Tag Archives: skiing

Preventing Winter Head Injuries (Guest Post)

By Sheldon Warden

Winter brings with it a magical feeling for most people. The season is full of holidays that bring family and friends closer together. Unfortunately, this season also brings with it an increased chance of sustaining detrimental head injuries. Most people would obviously realize that icy roads can increase the likelihood of a vehicular accident which could cause a brain injury, but there are many other ways that a person can sustain a brain injury that don’t sound nearly as treacherous as frozen over streets.

Why Winter increases the Risk of Brain Injuries

Just like icy streets, frozen over sidewalks present a danger for those walking across them. Slip and fall accidents are common throughout the year, but once ice has settled on the ground, the occurrence of this type of accident can go through the roof. It’s important to remember, however, that the following activities also greatly increase the risk of a person sustaining a traumatic brain injury during the winter.

  • Ice Skating
  • Sledding
  • Skiing
  • Snowboarding

The aforementioned activities combine slick surfaces with high speeds, and while all of these things are enjoyable, this combination proves disastrous for numerous people every winter.

Preventing Serious Brain Injuries

There’s probably not a person in the world who knew that they were going to sustain a brain injury before taking part in the activity that caused it. Unfortunately, the winter months make this occurrence a constant possibility. Luckily, there are ways that a person can lessen the likelihood that they or someone they love will sustain massive head trauma.

Wear a Helmet when Appropriate

The most obvious safety step for people participating in sledding, snowboarding, hockey and other high risk winter activities is to wear a helmet. Helmets save innumerable lives every year, and it’s simply reckless to not wear one when engaged in an event where accidents are liable to occur.

Always Buckle Up

Another safety step that should be incredibly obvious is to always wear a seatbelt. This should be common sense year-round, but during the winter months, accidents can easily happen even if a person is driving superbly. Our Reading personal injury lawyer in Pennsylvania has handled many winter crash cases and warns that it only takes a fraction of a second to lose control of a vehicle on ice, and failing to be secured properly in your vehicle can easily lead to a serious head injury.

Take Precautions to avoid Slips

Slip and fall accidents account for many serious brain injuries. During the winter, it is important for those in extremely cold areas to apply salt to their driveways, walkways or sidewalks if they have frozen over. Doing this on the sidewalk in front of a person’s house will decrease the chance that they or their neighbors will slip and fall. It also isn’t a bad idea to wear slip resistant shoes or snow boots during this time of the year.

Signs of a Serious Brain Injury

Many people believe that if they have a head injury, they will notice obvious overbearing symptoms that lead them to seek treatment. This, however, is not always the case. There are a few common symptoms of brain injuries that many people may not even consider serious.

  • Unconsciousness, even if for only a few seconds.
  • Seizures.
  • Repeat vomiting.
  • Prolonged confused states.
  • Blurred vision.
  • Headache.
  • Sudden change in sleep patterns.

These symptoms are all hallmarks of serious brain injuries. While it is true that these warning signs can occur due to other reasons, their appearance after a head injury, regardless of how seemingly minor, are a likely telltale sign of a traumatic brain injury.

No one should live on edge during the winter months. It’s obvious that the likelihood of a serious brain injury will go up during this time of the year, but there are ways to avoid these tragedies. Furthermore, a person who recognizes symptoms of a brain injury should seek medical attention immediately. Winter can be a treacherous time, but with the right proactive measures, individuals will likely enjoy this magical time with no brain injury at all.

Shelby Warden is a legal researcher that pays special attention to safety laws that were created to prevent injuries and protect the public. The Law Firm of McMahon, McMahon & Lentz and their Reading personal injury lawyer team in Pennsylvania have helped many people who were injured due to the negligence of another get the compensation they deserve so they could get their lives back on track. Their firm does not receive any fees or expenses until you have received the compensation for your losses.


Sent to us by Rebecca Morris

For many people, news of the first mountain snowstorms of the season brings anticipation of fun-filled hours skiing and snowboarding. For others, there is dread at the thought of blocked drives and slippery walkways. Very few think of winter as a time to be especially aware of the potential for knee injuries. Making plans to avoid pain and suffering during this time of slippery ice and heavy snow should be just as important as waxing skis and snow shovels.

Knee injuries are some of the most common, and potentially devastating, injuries sustained by athletes and those doing strenuous, everyday jobs. This is because our knees support the majority of our body’s weight while bending, flexing, and pivoting. Many people do not consider the ligaments, tendons, and muscles surrounding the knee when deciding if they are fit enough to participate in an activity. When these skeletal structures are weakened by inactivity, or stressed from over-use, the likelihood of injury is greatly increased. Most injuries result in minor pain for short periods of time, but other injuries can cause permanent damage resulting in a lifetime of pain and diminished activity levels. Preventing injuries to these vulnerable ligaments and tendons, as well as other parts of the knee, can be as simple as finding and wearing the proper knee brace.

Protection for Mild Activity Levels

Sleeve style knee braces and supports provide a comfortable, light-weight, and convenient level of protection for those who experience mild pain during sports or other activities. This type of knee brace can help prevent mild strains, sprains, and instabilities of the knee joint. They can easily be worn under all types of clothing. This makes them an ideal form of protection against injuries resulting from slipping on iced and snowy ground.

Protection for Moderate Activity Levels

Many of the favorite activities of fall and winter involve just as much stress and strain on the knees as summer sports. Hinged knee braces can be used to provide an extra level of support while hiking the mountains in search of beautiful fall leaves, or cross-country skiing to find that perfect holiday tree to decorate. These knee braces can be made from metal, alloys, or rigid plastic and provide much better support for those who spend more time navigating the ice and snow. Though not as easily worn as a sleeve style knee brace, they are light-weight and adjustable to fit over or under athletic clothing. Another option is a knee brace that combines a sleeve type support with the extra stability of a brace.

Protection for High Activity Levels

Everyone knows ice hockey can be just as much of a full contact sport as football. Many people don’t realize that downhill skiing and snowboarding can be just as stressful to the ligaments, tendons, and muscles surrounding the knee. For these types of activities, more support is needed than that supplied by a standard knee brace. Knee braces that include rigid crossbars above and below the knee are widely recommended to prevent potentially devastating injuries resulting from these highly stressful activities.

Finding the Appropriate Knee Brace for Your Level of Activity

As the number of people involved in sports and other outdoor activities increases, the demand for protective equipment also increases. There are many brands of high-quality knee braces and supports available without a doctor’s order. Searching for sports bracing and therapy experts should provide a variety of styles able to meet the needs of anyone interested in preventing knee injuries. 

Author Bio

Rebecca Morris has found BetterBraces.com the best place online to find knee braces and hinged knee braces for sports injuries. She recommends always consulting your physician and fitness professionals to discuss your options for staying fit and recovering from injuries.

Thanks, Rebecca for sending an article that applies to so many people who suffer knee problems.  for those who work on their knees, carpenters, gardeners, and other vocations, knee pads can also help allieviate knee pain, and hopefully prevent further injury to the knee. Pat