Tag Archives: Health

Invest in Health and Safety at Work and Reap the Benefits

Most business owners just focus on productivity and implementing new strategies to make their employees work harder. This approach may be efficient in the short-term but will soon fail. After all, your employees are people, not robots. If you want to invest in your company’s productivity and quality of service, you need to meet your employee’s basic needs. In other words, you need to make sure there are no risks of getting hurt or sick on the job. 

1. Come up with a procedure 

You should always work towards preventing health and safety issues from ever happening, but sometimes that’s simply impossible. In these scenarios, it’s important to have a coherent plan of action. Coming up with a procedure for dealing with these emergencies will help minimize the consequences and return business as usual as soon as possible.

This all implies you should know exactly what to do in cases of fires or other work emergencies. What you’ll do depends on the type of venue your workplace is at and its location. It might be a good idea to ask a professional for help in planning or to hire someone to do that job for you. You can even have a first aid technician on the worksite present at all times.

2. Maintain your facilities

Regardless of where you’re doing your business, you need to pay attention to the state of your facilities. This is especially true if you’re in an old building with a weakened structure. Old pipes, crevices, and spaces between the walls can all be potential risks for injury or disease. This is because pests will have easy access to your workers.Whether we’re talking about an office or a construction site, the consequences could be fatal. Rats can sneak in and chew the wiring important for your work, causing potential short-circuits and fires, while bugs can spread disease and interfere with the work process. Making sure no pests can be found on the worksite will make your employees much more relaxed and productive. They won’t have to stop work just to deal with another issue and you won’t have to spend more money on solving an additional problem.

3. Train and educate your workers

Most injuries are caused by untrained workers who don’t know what they’re doing. So, in order to minimize the risk of injury, you need to battle ignorance. Do this by training new employees and educating old ones. You may have a skilled crew in your hands, but everyone needs a little reminder on safety. Also, make sure to encourage safe behaviour on the job. You can do this by rewarding their good behaviour with a compliment or pat on the back.This way, your workforce won’t be on sick leave or at home, healing from a work injury. You’ll have a strong and healthy crew, ready to take on any project you give them. You’ll also get to avoid potential lawsuits. This all saves you a lot of time, energy, and money while increasing productivity.

4. Get proper and quality equipment

More and more countries are realizing just how effective having proper equipment can be. Take Australia, for example. It’s realized the equipment is the key to preventing injuries and promoting health. If your employees wear good quality equipment necessary for their job, they’re far more likely to do their job well because they’ll have some help.In fact, Aussies take it so seriously that control measures have been implemented to make sure everyone stays safe and healthy. That’s why you’ll find that Australian safety boots, hard hats, high visibility clothing, and safety harnesses meet all the necessary regulations. As a result, you won’t hear that anyone’s gotten sick or injured at work, and productivity is at an all-time high.

5. Maintain the hygiene

Maintaining the hygiene of any work venue is essential from keeping sickness at bay. Disease spreads faster in unclean environments so you need to counter that. Pay special attention to bathroom areas, and kitchens if there are any. If not, make sure the place where your workers take their lunch break is up to standard.

If the circumstances allow it, you can hire a cleaning service to regularly take care of your workplace. This takes the pressure off you while still making sure your employees are working in a clean environment. Finally, you should also encourage your workers to clean up after themselves and educate them on the importance of clean workstations. This way you’ll minimize the risk of disease entirely.


As you can see, there are a few things to pay attention to when it comes to making sure your employees remain safe and healthy. The attitude you have towards their well-being will surely reflect how they feel about you. If your employees respect and like you, they’re far more likely to do their job well and be motivated to give it their all to succeed. We’re confident that all your hard work will pay off in the long run if you follow some or all of the tips above.

About the author: Liam Smith is a young and aspiring Australian blogger with a passion for everything related to home improvement, design and style. He has a B.Sc. in Interior design and is an avid reader.



