Tag Archives: weather safety

How HGV drivers can stay safe on the roads during bad weather

Written by Peter Scully

Driving an HGV in bad weather can make for great TV, but in real life it can make a difficult job even more challenging. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to keep yourself safe on the roads even in bad weather.

Remember engines don’t like cold

Engines depend on fluids running through them (e.g. oil and petrol). The colder it gets, the more these liquids solidify and the more they solidify, the longer it takes to warm them up to the point where they run freely.

This means that as temperatures begin to drop you want to start allowing extra time for your engine to warm up before you start driving. In early winter 5 minutes might do it, but when temperatures are at their lowest, you might need to allow as much as 15. It’s important to do this because it will keep your engine, literally, running smoothly, which keeps you safer and reduces the chances of it being damaged.

You need to be able to see where you’re going

One of the liquids in your engine will be windscreen wiper and you need to make sure that this is fully topped-up and also that it has antifreeze in it, for when temperatures drop below zero.

Visibility is always an issue in bad weather, especially in the colder months when there is minimal daylight, so you will need to make a particular effort to make sure that your windscreen is always kept clean (and hence clear) along with your mirrors and lights. You can take care of all this while your engine is warming.

Salt is good for tires but bad for metalwork

Salt or grit may help your tires to grip but it does not replace good treads so keep a particularly close eye on how your tires are wearing. Salt is horrendous for bodywork (and the abrasiveness of grit isn’t good news for it either). You’ll therefore have to make a point of cleaning the metalwork regularly; otherwise you will wind up with rust issues.

Wind speed means wind strength

The faster a wind is blowing the stronger it is. This probably won’t be too much of an issue if an HGV has a decent load in it, although you will have to drive with extra care. It can, however, be a serious safety threat to empty HGVs which, while heavy vehicles, are light enough to be tipped over in strong gales.

Ideally, you should avoid driving at all in this kind of weather, however, if you absolutely must, go slowly and keep as far to the curb side of the road/motorway lane as you possibly can. That way if the wind starts pushing you to the side you have a bit more time to respond before being pushed across the road into another lane.

Standard driving rules apply even more than usual

Driving an HGV is an exercise in thinking ahead to anticipate and avoid difficult situations. The problem in bad weather is that the limited visibility restricts your ability to see the road and hence limits the information available to you. Because of this you need to slow your speed as much as you can and be extra-aware that you are maintaining safe distances.

NDS are a certified HGV driver training school based in Nottingham, UK. 

How to Keep Your Workplace and Employees Safe During Disasters

Hurricanes. Tornadoes. Fires. Floods. All of these are disasters that can wreak serious havoc on your business, especially if you’re not prepared. Maybe you’ve never experienced a disaster firsthand. But chances are you will experience one at some point, as they occur more frequently and inflict billions of dollars of damage on businesses across the country.

Before disaster strikes, it’s important to have a plan. That might seem like an obvious statement, but the fact is that 70% of small business owners say they don’t have a written plan in place. Not having a plan can cost your business dearly.

Check out these startling facts from the Federal Emergency Management Agency:

  • 40% to 60% of small businesses don’t reopen after a disaster.
  • 90% of small businesses close within a year of a disaster if they can’t reopen within five days.

That’s why you should think through any potential risks that could face your business, determine how you would respond to them, and communicate your plan with your employees.

Before a disaster, you should verify your Google My Business listing. That’s where you can update your hours of operation and communicate with customers in the event of a disaster. You should also back up all of your documents, including your list of important contacts, install smart devices to detect weather emergencies, and connect Wifi-enabled cameras to ensure that you have a visual record of what your business looks like before and after a disaster to make the small business insurance claim process easier.

During a disaster, your number one priority is your employees’ safety. Communicate with them using group chats. Switch to a remote work setup to steer them away from dangerous conditions. You should also stay in touch with your customers by redirecting business phone calls to a line that you are monitoring and editing your hours in Google My Business.

