Tag Archives: Heat Stress


Even though OSHA does not have a specific standard for heat stress, employees are protected under the General Duty Clause of the OSH Act because heat-related illnesses are a serious hazard.  The General Duty Clause states that employers are required to “provide a place of employment free from recognized hazards that are causing or are likely to cause death or serious physical harm to its employees.”  Persons who work either outdoors, or indoors in hot buildings, seem to have accidents more often than in moderate temperatures.    If a person becomes overheated, the effect may be mental confusion, tiredness, and irritability.  These conditions can result in poor judgment and unsafe practices. 

Yesterdays’ installment discussed the causes of heat-related illness and symptoms to watch for.  These are ways that employers can protect their employees:

  • Train all employees to know the signs and symptoms and how to respond;
  • Schedule the hardest work during the coolest part of the day;
  • Encourage the buddy system; (working in pairs)
  • Furnish cool water and ask employees to drink one cup every 15 to 20 minutes; also encourage them to wear light-colored, loosing fitting clothing;
  • Reduce radiant heat by placing shields around hot machines or furnaces;
  • Discourage employees from eating large meals or consuming caffeine before and during work in hot environments;
  • Increase the amount of insulation on furnace walls;
  • Open windows and doors;
  • Use exhaust ventilators or air blowers;
  • Lower humidity levels by installing exhaust hoods over areas that release moisture; and
  • Provide tools and equipment that reduce physical demands on employees. 

Here are several ways to treat victims of heat exhaustion:

  • Provide cool water to drink;
  • Move them to a cool, shaded area;
  • Fan the person;
  • Cool the skin with a wet cloth;
  • Loosen and remove heavy clothing;
  • If he/she is dizzy, lay victim on his/her back and raise their legs 6” to 8”.
  • If she/he is nauseated, lay victim on his/her side.
  • Stay with the victim.
  • Call for emergency help if the victim doesn’t feel better in a short time.  If heat exhaustion is not treated, the illness may advance to heat stroke, the most serious heat-related illness.  Signs of a heat stroke are:
  • Dry pale skin (no sweating);
  • Hot red skin;
  • Mood change, (confused, irritable)
  • Collapse/unconsciousness;
  • Seizures, fits. 

Prompt first aid for someone suffering the symptoms of heat stroke should include the same first aid for heat exhaustion, plus:  Call for emergency help; lay victim on his/her back unless he/she is unconscious; remove any objects close by if victim has a seizure; provide cool water to drink if conscious; and place ice packs under armpits and in the groin area. 

Employees are at increased risk for heat-related illness when they:

  • Are dehydrated or fatigued.
  • Use improper work methods;
  • Have infrequent exposure to hot temperatures and high humidity;
  • Are over the age of 40;
  • Use certain medications (antihistamines, diuretics, and some tranquilizers)
  • Are in poor physical condition or overweight;
  • Have used drugs/alcohol within the past 24 hours prior to working in the heat;
  • Have heat rash or sunburn;
  • Have had prior heat-related illnesses;
  • Wear too much or restrictive clothing. 

If you happen to have a heat-related incident or if a co-worker experiences any of the symptoms we have described, this knowledge is invaluable.  For those supervisors who are fortunate to work in an air-conditioned atmosphere, do all you can to keep your employees as safe and comfortable as possible.  In a building, large fans will at least circulate the air. 

Source: OSHA, Texas Department of Insurance


We have talked about keeping our workers safe from the hazards of doing their jobs outdoors in the heat and humidity, and how to recognize the signs of heat stroke, heat cramps, etc.  But with August just around the corner, indicating it’s time to get ready for football, cross country, and other outdoor sports, we want to focus on our youngsters.

When the temperature is 95° or higher, (and believe me, in Texas, it is!), and the humidity is 75%, this combination slows down the body’s evaporation and sweating doesn’t do its’ job to assist the cooling process.  We have found several good tips that parents and coaches should keep in mind to as their youngsters take the field:gatorade01

1.    Instruct all athletes to pre-hydrate.  Drinking at least 24 ounces of fluid prior to each workout will help.

2.    Allow the athletes to drink 10-12 ounces every 30 minutes of activity.  If they wait until they are thirsty, chances are they are already dehydrated.

3.    Do not allow athletes to drink carbonated drinks or energy drinks.  Keep plenty of water on hand; however, Gatorade has been proven to be better than plain water to replace fluids.

4.    Weigh-ins before and after practice will show how much fluid each individual loses and needs to replace.

5.    Let the players become acclimated to the hot weather.  Remember that younger persons adjust more slowly than adults to hot and humid conditions.

