Tag Archives: professionals


 If you are looking to breathe a new lease of life into your kitchen then you would be wise to bear in mind the following tips. Each of them could not only save you money but also ensure that you end up with a kitchen that looks absolutely fantastic.

1.       Leave it to the professionals. I really can’t stress this point enough. Renovating a kitchen is a very skilled job. It takes years of training to be able to do it properly. There are plenty of people out there that try to jump in and do it themselves thinking that it will save them a bit of money. It won’t. In fact, most people find that they cause enough problems in their kitchen that it ends up costing them more money in the long run! This is why it is suggested that you take the time to find a good company that provides Phoenix Home Remodeling. It honestly will save you a lot of time and money in the long run. You are also going to end up with something that looks a LOT better.

2.       You should try to change the layout of your kitchen as little as possible. This is especially important when it comes to changing the position of major appliances. You may think that it is no big deal moving the sink a little bit closer to the oven. However, when you realize just how much it is going to cost you to plumb the sink into the new location you will quickly realize that yes, this is a big deal!

3.       You should never undertake a kitchen renovation project without ensuring that you have absolutely everything that you need to hand. There are so many people out there that are so keen to get started on their renovation that they don’t care that a major component has yet to arrive. However, these people certainly will not be laughing when they realize that they need to remove something that took them ever so long to put in place just because they need to fit something else in there. This is going to be a waste of time and money.

4.       You don’t actually need to spend a fortune to change the look of your room. In fact, you can do it relatively cheaply. For example, you don’t need to change your units unless they are very old. Instead you can look into a company that specializes in cabinet refacing in Phoenix. This is a service that will change the doors of your units. It is considerably cheaper.

5.       Think about why you are renovating the kitchen. For example, if you are looking to increase the value of the property then you will wish to renovate based on the latest trends as opposed to your own personal taste. This will give you a much better chance of increasing the value and an even greater chance of actually making a sale. If you do not intend to sell within the next few years then you can design it however you please.

Sent to us by TWD Drywall

Author Bio: Brittney is a professional writer, writes for TWDAZ, a http://www.twdaz.com/bathroom-remodel-phoenix.php bathroom renovation, a kitchen renovation company in Phoenix area.

Note:  If  you are thinking of a DIY kitchen project, be sure that you have all the personal protective equipment you need to be safe.  You surely will want some goggles or wrap-around safety glasses to keep particles from getting into your eyes, as well as gloves to protect your hands. pb




Every industry has specific work safety requirements. Similarly, installing a geothermal heating or air-conditioning system in your home is not something you can do-it-yourself. You need professional help to install a geothermal heating or air-conditioning system.  (A geothermal system draws heat or coolness from the ground or body of water.)

A geothermal system provides great many benefits to homeowners. It ensures to provide adequate heating during cold weather and the cooling system keep the house pleasant and cool during summers. Here are the necessary work safety measures required when installing a geothermal heating or cooling system: 

1.  Inform the Residents of the Locality  

Geothermal contractors are required to inform the landowner, the residents of the locality and the officials that belong to different ministries that protect the environment. These contractors need permission in order to ensure they will use safe working methods and in case of a hazard, the concerned local authorities can help prevent it.

2. Make a Work Plan in Advance

The installers of geothermal units must provide the local government with the work plan, to ensure the system installed through horizontal boring will not create hazards for society. Once the plan is approved, the installation can take place. The plan should be developed with the help of a licensed engineer who knows the nitty-gritty of engineering and geothermal installation. 

3. Equipment and Safety Gear  

Last, but not the least, it is of chief importance for the geothermal unit installers to use appropriate safety gear that includes but is not limited to safety gloves, goggles, helmet, clothes. This is to keep any sort of hazard away that may be caused in case of contact with heating pumps, etc.  Moreover, the equipment used to install a geothermal unit should be of good quality and licensed. 

Having a geothermal heating system installed in your home can make the winter season enjoyable. Hire a professional who can install a geothermal heating system to ensure that the unit is installed in compliance with the necessary safety measures. Many contractors offer installation services for geothermal heating and cooling systems. These professionals can install the unit correctly in appropriate time.

Author Bio: Stephen Roshy is a professional writer and he writes quality and informative content on Ground Source Contractors. You can find him on Facebook , Twitter and Google+.


