Tag Archives: relief


Many parts of the United States have had more than their share of heavy rain this spring.  Residents of Nashville, Tennessee, are still cleaning up after the devastating storm that hit their city and surrounding area, May 1st through May 2nd.

On June 11, a flash flood killed twenty campers and injured more in the Albert Pike Recreation Area, in Arkansas.  Located in a secluded valley where the Caddo and Little Missouri Rivers meet, heavy rains caused the waters to rise 8’ per hour.  By the time most of the people realized what was happening, it was too late for many to escape.  Forecasters had issued a flash flood warning for that vicinity; however, there was little chance of any type of cell phone or other method of communication in this remote location that could have warned them.

June 14th brought 10” of rain to parts of Oklahoma City, and several counties in Oklahoma.  Several persons were rescued from vehicles when rains swept them off the road.  A cab driver was drowned while trying to push his stalled cab out of floodwaters.  Officials said the car was in two feet of water; however, the current was so swift, it swept him away.  Many roads and bridges are heavily damaged and will take months to return to service.
Having known someone who was rescued after being stranded in their car during heavy rains, their first-hand advice, of course, is to try to get to high ground.  It was raining so hard during their experience it was difficult to know exactly where they were.  By the time the rescue team arrived, water was well inside their car, and they had to be taken out through the windows of the car.  A physician who was trapped in his vehicle in the recent Oklahoma City incident, reported that he was advised to roll down the windows because once the water got high enough to short out the electrical system, he would not be able to do so.  Events such as this remind us that sometimes things really are out of our control.

We want to repeat some earlier guidelines to protect those involved in flood clean-up:

  • Take precaution from insect and mosquito bites.
  • Extreme caution should be used with possible chemical and electric hazards; the fire or police department are better equipped to decide what should be done.
  • Be sure tetanus shot is current (within 10 years).
  • Maintain good hygiene during cleanup operations, wash hands with soap and running water as often as possible during the day.
  • Do not allow children to play in floodwaters, or with toys that have been in floodwaters.
  • Wear eyewear and head protection.  Sunscreen needs to be worn, as well.

These safety items, such as disposable clothes, respirators, goggles, gloves, and insect repellents can aid in protecting those who are involved in this or any other clean up operations.  Take precautionary measures, not chances on becoming ill.


When news of an 8.8 earthquake hit the Latin American country of Chile on Saturday, President Obama sent word to President Michelle Bachelet, that the U.S. is ready to help.   Secretary of State Hillary Clinton left Sunday for a planned 5-day trip to Latin America.  She also promised that rescue and recovery support is available.

Thus far, Chile has reported 708 deaths resulting from the earthquake.  Concepcion, population 670,000, was hardest hit.  The quake’s epicenter was reported offshore and 21 miles underground, which was about 200 miles from Chile’s largest city, Santiago.

President Bachelet has ordered the country’s military troops to assist local police in controlling looting.  She has appealed for help from other countries, as well.

Although the earthquake measured stronger than the Haiti quake, the devastation and death count was much higher in Haiti, whose death toll is 220,000.  Millions of persons remain homeless, and still in need of food, water, and shelter.  The location of the epicenter of Haiti’s earthquake was 8 miles underground, and on the edge of Port-au-Prince.  After the Saturday quake, there was the threat of tsunamis as far away as Russia and Japan; however, there have been no immediate reports of serious damage from any countries.

Chile is the wealthiest country in Latin America; Haiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere.  Chile has architectural structures that can handle natural disasters better than the buildings in Haiti that were poorly built, and crumbled on top of each other.  February, 2010, has not been kind to our friends to the south.  Help came from all over the world when the earthquake happened in Haiti.  When Chile decides what their main needs will be, dedicated rescue teams and workers of all types will be there.  Thankfully, their infrastructure and government can handle things well, and they are better able to take care of their people.

We pray for the safety of all volunteers who travel to Chile and for the well-being of the citizens of that country.  Let’s hope for peace and quiet for a long time!


It goes without saying that the devastation of the earthquake Haiti experienced January 12th has touched everyone.  The scenes that are described by the media can’t begin to show the true horror of what is being experienced by the persons who are victims, as well as those playing a part in their rescue.  February 12th was set aside as a National Day of Prayer in Haiti, and the 12th through 15th as days of prayers to remember their loved ones.

