Tag Archives: tornadoes


Between highway accidents and bad weather, this Christmas holiday season resulted in many bad reports; final statistics on highway accidents are not available yet, and there’s  New Year’s Eve to deal with.  That is why we want to remind you once again:

NHTSA released 2011 state-by-state drunk driving statistics showing that in 2011, 9,878 people were killed in drunk driving crashes, including 395 during the second half of December alone.  “The holiday season can be an especially dangerous time on our nation’s roadways due to drunk drivers – that’s why law enforcement officers will be out in full force,” said Secretary LaHood. “Our message is simple: drive sober or get pulled over.”

NHTSA’s new 2011 state-by-state drunk driving statistics show declines in 27 states, with four states leading the nation in declines in alcohol impaired driving fatalities. Texas had the greatest reduction with 57 fewer fatalities. New York, South Carolina and Tennessee followed, all with more than 30 fewer fatalities. Conversely, the three states with increases of 30 or more were Colorado, Florida and New Jersey. All 50 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico have outlawed driving with a blood alcohol content (BAC) of .08 or higher.

“Thanks to the hard work of safety advocates and law enforcement officers across the country we’re seeing declines in drunk driving deaths in many parts of the country – but there is still more work to do,” said NHTSA Administrator David Strickland. “Ultimately, personal responsibility is critical to improving roadway safety and we urge all motorists to be responsible this holiday season and never, ever drive drunk.”

This year’s winter holiday enforcement crackdown is being supported by more than $7 million in national TV and radio advertising featuring NHTSA’s “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” campaign. The ads, which first premiered last summer, feature “invisible” law enforcement officers observing alcohol-impaired individuals and then apprehending them when they attempt to drive their vehicles. The ads are designed to raise awareness and support law enforcement activities in every state in an effort to reduce drunk driving deaths.

“High visibility enforcement efforts, like the ‘Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over’ ad campaign, are a critical part of MADD’s Campaign to Eliminate Drunk Driving,” said MADD National President Jan Withers. “MADD is proud to join with NHTSA and law enforcement in urging everyone to make a sober designated driver a part of their plans this holiday season.”

NHTSA also offers the following safety advice:

  •          Plan ahead. If you will be drinking, do not drive. Designate a sober driver or arrange another safe way home.
  •          If you are impaired, find another way home. Use a taxi, call a sober friend or family member, use public transportation or contact your local sober ride program.
  •          Be responsible. If someone you know is drinking, do not let that person get behind the wheel. If you see an impaired driver on the road, contact law enforcement. Your actions may save someone’s life, and inaction could cost a life.

In addition, Mother Nature unleashed her fury a few days before Christmas, and brought 34 tornadoes,  formed out of severe thunderstorms, proving that tornado season can be “anytime.”  A man died south of Houston, when strong winds downed a tree branch onto him.  Crockett, Texas also experienced a tornado that destroyed and damaged several buildings.  Powerful thunderstorms and tornadoes have left southeastern Texas, and are marching on to eastern Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia and the Southeast coast as of yesterday, Wednesday, December 26.  These tornadoes injured at least 14 persons.

For those who still have to travel back home, or plan to travel over the New Year’s Holiday, please pay attention to weather forecasts, and have a travel safety kit and extra blankets in your vehicle, along with extra food.

Keep the cell phone charged, but don’t talk or text while driving; you  need all your concentration focused on the weather and/or other drivers.  If you plan to go to a New Year’s Eve Party, by all means, follow the above suggestions by NHTSA.

Drive Friendly – Sober – Safe!  We can’t control the weather, but we can control the condition we are in when we get behind the wheel.

Source: NHTSA, AccuWeather






This year, the United States has seen more than its fair share of natural disasters: the beginning of hurricane season, floods, tornadoes, and wildfires.  Sometimes, wildfires are natural, because they begin with lightning, or others acts of nature; however, they may be intentionally set.  If you ask all those thousands of citizens who have been affected by any of the above devestation, there’s the possibility that they were not prepared. 

This information from www.ready.gov supports how we and other safety sites have advised you on how to be prepared for these disasters.  Many of the suggestions are the same for each type of occurrence: tornadoes, floods, and hurricanes.  

Tornadoes are nature’s most violent storms.  They can appear suddenly without warning and can be invisible until dust and debris are picked up or a funnel cloud appears.  You must be prepared to act quickly, by planning and practicing specifically how and where you take shelter.  Tornadoes are more common in the Midwest, Southeast and Southwest; however,  they can happen in any state and at any time of the year; therefore advance preparation is vitally important. 