After a disaster, if everyone is safe, you can begin to rebuild your business and give back to your community.

Check out this infographic with tips to keep your workplace safe before, during, and after a disaster.



Cruise Control, Wet Roads!

Lately, driving in the rain hasn’t been a problem for most of us Texans, as we have had a pretty long dry spell in many areas!  Below is an email that has circulated for a while; however, following other research on this topic, we hope to convey to you just how dangerous using cruise control during inclement weather can be:

A 36 year-old female had an accident, totaling her car.   A resident of Kilgore, Texas, she was traveling between Gladewater & Kilgore. It was raining, though not excessively, when her car suddenly began to hydroplane and literally flew through the air. She was not seriously injured but very stunned at the sudden occurrence! When she explained to the highway patrolman what had happened he told her something that every driver should know – NEVER DRIVE IN THE RAIN WITH YOUR CRUISE CONTROL ON. She thought she was being cautious by setting the cruise control and maintaining a safe consistent speed in the rain.   But the highway patrolman told her that if the cruise control is on when your car begins to hydroplane and your tires lose contact with the pavement, your car accelerates to a higher rate of speed, making you take off like an airplane.

According to an article by the Utah State Highway Patrol, the rate of speed can be 10-15 mph faster than the set speed.

This advice from a South Dakota State Trooper: “Your cruise control does not know the difference in road surface types.  This makes having it activated is dangerous on slippery roads.  Unless the driver turns it off or taps the brake pedal, the vehicle will not slow down during a skid.   There is no state law that addresses this issue.  Like much of life, this is a decision that you must make, on your own, when you think it is necessary.  There are a lot of people who do not have the understanding of the mechanics of cruise control and do not know of its dangerous consequences.    So, as a law enforcement officer and a concerned citizen, I urge you to turn off the cruise control in bad weather, and take control of your vehicle.”We tell our teenagers to set the cruise control and drive a safe speed – another valuable lesson is to tell them to use the cruise control only when the pavement is dry.


Do you know the difference?

During winter, we hear these terms on the weather forecast somewhere in the United States.  Do you really pay attention and understand what they mean?

If your answer is “No”, READ ON:

WATCHES:  According to weather professionals, there is a 50% chance that severe winter weather will materialize:

  • Winter Storm Watch:  Possibility of severe life-threatening winter weather conditions that include: heavy ice and/or near-blizzard conditions, or heavy snow.
  • Blizzard Watch:  Blizzard conditions may happen.
  • Lake-Effect Snow Watch:  Heavy lake effect snow likely.
  • Wind Chill Watch:  Potential of wind chills of -25°F or less, causing risk of hypothermia and rapid frostbite.


  • Winter Storm Warning:  Winter weather is expected to cause life-threatening public impact from winter hazards that include ice, near blizzard conditions, heavy snow, drifting snow and dangerous wind chills.
  • Heavy Snow Warning:  When 7 inches or more of snow is expected in 12 hours or less, or 9 inches or more is expected in 24 hours or less.
  • Ice Storm Warning:  Issued for ½ inch or more of ice accumulation, which can cause damage to trees and power lines.
  • Blizzard Warning:  When blizzard conditions are about to happen or expected in the next 12 to 24 hours.  These include frequent gusts of or above 35 mph and falling, blowing and drifting of snow, reducing visibility to ¼ mile.
  • Lake-Effect Snow Warning:  Potential of 7 inches or more of lake effect snow.
  • Wind Chill Warning: Issued when the wind chill is expected to be -25°F or less.  In less than 10 minutes, frostbite can happen.


  • Winter Weather Advisory: Hazardous combination of ice and snow that exceeds warning criteria.  These may be significant and/or life-threatening if proper precautions are disregarded.
  • Snow Advisory: When forecasters are confident that the entire event will be snow and an average of 4-6 inches of snow is expected in 12 hours or less.
  • Freezing Rain Advisory: These advisories are issued only when there is a high probability that the whole event will be freezing rain, resulting in very slippery roads.
  • Snow and Blowing Wind Advisory:  Prediction of frequent gusts or sustained wind of 25 to 34 mph, accompanied by falling and blowing snow, which can occasionally reduce visibility to ¼ mile or less for three hours or more.
  • Wind Chill Advisory: Given for wind chills of -15°F to -24°F.