It’s true that some jobs will generally be riskier than others. However, no matter what kind of job you’re doing, you’ll want to stay safe and healthy. Even seemingly innocuous work environments like offices can come with their own occupational hazards. By being fully aware of them, you can mitigate the health hazard and safety risk to yourself. We spoke with Jessica Chen, who works for a cheap essay writing service and spends most of her day sitting in front of a computer screen. She gave us some useful tips to make it easier to stay safe and healthy at work.

Know your Environment

No matter where you work, you need to learn about your work environment. In an office, you need to learn about everything, from where the cleaning supplies can be found to how to correctly use the copier. Most workplaces will provide training to help people stay safe at work. However, it is still upon you to stay mindful of your environment and watch out for any hazards that might be unfamiliar. If you ever have to deal with anything heavy, you’re going to have to try to keep your back straight.

Stay Relaxed

Believe it or not, one of the positions that puts you at the most risk is sitting. If you sit incorrectly then you may actually suffer from injuries to your neck and back. If you can seek audience with your boss then ask them to buy some ergonomic chairs and desks. This will pay off in a big way for you and your colleagues. As for your sitting, make sure you sit with your hips and shoulders aligned to prevent your back from suffering from undue pressure.

Don’t forget about your Eyes

Your eyes are another part of your body that you shouldn’t neglect. When you sit in front of a computer for a prolonged amount of time, then you are posing some serious safety risks for your eyes. They will suffer from long exposure to the screen. In light of this exposure, you need to take regular breaks in order to give your eyes time to recover. Also, don’t sit close to your screen as that can be detrimental for your eyes. Your best bet is to look away from the screen every 20 or 30 minutes. You should also get some screen covers for your laptop to filter most of the blue light that comes through. Blue light is usually the most harmful part of the light that comes from a computer screen.

Know all the Emergency Protocols of your Workplace

Every workplace has an emergency protocol in place and it is your duty to know everything about it. For starters, you need to know where all the emergency exits are. This doesn’t just apply to the floor on which you work, but also the floors that you don’t frequent as much. This will be useful knowledge when there is some kind of emergency at your place of work, such as a fire. Perhaps the most important factor that could save your life is knowing how to get out of a building in the quickest way. So make sure you don’t miss those fire drills.

Speak up when you have to

If you don’t like the conditions at your place of work, or you feel like the safety has been compromised, then do not hesitate to speak up. It is your boss’s duty to make the workplace as safe as possible, from the structural integrity of the building to the air conditioning. So when the air conditioner isn’t working very well and the office is particularly hot, do not hesitate to tell your boss about it. If you have to go to a ton of supplies to get to the photocopier because it happens to be located in the supply closet, then you’ll have to tell your supervisor about it so they can rectify the issue. If your boss does nothing about it, even after you repeatedly tell them about the appalling conditions at your place of your work, contact the Occupational Safety and Health Administration and let them know.

Be Kind to your Body

Try to take care of your body first before having great expectations of your boss to take care of it. It’s not a good idea to binge on junk food or go to work with a hangover. Working in an office is also likely to make you inactive, which means you will have to exercise daily to keep your body in shape and your energy levels high in order to avoid lethargy. Stay hydrated, watch your nutrition, and don’t overdo the sugar.

Do Breathing Exercises

Work can be quite stressful and, if left unchecked, that stress can affect your health in a negative way. As often as you can, stop what you’re doing and take at least 5 deep and slow breaths to let out the stress. Deep breathing exercises are known to help relax and relieve stress.

Know when to give yourself a Break

It’s tempting to keep going at your work even when your body is throwing out all kinds of protests. It’s not, however, a good idea to go to work when you’re ill. It’s not good for your body and it’s certainly not good for your colleagues’ bodies because they might catch whatever you have. If you’re not feeling so well, ask your boss for a break so you can get better. It’s better to have one person gone with the flu than the whole team.

Know your Rights

As a worker in the United States, you’re entitled to healthy and safe working conditions stipulated to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. By knowing your rights and responsibilities, you’re empowered to ensure that you observe your responsibilities and your employer observes your rights.

About the author

Samantha R. Gilbert has been working as a journalist at an online-publishing agency in New York, USA for 2 years. She is also professional writing expert in such topics as blogging, modern art and education. Meet Samantha on Google+.


