Everyone in the United States will agree that this has been a very unusual, and very cold winter for a majority of states. Talk about your mood swings – Mother Nature has really suffered from them this winter! In North Central Texas, the high temperature for the final day of February was 81 degrees, and another unseasonably warm day is in today’s forecast! So, the beginning day of March for those of us who live in this area is rather confusing, coming in like a lamb. But, hold on – weather experts say our low on Monday, March 3rd will be 19 degrees. Here comes the lion, and experts say there’s a lot more winter left to come this month.
Texas America Safety Company and Blog4Safety want to remind our readers of the following March safety observances:
- March 1-31: National Nutrition Month
- March 1-31: National Eye Wellness Month
- March 2-8: National Patient Safety Awareness Week
- March 2-9: National Sleep Awareness Week
- March 16-22: National Poison Prevention Week
For those who want to promote these safety issues at work, please mark these important dates on your calendar.
We all know that nutrition is very important, so try to encourage your employees to keep their bodies healthy by eating well-balanced diets, and getting plenty of exercise, beginning this month (if they are not already doing so).
Eye wellness if very important to everyone. When those working in industries that could be harmful to their eyes, the correct eye protection is required. Eyewash stations should be available and accessible to employees.
Keeping patients safe is the Number One priority of hospitals, home healthcare, and other facilities. Healthcare providers strive to offer the safest possible services to their patients. If you work in this type of environment, you are aware just how important this is. Most hospitals will observe this week by offering free wellness screenings and other incentives of patient safety to the public.
This first week of March also serves as National Sleep Awareness Week. Most persons know the right amount of sleep that they need to be able to perform their job responsibilites. If one tries to work without the proper amount of rest, serious injuries could occur, either to themselves, or to a co-worker. Take care of your body by getting enough sleep the night before.
March 16-22 is National Poison Prevention Week. This is another observance that should be a daily one, especially in homes with children. It’s also a good time for employers to remind their employees that this is a very serious threat – specifically for those who work in hazardous conditions where they may become exposed to toxic fumes.
Every month there are safety observances that we need to be reminded of. We wish for each of you a safe March!