Source: NYSEMS


When the body is unable to warm itself, serious cold related illnesses and injuries may occur, and permanent tissue damage and death may result.  These illnesses can slowly overcome a person who has been chilled by low temperatures, brisk winds, or wet clothing.  The result can be frost bite or hypothermia; listed below is information on what happens to the body, and what should be done:

Frost Bite:  Freezing in deep layers of skin and tissue; pale, waxy-white skin color; skin becomes hard and numb; usually affects the fingers, hands, toes, feet, ears, and nose.

What Should Be Done: (land temperature)

  • Do not leave the person alone; move him/her to a warm dry area.
  • DO NOT rub the affected area, because rubbing causes damage to the tissue and skin.
  • Remove any wet or tight clothing that may cut off blood flow to the affected area.
  • Gently place the affected area in a warm water bath and monitor the water temperature to slowly warm the tissue.  Do not pour warm water directly on the affected area because it will warm the tissue too fast, causing tissue damage.  Warming takes about 25-40 minutes.
  • After the affected area has been warmed, it may become puffy and blister.  The affected area may have a burning feeling or numbness.  When normal feeling, movement, and skin color have returned, the affected area should be dried and wrapped to keep it warm.  Note: if there is a chance the affected area may get cold again, do not warm the skin.  If the skin is warmed and then becomes cold again, it will cause severe tissue damage.
  • Seek medical attention as soon as possible.

Hypothermia: (Medical Emergency) Normal body temperature (98.6° F) drops to or below 95°F; fatigue or drowsiness; uncontrolled shivering; cool bluish skin; slurred speech, clumsy movements; irritable, irrational or confused behavior.

What Should Be Done: (land temperatures)

  • Call for emergency help
  • Do not leave person alone; move person to a warm dry area.
  • Replace wet clothing with warm, dry clothing or wrap person in blankets.
  • Have person drink warm, sweet drinks (sugar water or sports-type drinks), if they are alert.  Avoid drinks with caffeine (coffee, tea, or hot chocolate) or alcohol.
  • Have person move their arms and legs to create muscle heat.  If they cannot do this, place warm bottles or hot packs in the arm pits, groin, neck and head areas.  Do Not rub the person’s body or place them in warm water bath.  This may stop their heart.

What Should Be Done: (water temperatures)

  • Call for emergency help.  Body heat is lost up to 25 times faster in water.
  • Do Not remove any clothing.  Button, zip, buckle, and tighten any collars, cuffs, shoes, and hoods because the layer of trapped water closest to the body provides a layer of insulation that slows the loss of heat.  Keep the head out of the water and put on a hat and hood.
  • Get out of the water as quickly as possible or climb on anything floating.  Do Not attempt to swim unless a floating object or another person can be reached, because swimming or other physical activity uses the body’s heat and reduces survival time by about 50 per cent.
  • If getting out of the water is not possible, wait quietly and conserve body heat by folding arms across the chest, keeping thighs together, bending knees, and crossing ankles.  If another person is in the water, huddle together with chests held closely.

Hopefully, this will never happen to you or anyone you are with, but this information from OSHA is too important not to pass on.


With winter coming up on us soon, we want to share important information regarding the dangers of working in the elements, such as extremely cold weather.  The combination of low temperatures, wind speed, and wetness can add up to injuries and illness.  Our first installment describes how to protect workers from the hazards of weather-related illnesses, and the second installment gives instructions on what should be done in cases of hypothermia and frostbite.