Good Health and Safety Documents for Your Workplace


Health and safety document is a piece of document or book in which policies related to health and safety at the workplace is explained and it is also described how you control on health and safety in your workplace.  In the health and safety document it explains why you need to adopt particular health and safety policies, what components are included in health and safety policy and individual responsibilities of employees as per the role. For in order to write the best health and safety document for your workplace, there are few things that need to be clear and remember.
Do you need a health and safety policy?
All organization must have more or less health and safety policies for their workplace. All organization who have more than five employees are legally obliged to design the written health and safety policy. Health and safety document is the very effective document that prevents the organization from being the potential risk and focuses on the issue. This will save time and money.
What should it include?
When creating your health and safety policy you should consult with your employees. With their experience, they may think of things to include that you have not.
Writing health and safety document involve experience and professional employees from the company. It is a proper process that involves different employees. Different employees give different suggestions to contribute to improving health and safety environment at workplace
Your health and safety policy must include:
  • A statement determined that demonstrating your commitment to having a safe and healthy working environment
  • A list of who is responsible for what
  • Information regarding how your main health and safety issues will be managed.

What is the document for?

In most of the organization health and safety documents serve as information documents, an instruction documents for health and safety concern and a form.

Also some of the organization utilized both informative and instructive documents in their health and safety documents. These documents explain certain events, condition or incident and what to do in these situations. Like health and safety policy include:

Health and safety hazards and risks while using certain equipment and performing the dangerous activity and also explain what to do to control particular risk and hazard in your workplace.

Who will read the document?

The health and safety document of your workplace will be written for your employees so the reader of your document is your employee. Also, remember while designing the health and safety document at your workplace, not all employee read the document effectively. So make sure all employees must understand the document and those who unable to read the document used some other approach to deliver health and safety message to such employee. like in the health and social care centre health and safety document not only produce but also visual health and safety tips are hanging and place at different positions in this place service users, their families and staff all are the readers of health and safety message and precautions. So the reader for your health and safety document is different according to the company to company. Also while creating the health and safety document must consider your employee’s needs and abilities.

Where can you get information to put into your documents? 

In order to create the effective health and safety document for your workplace, there are different places from where you can collect information and issues so that you can design your document according to the issue they are facing.
Like you can:

  • Take help and read from the past and existing health and safety document
  • discuss with your employees and encourage to give advice
  • Observe your workplace operations what is happening right and where there is any lacking.
  • Held meeting with health and safety professionals like occupational health and safety professional and representatives and discuss with them what lacking they are seen among employee while implementing and adopting health and safety policies.
  • Talk to other professionals who are working similar workplace like yours.
  • Read health and safety guideline and best practices related to industry-specific

Things that you need to remember:

Writing a good health and safety documents there are certain things that need to be considered while writing health and safety document at your workplace.
Write the document in simple English so that each employee can understand easily what is being written. Simple English mean policy clearly delivers your message to your employees, use short phrases and sentences, use routine words rather than complex Jorgen, use simple format to lay out the document.
Keep sentences short and clear complex and hard wordy written policies are hard to understand so simple, clear and short sentences while creating the health and safety policies.
Use everyday words
Use common words to describe the health and safety policies at the workplace. Employees whose first language is not the language they face more and also they unable to understand the meaning of various health and safety terms.
Avoid unnecessary acronyms and abbreviations
It is also recommended to write the good and effective health and safety document at workplace do not the huge amount of abbreviations and acronyms and if you discuss then make the list of abbreviation and acronyms as well as write the full form when you first explain in the text.
Active and passive voice
Use active voice while writing health and safety policies for better understanding and implementation of policies. Passive voice sometimes sounds more complex and ineffective to deliver the clear message.
Author Bio
Elizabeth is a professional writer as well as blogger. She writes after research and analyses current market scenario on different topics esasy, English, pysics, chemistry, heatl, etc. Also behind Assignment Writing Services and love to share this informative content to explore knowledge.


