes this year – it is hard to predict or imagine where the next natural disaster may happen.  Be ready to protect yourself and your family as well as possible, and also watch out for your fellow man, as well.


Many parts of the United States have had more than their share of heavy rain this spring.  Residents of Nashville, Tennessee, are still cleaning up after the devastating storm that hit their city and surrounding area, May 1st through May 2nd.

On June 11, a flash flood killed twenty campers and injured more in the Albert Pike Recreation Area, in Arkansas.  Located in a secluded valley where the Caddo and Little Missouri Rivers meet, heavy rains caused the waters to rise 8’ per hour.  By the time most of the people realized what was happening, it was too late for many to escape.  Forecasters had issued a flash flood warning for that vicinity; however, there was little chance of any type of cell phone or other method of communication in this remote location that could have warned them.

June 14th brought 10” of rain to parts of Oklahoma City, and several counties in Oklahoma.  Several persons were rescued from vehicles when rains swept them off the road.  A cab driver was drowned while trying to push his stalled cab out of floodwaters.  Officials said the car was in two feet of water; however, the current was so swift, it swept him away.  Many roads and bridges are heavily damaged and will take months to return to service.
Having known someone who was rescued after being stranded in their car during heavy rains, their first-hand advice, of course, is to try to get to high ground.  It was raining so hard during their experience it was difficult to know exactly where they were.  By the time the rescue team arrived, water was well inside their car, and they had to be taken out through the windows of the car.  A physician who was trapped in his vehicle in the recent Oklahoma City incident, reported that he was advised to roll down the windows because once the water got high enough to short out the electrical system, he would not be able to do so.  Events such as this remind us that sometimes things really are out of our control.

We want to repeat some earlier guidelines to protect those involved in flood clean-up:

  • Take precaution from insect and mosquito bites.
  • Extreme caution should be used with possible chemical and electric hazards; the fire or police department are better equipped to decide what should be done.
  • Be sure tetanus shot is current (within 10 years).
  • Maintain good hygiene during cleanup operations, wash hands with soap and running water as often as possible during the day.
  • Do not allow children to play in floodwaters, or with toys that have been in floodwaters.
  • Wear eyewear and head protection.  Sunscreen needs to be worn, as well.

These safety items, such as disposable clothes, respirators, goggles, gloves, and insect repellents can aid in protecting those who are involved in this or any other clean up operations.  Take precautionary measures, not chances on becoming ill.


Our beloved “Music City”, Nashville, has become a devastated area, following heavy thunderstorms and flash flooding, which caused the Cumberland River to rise almost 12’ above flood level last weekend.  At least 30 deaths in Tennessee, Kentucky and Mississippi have been blamed on the recent storms.  The Grand Ole Opry, Country Music Hall of Fame, Opryland Hotel, and Opry Mills have been inundated with water.  The field of the Tennessee Titans was flooded, as well.  Ironically, this is “National Music Week,” stressing the role music plays in our lives.  Several country music stars lost valuable equipment in storage, as well as damage to their homes.  They, along with entertainers across America, have been performing to raise money to help residents who have lost everything.
Here are some helpful tips for those who are trying to retrieve whatever they can from their flooded property:

  • Extreme caution should be used because of possible chemical and electric hazards.
  • Also wear rubber or plastic gloves, boots, and other protective clothing to guard from contact with floodwater.
  • Be sure tetanus shot is current (within 10 years).
  • Hazardous waste and chemical containers may be moved or buried by floodwaters far from their regular storage places, which are risky for those who come in contact with them.  The fire department or police should handle these circumstances.
  • Maintain good hygiene during cleanup operations, wash hands with soap and running water as often as possible during the day.
  • Do not allow children to play in floodwaters, or with toys that have been in floodwaters.
  • Wear eyewear and head protection.  Sunscreen needs to be worn, as well.
  • Take precaution from insect and mosquito bites.
  • Get medical attention for all animal bites immediately.

It will take time to rebuild the attractions that draw tourists to Nashville and the surrounding area, but with the determination their citizens have shown, it will happen.  We can’t stop the music; it will always be what keeps us all going!

Sources:  OSHA Natural Disaster Recovery: Flood Cleanup
EPA-Homeland Security