Damp is one of the biggest problems you will encounter when it comes to your roof. In order to prevent it from causing damage, your roof should always be kept in a good state of repair. When your roof is fully maintained it will be efficient at shedding rainwater. This will prevent damp from entering and causing problems further down the line.

If you own a house that was built before the development of modern transport links, it is likely that your roof materials were sourced from the area you live in. The type of maintenance work your roof will require depends on what it is made from. Most commonly, they are made from:


A commonly used roofing material, tiles can come in a variety of shapes and sizes. They offer an extremely durable surface, where the only real concern is tiles becoming cracked or dislodged. By staying vigilant and checking your roof often, you can identify potential problems before they become serious.

When you identify a problem tile, they are easily removed and replaced.  If your roof needs to be fully re-tiled, then it is standard practice to replace the wooden battens that they are attached to.

Stone or Slate

The most durable choice for roofing, stone or slate can last years without needing anything more than general maintenance. However, when the roof does start to deteriorate, large-scale repairs are generally needed. Be aware that the nails attaching your slates to the roof can decay and rust, leading to further problems.


Available in many different forms, a thatched roof will require the most maintenance. This type of roof traditionally has a layer added to it when needed, leading to a buildup of materials. Eventually, when the weight becomes too much, the entire roof will need replacing.

With a thatched roof, you need to keep on top of its condition at all times. Things such as moss or algae can cause a lot of expensive damage if left unchecked. Remove this kind of growth at regular intervals and get rid of any overhanging trees; these can restrict airflow to the roof and make existing problems worse.

If your home is a listed building then you may have to obtain planning permission before you carry out any work.

Flat roofs

If your home has a flat roof, it will usually be over something like a porch or extension. The most common material for flat roofs is lead.  The main thing to look out for here is corrosion. Corrosion can lead to small holes in the roof. These will require a specialist contractor to fix, so keep an eye out for damage, and get it fixed before it becomes a large problem.


Flashings are added to the point where your roof is connected to things such as chimneys. They provide a waterproof seal at junctions and are the part of the roof which is most prone to deterioration. As with flat roofs, they are usually made from lead. Keep an eye out for deterioration and if it has begun to set in, get in touch with a professional contractor.

Depending on when your home was built, you will need to figure out which roofing type your home is fitted with. Once you know this, you can find out how it can be repaired.

This piece was written by Mark Enright, a writer for Beddard Roofing, specialist roofing contractors.

Note:  Anyone doing their own roof repair will need good fall safety protection. Don’t take a chance! pb



Evidence Collection from Crime Scene with CDR Download System 

Crimes scene are sensitive. It is not only because of the offense that has taken place; it is due to the fact that crime scene gets compromised, data switches place and investigation goes astray, investigators treat crime scene with total care. 

The total purpose of the investigation is to find out what happened. How the accident or fire spread out is the main objective of investigation. Unless one can find out what had gone wrong, it is impossible to reach the conclusion and find the responsible person. 

Identifying the origin of a fire is done by using different methods. The most common method is to carefully inspecting the scene and documenting everything that comes to view. The investigators require the ability to recognize and collect evidence. It is important to keep in mind that evidence can be found from odd places. 

The success of an investigation depends on several factors. Primarily the ability of the investigator makes a great difference. Without the wisdom of the professional arson specialist, it is impossible to find out why the fire started and how it spread. Because, fire destroys almost everything, reconstructing the scene becomes even more important. It is essential to take a look at the scene when everything had been fine and then go back to the stage they have found the ruin. This helps determining the object or incident that had started the inferno. It could be a simple case of a carelessly tossed cigarette or it could be something more sinister like arson. Without a thorough investigation, it is impossible to determine. 

To collect evidence different technologies are used. CDR download system is used to reconstruct the scene with graphics. The crime shows and movies have made the procedure a glamorous affair. However, in the reality, the procedure is lengthy and time taking. Each item takes time to develop. In this process there is no short cut. Nothing can be done in a hurry. Thoughtful and cautious steps are required if one wants to succeed in evidence collection. 

The investigators do not have the luxury to jump to a conclusion. They are trained to look at everything with cautious. They document the details only when satisfied. It is due to this, the responsibility of the responding officer is immense. The officer needs to document everything from the contact details of the caller to the address of the affected place. 

Some common objects get collected always. Bloodstain is one of the items that everyone looks for. However, when fire destroys everything, if becomes impossible to find even the bloodstain. 