Hurricanes are usually forecast ahead of time, which gives businesses and individuals time to get ready before they touch land.  Hurricanes are classified into five categories based on their wind speed, central pressure, and damage potential.  Category Three and higher hurricanes are considered major hurricanes, though Categories One and Two are still extremely dangerous and warrant your full attention.  

A hurricane or tornado watch means that this event is possible in your area.  Be prepared to evacuate, and listen to your local weather and law enforcement agencies  when they tell you to leave your home.  A hurricane or tornado warning is when this natural disaster is expected in your area.  Listen to NOAA Weather Radio for the most current weather developments. 

Flooding is the nation’s most common natural disaster.  This can happen in every U.S. state and territory.  Some may develop slowly during rain, or others, such as flash floods can occur quickly.  If you live in a low-lying area, near a lake, or downstream from a dam, it is always important to be prepared for flooding situations.  Never try to drive through flowing water in low places; the current has the power to push your vehicle off the road.

With any or all of these events possible, the same suggestions apply:

Have an Emergency Supply Kit:

  • Bottled water;
  • Battery-operated radio;
  • Cell phone;
  • First Aid Kit;
  • Flashlight
  • Important documents and prescription medications;
  • Sleeping bags and pillows and changes of clothing;
  • Three-day supply of non-perishable food;
  • Manual can opener and plastic eating utensils;
  • Avoid salty foods that make you thirsty;
  • High energy foods;
  • Food for infants;
  • Pet foods;
  • Crackers, nuts, peanut butter, dry cereal, granola bars, fruit bars. 

Have a Family Emergency Plan.  You may all be scattered if disaster strikes, so it is important to know how you will contact each other, how you will get back together, and what you will do.  Plan places where you can meet.  Out-of-town contacts may be in a better position to communicate among separated families. 

Have a Business Emergency Plan.  Think about how you may keep your business going during times that your building is not accessible.  Consider if you could run your business from a different location or from your home, or develop relationships with other companies to use their facilities in case a disaster makes your location unusable. 

Hopefully, you will be spared from any of these disasters, but just in case, think seriously about how you and your family can best be prepared to handle any situation that may arise. 

Source: ready.gov/America/beinformed


As of this writing, Saturday, August 27th, the Northeast coast of the U.S. is ready and waiting to see what Hurrican Irene does.  Many precautions have been taken, and people seem to be paying attention to the warnings that the authorities have given them to evacuate.  As early as Friday, New York City hospitals were transferring patients to other hospitals or home, if they were able to go,  as long as they are out of harm’s way.

The United States has seen its share of weather abnormalties this year – excessive rain in some parts, and extreme drought in the Southern and Midwestern states.  There’s too much rain in places, and too little in others.  As they say, “feast or famine.”  Last spring, there were tornadoes that devastated communities, and residents are just now beginning to rebuild.  Flooding occurred as a result of heavy snows melting from the mountains.  Another unusual type of disaster – the wildfires that ravaged thousands of acres in Texas and California.  Then, what about the “dust bowl” in Arizona?  Believe me, if you’ve ever lived in a desert area, you know what those dust storms are all about.   So, Mother Nature, what goes?

These are seasonal storms that make their way out of the Atlantic or Gulf of Mexico and leave paths of destruction.  TODAY: MONDAY, AUGUST 29TH:  Irene has passed by the Northeastern coast, leaving approximately 21 dead;  and damage estimated at $7 billion.  Irene turned into a tropical storm late Sunday, leaving flooding behindd and possible spawning of tornadoes.  New Yorkers were relieved that it was not like the nightmare authorities feared.  According to today’s Ft Worth Star-Telegram, causes of deaths included water, falling trees, and electricity.  There will be many homes and businesses that must be repaired or rebuilt, but another big challenge is restoring power to the 4.5 million homes and businesses without power.  Travelers have been inconvenienced by delayed flights and other means of transportation.  The light at the end of the tunnel is that most of those involved in this area paid attention to the weather warnings and heeded their advice.

As the news and weather personnel instruct everyone, be prepared.  They are doing their job to warn us in the event of a natural occurrence.  We must do our part to be ready.  As advised, have a plan for your family, where you can go to escape the threat, and have your emergency supplies packed and ready.

