Tag Archives: prescription drugs


There can be no doubt that the United States is facing a health care epidemic. All across the nation, there are millions of people fighting addiction and the negative consequences it brings into their lives. These men and women are up against the toughest enemy anyone could ever face: their own mind. The neurochemistry of the brain releases pleasure hormones every time an illegal substance is consumed. It’s why people start using in the first place. It’s why, unfortunately, they get hooked. There are literally an infinite number of different addictions occurring simultaneously here in America. However, there are those addictions that are much more common than others. Here is a brief look at America’s epidemic: our most prevalent addictions and what we’re doing to stop them. 


For anyone over the tender age of 12, Marijuana has become the vice of choice. It is, statistically, the most consumed illicit drug in this nation. The pot industry (both regulated and deregulated) is worth billions alone. 
There is academic debate as of whether or not Marijuana is intrinsically addictive or harmful. Even if it doesn’t have a chemical component making it addicting all, there are a number of people who become addicted due to the pleasant high. A number of people simply outgrow their usage. Some states are fighting addiction by minimizing the illegality of the substance. Rehab services deal with thousands of cases a year in which people become lethargic after extended marijuana usage. So much so that they’re either living in squalor or are entirely dependent on another person.

Prescription Drugs

Prescription drug addiction is the fastest growing addiction in the nation. Every year, thousands of people become addicted to potent medications that should only be distributed by qualified medical professionals. However, that’s often the problem. People receive medication for pain and they become hooked. They seek out the continuance of pleasure and only find the negativity of their addiction.
Children are becoming frequent users of their parent’s medications. Pill parties are reported to be common affairs. The process to becoming detoxified from these drugs can be long and arduous.


Tobacco is the most addictive legally available item on the market. Although usage has gone down over the years thanks to the government’s efforts to prevent nicotine addiction, there are still millions of people who can’t quit smoking. The grip of nicotine is such that most people who try quitting will fail repeatedly– even with medical intervention. It’s a destructive process that can only be stopped through sheer will power and a lot of determination.
Author Bio: Annette Hazard is a freelance blogger that is currently promoting rehab with freedomdrugrehab.com/ups-and-downs-in-life-course/. She usually writes about health issues.


 Sent by Joyce DelRosario

There are some specific ways you can make your home safe for a depressed teen. This is a difficult illness, but it can be managed. Develop a treatment plan, eliminate or secure alcohol and medications, and create a positive environment. 

Devise a Plan of Treatment 

You need to have a talk with your teen and his/her doctor. Generally speaking, depressed teens respond well to a combination of talk therapy and antidepressant medications. If the depression is severe, it might be necessary for the teen to remain at a hospital for treatment. Aside from having a treatment plan, you also need to ensure that your home is safe for a depressed teen. 

• Secure or Eliminate Alcohol 

If you have alcohol in the house, it must be either secured or removed. Teens suffering from depression will often try to self-medicate. This can lead to drinking if the alcohol is easily available. Secure it by keeping alcohol in a locked cabinet. Make sure the key is on you at all times, even if you are home. Teens can be very clever, even if you think the key is hidden well, they will probably be able to find it. The other option is simply to remove all alcohol. 

Remove Guns 

It is best to not have any firearms in the house. Your teen has a mental condition that is impairing the way he or she thinks. Combine that with a natural impulsivity and inability to predict the consequences of their actions all teens struggle with, having guns in the home is simply not worth the risk. If you must have firearms, keep them locked in a secure safe and keep the key on you at all times. 

• Secure All Prescription Drugs

 As mentioned before, depressed teens will often self-medicate. Prevent this by keeping your prescriptions locked away. Some commonly abused prescription drugs are 

  • 1.  Amytal
  • 2.  Ativan
  • 3.  Xanax
  • 4.  Ambien
  • 5.  Lunesta
  • 6.  Valium
  • 7.  Adderall
  • 8.  Vicodin
  • 9.  OxyContin 

Even over the counter drugs can be abused, such as cough medicine, asthma inhalers, and allergy medicine. Teen girls with depression and an eating disorder may also abuse laxatives.  Be very aware of your medications. If large amounts are missing, you will need to keep over the counter medications secured as well prescription drugs. 

•  Maintain a Positive Environment 

Follow the suggestions made by your therapist and doctor. Be supportive of your teen by providing him or her with a positive environment that is free of judgment. Gently encourage them to do things they enjoy and talk to them. Keeping an open dialog going with your teen is important. He or she needs to feel safe and comfortable talking with you. Providing him or her with a stable routine is also helpful. 