6.    Lighter clothing helps promote heat loss.  Helmets need to be removed periodically, as the body can cool itself more efficiently.  Helmets retain significant amounts of heat.

7.    Heat production is proportional to body weight, so be sure to observe very large or obese players for early signs of heat stress.

8.    Ask athletes if they taking antibiotics, which can cause them to be more susceptible to heat illness.

Good training is very important.  Youngsters should train for the sport rather than expect the sport to get them into shape.  Coaches can help by choosing a conditioning program that is suited for the individual athlete.  Youngsters that enjoy going out for a particular sport should be encouraged by parents and coaches to follow the rules of the game.  Those playing contact sports should have the proper equipment to decrease risks of injury.

One of the most important bits of advice that we can pass on is for parents and coaches to encourage healthy competition, not a “win at all costs” attitude, and let them have     FUN!  In return, our youngsters will enjoy the experience of teamwork and develop a positive self-image that will carry on throughout their lives.


Employers know that their personnel face year-round hazards, but summer brings extra ones, such as heat stress, exposure to pesticides, and venomous insects and snakes, just to name a few.  Workers in parks, recreation, highway departments, forestry, construction, paving, painting, and agriculture must deal with all the hazards that hot weather brings while performing their job duties.

Employers should train their workers well; they should be given the chance to acclimate to the heat gradually.  An estimated 46% of reported heat illness cases occurred the first day on the job; 80% reported cases of heat illness within 4 days of beginning a job.  Persons that are physically fit become acclimatized 50% faster than those who are not in good shape. However, during a heat wave, even previously acclimatized employees are at risk.  The body must have time to adjust to sudden, abnormally high temperatures or other extreme conditions.

There are many ways companies can help make the workers better able to do their job comfortably.  Furnishing shade in rest/break areas is very important.  Portable canopies or umbrellas can be set up, and use misting machines, or spray them with water.  Employers should be sure they wear hats, safety glasses (sunglasses), and proper protective clothing.  During heat waves, it would be best to work early morning or evening shifts, and avoid overtime and double shifts.

Other important ways that employers can ensure the health and safety of their workers are:

  • Educate them on ways to prevent heat stress.
  • Be sure they know what to do if a co-worker seems to be experiencing heat-related illness.
  • Provide plenty of water.
  • Adjust work schedule to provide workers rest from the heat.
  • Rearrange nonessential duties.
  • Supervisors should monitor workers and be sure they are staying hydrated.

Employers are required by OSHA to provide that workplaces are free from recognizable hazards, both indoors and outdoors.  It is up to the companies to know in advance what their employees will confront and guarantee that their environment is a safe one.



During the summer months, workers who are exposed to extreme heat should recognize symptoms of heat stress, and how it can be prevented.  Things that can lead to heat stress are: inadequate water intake, physical exertion, direct sun, high temperature or humidity, and some medicines.  Workers should stay hydrated and maintain a safe core body temperature, which should never exceed 100°F.  Ingesting fluids on a regular basis also puts less strain on the cardiovascular system.

Signs of heat disorders are:

  • Heat Stroke – This is the most serious heat related disorder.  Confusion, irrational behavior, loss of consciousness, lack of sweating (usually), an abnormally high temperature are primary signs of heat stroke, resulting in a medical emergency.  The worker should be doused with cool water and given fluids.  Drinks that contain alcohol, caffeine or large amounts of sugar can cause workers to lose body fluid, and very cold drinks can cause stomach cramps.  Cool fluids are easier to drink and more easily absorbed into the body.
  • Heat Exhaustion – This is the result of a combination of dehydration and excessive heat.  Headache, nausea, dizziness, weakness, giddiness, and thirst are symptoms.  Workers with heat exhaustion should be given fluids, and encouraged to rest.  Workers can stay hydrated by keeping containers of fluids handy at all times.
  • Heat Cramps – Caused by an electrolyte imbalance caused by sweating and lack of water replenishment.  Workers in hot environments should drink water every 15 to 20 minutes and drink carbohydrate-electrolyte replacement liquids (e.g., sports drinks).
  • Heat Rashes – Most common problem where skin is persistently wetted by sweat.  Creams or ointments should not be used as they keep the skin warm and moist, and may worsen the condition.  Powders may be applied.

A reminder to workers: be sure to drink fluids before becoming thirsty; if you wait, your body is already dehydrated.  Wear a wide brimmed hat if your work doesn’t require a hardhat, use sunscreen, and wear OSHA approved safety glasses that have the proper UV protection.  There are many other products on the market to help you “keep your cool”.

Source: OSHA