  • A 3-day supply of fresh water.
  • Non-perishable food.
  • Important papers.
  • Cell phone and battery charger.
  • Flashlight, and candles in case of power outage.
  • Arrangements for your pets. Take them with you if possible.
  • Extra clothing.
  • Keep your car filled up with gas during threatening weather.

Here we go, complaining (naturally) about the terrible weather conditions that our nation has gone through this past spring and summer.  Then, I think about what our young men and women are going through, wearing all that heavy gear, as they fight their way in hot, dusty, dirty countries.  I feel sure they would love to be in the good old U.S.A., regardless of the threat of storms.  The kind of storm they battle every day is more fierce  than anything we can imagine.

This also brings to mind the horrible earthquake in Japan, and the struggle their citizens are coping with to rebuild parts of their country.  Haiti, another country that had a devastating earthquake, is still coping with the disaster that hit their land.  Again, what is going on with Mother Nature? How about giving Mother Earth a break?


Friday, April 29th, this week’s death toll from storms totaled 341, across seven states.  In Alabama, 249 deaths were included in that total, which makes it the deadliest U.S. tornado outbreak since March of 1932.  In Tuscaloosa, hundreds of persons remain missing.  Watching news coverage of the devastation gives us a glimpse of what citizens there are facing.  We can only imagine the heartbreak of losing family members who were with them only a few minutes prior to the storms. Personal belongings have been found hundreds of miles from their homes, in other states.  One of Wednesday’s tornadoes was a 205 mph monster that took the lives of 13 people.  This tornado was categorized as an EF-5, the most violent.   The most recent figures from the Associated Press report death tolls by states, as: Alabama -249; Mississippi – 35; Tennessee – 34; Georgia -15; Virginia – 5; Louisiana -2; and Kentucky – 1, as of Sunday, May 1st. 

Now, weather scientists are putting on their “detective hats” to retrace the paths of the monstrous tornadoes and try to prepare a meteorological autopsy report, determining how many twisters developed and the power they contained.  Researchers from the National Weather Service and the national Storm Prediction Center are concerned with the types of structures that were destroyed, what type of foundations they were built upon, and the kinds of roofs they had.  Then they will combine this data with atmospheric conditions and see how the storms were affected by factors such as moisture levels.  According to an Associated Press report, this information will help forecasters better understand how killer systems develop.  The final details on the disaster will be part of the National Climate Database.  Russell Schneider, director of the SPC in Norman, Oklahoma, said “to have an event of this magnitude with a modern integrated observing system like we have now is unique in the history of meteorology for a tornado forecaster.” 

We know that by paying attention to warnings from forecasters, many lives are saved.  We also know that we should be prepared in several ways.  These folks had some warning, but when it comes to the killers  they were facing, they only had a short time to decide what they were going to do, or where they were going for protection.  As we can see by the pictures, these tornadoes had very little mercy on so many people, and everything that meant the world to them.  Municipal buildings used for helping citizens are gone.  It was reported that the Emergency Medical Services personnel have been going strong since it happened, with little rest so far.  Recovery workers were on the scene quickly to look for survivors. One major item that authorities have asked for is flashlights, so persons won’t use candles that could ignite what is left of their homes. 

Keep these folks in your thoughts and prayers, as they struggle to bury loved ones and carry on – thanks to their determination and the help they are receiving from volunteers, organizations and the government.  As one citizen who had lost her home stated: “If you don’t have any bad times, how are you going to appreciate the good times?”  If there is anything we can do to help out, let’s do it.  Please stay safe through the stormy season.


The old saying, “March comes in like a lion, and out like a lamb,” really didn’t come true this year!  It went out the same way it came in!  Just because that happened, the month of April didn’t have to carry on the “lion” tradition; however, for some reason, this month didn’t get the message!    The week of April 14th  through 16th  brought the largest single system of tornado outbreaks in United States history – 153 confirmed twisters.  These wind funnels danced through at least 14 states, killing an estimated 43 persons.  St. Louis, Missouri’s Lambert Airport was hit Sunday, April 24th,  by the most powerful tornado that had happened in their area in forty-four years.  Miraculously, no one was seriously hurt or killed, but more than 100 homes were destroyed.  News that tornadoes are continuing this week makes us even more aware that we must be prepared.  

The Weather Channel has reported the confirmation of 292 tornadoes in the United States so far this month, beating the previous April record of 267 in 1974.  Storm survey teams continue to assess the damage from this month’s storms and could change the number of confirmed tornadoes. The average for April is only 116, according to the nation’s Storm Prediction Center, in Norman, Oklahoma.  With a few days left in April, one can only wonder how many more will touch down somewhere.