Keep your home safe by following  these steps. Create a solid treatment plan with your doctor and therapist. Provide safety by securing all firearms and medications. Finally, make sure your teen has a safe and comfortable home.

Kaylee Wilson is a proud single mom and a professional writer. She currently contributes at Help Your Teen Now. Help Your Teen Now brings together a vast collection of resources that will help families find their bearings and help them with managing depressed teens.

Note: I received a list of tragic events that cost many lives – every one of the perpetrators on that list were on some sort of prescription drug for depression, and/or a combination of drugs.  Parents, know what your kids are abusing and pay attention to personality changes.   pb 



When Prescription Drugs Hurt Instead Of Heal

Most people put their wholehearted trust into their doctors when it comes to their medical health. This trust is usually not misplaced since these professionals are trained to keep people healthy. When a doctor prescribes a certain medicine to someone, that person usually trusts that it is safe for them to take. Unfortunately, due to negligence on part of the doctor, a pharmacy or a drug manufacturer, safety isn’t always guaranteed. It’s important for everyone to understand the risks of prescription drug side effects and what can be done if they occur.

When Prescription Drugs go Bad

Doctors don’t knowingly give their patients prescription drugs that are likely to cause serious health risks. While it’s true that most drugs have known side effects, the perceived benefits of these drugs often outweigh the possible risks. Patients are usually informed if there are any known possible side effects related to a drug that they’re taking, but unfortunately, this isn’t always enough to keep a person safe.

People can be harmed by prescription drugs in numerous ways. Certain drugs, for instance, can be perfectly safe until mixed with other drugs. When doctors fail to take note of the prescriptions their patients are already on, it can lead to an individual taking two prescriptions that can be deadly when used in conjunction with each other.

Negative drug reactions, however, aren’t always the fault of doctors. It’s also possible that pharmaceutical companies failed to recognize all of the possible side effects of a drug before putting it on the market as in the case of Pradaxa litigation. This often occurs due to sub-par clinical trials and the rush to make profit by getting the drug out into the general public. Since these possibilities have the chance of deadly results, every person should take precautionary measures when taking any prescription.

Avoiding Prescription Drug Mishaps

There are several ways that a person can lessen their chance of experiencing adverse side effects when taking prescription drugs. This is exceptionally important since Quarterwatch, a pharmaceutical research nonprofit group, found that there are nearly 180,000 known serious or fatal reactions that can occur related to prescription drugs. Knowing these figures, most people would welcome a few tips on avoiding side effects.

  • Always take prescriptions exactly as prescribed.
  • Doctor should have full medical history of patient. This includes all prescription and over-the-counter drugs being taken.
  • Keep a list of possible side effects handy for at least six months. Not all drugs will cause detrimental reactions immediately; serious side effects sometimes take time to show up.
  • Stick with tried and true prescriptions. If there are other drugs that have been on the market for over seven years and accomplish the same goal, take them. Not all side effects of a drug are immediately known before the drug gets FDA approval.
  • Do your research. Check for bad reviews, ongoing litigation, and manufacturer recalls.  You do this before you buy a car or electronics, you should do it for your own well being.

What to do if harmed by Prescription Drugs

There are several things that an individual or their family should do if serious side effects are experienced due to prescription drugs. The most vital thing to do is to seek immediate medical attention. Even side effects that seem relatively minor can result in serious injury or death. A doctor should be consulted before discontinuing any medication just to ensure full safety.

Those injured by prescription drugs also have certain legal rights. This type of injury isn’t like a car accident or other seemingly minor event that can be easily handled by two parties outside of court. Doctors and drug manufacturers have a duty to ensure that prescription drugs are going to be safe for a person, and when side effects are possible, patients must be informed of them. When these entities fail in this duty, patients have the right to recover damages.

Anyone who suffers an injury due to a prescription drug can receive compensation for their pain, suffering, medical costs and any other losses related to the injury. Even though this is the case, taking a few of the aforementioned precautionary steps is much better than dealing with a medical malpractice suit or facing a pharmaceutical company in court. When it does come down to these instances, however, it’s important for a person to have an attorney who is experienced in prescription drug lawsuits at their side.

Kelly Dennie is a freelance writer who specializes in a wide variety of topics to spawn awareness that she hopes will lead to action. The attorneys at Doyle Raizner LLP can attest to the importance of a drug’s market longevity, due to its Pradaxa litigation and that drug’s relatively short life span from development to market. Having worked with pharmaceutical companies, and litigated bodily injury cases due to adverse reactions to prescription medications throughout the nation, these attorneys understand and can provide the necessary diligence and commitment your defense will require.