Protection for workers includes:

  • Understanding workplace and environmental conditions that can lead to potential cold-induced injuries and illnesses.
  • Training the workforce about such illnesses and injuries.
  • Allowing frequent short breaks in warm dry shelters to let body warm up.
  • Working in pairs (buddy system).
  • Wearing layered clothing to adjust to changing temperatures.  Wearing proper clothing for cold, windy, and wet conditions, including hats and gloves.
  • Performing work during the warmest part of the day, if possible.
  • Because energy is needed to keep muscles warm, avoiding exhaustion or fatigue.
  • Eating warm, high-calorie foods like hot pasta dishes.
  • Drinking sports-type drinks, sugar water, warm sweet beverages.  Drinks with caffeine (coffee, tea, or hot chocolate) should be avoided, as well as alcohol.
  • Knowing the symptoms of cold-induced illnesses/injuries; recognizing what to do to help the worker.

If workers have predisposing health conditions such as diabetes, hypertension or cardiovascular disease, they are at an increased risk.  Also, if they take medications that would affect them while working in cold environments, they need to check with their doctor or pharmacists.


Lightning – Not-So-Fun With Electricity.

One of the most fascinating things to do during a thunderstorm is watching lightning.  One never knows when it is going to happen; this brilliant illumination that dances among the clouds.  Those bolts of lightning cause an average 80 deaths and 300 injuries in the United States every year.  Persons should listen to weather warning devices such as NOAA weather radio in order to prepare for approaching thunderstorms.  If you can hear thunder, it is time to take precautions.

Places you don’t want to be if this threat occurs:

  • Open spaces, such as ball parks, golf courses
  • On the water: wading, in a boat, swimming, etc.
  • Outside, period
  • In the shower or running water
  • Talking on a corded telephone
  • In a group of people

    Lightning Strike

Do you know:

  • Lightning can travel sideways, up to ten miles?
  • Lightning can strike someone swimming or scuba diving in water and travel a great distance away from the point of contact?
  • That you are safe in a car, as long as you have the windows up and do not touch any metal?  Contrary to theory, rubber tires do not offer protection from lightning.  The car’s metal conducts the charge to the ground.
  • Lightning hits the tallest point?  Therefore, if you are outside, crouch as low as possible, and touch as little of the ground as necessary.
  • Ten per cent of lightning occurs without visible clouds?  Even if the sky is blue, you need to take cover when you hear thunder.
  • If the time delay is 30 seconds or less between lightning and thunder, you need to seek shelter immediately?

If someone is struck by lightning:

  • Call 9-1-1 for immediate assistance
  • Give First Aid
  • Check for burns.

Lightning can cause broken bones, damage to the nervous system, loss of hearing or eyesight.  You are not at risk to touch someone who has been hit by lightning; people who have been struck do not carry electric charge that can shock you.

The next time clouds gather, and thunder starts to rumble, play it safe, and stay inside!

Just How Prepared Are You?

With all the hurricanes and storms occurring, weather emergency plans are more important than ever.

Are you and your family prepared for weather emergencies, or other hazardous events?
Since we have no control over the weather, and can’t prevent disasters from happening, the best measure of protection we can have is preparedness.

We have a list of to-do tasks to help you get organized, just in case:

  1. Create a disaster supplies checklist:Storm Clouds
  • Food (non-perishable, for three days)___
  • Water (enough to last three days)___
  • Flashlights___
  • Basic Tools___
  • Personal Hygiene Supplies___
  • Battery-powered Radio___
  • Pet Needs___
  • Extra Clothes___

2.  Complete an emergency contact list for each member of the family.  List phone numbers,       out-of-town contacts, and important numbers.  Have each member keep this list in their wallet, purse or backpack.
3.   Keep photocopies of insurance and vital records in a safe place away from your home.  This would include copies of medications, insurance information, drivers license, ID’s, passports, bank and credit card information.

4.   Check radio and television for weather alerts.  Know the difference between Watch and Warning.  Watch means that dangerous weather is possible; Warning means that dangerous weather is about to happen.  Seek shelter.

Texas DSHS