Haiti was a very poor country to begin with and most of the population did not have the conveniences that we take for granted.  Water, electricity, and sanitation were things that many of their citizens did without.  Now, the situation is even worse.  International aid workers have faced many obstacles since Day One: an overwhelmed airport, blocked roads, lack of communication, electricity, food, and water.  Topping that off, crime is also a problem for those who are doing their level best to make things better.  Looting always seems to follow a catastrophe.  Some of the rescue personnel have had U.N. military escorts.  Because there were no national building codes, many of the structures were built without rebar, or any type of solid support, which caused them to crumble.  Aftershocks have also added to the fears of everyone involved.

We have seen a myriad of highly trained rescue teams, physicians, nurses, and missionaries, all representing their countries with one goal in mind – helping those who can’t help themselves.  When they leave, other volunteers will replace them.  Many who were involved in search and rescue were equipped with high-tech devices such as fiber-optic cameras and ultra-sensitive listening devices.  These workers are skilled in complex rescue measures.

Now is the beginning of the rainy season for Haiti.  This is just one more problem that they will face.  As reported by the BBC, an international aid project called Haiti Flash Appeal, was launched by several humanitarian agencies experienced in dealing with natural disasters.  Ninety-five percent of the $577 million target has been met.  This target is an estimate of funds that will be required for the next six months in the areas of food, health, emergency shelter, and agriculture.

A brief breakdown of this information and the percentage of goals met for the appeal are as listed:

  • Emergency shelter  (47%).  There are still 1.2 million persons sleeping in the streets, with at least 650,000 homeless children among them.
  • Sanitation (33%).  Although bottled water is being provided, there is not enough drinking water or sanitary waste provisions.
  • Food (57%).  With so many to feed, food has not yet reached all of the three million people who need it.
  • Logistics (100%).  Roads have been cleared, and the ports are providing access to allow more deliveries.

Philippine Online Chronicles reports that food distribution has become somewhat organized, by a coupon system.  Women are given the coupons, as it was felt that the food would be better distributed to families when given to the women.  Crime, as mentioned earlier, is rampant, and many women have lost their husbands and male family members, and are not safe from becoming victims of rape, and/or theft of food or whatever little they may have.

It is hoped that the funds sent to charities for Haiti will be managed by the United Nations or others that will help Haitians restore their lives in a responsible and productive way.

Texas America Safety Company has sent gloves, respirators, and disposable clothing for use  in the recovery process.  We, along with millions of people all over the world, send our prayers, as well.


In the early evening of January 12th, an earthquake measuring 7 on the Richter scale struck the tiny Caribbean nation of Haiti. The epicenter of the quake was about 10 miles south of Port-Au-Prince, the country’s densely populated capital, and the damage was disastrous.

The U.N. headquarters and the Presidential Palace became piles of rubble, with persons buried underneath them, in addition to businesses, hospitals, schools, and homes.  Some buildings are still standing, but it is feared that they could come crumbling down at any time.  An estimated 200,000 people are dead, thousands more are injured and countless more are still missing.  Aftershocks continue to rock the capital.  Countries from all over the world have sent rescue and medical personnel to the aid of Haitians and others who live there – from babies to the elderly.  Medical professionals worry that many of the injured will not be able to survive their wounds, due to the risk of infection and disease, and lack of antibiotics and other badly needed medicines.  The arrival and distribution of medical supplies, water and food, has been slowed down due to the lack of sufficient landing space, as there is only a single-runway airport.

The United States plans to have around 16,000 troops in Haiti by the end of this week.  Heavy construction equipment will be used to clear pathways for transportation of food, water, clothing, and medicines to reach the people who so desperately need it. There are more than 2 million persons who have been left homeless.

Texas America Safety Company the parent company for www.blog4safety.com has donated respirators, gloves, and disposable clothing for use in the relief effort through FEED THE CHILDREN.  We encourage everyone to join us in giving to a reputable charity.  All donations will help these folks survive until they are able to rebuild their lives and their country.  Pray for the homeless, injured, those who have lost loved ones, and for the wonderful volunteers who are working so hard to help them.