We all have the right to feel safe and secure in our workplace, whatever line of work you are in. Although all employers are legally obliged to take precautions to minimize health and safety risks in the workplace, we also need to take personal responsibility for our own safety.

The good news is that you don’t need to wrap yourself in bubble wrap and constantly wear a crash helmet to keep yourself safe, it is mainly basic common sense. These are a few tips to help you protect yourself whilst at work-

  • Communication is vital, not just for your safety, but your colleagues and customers as well. If you notice that equipment is getting worn or something looks faulty, notify your supervisor or health and safety representative as soon as possible.
  • Familiarize yourself with your company’s health and safety procedures. Every employer needs to conduct a risk assessment which will include ways to avoid hazards and the correct, safe way of performing tasks to avoid injury. You should also be made aware of the location of emergency exits, evacuation assembly points and first aid boxes as part of your orientation.
  • If you ever out on the road as part of your job or spend time working alone, consider downloading a personal safety application on to your smart phone, such as the personal safety app from Lookout Call. These have features that ensure that you get a speedy response if you are in danger and to locate you if you break down in the middle of nowhere.
  • When you are in a profession where you have to enter stranger’s premise, for example if you are an electrician or plumber, you can sometimes get a bad vibe straight away. Always trust your gut instinct and arrange for somebody to call you so that you have an excuse to leave if you feel unsafe. If this isn’t a viable option, try to get a personal safety app for your phone with features that autodial for you or that will raise an alarm if you don’t respond to a prescheduled call.
  • Don’t use any machinery or perform any tasks that you have not been trained to do. If you have been trained but can’t remember the correct or safest way to do it, don’t be nervous of asking your supervisor or trainer for some refresher training.
  • It may sound very basic, but ask anybody entering your premises, such as delivery or repair persons for ID. If you work in a space by yourself, for example in a petrol station or cleaning in the evening, try not to let anybody in that you are not expecting.
  • When you have to travel for work, make sure that somebody knows where you’re going and what time you are expected to be there so you can arrange ‘check in’ calls.
  • If you work with hazardous chemicals always read the bottle and act on any safety precautions the manufacturer’s advice, such as the use of gloves and ensuring you have ventilation.

It is very easy to keep safe at work as long as you maintain good communication with your employers and colleagues and don’t take unnecessary risks.

BIO: Katie Matthews is a manager within lookout call, a  loneworker applications and safety specialist in the UK.  Katie has worked in the technology industry for a number of years and has reviewed and written about a number of technology niches.





Saturday, April 28th is International Workers Memorial Day.  It is a day when unions around the world campaign for improvements in workplace health and safety.  Started by the Canadian Union of Public Employees in 1984, and adopted by the Canadian Labour Congress the following year, the day has been officially recognized by more than twenty countries, including the USA and the UK.  The Canadian National Day of Mourning is also observed on this day.   The U.N. adopted the day in 1996. 

The following  information comes from r@w news, in Australia.  This day is one to remember workers who died, were injured or fell ill due to unsafe, unhealthy or unsustainable work and workplaces around the world.  The most updated information shows that there are almost 360,000 fatal occupational accidents in any year, and almost 2 million fatal work-related diseases.  Every day, more than 960,000 workers get hurt because of accidents, and on average 5,330 workers die because of work-related diseases.  April 28th should be commemorated for those who have lost their lives or their health at or because of their work; to raise awareness about the risk of disease, injury or death for workers in all sectors and countries; and to engage all workers and unions in a positive action day for dialogue, transformation, and progress on occupational safety. 

We checked out other announcements from countries that also commemorate this day, such as our own country, the United States.  The IAFF is encouraging its affiliates to observe Workers Memorial Day and National Day of Mourning on April 28, remembering those who have suffered and died on the job and to renew the fight for safe workplaces.  In 1989, April 28 was chosen because it is the anniversary of the day OSHA went into effect.  OSHA protects workers by instituting occupational health and safety standards that cultivate safe working environments and remove recognized hazards that may cause death or serious harm to workers.  The theme for the AFL-CIO for this year is “Safe Jobs Save Lives.” 

