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The Law 

According to The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, if you’re an employer, owner, landlord or occupier of a business in England and Wales, you are legally responsible for fire safety within that building. This means you have an obligation to protect the building, and everyone within it, from the threat of fire as far as possible and, under the Fire Safety Order, this makes you the ‘responsible person’. 

As the ‘responsible person’ there are a host of tasks you must undertake and steps you must implement to: reduce the likelihood of fire, put an efficient evacuation process in place and ensure all of your employees are aware and informed of fire safety and your building’s procedures. 

Fire Risk Assessments 

Conducting a Fire Risk Assessment is one of the first, and most important, things businesses must do in order to comply with fire safety laws. If your business has five or more employees, your Risk Assessment must be kept as a written record and this should then be regularly reviewed and subsequently updated. 

The aim of a Fire Risk Assessment is to identify the fire hazards within your environment and the people at risk and then implement changes to eradicate or reduce these risks. There are five steps to a Risk Assessment and, due to the meticulous nature of each one, most companies choose to hire a professional fire safety company to conduct theirs. 

Planning for an Emergency 

Once the risks and hazards within your property have been identified, it is vital to plan exactly what would happen in the event of an actual emergency. This means carefully and comprehensively planning evacuation routes and ensuring they are as safe and efficient as possible. 

This should include making sure there are enough clear and unblocked exits for everyone to escape from – experts recommend at least two alternatives from each room in case the fire is blocking one – and that there are designated meeting points. You should also consider anyone who may be more vulnerable during an evacuation, such as children, people with disabilities and the elderly. 

Equipment, such as fire safety signs and emergency lighting, should also be installed where appropriate to make the evacuation routes immediately obvious, easy to understand and safe to navigate through. 

Installing Fire Equipment 

One of the best ways to remove or reduce the fire risks within your environment is to install high quality fire equipment. All business environments must contain a fire detection and warning system which, for most commercial premises, means installing a fire alarm system. Reputable fire alarm suppliers will tailor a system to the requirements of your environment. 

Most businesses also require fire fighting equipment and this includes fire extinguishers, fire blankets and sprinkler systems, conditional to the environment you work in. For example, there are a  variety of fire extinguishers available, depending on the application and type of fire being tackled. Again, fire equipment suppliers can advise you on the types of fire extinguisher required for your business. 

Provide Information, Instruction and Training

All new staff members should be trained on fire safety, including evacuation procedures, fire alarm system instructions and the location and use of fire extinguishers. Fire safety signage is also a great way to conform to regulations regarding information as they offer a permanent, tangible method of instruction. 

Fire drills should also be conducted to make sure everyone is thoroughly aware of evacuation procedures. These should be done regularly – at least once a year – and also provide an ideal opportunity to make sure your evacuation routes are suitable. Any findings from the fire drill should be recorded and any remedial action necessary should be taken. Additionally, any new risks identified within your environment should be communicated to all employees. 

Professional fire safety training programmes are also recommended for larger businesses, as it involves nominating Fire Safety Wardens who then also become responsible for overseeing fire safety and will learn valuable skills, including how to use a fire extinguisher. 

This post was written on behalf of City Fire Protection & Maintenance Services LLP by George Musson.


Sent to us by Nancy Parker.  Her bio follows this article. pb

There are many different kinds of disasters and they are always out of human control. As an adult you know how to prepare and what to do during a disaster, but what about the children? Some adults neglect to teach their child what to do base on the fact it could ‘never happen’ to them. Before it’s too late, here are ways to help you prepare your child for a disaster:

Educate: It is always good to keep your child informed of possible and potential disasters. Now this doesn’t mean that you educate them to the point where they live in fear but that they understand the potential disaster. When teaching them about disasters, keep the conversation upbeat and positive by stating that there is a solution to the disaster. Keep the conversations short, allow for questions and answer honestly.

Prepare:Always be prepared, that is the best advice for a disaster. Get the supplies that you need to help yourself during a disaster. For example if it’s preparing for bad weather, gather the tools you need like candles, emergency radios, food, water, and a first aid kit.  Teach your child what is needed in certain disasters so that they know what is available for them, if ever needed.

Plan:You should always have an emergency plan for you and your child for any dangerous situation. Teach them the first they should do for different disasters. Write out a simple and easy list that they can read. Typically that emergency plan should start with “listen to an adult’s advice and/or call 911”.

Practice:Once you have purchased the correct safety tools and figured out the right plan, practice. Practicing with your child what to do during a disaster will help them if the time comes. Explain during the practice the procedures that they need to take and why. Practice this emergency plan every few months.

Reaction: The most important advice that regency officials can give people during a disaster is to remain calm. Teach your child to remain calm during emergencies. You can do this by leading by example, if you remain calm you child is more likely to remain calm. Disasters have the potential to be worse if there is fear and panic to cause confusion and difficulty.

Disasters can’t be avoided but they can be lessened the more you are prepared and ready for one. Teaching your child this will help you and them in any future events. Remember above anything else, remain calm and work with them on the emergency plan.

 Author Bio

Nancy Parker was a professional full time nanny and she loves to write about wide range of subjects like health, Parenting, Child Care, Babysitting, nanny background check tips etc. You can reach her @ nancy.parker015 @ gmail.com