Preserving evidence is another matter of difficult task. For this photographers are used. They take pictures of the scene to preserve everything. When the crime occurs outdoor, preserving the scene becomes even more important. The crime department officers even use sketches to document the scenes. With time the investigators use modern equipment. They video tape everything to watch later. 

Fire investigation one of the most complicated procedure. For this special force is frequently hired. Arson specialists are trained to collect evidence from the scene and come to a conclusion about what happened. 

Summary – Evidence collection from crime scene is a complicated matter. Special investigators are hired to do this frequently.  Special personal protective equipment is also needed, such as gloves.

Author Bio – George Steven is a freelance writer and his area of interests and expertise lies in forensic science and accident or crime scene investigation related matters. George has his own blogs and websites where he discusses about various aspects of the CRD download.  






Spend the Fourth of July with Friends and Family This Year, Not in the Emergency Room

Prevent Blindness America Urges the Public to Celebrate Safely, Leave Fireworks to the Professionals

June/July are Fireworks Safety Months 

Nearly 6,000 Americans spent part of their Fourth of July holiday in the emergency room in 2009 due to fireworks injuries, according to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) in a report issued in 2011.  Of those, fireworks caused an estimated 1,600 eye injuries. The injuries included contusions, lacerations and foreign bodies in the eye.  Some injuries even caused permanent vision loss.
According to the National Fire Protection Association, “safe and sane” fireworks cause more injuries than illegal fireworks, especially to preschool children.  For children under the age of 5, half of the total injuries were from sparklers. Children ages 15 and younger make up a significant number of fireworks injuries, accounting for 39 percent. 

Prevent Blindness America, the nation’s oldest eye health and safety organization, supports the development and enforcement of bans on the importation, sale and use of all fireworks and sparklers, except for authorized public displays by competent licensed operators. The non-profit group believes it is the only effective means of eliminating the social and economic impact of fireworks-related trauma and damage. 

If there are specks in the eye,

  • DO NOT rub the eye.
  • Use an eye wash or let tears wash out specks or particles;
  • Lift the upper eyelid outward and down over the lower lid;
  • If the speck doesn’t wash out, keep the eye closed, bandage and see a doctor or go to the emergency room.

If the eye or eyelid is cut or punctured,

  • DO NOT wash out the eye with water.
  • DO NOT try to remove an object stuck in the eye.

Cover the eye with a rigid shield without pressure.  The bottom half of a paper cup may be used.  Seek medical help immediately.

“We encourage everyone to enjoy the Fourth of July holiday this year without using consumer fireworks,” said Hugh R. Parry, president and CEO of Prevent Blindness America.  “Whether you’re attending community events, family picnics or public displays by fireworks professionals, we wish you and your family a safe Independence Day.”

Suggestions for fun options rather than doing fireworks include everything from face-painting, to making patriotic desserts, to creating glow-in-the-dark t-shirts and hats with special paints and markers.  If it’s noise they want, let them create their own instruments with pots and pans.  Have a first aid kit handy.

For more information on fireworks safety, call (800) 331-2020 or log on to preventblindness.org.

NAOSH WEEK – MAY 6 – 12, 2012


NAOSH (North American Occupational Safety and Health )Week occurs every year during the first full week of May to raise awareness about occupational safety, health and the environment and safety, as well as health and engineering professions.  The American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) joined with the Canadian Society of Safety Engineering (CSSE) and partners in Mexico to promote awareness in North America during NAOSH Week. This is one tool the almost 100-year-old ASSE and its 32,000 SH&E members use throughout the year to promote occupational safety, aimed at preventing injuries and illnesses. Several organizations representing thousands of businesses have partnered with ASSE and CSSE to support NAOSH Week, including U.S. federal agencies such as the Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). 

NAOSH Week began in 1997.  Canada originally began observing Occupational Safety and Health Week in 1986.  During the NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) talks in 1997, the representative from Canada suggested that Mexico and the United States become involved in a similar endeavor.  Hence, this continent-wide event got its start. 

Each year ASSE urges everyone to get involved in NAOSH Week in order to better educate the public about the positive benefits a safe workplace provides not only for workers, but for their families, friends, businesses, local communities and the global community 

Wednesday, Occupational Safety and Health Professionals Day is observed.  This began in 2007, with the goal of honoring occupational safety, health and environmental professionals who have dedicated their lives to protecting people, property and the environment.  