UNISON Scotland, Scotland’s biggest and liveliest trade union’s theme is “Cuts Cost Lives – Mourn for the Dead, Fight for the Living.  In the United Kingdom, IOSH feels that this  is the most important day of occupational safety and health calendar on the horizon.  They are encouraging persons to send in snapshots of themselves and their co-workers and describe “What does Workers’ Memorial Day Mean toYou?”  The images will then be uploaded to IOSH’s Twitter and Flickr accounts to give people around the world an insight into the real meaning of the Day. 

For your information, here are the countries that observe and promote this day around the world: Argentina, Belgium, Bermuda, Brazil, Canada, Dominican Republic, Greece, Luxembourg, Panama, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Taiwan, U.S.A., Ukraine and the United Kingdom.  In addition to which the Andean Community of countries has adopted this day on behalf of Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and their associate member Venezuela. 

Whether you are union or non-union, chances are every one of us has known someone who died on the job.  We must do everything possible to encourage employers to make jobs safer for workers around the world.  Pause and be thankful on this day that is set aside to honor those who lost their lives simply doing their job.


A large portion of the United States suffered a devastating drought this past summer.  As the old saying goes, “It’s either feast or famine!”  In addition to the results of little or no rain, this year’s drought caused a huge loss of wildlife and property because of wildfires throughout the state of Texas.   The drought we experienced made us realize how much we needed water for our tanks, lakes, and livestock, as well as our daily lives.  This past summer, there were small communities that ran out of water, and what they were going through was unbelievable.  In other areas of the U.S., there were floods, tornadoes, and other natural disasters.

We in America are very fortunate that we have clean, readily available water.    We need to appreciate our clean water and do all we can to get clean water to those who don’t have it.  Imagine watching a mother take her child to a muddy waterhole – one that is polluted, and see that child drink from it.  People over the world are dying, because their water is full of pollution and disease.  

The Importance of Water Conservation 

We Americans waste billions of gallons of water with no regard to the fact that many other people in countries across the world would fight over the very water that we waste.  We would probably all think a little more about water that is wasted, if we had to drink the water that other folks do.  Some are losing their lives because they have no water at all.  

Here are  ways that you can help the with conservation issue:

  • Take short showers.  If you run a little water for it to warm up, catch it and use it to water your plants.
  • If people leave water bottles around, and don’t finish drinking it, you can also use that to water plants.
  • Stop running the water while you brush your teeth, wash your hands or hair, and shower or bathe.
  • Most people don’t need a huge bathtub; it’s a nice luxury, but you get just as clean in a regular-sized one.
  • If you are fortunate enough to have a swimming pool, keep it covered, to keep out the dirt.
  • You might pay attention to the amount of water you use on your yard and try to cut down. 

The Importance of Water to Our Bodies! 

You cannot be truly healthy without the proper hydration of the body.  We should drink half our body weight in ounces, minimum each day.  If you weigh 200 lbs, you should consume 100 ounces of water.  Every organ in our body heavily depends on water to function properly and to its capacity.  According to an article posted by Bob McCauley, the human body is 69% water, the brain is 85% water, bones – 35% water, blood – 83% water, and the liver is 90% water. Also:

  • In 37% of Americans, the thirst mechanism is so weak that it is often mistaken for hunger.
  • Mild dehydration will slow down metabolism as much as 3%. 
  • The biggest trigger of daytime fatigue is lack of water.
  • Drinking 5 glasses of water daily decreases the risk of colon cancer by 45%, breast cancer by 79%, and bladder cancer by 50%. 

Remember, you are not what you eat; you are what you drink.  Water is immensly important to your health.  If we change the way we drink, by drinking pure, natural water that is good for our health, we can help our pocket book and environment at the same time.  A common-sense theory by years of study by Dr. F. Batmagheldj, shows that water works well in keeping us healthy and pain free.  Even some illnesses can be cured by water, the basis of all life, especially, your body.  Our health truly depends on the quality and quantity of the water we drink.  If you sincerely want to have a healthy lifestyle, make drinking enough natural water a regular habit in your life.  You will feel the benefit in a short time.  Water is a free investment for your long-term health. 