Last week, my husband and I decided to subscribe to a weather prediction service offered through one of  Dallas’ television stations, as tornado season seems to have hit with a vengence.    On Saturday and Sunday night, we received several phone calls from this service, warning of either severe thunderstorms in our immediate area or tornado warnings for our area.  (I believe we got our money’s worth for a year’s subscription to this service in those two nights.) Local sirens also sounded, adding to the warnings.  We were relying on these  types of warnings, as our television satellite usually fails during storms.  A NOAA battery-operated radio is also very helpful.  By checking the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s National Weather Service website, you can obtain just about any kind of warning, forecast, or information needed for your location.  Images of tornado tracks in the United States look as though a line was drawn down the center of the U.S., making it much more colorful from the center to the eastern border.  Frankly, it would be just as well to live on the less colorful side of the line during storm season! 

Flooding is another very serious threat during this time of the year, too.  We never know when a natural disaster may happen, so we should take the warnings seriously and be prepared.  As previously suggested, disaster kits should be filled with staples and supplies that will last several days.  A first aid kit should be available at all times, both in the home and vehicle.   And keep that cell phone charged up! 

Early warnings, good timing, and common sense are credited with saving many lives.  Don’t ignore those weather watches and warnings – weather professionals are doing a good job by forecasting upcoming changes that pose threats.  Pay attention and be ready!  Taking a CPR class is a good idea, too.  You never know when you may be able to help a neighbor or family member that gets injured during storms.  Let’s hope that  May showers will bring spring flowers, and nothing else!  Both May and June are still months for thunderstorms and tornadoes, but maybe we will get a break this year.  If not, records will be set for 2011.

For those who have been affected by fires, tornadoes, or floods, we wish you a safe recovery and that things can someday soon return to normal.


The “family of tornadoes” actually began their deadly trip across the southeastern U.S. last Thursday night.  This storm system struck parts of Oklahoma that night, and eventually traveled through 13 states, leaving 45 persons dead, and several others injured.  The tragedy was compounded by the destruction of homes and businesses.  A total of 241 tornadoes were reported, with 50 tornadoes confirmed.  These twisters were various sizes, with some as wide as a football field.  Communities that were hit are now facing the reality of what has happened, beginning with the huge task of cleanup. 

Because the National Weather Service continuously broadcasts updated weather warnings and forecasts that can be received by NOAA Weather Radios, it is recommended that persons who live in vulnerable parts of the country purchase one of them.  Having a battery-operated weather radio would be invaluable in the event of a dangerous thunderstorm or other natural weather occurrence.  You probably already understand these warnings, but we will review them, just in case: 

  • Tornado WATCH: Tornadoes are possible in your area. Remain alert for approaching storms.
  • Tornado WARNING: A tornado has been sighted or indicated by weather radar.  If a tornado warning is issued for your area and the sky becomes threatening, move to your pre-designated place of safety.
  • Severe Thunderstorm WATCH: Severe thunderstorms are possible in your area.
  • Severe Thunderstorm WARNING: Severe thunderstorms are happening. 

Tornadoes occasionally develop in areas where a severe thunderstorm watch or warning is in effect.  Stay alert to signs of an approaching tornado and seek shelter if threatening conditions exist.  Sometimes, tornadoes develop so quickly that advance warning is not possible.  Watch for signs of an approaching tornado, such as dark, often greenish sky; wall cloud; large hail; and loud roar – similar to a freight train. 

 It’s up to you!  Many people are killed or seriously injured each year by tornadoes despite advance warning.  Some did not hear the warning while others received the warning but did not believe a tornado would actually affect them.  Being prepared and having timely severe weather watches and warnings could save your life if a tornado threatens your area.  You must make the decision to seek shelter before the storm arrives.  It could be the most important decision you ever make! 

Certain citizens are more at risk than others.  This includes:

  1. Persons in automobiles;
  2. The elderly, very young, and the mentally or physically impaired;
  3. People in mobile homes;
  4. People who may not understand the warning due to a language barrier. 

In our next article, we will go over disaster plans for all scenarios: home, school, work, and other facilities, such as hospitals or nursing homes.  Start thinking of things you need purchase to build your supply kit.  It pays to be prepared!  Put the safety of you and your family first!

Source: NOAA