Occupational Safety and Health Professionals are dedicated to focus, reinforce and strengthen workforces to concentrate on staying safe and healthy on the job.  Among their many requirements are teaching things such as:

  • Team building and commitment.
  • Establishing safety committees.
  • Creating a safety-minded culture.
  • Improving attitudes toward safety.
  • Increase cooperation among workers.
  • Further understanding of the benefits of working safely and remaining healthy.
  • Reduce workplace injuries and illness.
  • Catastrophe awareness and preparedness.
  • Proper ergonomics in the workplace.
  • Fleet safety classes.
  • Preventing roadway crashes.
  • Mining safety.
  • Transportation safety. 

Safety Professionals encourage safety committees to ensure that company employees are properly trained and aware of the hazards presented in their particular job duties.  One very important piece of the safety puzzle is seeing that workers have the correct type of P.P.E. (Personal Protective Equipment).  Whatever P.P.E. is required, i.e., hardhats, ANSI safety glasses, gloves, fall arrest systems, etc., should fit correctly and always used when on the job.  Employees should understand the importance of taking care of their protective equipment and know when it should be replaced.

There are many ways of working safely and not taking chances.  We must endeavor to stay safe at work and on the job.  This is a good time to encourage new safety and health activities during NAOSH week, and thank the professionals that encourage safety. 


Source: NAOSH.org; Canadian Society of Safety Engineers



Both June and July are designated as National Fireworks Safety Month by Prevent Blindness America, who urges Americans to celebrate safely by leaving fireworks to the professionals.  According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, (CPSC), almost 6,000 Americans spent part of their Fourth of July holiday in the emergency room in 2009 due to fireworks injuries.   Of those, fireworks caused an estimated 1,600 eye injuries, which included contusions, lacerations and foreign bodies in the eye.  Some injuries even caused permanent vision loss. 

According to the National Fire Protection Association, “safe and sane” fireworks cause more injuries than illegal fireworks, especially to preschool children.  For children under the age of 5, half of the total injuries were from sparklers.  Do you have any idea how hot a sparkler becomes?  According to the NFPA, the tip of a sparkler burns at a temperature of more than 1,200 degrees Fahrenheit, which is hot enough to cause third-degree burns. ( By comparison, water boils at 212 degrees F; cakes bake at 350 degrees F; wood burns at 575 degrees F; and glass melts at 900 degrees F.) 

Children ages 15 and younger make up around 39 per cent of fireworks injuries.   Prevent Blindness America, the nation’s oldest eye health and safety organization, supports the development and enforcement of bans on the importation, sale and use of all fireworks and sparklers, except for authorized public displays by competent licensed operators. The non-profit group believes it is the only effective means of eliminating the social and economic impact of fireworks-related trauma and damage. 

“We encourage everyone to enjoy the Fourth of July holiday this year without using consumer fireworks,” said Hugh R. Parry, president and CEO of Prevent Blindness America.  “Whether you’re attending community events, family picnics or public displays by fireworks professionals, we wish you and your family a safe Independence Day.”

In case of an eye-related accident, Prevent Blindness America also offers its “First Aid for Eye Emergencies” sticker in both English and Spanish, free to the public, and recommends the following should an eye injury occur:

If the eye or eyelid is cut or punctured,

  • DO NOT wash out the eye with water.
  • DO NOT try to remove an object stuck in the eye.
  • Cover the eye with a rigid shield without pressure.  The bottom half of a paper cup may be used.  See a doctor or go to the emergency room immediately.

If there are specks in the eye,

  • DO NOT rub the eye.
  • Use an eye wash or let tears wash out specks or particles;
  • Lift the upper eyelid outward and down over the lower lid;
  • If the speck doesn’t wash out, keep the eye closed, bandage and see a doctor or go to the emergency room.

It would be wise to have a first aid kit handy, to be prepared for any type of fireworks accidents at home.  This is the beginning of summer fun; don’t spoil it by risking injury to the eyes or any other part of the body.  The best way to ensure that your family doesn’t suffer from fireworks injuries is to leave the displays to trained professionals.  It may seem that they are having all the fun, but it isn’t that easy to put on the fantastic shows that they provide without training and hard work. 

For more information on fireworks safety, or to request a free copy of the Safe Summer Celebrations brochure or the First Aid for Eye Emergencies sticker, call (800) 331-2020 or log on to preventblindness.org.

Tomorrow, we will talk about other risks involving fireworks.  Till then, be thinking of other ways you want to spend your holiday, safely!

Source: NFPA, Prevent Blindness America