With that, I am going to go fill up a tall glass of ice water; and cut my shower short tonight!  Let’s all think about conserving water, the elixir of life!


Working under state and federal regulations requires that workplace health and safety posters must be posted on the worksite.  These regulations govern what work safety posters must be on display in the workplace, but employers should think about posting other information in addition to the ones that are required, to promote a safe and healthy workplace environment.  First, a business must know which federal and state OSHA health and safety posters that are required to be on display.  There is a poster that allows you to select your state to view the required posters and order them directly.  Workers must be able to learn what employer obligations are and the employee rights pertaining to safety and health. 

Workplaces are also wise to share information about general healthy habits that can be promoted within the workplace.  If the posters are updated on a regular basis, a variety of tips on how to maintain a healthy and safe workplace will be noticed by more persons than if the same old ones stay up.  Keep a supply of different topics to change occasionally. 

Did you know that employers could be subject to state or federal fines and penalties if the required safety information is not on display?  Your place of business has its own specific health and safety concerns, so those topics should be addressed.  It’s a good idea to remember past accidents that have occurred, which would be helpful reminders to your employees. Many times posters that contain exact data and statistics of past accidents or incidents will catch the attention of the employees.   Posters alone won’t educate employees, but they exist to remind your workers that their safety is important to the company. 

Different posters apply to every type of work environment.  Regardless of the workplace being a factory, fleet of vehicles, warehouse, or an office, a certain amount of risk is involved, more in some than others.  Posters that promote good attitudes are excellent motivators for teamwork.  A poster that promotes healthy lifestyles, and exercise would be fitting for an office setting.  For those who do lots of heavy lifting, posters on the proper methods of lifting and the results of wear and tear on the body.  If there’s a danger of debris or cuttings getting into workers’ eyes, there are all types of safety glasses posters.  Don’t forget about places that are extremely loud, and the importance of hearing protection.  There are posters for just about every hazard; that’s why it would be a good idea to have several different ones and change them often. 

Employees’ rights are explained on the state and federal posters, but one wonders how many people stop to read them?  By doing this, workers can ensure their company is providing the proper safety instructions and protective products that keep them safe.








We all need little reminders that our hearts must be healthy in order to keep us going.  Every day stress, at work or home, can add to health problems.  If we keep in mind the numbers everyone should know, such as goals for heart health, hopefully, we can continue working and being productive.  After retirement, we also want to be healthy enough to enjoy other activities, or part-time work. 

It is important that you know your numbers, and these are important ones:

  •          120/80 or under is normal blood pressure for adults.
  •          Less than 200 mg/dl is a desirable cholesterol level.
  •         Less than 100 mg/dl is an optimal level of LDL, or “bad” cholesterol.
  •         More than 40 mg/dl is a desirable level of HDL, or “good,” cholesterol for men; women’s should be at least 50.
  •         Less than 150 mg/dl is a desirable level of triglycerides.  This blood fat, like LDL, can make your arteries harden or narrow.
  •         Between 18.5 and 24.9 is a normal body mass index (BMI).  A higher BMI can increase your risk for heart disease.
  •         Less than 35 inches for women, and less than 40 inches for men, is the best waist size.  Too much fat around the waist increases heart disease risk.      To  measure your waist, put a tape measure around your midsection, just above your hips, and breathe out.
  •          Zero is your ideal exposure to tobacco, including secondhand smoke.
  •          At least 30 minutes most days is how much to exercise.  Regular exercise can lower your resting heart rate.  According to a recent study in American Heart Journal, a resting heart rate higher than 90 doubled the risk for heart disease.

If you don’t know how much your body mass index is, here are some explanations on how to figure it.  First, you can use a free body mass calculator online, or if you prefer, we have some instructions on how to do it yourself.

