There are ten approaches to ensuring a well-oiled and well-maintained restaurant environment.
The kitchen is a place which is not only the busiest, but also the most dangerous and life threatening when the appropriate control measures aren’t taken. A risk assessment is the best way to ensure that the kitchen is a safe place. It’s not only made mandatory by the law, but also a crucial step in providing protection to your kitchen team, and also a safe working environment for your staff. Kitchens can be especially hazardous workplaces — so you need to make sure that the assessment is done on point.
Risk assessments help you identify the major potential hazards present in your kitchen and help you focus on those hazards which can cause real pain to your employees. Once you decide on carrying out an efficient kitchen risk assessment, ACSUK Group will help you with a full risk assessment of your kitchen and have you covered. It shall help you identify, analyze, and resolve the potential hazards in your kitchen. Once you decide on the services, you can now start to take the necessary steps to control the risk.
Steps to conduct a risk assessment:
In a perfect kitchen, food delivery is at one end, and finished meals are at the other end. A risk assessment considers the probability of a hazard and the final consequences in case that hazard occurs. It will take into consideration what the existing control measures are, and what future measures can be further implemented so as to lower the level of risk as much as possible. Well, luckily for you, there are quite a few services which offer to carry out efficient risk assessments, as well as industrial cleaning in Manchester.
So, these were the main steps that you need to follow for an efficient risk assessment process. You need to follow each of these religiously, plan out an effective strategy and make sure everybody in your kitchen is very much involved.
There are many reasons why people like to get their kitchens redecorated. Among them is child safety. Plenty of accidents happen in kitchens of homes, and homeowners want to take every possible precaution to ensure that their kids will remain safe in the area. After all, it’s one place that small children and toddlers are bound to end up in a house. If you’re looking to get your kitchen remodelled, following are a few tips you may consider.
Child-proof locks must be used wisely
All drawers and cabinets that contain sharp objects like scissors and knives, lighters and matches, medications, cleaning supplies, breakable objects like glass and heavy objects like cast iron skillets must have locks. Apart from keeping dangerous items locked in cabinets and drawers, it also serves as an idea to put hazardous items that aren’t used very frequently in drawers that are not in your child’s reach.
Baby gates must be used to keep kids out
Though toddlers and babies may be good to have around, but when you’re cooking, it is safer, and more practical to keep them away from the kitchen. For instance, when there are too many cooks, it is best forchildren to stay out of the area, as more people in the kitchen increases the chances of accidents. Moreover, there may be times when toddlers just make their way to the kitchen and find sharp or dangerous items to play with. The best way to keep them out is to install a baby gate that allows them to look on the other side and interact, but doesn’t let them get past into the thick of the action.
If you’re busy cooking, and there’s no one to baby-sit, you may place the toddler in a playpen or a high chair inside the cooking area. Playpens and high chairs keep children contained and away from harm, while allowing them to be part of things inside the kitchen.
Appliances must be used to practice child safety
Appliances like the refrigerator can be locked using a child-proofing product. Devices that can keep stoves bolted into the wall and keep it from flipping over are also available in the market, in case the kid uses the door of the oven as a step. Small appliances that are not being used must be kept unplugged and the cords must be wrapped up and away from the kid’s reach. For the pots on the stove, make sure that their handles face inward. This is extremely important to ensure that the child doesn’t grab it and pull the pot, and the boiling liquid down onto him/herself.
There is no doubt that kitchens are inviting and warm rooms in a home, but the fact that many an accident occur in the area cannot be overlooked. Cabinets must be locked, unsafe items must be put in high places and away from children’s reach, baby gates must be used to keep toddlers away from the hazards of the kitchen and appliances must be used to practice child safety and then, you can be assured that your child will be out of harm’s way.
Penny Cooper is an expert associated with Kingston Cabinets, manufacturers of white oak radiator covers based in London & Handforth (UK). Kingston Cabinets offer a beautiful collection of home radiator cabinets and radiator cover grilles, designed to add style and distinction to every home.
Thank you, Penny, for this good advice on child safety. Many accidents happen in the kitchen, and most are preventable. pb
This is a tough topic to write about, but a far tougher experience when a family goes through seeing their child burned in an accident. Eighty percent of burn injuries occur in and around our homes. Most of the time, the victims of these accidents are small children. And, most of the time, those accidents were preventable. Anyone who has raised children can verify that you can’t turn your back on a toddler.
There are five national organizations – the International Association of Fire Fighters Burn Foundation, the American Burn Association Burn Prevention Committee, the Federation of Burn Foundations, the International Association of Fire Chiefs, and the Home Safety Council (now merged with Safe Kids Worldwide) – who have joined forces to create National Scald Prevention. This campaign focuses on the high -risk population 0-4 years of age and the senior population. Also, the Shriners Hospitals for Children has begun its annual Burn Prevention Campaign. As we said, homes are the sites of thousands of burn injuries to children every year, including scalds and fire-related injuries. By following basic safety tips, many of these incidents would not have happened. Shriners Hospitals for Children changes lives every day through innovative pediatric care, world-class research and outstanding medical education. Twenty-two hospitals in the U.S., Mexico, and Canada provide advanced care for children with orthopaedic conditions, burns, spinal cord injuries, and cleft lip and palate.
One type of fire injury that toddlers and children suffer is from touching the glass front of a gas fireplace. FairWarning report published in 2011 revealed that more than 2,000 children ages 5 and younger have suffered burns from fireplace glass since 1999, according to a federal estimate; however, some burn specialists think the actual toll is higher. Children’s Hospital Colorado Burn Center reports:
Every year there are approximately 25,000 burn injuries resulting from scalds. These injuries are very painful and require prolonged treatment. The majority of scald injuries are related to hot tap water and cooking accidents. These are places where we adults have the most control. Adequate and continuous supervision is the most effective way to prevent young children from receiving scald burns.
The kitchen is the place where children under five are at the highest risk for burns caused by hot fluids. We must teach our children/grandchildren under age five to not play around the stove or microwave. Tablecloths and place mats are tempting for children to pull on, which could also cause a spill of hot foods. Next, the bathroom is the second highest risk area for scald burn injuries in the home. The temperature of the water that comes from the water heater should be set at a maximum of 120 degrees F. To test bath water, submerge the hand, spread the fingers and move the hand vigorously in the water. If the water is uncomfortable to the hand, it is too hot for a child. Young children’s skin is thinner that adults, therefore there is an increased risk of scalding.
Children should never be left unattended around burning candles. Cigarettes, lighters, and other incendiary products should never be where a toddler can get to them. There could be nothing worse than the guilt of leaving something around where curious little fingers could pick them up and injury occurred. These tips are also directed to those who care for or are responsible for senior citizens that may be at the point of being left unattended in their homes. Hundreds of seniors have been seriously burned, or even worse, because they simply forgot that they left something cooking on their stove, until it was too late. They may not be able to take responsibility for themselves. Their personal safety should be the responsibility of a close family member, or close friend. If they have no one to check on them or a caregiver, neighbors should call Family Protective Services or another local organization that can follow up to ensure their safety.
Please observe Burn Awareness not just this week, but all year long. Watch out for our “little citizens” and “senior citizens.”