Tag Archives: Weather Protection


Mineworkers that wear full safety clothing can address several dangers. All mines need to stipulate the mining safety and protective clothing required and the kind of activity to be carried out.

Old Hundred Gold Mine Tour

Purpose of the protective gear

Improved visibility: A gear with high visibility is critical in a mine particularly if dealing with high traffic. Retro reflective strips and bright colors always make the workers at the mining site visible.
Abrasion Resistance: Thick and tough leather offers high abrasion resistance in case of a crash though fabrics like cordura are also able to provide significant protection. Fabrics are waterproof, easy to maintain, cheap and quite comfortable during hot weather. Thick leather is uncomfortable during hot weather and could result in the loss of control and heat stress. There are fabric gears designed into a mesh-like pattern which provides cooling plus a more stable surface to attach the padding.
Padding: Quality pants and jackets offer significant extra padding within the joint regions that are more vulnerable. This takes the form of dual-density foam or simple foam padding. The integrated pieces are available inside some jackets.
Weather Protection: Protection against weather elements is very important in mines. At times, extreme weather makes the working conditions rather dangerous or unbearable.

What is the required protective gear for greater safety during mining?

Approaching safety experts is the best answer. Every safety expert is exposed to a number of risks in the mines and is a witness of accidents, nearing accidents, hazards and falls in all the weather conditions. Some of their recommendations on mine worker safety include:

  • Protective gear needs to conform to the anatomy but not the surrounding slide
  • The hands, head, knees, hips, shoulders and elbows are all vulnerable areas
  • A protective gear should be purchased not as some fashion statement but for protective purposes

Examples of specific protective gear items

  • Full-face helmet: This offers the most protection.  It is imperative that hardhats be worn.
  • Gloves: Gloves need to be designed specifically for a given mining activity. It is commonly made using cordura, Kevlar, leather or other given combinations. There are some with carbon fiber knuckle protection and other rigid padding forms. There are gloves that offer wrist protection.
    Jackets: Most jackets are made from ballistic nylon, leather, Kevlar, cordura and other related synthetics. Many jackets feature a special padding on the spine, elbows or shoulders.
    Pants: They include special protection for hips and knees. Cotton denim jeans that have Kevlar are preferred by some people.
    Boots: It’s specifically designed for the undertaken mining activity and includes plastic caps and reinforcement on the ankles or the toe area.
    Helmet Visor or Goggles: Something of utmost importance is eye protection. Metal pieces or pebbles that are kicked up towards your eye have sufficient momentum to render significant damage.
    Ear plugs: These devices offer protection against any hearing damage and reduce fatigue.
    Vests: Made using retro reflective materials with high-visibility color. It is possible to wear them over jackets so as to increase the possibility of remaining visible. This will more critical in adverse weather conditions.

Author bio:
This has been a post by Danny, a blogger from Australia. He is writing about business and human resources on behalf of Australia Mining, a company that provides information to people looking to get a job in mining.


June 1st marked the beginning of hurricane season for folks in the coastal areas of the Atlantic, Caribbean, and Gulf of Mexico.  More than 35 million Americans live in regions that are threatened by Atlantic hurricanes.

The best defense against hurricanes is public awareness and public preparedness.  Having just returned from Florida, it dawned on me that it would have been wise to seek advise about what to do in case of an emergency such as a tropical storm.  However, it was such a busy and fun time that we weren’t worried or prepared!  Maybe this message will reach some of you that are planning to visit areas where there is a real possibility of a hurricane.

According to NOAA, forecasters from their National Weather Service Climate Prediction Center call for a 50% probability of a near-normal season; however, there is more uncertainty this year due to global weather patterns.  Tropical storms are given names (Ana will be the first in 2009) when winds are sustained at 39 mph.  When those winds reach 74 mph, they become hurricanes and can develop into a major hurricane when winds reach 111 mph.  An average season produces 11 named storms, including 6 hurricanes with 2 major ones.  As if the high winds aren’t enough, other hazards that go along with hurricanes are flooding, storm surges, and tornadoes.

We hope that everyone who lives in these regions is prepared, but to be doubly sure, we want to remind you:

  • Have a family disaster plan.  Be sure to check with family or friends who live out of the danger area in case you may need to stay with them for a few days.
  • Be sure you have a disaster supply kit containing non-perishable foods, water, medications, manual can opener, flashlight and extra batteries.
  • Secure your home.  Reinforce doors, garage doors, shutters, and windows.
  • Listen to a NOAA weather radio.  Pay attention to forecasts.
  • Have a pet plan.  They are important members of your family and must not be left behind if at all possible.  If you have to go to a shelter, most of them won’t accept pets, so please contact a veterinary clinic or make other arrangements for a safe place to leave your pet in case of an emergency.
  • Be sure to keep your cell phone with you at all times.

If you are a tourist, find out what your options are to ensure your safety.  We hope that this season will be a breeze, and that the hurricanes might take this summer season off!


With winter coming up on us soon, we want to share important information regarding the dangers of working in the elements, such as extremely cold weather.  The combination of low temperatures, wind speed, and wetness can add up to injuries and illness.  Our first installment describes how to protect workers from the hazards of weather-related illnesses, and the second installment gives instructions on what should be done in cases of hypothermia and frostbite.

Protection for workers includes:

  • Understanding workplace and environmental conditions that can lead to potential cold-induced injuries and illnesses.
  • Training the workforce about such illnesses and injuries.
  • Allowing frequent short breaks in warm dry shelters to let body warm up.
  • Working in pairs (buddy system).
  • Wearing layered clothing to adjust to changing temperatures.  Wearing proper clothing for cold, windy, and wet conditions, including hats and gloves.
  • Performing work during the warmest part of the day, if possible.
  • Because energy is needed to keep muscles warm, avoiding exhaustion or fatigue.
  • Eating warm, high-calorie foods like hot pasta dishes.
  • Drinking sports-type drinks, sugar water, warm sweet beverages.  Drinks with caffeine (coffee, tea, or hot chocolate) should be avoided, as well as alcohol.
  • Knowing the symptoms of cold-induced illnesses/injuries; recognizing what to do to help the worker.

If workers have predisposing health conditions such as diabetes, hypertension or cardiovascular disease, they are at an increased risk.  Also, if they take medications that would affect them while working in cold environments, they need to check with their doctor or pharmacists.