Established by the federal government as a standard to determine obesity, Body Mass Index (BMI) is calculated by dividing your weight in kilograms by your height in meters squared. A Body Mass Index between 18.5 and 25 is ideal. People with a BMI between 25 and 29.9 are overweight and a BMI greater than 30 indicates obesity. Being overweight increases the chances of serious health risks like heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure. But Body Mass Index is not a foolproof measurement. Though muscle tissue weighs more than fat tissue, BMI calculation doesn’t recognize the difference between muscle and fat; an aggravating footnote for people who spend a lot of time at the gym. For those who lead more sedentary lives however, BMI can be a useful first indicator of general fitness.

Use Discovery Health’s free BMI calculator to find out what your body mass index is. Simply put in your height and weight, and let Discovery Health’s free BMI calculator work for you.

Here are instructions in case you prefer to figure your BMI yourself:

         First you will need to know what your height is in inches. This is quite simple, just take your height and multiply it by 12 and add the inches. For example if your 6’2”, take 6 feet times 12, which is 72. Then add the 2 extra inches, which is 74 inches. Simple enough. Write this number down.

         Next in figuring your BMI, you will need to know your weight in pounds. This can be done on any scale measured in pounds. Write this number down.

         Now we are ready to calculate. Take your height and multiply it by itself. So in the previous example, just multiply 74 x 74, which is 5476. Now multiply that result by 703. This number is fixed. It’s always the same when calculating BMI. Continuing with our example, we take 5476 x 703, which equals 3849628.

         Then, divide your weight by that result. So say the weight in pounds is 180. We take 180 / 3849628, which equals 4.6 lbs. So in this example, the person who is 6’2” and 180 lbs is overweight by 4.6 lbs. This is how you figure Body Mass Index.

Let’s make a pact to take better care of ourselves and keep those hearts ticking!

Source: CDCP; American Heart Association; Strive; eHow.com/health; Discovery Health.


Led by Canada’s Canadian Society of Safety Engineering (CSSE) this campaign was first launched in June of 1997, when an agreement between Canada, the United States and Mexico was reached, with the goal to promote workplace safety within the boundaries of the three nations.  Canadian Occupational Health and Safety Week had been being observed for ten years prior to the beginning of North American Occupational Safety and Health Week.  The American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) joined with the CSSE in 2002, to promote public awareness of occupational safety, health, and the environment during this important week.  Other groups that are partners in this NAOSH Week are the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS), Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC), Threads of Life, OSHA, Association of Occupational Health Professionals in Healthcare (AOHP), and partners in Mexico.  Threads of Life is a national registered charity dedicated to supporting families along their journey of healing who have suffered from a workplace fatality, life-altering illness or occupational disease.  Their mission is to help families heal through a community of support and to promote the elimination of life-altering workplace injuries, illnesses, and death. 

This years NAOSH theme is “Celebrating a Century of Safety.”  The ASSE is not only celebrating their 100th anniversary, but it is also the 100th anniversary of one of the most terrible workplace disasters in United States history – the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire.  In 1911, 146 men and women died in the Asch building in New York City.  When a fire began on one of the top floors of this building, workers rushed to escape; however, the doors were locked.  There were no fire sprinklers, even though the fire sprinkler head was patented in 1872.  There were no fire safety or prevention products or programs at the factory.  Because the fire escape had melted and broken off, the elevator operator tried to save as many people as he could, but as the fire spread, many jumped to their deaths to the street below.  Some even jumped into the elevator shaft.  Fire department ladders couldn’t reach the top floors of the building.  Soon after this disaster, public outrage led to a wave of new worker protection rules and regulations.  The ASSE was founded in New York City, and many said it was the beginning of our modern safety movement.  Since that time, ASSE and its’ more than 33,000 occupational safety, health and environmental professional members continue to work in all industries and their communities to ensure that another Triangle Factory fire never occurs again. 

NAOSH sponsors activities to support work safety and educate the public worldwide by members and organizations.  Events such as panel discussions on the history of safety, preventing distracted driving, recognizing winners from around the world of the kids’  “safety-on-the-job” poster contest, are just some of the tools that are used to enhance workplace safety worldwide.  The AOHP, a national association that represents thousands of healthcare workers whose vision is to be the defining resource and leading advocate for occupational health and safety in healthcare, states that NAOSH week “not only helps us keep our workers safe and contributes positively to a business’ bottom line, but makes sure there are smiles at the end of the day when that worker returns home safe and sound to their family.” 

Too many persons are dying from on-the-job injuries.  These organizations and others are working to help prevent injuries and illnesses  in industries worldwide.  Members of the groups have distributed catastrophe preparedness information, free teen worker safety and preventing roadway crash brochures, developed teen worker safety courses, helped Habitat for Humanity, held personal protective equipment (PPE) fashion shows, donated PPE and much more.  

NAOSH Week is observed the first full week of May each year.  On the Wednesday of NAOSH Week, Occupational Safety and Health Professional Day has been observed since 2007.  The American Society of Safety Engineers and Canadian Society of Safety Engineering, along with other members from Canada, the U.S., and Mexico encourages employers, employees, and the public to realize the importance of preventing injury and illness in the workplace, at home, and in the community.  We salute all those who work diligently to educate and promote safety in the workplace. 

Sources: Worksite News (Canada), American Society of Safety Engineers,  Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety


With the state of the economy in the United States, it is very important that we search for and support those who are developing important strategies in creating clean and renewable energy.  By investing in clean energy, industries can create thousands of new “green” jobs.  It’s already taking place throughout the country.  By laying the foundation for young generations, the people who work in “green” jobs are forging a new way of life for all of us.  

Solar energy is a growing sector for green energy and green jobs.  Two viable solar energy sectors are solar electric and solar thermal or solar water heating.  By concentrating solar power, solar energy is converted into electricity using photovoltaics.  PV systems are the most common and use semi-conductors and sunlight to make electricity.  Solar water heating systems include direct and indirect (Glycol) systems and are determined mostly by climate. 

Worker’s health and safety hazards exist in installation, manufacture, and maintenance of solar energy.  Workers must understand how to protect themselves from the hazards involved, and employers must protect their workers from these hazards.  OSHA’s Electric Power Generation, Transmission, and Distribution Standard (29 CFR 1910.269), covers the safe work practices and worker training requirements.  Although solar energy is a growing industry, the hazards are not unique.  Some of the hazards that workers in the solar industry may face are: 

  • Crane and Hoist Safety.  Cranes must be inspected and used properly.   
  • Electrical hazards;
  • Lockout/Tagout;
  • Falls;
  • Heat/Cold Stress.  Workers often work in hot weather where hazards include dehydration, heat exhaustion, heat stroke, and death.  Workers should be monitored by the employer and trained to identify and report symptoms of any heat-related illness.  They may also be exposed to cold weather conditions and should be protected from such conditions. 

Wind energy is another important “green” job.  In our part of the country, these huge “windmills” are popping up everywhere!  These turbines generate electricity from wind, and are being installed all across the nation.  Wind energy workers face many of the same hazards as those in the solar power industry:

  • Confined spaces. If the employee is working in a space large enough to enter and perform assigned work, but is not designed for continuous occupancy by the employee, and has a limited or restricted means of entry or exit.
  • Falls;
  • Lockout/Tagout;
  • Crane and Hoist Safety;
  • Electrical
  • Heat/Cold Stress. 

Of course, the hazards and risks of any particular job require the use of personal protective equipment right for the job.  Those working in solar energy or wind energy fields may require using safety glasses, hard hats, head protection, gloves, respirators, or other PPE. 

“Green” jobs offer work to those who are already trained in specific occupations – such as welders, electricians, and construction workers.  Besides helping our country be more environmentally conscious, these jobs provide new careers with livable wages.  We must put our fellow Americans back to work.  Most of the hazards we have described are commonplace to many occupations.  Training and educating employees in these jobs is a very important part of our future.  Regardless of having a blue-collar job, white-collar job, or “green” job, risks exist, and it is the responsibility of the employer to fulfill its obligation to provide their workers with a safe environment. 

Source: OSHA